image world

After the incident where his memory was cut off while contemplating the forbidden knowledge, no, the thoughts of a foreign press, Yooseong did not meditate even once.

There was a reason why the increase in abilities through contemplation stopped, but the biggest reason was fear from the unknown.

A status window with broken memories and broken characters.

All kinds of evil knowledge that despises and insults living things and unknown beings that take away one’s own body.

He only thought of the thoughts of foreign media as a simple skill that could easily raise his ability level, and only after the incident broke out did he realize how dangerous he was doing.

The culmination of foolishness, like the act of sticking your hand into a hole where you don’t know what might be in it.

I wouldn’t know if I didn’t know, but since I knew, I couldn’t repeat the same mistake.

However, Yooseong decided to meditate after a long time.

It was because of the divine seed that he accidentally ate.

‘Nothing appears in the status window, and nothing has changed. All that remains is this.’

Yuseong, who had been concentrating on the thought of stopping meditation immediately if something seemed strange, had no choice but to panic when he faced an unexpected sight the moment he reached the deepest part of himself.

Originally, the image world of Yuseong was an empty space with nothing except for the thoughts of foreign media.

But now it was different.

Numerous lights embroidered the empty space.

It’s like looking at the universe.

Although there was a minor problem that the center of the story was the thoughts of foreign media that spread malice and madness instead of the warm sun.

The thoughts of the foreign press that I encountered after a long time.

Yoosung realized one thing at that moment.

‘… … It seems to have shrunk in size from before?’

It’s not just the size.

The malice and madness that had been scattered endlessly every moment were also less than before.

Yuseong, who was contemplating the inside to figure out the cause, was soon able to realize the reason.

The newly formed stars are absorbing the negative wavelengths and energies emitted by foreign thoughts.

Though very little, the thoughts of the foreign press were weakening, and the presence of the stars was growing stronger in inverse proportion to it.


The stars were growing by feeding on foreign thoughts.


Yooseong, who stopped contemplation inside, let out a sigh.

It’s good that foreign media’s thoughts are weakening, but the presence of a star that took their place was very annoying.

It didn’t look particularly dangerous, but I couldn’t look at the stars well for a meteor that had experienced severe burns from touching the unknown.

“It would be nice to have some information… … .”

I asked other users, but couldn’t get any information.

The only thing I knew was that seeds, fragments, and essences were all very rare items.

“Why on earth do such rare items come from the quests I chose recklessly?”

Yuseong, who had muttered in vain, scratched his head with a resigned expression.

I didn’t know if the Divine Seed would help or if it would become a new nuisance, but there was nothing I could do about it unless there was a way to get around it.

At best, it is to the extent of periodically observing the inside to see if anything has changed.

After solving one problem, Yoosung frowned at another concern that soon surfaced.

‘I have to become stronger.’

Through a brief engagement with Harnack, Yooseong was able to realize how much of a frog he was in the well.

Of course, since it was not a monster, but a monster with power comparable to that of a transcendent, it could have been just bad luck and passed on, but there was a part that bothered me.

“I was so helpless.”

When objectively evaluated, he was never weak.

It may be lacking in terms of combat durability, but in terms of pure combat power, it is not far behind the triple.

However, he was quickly defeated by Harnack, and Cassim and Olga fought on an equal footing.

It was a magician specialized in long range and a skilled person specializing in combat assistance.

‘A matter of specs… … I don’t think so.’

The monstrous power emanating from Tyrant’s arms.

A martial art that gathers three energies into one and amplifies its power.

In terms of instantaneous output, he may not know Kasim, but he would be above Olga.

Yoosung, who was worried, muttered as he stroked his chin.

“Variety of Abilities.”

Kasim and Olga had the ability to cover a variety of situations.

Kasim, a magician specializing in long-distance attacks, showed how to flexibly use her staff, while Olga grouped numerous abilities under the keyword cold, and used them flexibly, such as attack, defense, and support.

On the other hand, what about you?

Most of their abilities are specialized in close combat.

“ha ha ha… … .”

Yooseong let out a dejected laugh.

In the past, there was a time when I was thinking about the direction of my growth while organizing my abilities.

Obviously, he said he would grow into an all-rounder who can respond to all situations, but when he came to his senses, he became a specialist specialized in one field naturally like other users.

It shouldn’t be like this.

“We need to increase the diversity of abilities. No, it’s not just about increasing the number of abilities. We also need to deepen our existing abilities. How long can we not fight with dark moon type 16?”

After talking to himself and organizing his thoughts, Yooseong left the room and headed to the basement.

The space where the bodies of the dragons were located had changed to the point where there was no gap to step on with unknown gigantic machines and equipment.

“That’s great.”

“Isn’t that just the feeling of watching Great Annihilation Engines? I don’t know if it’s ignorance or a big barrel.”

