Second Special Quest

how much time has passed

Yuseong’s closed eyes slowly opened.

It wasn’t that his eyes were shining, nor was his momentum changing.

From the looks of it, nothing seemed to have changed at all.

Even Yooseong, the person involved, thought so.

‘Did you sleep for a while?’

The memory after looking at the forbidden knowledge is cut off.

As if only that part of the memory was cut off, no matter how much I try to remember, nothing comes to mind.

“Status Window”

After breaking through the 1,000 level, the growth rate slowed down noticeably, but the stats of about 1 or 2 points were steadily rising every time I observed forbidden knowledge.

If he really fell asleep, his stats wouldn’t change at all.

Name: Han Yuseong

Occupation: User

Level: 4^@&

Title: The One Who Makes the Impossible Possible

Strength: 3361

Agility: 378

Wisdom: 2961

Spirit: 2934

Stamina: 685

mana: 701

Internal: 703

Spirit Power: 702

Possessed Skills: Forbidden Knowledge (??), Infinite One Gong (S), Mystic Eye of Truth (A+), Shooting Star (A-), Mist Dance (B+), Spiritual Sense of Balance (B), Mana Control (B-) … … .

Yooseong, who checked the status window, was the first to rub his eyes.

Because I thought I hadn’t seen something wrong.

However, no matter how much I rubbed my eyes, the contents written on the status window did not change.

“What is this… … .”

It was understandable that some of his stats were higher than the ones purchased at the Karma Shop.

Abilities can also be raised through effort.

Strength and agility increased while dealing with monsters in the United States, and it was clear that inner strength, magical power, and spiritual power increased while repeating unification and classification through the Mugeuk Ilwongong.

What was incomprehensible was wisdom and spirit.

Obviously, the last time I checked, it was around the low 1,000 range, but it more than doubled in an instant.

The level was also strange.

It was an item that I didn’t care about because it didn’t change the bonus stats when it went up, but it was never something to be overlooked that the content was broken like this.

‘Is it a phenomenon that letters are broken like this only in forbidden knowledge?’

Having reached that point, Yuseong closed his eyes once again and entered the gap between consciousness and unconsciousness.

There was something in it that, as always, was radiating all sorts of negative waves.

It looks no different than usual.

But something has clearly changed.

Until now, he has ignored all kinds of malice and negative repercussions created by forbidden knowledge with his unique empathy.

However, it wasn’t that I wasn’t affected at all, so I always felt a visceral aversion to the level of seeing rotting corpses or nasty bugs.

But now, when I saw the forbidden knowledge, I felt nothing.

No, in a sense, it even felt a strange familiarity.

As if he had taken a stimulant, his mind became clearer and unknown figures and images began to emerge, and Yooseong quickly awakened his consciousness and returned to reality.

“… … What happened?”

Yoosung touched his throbbing temple.

There is nothing more terrifying than the fear of the unknown.

Forbidden knowledge, lost memories, exponentially increased stats, erroneous status window, unknown information.

When faced with as many as five unknowns in a situation where even one would be a headache, he was on the verge of losing his mind.

The conclusion reached after contemplation was put on hold for now.

Yoosung has a negative mindset and a personality close to paranoia, but it wasn’t serious enough to obsess over unanswered questions.

“It is a waste of time to ponder over a problem that has no answer. Let’s clear things up for now.”


The halo and horns that Lucifer dropped are related to divinity.

Not a speck of the true divinity remained, but the traces of the divinity’s once-remained remains as clear as the traces of a long-gone river.


That forbidden knowledge is also related to divinity.

[Unidentified creature. Very hostile to humans] The unknown entity he encountered during the quest, probably something presumed to be a cosmic being from the Cthulhu myth, left in his memory not a simple mass of thought or information, but something related to divinity.

More at readwn com

Just as we know that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, or that things fall from top to bottom without anyone teaching us, I instinctively knew that forbidden knowledge was related to divinity.

‘Forbidden knowledge may be far more dangerous than I thought.’

lost memory.

I can’t even guess what the hell happened in between.

If you think about common sense, it’s good that you don’t get tangled up with this unknown existence anymore.

If I had been myself not long ago, I would have certainly done that.

But now he was different.

Reason says it’s dangerous, but emotions say it’s okay to use forbidden knowledge.

“A little bit won’t matter.”

There is a need to find out the exact performance of the Elemental Bow and the Mugeuk Ilwongong obtained this time, and preparations for Aris and Sophia to work on Earth.

If you have any spare time anyway, wouldn’t it be better to use it efficiently?

“Come to think of it, I also took a potion to promote growth. No matter how much, I can’t postpone the quest for a month, but ten days… … . No, shouldn’t it be about 15 days?”

Yuseong, who persuaded himself by enumerating the reasons why he should not throw away forbidden knowledge, once again closed his eyes.

Yooseong did not feel any strangeness in this series of processes.

* * *

Quests are the fastest and easiest way for users to become stronger.

It’s much easier to pay karma to increase strength and stamina than to train your body by pushing your muscles or stamina to the limit.

