This immortal is a bit fierce

Chapter 67 Careful Analysis

Is it because my answer is pragmatic?

While Huang Feng was thinking about it, Duan Hong said to Duan Mingyan, "Come and talk to him about your second brother's matter."

"Okay." Duan Mingyan nodded.

After a while, Huang Feng got what he wanted and walked back with Li Motang and Duan Mingyan.

On the way, he spoke to Li Motang in his heart: "You are actually willing to vouch for me and trust me so much?"

Li Motang glanced at him and responded in his heart: "You are willing to take risks for the people of a city in Shulu, you are barely trustworthy."

"Reluctantly? Okay, whatever you say." Huang Feng smiled and asked curiously, "I think that Zhou Shilang didn't say a word and took away his credit. He won't be resented, right?"

Li Motang said: "If this was in Zhaoyang, he would definitely stop it, but this is Anyuguan, and General Duan Hong has just come forward in person. What can he say? He can't wait to complete the tasks assigned by His Majesty early and return to Beijing as soon as possible."

The group returned to the tent, and Duan Mingyan couldn't help but recall: "My second brother has been a genius since he was a child, and he was willing to endure hardships. He worked hard to keep fit when he was a child. He is the most diligent among the brothers. He not only practices martial arts, but also improves his cultivation quickly. , and he is also familiar with the art of war, which I admire very much.”

Huang Feng asked: "Who did he study under?"

Duan Mingyan said: "When I was a child, my father personally trained all the brothers in my family to build their foundation and get started.

The martial arts techniques are all practiced according to the standards of military officers. As for the skills, they practice the "Chongshan Jue" of our Duan family.

This technique was given to my family by Emperor Taizu when Daxia was founded, and it has been passed down to this day. "

Hearing this, Huang Feng looked at Li Motang: "Have you heard of it?"

Li Motang thought for a moment: "I've heard of it. If I remember correctly, this technique was born out of the mountain-character chapter of an ancient technique, "Feng Lin Huoshan". "Chongshan Jue" should have been added temporarily when the technique was given. The name of this technique has not been collected yet, and there are only three articles in Daxia. "

"So, apart from you Duan family, we can't rule out that there are others." Huang Feng nodded, took out the deployment map inside the customs, looked at it carefully, and asked while looking, "What is your second brother's current position in the military?" ?”

Duan Mingyan said: "There is no war, and I lead troops to suppress bandits on weekdays. The accumulation of military achievements is slow. My second brother is still just a partial general, responsible for escorting military supplies."

"How long have you been in charge?"

"Although I am in Fenzhou, my second brother often sends me letters. I remember clearly that he was promoted to me less than a year ago. At that time, he came to tell me the good news. How about I ask my eldest brother to confirm?"

"No, even if your memory is different, the time should be the same." Huang Feng looked at the deployment map and said to himself, "Military supplies refer to food, weapons and armor.

Weapons will be sent to the Jiazhan warehouse, grain and grass will be stored in the granary in Guanzhong, and transportation records will be kept in the Jiage warehouse. "

"What did you find?" Li Motang asked.

Huang Feng explained: "Duan Shaohu's subordinates said that he left the big tent for night patrol that day because he was uneasy."

Li Motang realized: "You mean that he was not killed after discovering something during the night patrol, but that he discovered something earlier. He probably went to quietly verify it at night before he was killed."

"Yes." Huang Feng said, "So the possibility of alien races is very low. If he senses that there are alien races in Guanzhong, he has no reason to hesitate. He wants to check and confirm by himself, so he can just say it decisively.

Therefore, he must have discovered some activities in the military, which may involve some familiar people, before he wanted to find conclusive evidence.

By the way, how often does Anyuguan need to replenish military supplies? "

Duan Mingyan said: "If there is no war, food and grass are replenished twice a year, and weapons and armor are replenished once a year."

Huang Feng followed her words and said, "That means that since your second brother took office, he has only escorted military supplies three times at most. When was the latest one?"

Duan Mingyan immediately said: "Not long ago, the flood passed, and there was insufficient food and grass in Guanzhong. Many weapons at Anyuguan were seriously affected by dampness, so we resupplied once. Because he passed by Fenzhou, I met him once, so I remember it clearly."

Huang Feng sighed: "That's it. It seems that the problem lies in military supplies. Your second brother is too smart and discovered something that he shouldn't have discovered."

Duan Mingyan was suddenly shocked. Military supplies were the lifeblood of an army. She quickly asked, "What do you mean?"

"How do I know?" Huang Feng shook his head, "Also, I think your second brother might not have died in the martial arts arena."

"Why do you say that?"

Huang Feng explained: "When you kill someone in the military, shouldn't your first reaction be to erase the traces and get rid of all the clues as much as possible? After all, the traces left during the fight are important clues, but the traces left in the martial arts field, very clearly."

Duan Mingyan was puzzled: "But there are indeed traces of my Duan family's "Chongshan Jue" in it. The other technique is not the one practiced by the lieutenants of our army."

Huang Feng said: "Yes, leaving these traces seems to want us to believe that someone from outside the customs attacked and killed Duan Shaohu.

Of course, I cannot prove the authenticity of these traces. How about assuming that if these traces are forged and Duan Shaohu was killed somewhere else, where would it be?

We previously deduced that he might have discovered that there was something wrong with the military supplies. If he wanted to check, he had to go to three places, the granary, the Jiazhan warehouse and the Jiage warehouse.

There are people on duty at the gates of the granary and Jiazhang warehouse all day long. If Duan Shaohu went there, the guards would definitely know. However, the Jiage warehouse is different. Patrols only go around once every two seconds, and it is not far from the martial arts field.

Would Duan Shaohu go to Jiageku that night to check the military supplies records of previous years, and where were the victims killed? "

When Duan Mingyan heard this, he immediately stood up and said, "Let's go and have a look."

Not long after sitting down in the tent, several people rushed to the cabinet library.

"This place really isn't taken seriously." Huang Feng looked at the cobweb-covered corner of the pavilion and reached out to fan the dust in front of his eyes.

It's not that the cabinet library has not been cleaned at all. The surface is cleaned very clean. The word "perfunctory" is fully reflected in the maintenance of the cabinet library.

"It's a good thing there's dust. If someone has been here, they will definitely leave traces." Huang Feng walked past each shelf.

Duan Mingyan was even more impatient than him. She scanned the shelves one by one, and then came to the shelf where the military supplies storage files for the past two years were stored. She looked up and down and said disappointedly: "There are no traces."

"Why not? Don't you think this shelf is cleaner than the others?" Huang Feng took out the booklets from the shelf, flipped through them one by one, and then looked at the inner corner of the shelf, "The shelf is cleaner than the others." , but the corners, like other places, were obviously deliberately cleared.”

Duan Mingyan didn't believe it: "But if we fought here, how could the ground and shelves be intact, leaving no trace of the battle?"

Li Motang said coldly: "It shows that the murderer's strength is higher than what we judged!"

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