The death squad that wants to escape from the demon realm

Even if he rubbed his eyes and checked again to see if he had seen anything wrong, the contents of the message did not change.

“Such a dog… … .”

Yooseong, who unknowingly spat out swear words, took off his goggles and touched his eyes.

A death squad that wants to escape from the demon realm.

The historical A+ grade quest that existed since I first became a user came out as a special quest.

‘Should I just pass it on?’

It’s not compulsory anyway, and there’s no penalty for not doing it.

However, it bothered me that it was a special quest.

Clearing special quests doesn’t give you particularly more rewards, but you can get what the user needs most.

In the [Twisted World] quest, he was able to fill the lack of attack power by obtaining both arms of Tyrant. In the [Encroaching City] quest, we were able to secure an astronomical budget to create and remodel androids and dragonias by improving the sound dimension virus into an ability awakening potion.

It was clear that the reward from the [24 members who want to escape from the Pandemonium] quest was also what he needed the most at the moment.


Yoosung sighed and put on his goggles again and began to scan the contents.

The story is the same as when I checked it before, but the rewards have become quite poor.

The number of Mana Stones, Demon Hearts, and items were significantly reduced, and the Demon King’s Core Pieces in the additional rewards were replaced with an item called Shadow King’s Shoes.

“Did the reward change as the number of survivors decreased? Less reward means less difficulty, so it’s not a bad thing. It takes civilization level… … .”


It is an overwhelming number that is incomparable to any level of civilization in the world that has been seen so far.

“What kind of world is the world where the civilization level is over 2?”

Earth’s civilization rating for handling nuclear energy and sending probes into space is 0.76.

However, there is a world where the level of civilization exceeds 1 by building a magical civilization with magic even though the science power is lower than that of Earth.

There are also worlds where the level of civilization is set high because there are strong people who have enough power to face the world alone even without proper civilization or technology.

I couldn’t even imagine what the world of [24 members who want to escape from the Pandemonium] would look like.


I had no choice anyway.

After purchasing the re-challenge ticket and completing the inspection of the subspace, Yooseong took a deep breath and chose the quest.

[‘The 24 people who want to escape from the Pandemonium’ begins.]

[Activate the Deus Ex Machina program.]

[Dimensional coordinates specified and connection of Ariadne’s thread completed.]

[Spirit moves.]

* * *

Big aaa!



“Walter! shit! Nathan! Help Walter!”

“Kuh! How can I help you in this situation!”

Cries and people’s desperate cries were heard from all directions.

Yooseong didn’t panic and calmly scanned the surroundings to assess the situation.

‘If you see something dark in the forest, is it night? A total of four people, including me, are being attacked by a large number of monsters. Seeing that he is holding a wand, is the client a wizard?’

“Marcus! Is it yet?!”

The blonde beauty, who was blocking the onslaught of monsters resembling orcs, exclaimed in a desperate voice.

Currently, there are three men and one woman, including herself.

Since the names of the two men are Walter and Nathan from earlier, the name Marcus must have been a reference to himself.

‘Looks like he was casting magic.’

Looking at the irregular flow of magical power, it was clear that he was trying to cast some kind of magic, but it seemed to be canceled as he possessed it.

Once synchronization is complete, you can use magic again, but right now, thorny vines are the limit at most.

And while the thorny vines were excellent at impeding movement, their killing power was far from lacking.

‘Write an item.’

Yoosung made a quick decision.

If the people fighting the monsters were in the death squad, 20 million karma points would be lost for every death.

Defeating a monster by using a strange object out of the blue would be annoying having to explain everything to people, but it was better than losing 20 million karma points.


Yooseong first lifted his staff and lightly stamped the ground.

Then, dozens of thorny vines rose from the ground and began to bind the monsters’ ankles.

[Pay 10 karma points to pull out the K2 rifle (D).]

‘Only 10 points to pull out a rifle?’

Yooseong, who hesitated for a moment, came to his senses at the monster’s scream and shouted.

“Everybody get down!”

Sharp gunshots and 5.56mm rifle bullets lodged in the monster’s vitals.

However, even though the monster staggered, it did not collapse.

Even though the bullets were stuck in the exact same spot, all it did was scratch the leather.

[Pay 5 karma points to draw a 5.56mm armor magazine.]

[Pay 10 karma points to draw a 5.56mm special magazine.]

hey hey… … .

‘It looks like an orc, but what makes it so tough?’

Normal bullets didn’t even eat seeds, and he managed to catch one by pouring the whole special bullet developed to deal with monsters into armor-piercing bullets.

In the meantime, Yuseong, who saw other monsters escape from the restraints of the vines, threw down his staff and took out a plasma axe.



