a familiar name

Although he checked the outline, Yooseong, who had only done quests with enemies that had to be clearly defeated, never thought that there would really be a quest with a situation like this in an authentic disaster movie.

‘[Unidentified creature. Very hostile to humans] is at least similar to the current situation, but strictly speaking, it’s a creature… … .. Anyway, the important thing now is not the genre.’

A typical disaster movie situation.

If so, all you have to do is follow the appropriate escape method from the disaster movie without having to worry.

“Does anyone have a long line or string or something?”


“It is necessary to cross over to the other side! If you don’t have one, you’ll have to find something similar!”

As the meteor’s roar fell, everyone, from the uniformed police officers to the luxuriously dressed passengers, began to move in a fuss.

It didn’t matter what Yuseong’s status or outfit was.

All that matters is whether or not you have a way out of this situation.

Yooseong found the lightest and strongest-looking rope among the ones offered by the passengers and tied it tightly to the tip of the string he had brought earlier.

‘Are you good at throwing daggers? Can you throw a dagger and hit that table?’

-I’m still the best acrobat in the Empire. You can hit that even with your eyes closed.

I couldn’t believe Shapiro’s words, but I could trust the B-grade throwing technique written on the status window.

Yooseong, who passed the knife behind his head, swung his arms forward with the strength of his whole body.


The fruit that flew like a shot was stuck on the table.

After pulling the string with force several times, Yuseong confirmed that the excess did not come off, and tied the opposite string to a nearby pillar.

“Right! If you grab this and cross it… … ..”

“It is still not enough. At that level, it can be easily pulled out when a person’s weight is put on it, and the line is thin, so there is a high possibility that it will break. It will be dangerous, but first someone has to cross over to the other side on this rope, tie it once more with a stronger rope, and then cross.”

“Who the hell is doing that?”

“That’s right, I… … .”

“I’ll do it!”

The one who raised her hand was the first girl she saved from prison.

People, regardless of you, put on their faces.

In terms of efficiency, it was right for the girl who looked the lightest among them to take on the role, but it was because of conscience that healthy men were left alone and a girl who still looked only a student took the lead.

Of course, it was a story that did not apply to Yoosung.

“great. Take this string, cross it over to the other side, and tie it to the table leg. I have to make the next road right away, so don’t come back and wait.”

“Uh huh?”

“Why can’t I? There is no time, so decide quickly.”

“No, it’s not that I can’t… … .”

The girl, who didn’t know that he would allow it without hesitation, couldn’t help but be a little taken aback.

The girl, who had been talking nonsense, looked straight at the meteor as if she had made up her mind and spoke with a confident voice.

“I will. Instead, if I survive here, would you think positively about the proposal I made last time?

“However much.”

-What are you doing on your own without my permission!

‘What the hell did he say that made him react so violently?’

-Well, why are you asking that? Anyway, please say no. I can do that well enough.

‘… … .’

Yooseong, noticing the girl’s flushed face and the strange emotion contained in Shapiro’s tone, let out a small sigh.

I would be so busy even if I just escaped right away, but hearing about other people’s dating problems that didn’t help me made me feel like my head was hurting.

“done! You can cross now!”

When the signal dropped, Yuseong crossed over to the table with the girl on a new rope.

After that, it was the same thing over and over again.

Yooseong throws the dagger at the table across from him, and the girl crosses over and ties the proper rope.

If the boat had tilted completely sideways, very few people would have been able to cross even if there was a line.

Most people thanked Yoosung as soon as they reached the other side, or went up to the next spot without looking back.

But some people reacted differently.

“… … .”

“Did you put anything on my face? I don’t know why you’re looking at me like that.”

Yooseong exaggeratedly shook his shoulders toward the officers who were staring at him with complicated eyes.

It seemed that they finally got a sense of the identity of this side after watching them throw a dagger and hit a table and climb a rope.

“Or do you know me or my friends?”

“… … It’s very similar to someone I know, so I thought it might be, but it doesn’t seem like it. I apologize if you were offended.”

A senior-looking officer politely bowed his head and led his men upstairs.

It was the right choice.

I wonder if it was the same environment when we first met.

Even if there was a gun, if a fight broke out like this, it was unknown whether there would be casualties on the part of the policeman if a fight broke out, and if he tried to talk quietly without a fight, the atmosphere only worsened and nothing was gained.

The policeman noticed the identity of the party, but pretended not to know, and Yoosung noticed that the policeman was trying to pretend not to know, and decided to match the rhythm.

“We go up too.”

Even at this moment, the water was rising rapidly.

* * *

The situation was getting worse and worse as time passed.

Flooding and explosions were also a problem, but the most serious was the increasingly severe inclination.

It is said that it is possible to move forward without difficulty even if the hallway is tilted, but it is impossible to climb even if it is just a staircase, and in the case of a huge hall used as a party hall, it has turned into a cliff that cannot be climbed.

But people’s eyes were full of hope instead of despair.

It was because no matter what difficult situation unfolded, there was someone who would come up with an answer without hesitation.

