Where are you going?

The world is limitless and the possibilities are limitless.

No matter how powerful a skill is, there might be a skill in another world that is more powerful or can be easily countered.

There may be a world in which guns, the secrets of scientific civilization that can kill people with just a pull of a finger, are treated as inferior to children’s toys.

So, the most important thing in the quest was information, not skills or items.

“Are there any lies in what you said so far?”

“No, of course. It’s all true! I’ve told you everything I know, so please save your life… … .”

The plasma ax was swung in a semicircle, and the old researcher, whose head was split, died without a word of scream.

Yoosung pulled out the plasma ax from his head, which gave off an unpleasant smell of cooked meat instead of brains and blood, and let out a small sigh.

I didn’t have time to go into detail, but I was able to get some general information.

To sum up, this world was a world that was swept up in a dimensional war like Earth.

What was noteworthy was that this world was being pushed helplessly by the attacks of monsters that did not have physical power because there was no superpower, and that they were researching and developing superpowers to overcome it.

“It’s a superpower.”

Yooseong narrowly opened his eyes.

It’s not that I didn’t guess.

Quest rewards only come out related to that world.

In the martial arts world, martial arts books or elixirs, and in fantasy worlds, magic books or equipment made of rare metals come as quest rewards.

In quests set in the SF world, there is no such thing as a heavenly demon or a holy sword as a reward.

From the time the ‘psychic blooming potion’ and ‘psychic permanent strengthening potion’ were written in the reward column, I had expected that a psychic would appear in this quest.

The problem was elsewhere.

‘Security is too tight.’

A facility for researching and developing psychic powers.

As it is the only hope against monsters, it is naturally equipped with impenetrable security.

There are dozens of security personnel inside the facility.

Among them, psychics also exist, and two battalions are stationed near the facility in preparation for emergencies.

The fortunate thing was that the clear condition was to just escape from the facility, but even that was not easy with this body’s abilities.

Although it was a C-grade, C+-grade quest to be precise, it was a very difficult quest even considering that.

“… … The difficulty of the quest is not proportional to the grade.”

Yooseong smiled bitterly.

Like the high-level quests that have been cleared so far, if the notational difficulty is high but the actual difficulty is low, the opposite quest will also exist.

[It hurts, I don’t like it, stop.] was the right quest.

It’s not enough to be classified as a B- grade, but it has a harder difficulty than a normal C+ grade quest.

‘No, now is not the time to think like this.’

You can’t waste your time worrying unnecessarily.

If you wait, you will have to deal with not only the guards, but also the reinforcements from the nearby military base.

Before that happened, he had to go through the quest with a quick resolution.

Organizing his thoughts, the meteor hit the plasma ax at the bulkhead, and shortly after, it succeeded in passing over the bodies of the researchers and crossing over to the other area.

An empty hallway without a speck of dust.

No matter how unexpected the event was, given the time the alarm started sounding and the amount of time spent gathering information from the researchers, it was impossible that no one was there.

Two possibilities.

The training of the guards is much worse than expected, so they can’t deal with it properly, or else… … .

again and again.

The sound of meteor’s footsteps echoed in the quiet hallway.

And when he reached the middle of the hallway, Meteor swung his plasma ax like lightning.


The sound of something being cut.

At the same time, a man appeared out of thin air.

Yuseong’s eyes were stained golden as he watched the man fall to the floor holding his half-severed neck.

He was a man who succeeded in completely hiding his appearance as well as his presence, but he could not escape the evil eye of truth.

‘Is this a superpower?’

It is an ability that is different from martial arts or magic.

If martial arts use energy within the body to exert power beyond the limits of the physical body made of cloth, and magic resonates with the energy of the atmosphere to cause phenomena beyond common sense, supernatural power is the ability to realize only results without a process.

There is no process, only results, so even if you use the Mystic Eye of Truth to grasp all phenomena, the only thing you can know is that the unknown energy emitted from the top of your head is causing the results.

match! match! match!

Yooseong, who was observing a dying man to understand the principle of superpower, aimed an ax in the direction where the applause came from.

There were five men and women, each with red, blue, yellow, green, and black hair and eyes, and wearing rustic clothes that people in the 20th century would have imagined, with LEDs everywhere.

At first glance, it seemed ridiculous, but Yooseong, who had collected information through the researcher, rather tightened the tension.

Their identity was a psychic protecting the facility.

“Jack is beaten. Is it a sensing system ability?”

“That guy, what the hell is he holding? Were there any weapons like that in the facility?”

“Someone seems to have brought it in secretly, but I don’t think it will end with a postscript.”

“Didn’t you see the CCTV? All the people in District 3 are dead, but what about the ending?”

“Everybody quiet!”

The red-haired man, who cut off the four of them with a single shout, turned his head toward the meteor.

“K-17. No, call me Kay. Kay, can you understand me? I saw him talking to researchers.”

“… … .”

“If you don’t want to talk, you can just listen. You’ll be anxious because you can’t remember who you are or why you’re here. It will be scary and confusing.”

“… … .”

“Calm down. I’m here to help you I will explain step by step what happened, so calm down and lay down your weapon.”