It is much more efficient to just find a client who has reached a higher level and purchase a skill than to swing a weapon tens or hundreds of thousands of times and hone your mind while aiming for a higher level.

If you study a magic that is as difficult as an academic thesis and do a quest with barely enough time to memorize a formula to learn one magic, you can learn several magics at a high level.

If you look at the growth rate alone, there is no reason to cultivate on Earth.

However, the story is a little different if you look at other parts than the growth rate.

Skills and stats can be acquired and raised as much as you want by paying karma, but the ability to efficiently handle them can only be learned through training.

The greater the number of skills and the higher the ability level, the longer period of training is required to avoid being swayed by that power.

In that sense, it could be said that it was natural for Yooseong to train.


A colorless and transparent aura shone in Yooseong’s fist.

A martial art created using a martial art.

Yuseong, who is hard to notice unless you look carefully, puts his fists on both fists and unfolds the Amwol 16th ceremony.

Yoosung, who hit, stabbed, smashed, and bit his imaginary enemy into a mess, opened his clenched fist and put his palm forward.


The martial arts made of internal air quickly turned into thorny vines made of magical energy and spread out in all directions.

At first, the thorny vine, which was the size of a small child, grew to the size of an adult man in the blink of an eye, and when he closed and opened his eyes again, it became the size of a huge beast.

Eventually, the thorny vine, which had grown to the size of a house, wriggled like a living creature and tried to make a mess around it.

But at that moment, an arrow flew, leaving a trail of green light.


At the same time as the arrow hit, numerous blades of vacuum were created and began to fragment the thorny vines.

If it were a living creature, it would not have been able to withstand it, but the thorny vine was able to continue its activity as long as it had its magic power, no matter how rough it was.

Of course, Yooseong, knowing that fact, prepared the next arrow as soon as he fired the first arrow.


Arrows of brown light shook the ground, arrows of blue light restrained movement, and arrows of red light burned everything.

And the thorny vine hit by the last golden arrow disappeared without leaving even a trace.

Yooseong looked at the spot where the thorny vine was and the elemental bow, then muttered in a dejected voice.

“… … You don’t need to practice?”

In the case of the Elemental Bow, I finished checking it in less than half a day, and I was able to get used to it in less than a few days as well.

Could it be because of the wisdom reached in the late 2000s?

He was able to control his energy as easily as moving his limbs, and he was free to change and unite his nature.

In the case of forbidden knowledge, the situation was a little different.

“Isn’t contemplation no longer able to raise stats?”

The wisdom and spirit that had grown into the late 2000s did not grow any further.

I meditated all day to see if I needed more effort as the number went up, but seeing that it didn’t go up even 1 point, I had no choice but to give up on raising my ability level by contemplation.

But that didn’t mean the forbidden knowledge was useless.

His abilities didn’t go up, but instead images that looked like symbols or figures came to mind.

I couldn’t understand the meaning of those images no matter how much I looked at them, but when I looked at them, all kinds of inspiration welled up.

Although this kind of inspiration came to me occasionally before, the inspiration that came to me while looking at the images was much clearer and more specific.

Using these images, Yooseong was able to achieve various results within a few days, such as increasing the efficiency of possessive arts and further enhancing the performance of thorny vines.

However, I was careful not to get too caught up in these images.

‘It’s nothing else, it’s the Cthulhu Mythos. There’s nothing good about being deeply involved.’

I wondered if I had come too far to say such a thing, but Yooseong still thought he hadn’t crossed the line.

As a result, the training that took 15 days had no choice but to end in a week.

There is no problem in the operation of the Mugeuk Ilwongong, the energy control is perfect, and the Elemental Bow is fully understood.

As long as there was nothing to do in reality, there was only one option left.

“After all, is it a quest before winning?”

Yoosung let out a small sigh and headed to the warehouse.

This quest was going to be a little different.

The reason was because of the sub-space obtained as a reward from the previous quest.

‘They said that things put in subspace can be retrieved from another world.’

So far, the things that could be used in the other world were limited to the things that were owned right before the quest started, so no matter how efficiently you packed them, there was no choice but to limit the number and type of things you could bring.

But now, that limitation has been relaxed to some extent.

You still have to pay attention to the clear rank, but the range of quest choices has become more diverse as there are more things you can bring.

The image of Aris suddenly came to mind in Meteor’s head, who was scratching his head at the space that remained for a long time even after putting weapons, fuel, ammunition, food, medicine, and so on.

“I think I can take Aris on the quest too… … . No, it’s not the same, but you can definitely take it.”

[Cheonma Shinyo. It was memorable that Haecheongyeong, who was the client of [The Last Moment], talked about an attack satellite or an army of androids.

While imagining an astral scene in which a witch in a fantasy world takes possession of a gynoid, a product of parascience, and takes a picture of a pair in a moorim, Yooseong burst into laughter and put on goggles.

[Access to the multidimensional navigation system.]

[The quest observation was successful.]

Message as always.

And after a while, another message appeared.

[You have succeeded in observing the special quest.]

Yooseong’s eyes narrowed.

this is not a game

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