“This is the shortest route to the deck, so what do you mean by going back? If you go somewhere else, it will take at least 10 more minutes!”

“We cannot go this way. If you want to know why, just drop water on the handle.”


“What is this?”

“Beyond this would have turned into a sea of fire. If you open it, smoke will spread all over the place in an instant, and if a large amount of air is supplied by opening the door, the fire may intensify and spread to other places. Do you still want to go here?”

“Oh, no. Rather, how did you know that?”

“That’s Hollywood… … I came to know because I am usually interested in this and that.”

“I don’t think I can go this way either! The water is electrifying!”

“You can go on a pipe. Me and my friends will pass first and make a foothold, so you can come safely.”

It recognizes danger before it even strikes and passes through the most difficult terrain with ease.

Even those who did not believe in Yooseong at first had no choice but to keep their mouths shut at the sight of Yooseong and his colleagues creating a new path by achieving successive achievements and ideas that seemed impossible in reality with various skills and fantastic body movements.

Most of the people seemed to have already thought that escape was a fait accompli, but the atmosphere of the meteor was quite the opposite.

‘Too many.’

Yooseong, who inadvertently looked back, bit his lip slightly at the crowd of people.

Was it because it was a sudden accident in the middle of the night?

Like the people in the dining area, there were quite a few isolated people all over the ship who couldn’t find a way to get up.

At first, I was genuinely happy with the idea of earning more karma points, but as more and more people joined, I realized something was wrong.

‘About 200 people? No, I just got another one, so it’s about 230 now?’

too many too many

The bigger the number of people, the bigger the rewards, but that’s only possible if you can definitely save everyone.

Now this ship is sinking in real time.

If there were dozens or so, it would take a year for hundreds of people to cross a district right away.

However, since we couldn’t say that we would escape by ourselves, we had no choice but to take the people with us to eat mustard while crying.

No matter how you got to the deck, problems remained.

‘The ship is much bigger than we thought, but we couldn’t have prepared enough lifeboats for everyone to escape. Besides, if the ship is sinking downward, it will not be easy to even float the lifeboat since it is tilted sideways and sinking. Is this rated D+? Why is it so difficult?’

Even if he kept talking nonstop inside, Yoosung knew that all of this was for his own sake.

The difficulty level increased as I was greedy for additional rewards and saved everyone in sight. If I had only focused on the basic reward and focused on escaping one person with the Sharpie, I would have already finished the quest and returned to Earth.


“Kuh! In addition?”

This is already the fourth explosion.

It didn’t make sense to continue to explode at regular intervals like this to consider it an engine explosion, and to think it was someone’s terrorism, explode all the bombs at once and sink the ship right away. Giving it didn’t make sense.

However, it was certain that the ship would sink slightly faster after the explosion.

The meteor urged the men to increase their speed and soon reached the only exit to the deck.

And it just hardened.

bang! bang! bang!

“What the fuck! Copson! Copson was right!”

“Don’t just watch, throw something! We don’t have enough firepower!”

“You want me to go out there? Are you kidding?”

“… … It is a mountain beyond a mountain.”

A gunfight is taking place on both sides of the exit to the deck.

I had a rough idea of what was going on, but I still had to check it myself.

Yooseong approached the policeman who was pulling the trigger with a red face and tapped his shoulder.

“What, what?”

“These are the people from downstairs. What the hell is this?”

The policeman, who looked at the suddenly appeared people with surprised eyes, gritted his teeth at Yoosung’s question.

“Don’t you see? Those noble nobles are firing guns to keep us from coming out because they don’t even have enough life jackets!”

“… … ha.”

I did it just in case, but it’s the same.

No, this was much more serious than I thought.

I expected that a fight would break out over the lifeboat, but I never imagined that in a world that seemed to have a high level of civilization in its own way, people would split into two sides and shoot guns.

-shit! The nobility of that bastard! nobility! You should have abandoned this damn country and fled to the Republic long ago!

‘I was caught under the false charge of colluding with the Republic and committing a thought crime. Who is it?’

Yuseong, who relaxed while teasing Shapiro, collected his mind and devised a solution to break through the situation.

‘There are a few ways that I can think of, but all of them are uncertain ways unless I use a thousand lives. Should I just start over? No, it’s a waste to come this far, but I have to do something. Going out there is actually suicidal, and we have to make a new exit… … .’

“Shapiro! there! The captain is over there!”

“Haa, now it’s better to survive here than the leader… … .”

Yooseong’s eyes narrowed.

At the place the girl pointed to, there was a middle-aged man who was presumed to be the leader.

However, what drew Yuseong’s attention was not the leader or something, but a man shooting towards the exit next to him.

The shape of the pistol, how to hold it, and the shooting posture. Everything, even the atmosphere, was somehow very familiar.

‘You said there was a republic earlier, right? What is the name of that republic?’

-Brant Republic.

“… … Ah, the Brandt Republic?”

A very familiar name.

A dejected smile hung on Yoosung’s lips.

this is not a game

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