“… … you, you guys It’s not fair for me to lay down my weapon and you guys don’t.”

Yoosung deliberately used an awkward tone.

The red-haired man smiled and said, seeing his body trembling so minutely that he couldn’t notice it unless he looked closely, and his eyes rolling back and forth.

“Certainly it is. great. Then we’ll lay down our weapons first. Then you lay down your weapon. Do you understand?”

“I understand.”

“Did you hear? Everyone, lay down your weapons.”

The red-haired man put down his sword on the floor and gestured, and the people behind him followed suit and began to put down their weapons.

There was not even a hint of tension to be found.

A momentary gap created because he underestimated that the other person had sensory-type psychic powers, that he was an immature person.

Yooseong did not miss this gap.



The plasma ax, which had been calibrated for throwing skills, flew precisely towards the black-haired man.

As the panicked man raised his arm, the plasma ax stuck in the air as if someone had grabbed it right before it touched his face.

“This bastard! We’re funny when we talk… … .”

An enraged red-haired man pointed his finger at the spot where the meteor had been, but no one was there.

While his eyes were focused on the axe, the meteor had already moved in front of the psychics using a flashlight.

‘Black hair must be killed unconditionally.’

The most dangerous of the five psychics was the black-haired man.

His psychic ability is to stop anything within his field of vision.

Other psychics were confident of defeating them somehow, but there was no other way than to deal with this ability in advance.

Amwol Type 16 Drilling through rocks.

“Mmm, stop!”

A small smile appeared on the dark-haired man’s lips.

This is because the opponent’s fist stopped lightly touching his body.

But that smile didn’t last long.


A man had the ability to stop even a bullet if he could see it, but on the contrary, he couldn’t stop what he couldn’t see.

Yoosung even used the man’s energy, which he gathered using his body’s magical power and the demonic eye of truth, to hit the penetrating goggles, and the man fell to the floor spewing blood from his mouth.

‘Treat it with certainty.’

Yuseong grabbed the plasma ax that fell to the floor and swung it with all his might, and the man’s upper body, which had been cut diagonally, slipped and tumbled on the floor.


‘Come to think of it, this guy’s name was Felton.’

I heard the names of the psychics, but I didn’t remember them.

life to die anyway.

It was enough to call red and blue depending on the color in moderation.

Yooseong, who had dealt with Kkamangi, noticed Yellowy looking at him with hateful eyes and the energy radiating from her, and raised the ax upwards.


Sparks flew with the feeling of something being caught on the tip of my hand.

Her psychic ability is to release intangible energy.

It was a dangerous ability that ordinary people could not even guess and face, but in front of the evil eye of truth, it was nothing but a phone punch that was obvious.

“Oh, no! Don’t come any closer!”

The woman fired energy bullets one after another, but Meteor didn’t stop walking.

It may not be insignificant in terms of firepower, but in terms of unexpectedness, psychics were more dangerous than security personnel armed with state-of-the-art equipment or two battalions with specialized training.

If they regain their composure and fight seriously, or if they decide that it will be difficult on their own and come with reinforcements, then this quest is over.

‘Psychic powers are the most unsettling factor in this quest. See the end here.’

This was both a crisis and an opportunity.

If you can handle the psychics here, the difficulty of the quest goes down by more than two levels.

Whatever the means, whatever the cost, it had to be dealt with here.


It’s too late if you parry every single attack.

Yoosung, who had activated End of Pain, took the energy into his body and moved forward, striking the ax at the shocked woman’s head.

The woman, who had been split in half from the top of her head to the groin, collapsed from side to side.


A cry full of screams.

When I turned my head, I saw Red, who was making a face like a thug from behind, pointing a finger at him.

‘That guy’s ability is obvious… … .’

The ability to cause an explosion at the point you point out.

I tried to move away from the direction my fingers were pointing, but my body didn’t move as I thought.

While opening the penetration mirror, the magic power of the whole body was exposed, and the shock that had been ignored by the end of the pain was pushed in at once, and the paralysis caused by the shock came.

All Yoosung could do was lift himself slightly so that he could ride the flow of the explosion.


The meteor, swept away by a huge explosion, bounced far away.

The skin exposed to the heat had melted, and bright red blood flowed from the eyes, nose, mouth, and ears as if the inside had been shaken by the shock.

“Kheuk! haha.”

However, Yooseong did not die.

Staggering, he got up from his seat and leaned against the wall as he moved forward.

“Where are you running away!”

“Cooler, Cooler!”

“Ka, Cain! together… … .”

The red-haired man, who noticed a meteor going round the corner through the black smoke, left his comrades behind and ran with all his might.

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Judging from his wounds, he would die anyway if left alone, but he couldn’t let the man who killed his comrade die in peace.

will definitely come alive

He will surely bring them back to life, torment them until they regret not dying with their own abilities, and then kill them.

Thinking so, the red-haired man who turned the corner forgot his anger for a moment at the unexpected sight and let out a stupid sound.

“… … uh?”

What he saw wasn’t a test object crawling towards the other side or falling unconscious.

It was a test subject striking down an ax precisely at the timing of his turning the corner.

“Who is running away?”

A purple flash fell on the psychic’s head.

this is not a game

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