Are you kidding me?

You cannot create something out of nothing.

A law that even transcendentalists cannot escape.

Even if a transcendent being creates something out of nothing, it uses resources such as faith or energy, and never creates something out of nothing.

Even users who can cross dimensions have to pay for a resource called karma in order to bring things or skills to another world or vice versa.

The same goes for contractors who exist on Earth.

In order to create and maintain hundreds of thousands of contractors, Kang Chang-seok gave that much in return, and the contractors are also paying the transcendental beings for the karma and karma they accumulate over the course of their lives.

Of course, it is impossible to make billions of people into capable people without any cost.

“You processed Jinwon Jingi and converted it into energy. This is the only way to turn ordinary people into superhumans in a short period of time and at no cost.”

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Jin Won Jin Ki.

It is the purest energy that all living things have from birth and forms the basis of life, so it is a power that should not be touched carelessly.

Kang Do-hyeon was using the Jinwonjingi to create a talented person.

“… … So, is there any problem?”

“Of course there is a problem. You wouldn’t be unaware of what would happen if the epicenter decreased.”

“Your lifespan will be shortened a little and you will be doing small things. But isn’t it much better than being helplessly defeated by a monster?”

“Little life and a little sickness. In my opinion, even at the very least, it would reduce lifespan by decades and suffer from all sorts of disabilities that would make daily life impossible within a few years.”

Kang Do-hyeon’s face was distorted.

Not only is it not enough to see through his own identity, he is fully aware of the side effects of using Jinwon Jingi while counterattacking during a subordinate contract.

‘… … What on earth are these guys really like?’

A world where only science developed.

It has been less than a year since the power of supernatural powers has been known, and they are too foreign beings to be in a world where there are only half-powered people who borrow power through contracts instead of building power themselves.

One thing is for sure, he is hostile to himself.

A heavy silence fell within the huge cavity.

A situation on the verge of bursting at any moment.

Kang Do-hyeon was the first to move.

At the same time as Kang Do-hyeon’s arm was raised, the people in the cavity drew their weapons and rushed at Bruce and Kang Chang-seok.

“God wants it!”


Eyes that do not exist as reason.

Watching the people rushing at them with eyes full of faith and madness, Bruce raised his arms and took the jockeying ceremony.

And while Bruce’s attention was briefly distracted, Kang Do-hyeon’s new model, who was sitting in the chair, disappeared.

The place where Kang Do-hyun reappeared was behind Kang Chang-seok, who was standing at a distance.

‘We deal with the weak first.’

I didn’t think I would lose, but I decided to be careful as there is only one thing in the world.


The moment he thrust a sword made of white energy into the back of his head, a hexagonal shield appeared in the air to block the attack.

The surprise attack failed, but Kang Do-hyeon did not regret it at all.

He didn’t notice until he swung his weapon, approaching him within reach of his nose if he fell face down.

If you don’t have melee combat ability, or even if you do, it’s a shabby level, so if you attack again, you should be able to take it down easily.

However, when Kang Chang-seok turned his head away, Kang Do-hyeon couldn’t help but be embarrassed.


An expression of annoyance, not fear or fear,

Kang Chang-seok muttered in the ears of Kang Do-hyeon, who was embarrassed.

“Gap Kang Chang-seok, bankrupt king. 3 seconds limited contract. 3 million karma points paid.”

The fist, accompanied by a muttering of unknown meaning, broke the sword so easily and hit Kang Do-hyeon’s chest, sending him flying far away.

“Gap Kang Chang-seok, Eul Surt. 10 second limited contract. 10 million karma points paid.”



Even when his breastbone was shattered, a desperate scream erupted from Kang Do-hyeon’s mouth, who did not let out a single moan.

He deserved it too.

What Kang Chang-seok created was not a simple flame, but a flame of destruction that would burn the whole world.

Kang Chang-seok clicked his tongue briefly as he watched Kang Do-hyeon struggle, engulfed in flames that could melt even stones.

Currently, due to some circumstances, he is unable to use goggles or accumulate karma points.

There was no point in bringing Bruce to the point of consuming 10 million units of karma in a situation where even the smallest amount of karma had to be saved.

However, Kang Chang-seok soon had no choice but to change his mind.



Kang Do-hyeon’s body, which had turned into a lump of charcoal, began to transform rapidly with the sound of his flesh being torn and his skeleton twisting.

A white halo and black horns sprouted from its head, grotesque wings with feathers on its back sprouted from its back, and sharp, vicious claws sprouted from its fingertips.

“Gap Kang Chang-seok! second… … .”

Kang Do-hyun, who hit the ground with a reverse-jointed leg… … . No, before Kang Chang-seok could finish talking, the mysterious creature came near and waved his hand.


“Your opponent is me.”

The creature’s face twisted at the sight of Bruce, who effortlessly blocked his attack.

All the slaves he painstakingly made died, and he failed to kill the human who had caused him terrible pain.

I couldn’t stand it any longer.

I felt like I was going to explode from the inside if I couldn’t vent this seething rage.

‘kill! kill! kill!’

Thinking of ending it quickly, he drew out the remaining faith and launched an attack.