I heard the answer to the words I muttered involuntarily.

When I turned my head, I saw Sophia with dark circles under her eyes, as if she hadn’t slept well for days.

“The Great Extinction Engine. You’re not talking about using antimatter, are you?”

“That’s right. I sent you a construction status report, didn’t you read it?”

“Well, I’m so busy… … .”

“Yes, yes. You must be.”

Yooseong smiled bitterly at the sarcastic tone.

It was good to have Dragonia summoned to defeat Harnak, but a problem arose as the amount of time Dragonia was in reality got longer due to the progress of the quest.

An unknown city that suddenly appears in the sky and bombards the ground with quasi-meteorite attacks.

Those who did not know the context judged Dragonia to be more dangerous than the undead and immediately responded.

At first, public opinion was strong that it should not be provoked, but the problem grew when an unmanned reconnaissance aircraft approached the city too close to the barrier and exploded.

In less than half a day, fighters and bombers launched a sortie and started pouring missiles and bombs, and the people felt the greatest fear at the appearance of Dragonia, who had not suffered even a speck of damage due to the barrier.

‘The use of nuclear weapons was seriously discussed.’

Kang Chang-seok, who appeared late, figured out what was going on and intervened, so the situation did not go to the worst, but Sophia, who was in Dragonia, had no choice but to spend her days in a state of anxiety for a while.

“I’m sorry. I wanted to come back as soon as possible, but I couldn’t help it because of the time multiplier.”

“I will forgive you if you increase your research funds.”

“More here?”

“You made a lot of money with the ability awakening potion.”

“… … I will increase it by 10%.”

“Hey, it’s only this once. Please be careful next time.”

Sophia tried hard to pretend to be cool, but she couldn’t hide the rising clown.

“How is the engine? it’s okay?”

“We’ve had problems with a few converters, but they’re negligible. Are you here to ask?”

“Compassionateness. Listen to Dragonia’s condition and ask for a few things.”

“I knew it.”

“You knew that. How can I say something… … .”

“There are only a handful of cases where Yoosung came to me purely to build friendships. It’s like the fact that he gently increased the research fund, and of course he must have brought something.”

“You are quick-witted.”

Yooseong took out the ax handle from the subspace and turned on the power.


“It’s a plasma weapon. You don’t look well.”

“The blade came out distorted after colliding with the hypervibration weapon, do you know what the problem is?”

“The electromagnetic field generator seems to have been hit, but it’s not a big deal. It can be repaired in 10 minutes.”

“I want to do some repairs and renovations.”

“Remodeling? how?”

“It was a bit small and inconvenient. I increased the size a bit and the plasma blade is too noticeable, please do something about this too if you can. Oh, and it would be nice to increase the cutting power a little more.”

“It would just be quicker to craft a new weapon.”

Sophia grumbled and wrote down the meteor’s request.

Yooseong, who handed over the plasma ax to Sophia, carefully brought up the next story.

“How complete is Aris’ body?”

Originally, half a year remained until the period promised to complete the gynoid.

However, while listening to what happened while Yooseong was away, he came to know a story that made him doubt his ears.

“I heard Aris stopped Bruce and Kang Chang-seok from approaching Dragonia.”

“It’s true. Bruce tried to break the barrier out of nowhere, so Aris went out and stopped it.”

“how? I heard it takes more than half a year to complete the body?”

“That’s how long it takes to make a finished product. It’s not up to the finished product, but the prototype can fight to some extent.”

“What exactly do you mean by how much?”

“Slightly less than the Galactic Federation’s special combat android?”

“… … I have no idea what the analogy is. Is there any analogy that is easier to understand?”

“Hmm, even if warriors and wizards are of the same level, the differences in combat power between individuals are so great that they are not suitable for comparison… … . ah! You can compare it to users. Mr. Changseok is a bit like that, but he can compete with Carlos to some extent.”


Although he belongs to the Three Medicines, he is still a clear user.

To what extent is it possible to compete against users who are not contract holders or monsters?

Yooseong swallowed dry saliva and said.

“Then there won’t be any problem if we put it into battle as it is?”

“It is possible, but I do not recommend it. I was able to move somehow thanks to Aris’ magic control ability, but the current version is too unstable and not very suitable for combat.”

“How long will it take to improve to a level where stable combat is possible?”

“I think it will take about 10 days if I leave the energy control to Aris and replace all the unstable parts with parts with high durability and stability and balance it day and night.”

“Ten days, I mean.”

Yooseong smiled and looked at Sophia.


“I-I am very busy. The Dragonia remodeling is also on track, there are personal studies, and there are not just one or two things to do… … .”

“… … .”

“… … .”

Sophia, who was looking at the meteor with trembling eyes, subtly avoided her gaze.

Whoever gives money is always right.

The outcome of the fight was predetermined from the beginning.

this is not a game

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