However, it wasn’t long before the monster realized that something was wrong.

This man was strong, but too strong.

I doubted my eyes when I scattered the blow that I had done my best with a single gesture.

Even the past self is a daunting opponent.

There was no way that the present self, who had lost his divinity and had fallen into a mere mortal, could not stand it.

‘It’s dangerous at this rate.’

It was then that the mysterious creature, which was only trying to escape, found a meteor.

The strange creature that sent energy towards Bruce flew towards the meteor with all its might.

I was thinking of holding Meteor hostage and negotiating, but in the end, it was a fatal misjudgment.


The strange creature’s eyes widened at the sight of a human who avoided his own attack with a single difference.

‘Was this guy the same type as those guys?’

Yooseong was also embarrassed.

‘are you kidding? If I miss it so easily, tell me what to do?’

I fired an arrow thinking that Bruce would tie me up, but I didn’t expect it to be pierced so vainly.

It felt disorienting to face a monster that could lightly annihilate a city, but I couldn’t remain engrossed.


The strange creature came to his senses at the sound of bees chirping and swung his arms once more, but Yooseong, who had used a flash alert a step earlier, had already managed to get out of range and cast a cloud dance.

The fog went beyond barely covering the body, and in an instant covered all directions.

At first, the strange creature burst into laughter as if it were ridiculed, but soon had no choice but to put on a puzzled expression.

This is because cloud fog, a fog made of energy, hindered not only vision but also exploration by the senses.

He hurriedly swung his arms, but simple wind pressure could not clear the fog.

‘I have to get out of the fog first… … .’


The strange creature’s thoughts could not continue from there.

It was because his consciousness was blown away by the intense impact that was stuck in his jaw.

Of course, the jaw that had been ripped off was regenerated in an instant, and the blown consciousness returned in the blink of an eye.

‘What just happened… … .’


The explosion and interrupted consciousness are heard once again.

After confirming the location of the staggering creature through the haze, Yuseong fired with all his might.

shooting star.

A skill whose power is determined by strength, inner strength, mana, and speed.

When Tyrant’s dependence on both arms was severe, it was a trump card that was used only in decisive moments, but it was different now that the solver’s rank went up and he learned the martial arts.

With the addition of a non-geogeuk one-one ball that can exert greater power with less power to the more than doubled internal power and magic power, it is possible to continuously unfold shooting stars.


The interval between binge drinking became shorter and shorter.

It was proof that he was getting used to the continuous use of Shooting Star as time passed.

A bright smile hung on Yoosung’s lips.

Mugeuk Ilwon Gong’s supernormal ability was truly amazing.

With just a few breaths, the dried-up inner energy rose up, and if that was not enough, it was enough to convert mana and spiritual power.

It was as if an organ had been created inside the body that could generate infinite energy.

‘If you pour all this power into a single blow…’ … .’

“Until there.”

The moment he heard Bruce’s voice, Yooseong immediately took up his energy and stepped back.

‘Did he get caught?’

There is no way that Bruce, the founder of Mugeuk Ilwon Gong, would not recognize Mugeuk Ilwon Gong.

Yooseong, who was trembling with anxiety that he would grab his collar any moment and ask for the source of Mugeuk Ilwongong, was barely relieved after hearing the words that came out of Bruce’s mouth.

“Strong. I can’t believe it’s someone who’s been a user for less than a year.”

The moment Yooseong heard those words, he was able to realize two things.

One is that Bruce did not recognize Mugeuk Ilwongong.

I don’t know if it was because he was using his inner energy only inside his body or because he was surrounded by mist, but Bruce seemed completely unaware that he had used the martial arts.

And the other… … .

“Why? Is there any problem?”

“no. it’s okay.”

‘I let go on purpose to find out my skills.’

Even if it could be thought that it was a mistake to miss the first time, it could only be said that it was intentional to come so late.

However, Yoosung did not take that fact as an issue.

It’s not really something to be angry about.

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Just as he was curious about Bruce’s skills, Bruce could also be curious about his own skills.

Of course, as asking them to show their skills and deliberately letting their enemies go are completely different issues, I didn’t know if I could get a small reward if I worked hard.

But that’s only if there are no flaws on this side.

It is not for nothing that thieves say that their feet hurt.

Yooseong couldn’t stand out strongly against Bruce because of the fear that Mugeuk Ilwongong might be found out.


Was this reaction unexpected?

Feeling suspicious, Bruce looked at the meteor with narrow eyes.

“you… … .”


Fortunately for Yooseong, the mysterious creature that had passed out came to its senses in a timely manner.

Seeing Bruce turn his gaze toward the strange creature, Yooseong sighed in relief and quietly stepped back.

“dare! dare! dare! What an insignificant mortal!”

Powerful aura spread around the monstrous creature.

An impact enough to shake the inside of even a meteor, which would be second to none in terms of energy control.

However, Bruce, who was closest to the strange creature, swung his fist lightly without even moving.

It looked like a light punch that couldn’t pierce a piece of paper, but the result was beyond common sense.

“big… … .”

A large hole was pierced in the monster’s chest.

this is not a game

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