Even if it could withstand bullets, it could not withstand the high temperature and cutting power of abnormal plasma.

Yooseong, who had hit the ax in succession as if chopping firewood, cut off the last monster’s head before exhaling and turning around.

“Huh, is everyone okay?”

“… … .”

All three of them are looking at themselves with wary eyes.

At that moment, Yoosung felt a strong sense of incongruity.

The magician suddenly took out a weapon he had never seen before and slaughtered a monster, so he could be taken aback.

But that also has a degree.

No matter how suspicious it is, it’s a situation where your life has been saved.

But it’s not doubt or embarrassment, but wariness?



At the sudden remark, Yooseong looked at the blonde woman with blank eyes.

At that moment, the youthful wariness in the eyes of the people turned to hostility.


Second question.

Of course, Yooseong couldn’t say anything, and the hostility soon turned into a murder.

Yooseong instinctively realized that what the woman said was a password.

I don’t know why they suddenly asked for the password, but I knew at least that a dangerous situation would arise if I didn’t answer.

[Synchronization with ‘Marcus’ has been completed.]

[You can use ‘Marcus’ skill.]

Synchronization was completed at just the right timing.

Yooseong hurriedly spoke to Marcus before the woman’s mouth opened.

‘I know it’s embarrassing because your body suddenly moves on its own. I’ll explain everything later, so first answer the password… … .’

-There is nothing that can be informed to users.


At the absurd words I hadn’t even imagined, voices came out without my knowledge.

“This is the last one. Sun.”

“… … .”

Yoosung swallowed dry saliva and raised his mana.

I don’t know what the situation was, but it seemed good to avoid the seat for now.

The moment I was about to open the flashlight to enter the forest, a woman’s voice rang out.

“Trap activated. Marcus.”

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Jigsaw Jigsaw!


An intense shock swept through his body, and Yooseong, who was about to throw himself, slammed his head on the floor with a short scream.

My head is ringing and my vision is blurry.

People’s conversations could be heard in the distant consciousness.

“user… … right now… … kill… … .”

“only… … colleague… … Wizard… … .”

‘… … What the hell is this?’

There was no one who could answer Yuseong’s questions.

* * *

“Ugh… … .”

The first thing Yooseong felt when he came to his senses was frustration.

Nothing is seen, nothing is said.

I can’t even lift a finger when I try to move.

‘Did he not kill him?’

I thought it would definitely start again from the beginning, but I couldn’t even guess what was going on.

“Don’t move. If you move, I will kill you.”

familiar voice.

Yoosung stopped struggling as the voice told him to.

“Then I will remove the blindfold and gag. If you want to live, don’t be shy.”

The sight returned with a rustling sound.

A dark, narrow cave and a bonfire spreading heat.

And a man and a woman staring at him with murderous eyes.


-… … .

‘Marcus? No, Mr. Marcus? Can’t you hear me?’

-… … .

He desperately tried to speak with honorifics, but Marcus remained silent, and instead the woman in front of him pointed a dagger at him and spoke.

“If you try to do something strange, I will kill you. If you try to say something strange, I will kill you. Just answer what I ask. Do you understand?”

“I’m so embarrassed, but first, explain the situation… … .”

“I would have told you to only answer questions?”


The dagger in the woman’s hand drew a semicircle, and faint streams of blood flowed from her chest.

Yooseong swallowed dry saliva and answered as calmly as possible.

“… … understand.”

“Are you a user?”

“That’s right.”

“When did you enter Marcus’s body?”

“I came in while fighting monsters.”

While answering the woman’s question, Yoosung desperately thought about it.

People who immediately asked for a password when they took out items from another world.

A trap that activates the moment you speak.

Before explaining the situation, Marcus took out the word user and said there was nothing he could tell you.

There was only one answer that could be derived from this situation.

‘They have met users before.’

Seeing how hostile they are, they obviously didn’t meet on a good note.

It was clear that they met not just once, but many times.

Looking at the process of requesting passwords and activating traps, they seemed to understand to some extent what kind of users they were.

“listen carefully. I will torture you from now on. If you don’t want to get sick, give up the quest right now and return to your world.”

‘You even know the right to give up the quest?’

Yoosung’s eyes twitched.


They knew very well about users and were vigilant.

In a fleeting moment, Yooseong rolled his head and found the only answer to get out of the current situation.

“I don’t know which user I met, but I am not the user you met. It’s my first time in this world and it’s my first time meeting you guys.”


“Keugh… … .”

“I would have told you to only answer questions.”

A dagger was embedded in his shoulder blade.

A burning pain rushed in, but Yooseong didn’t stop and continued to speak.

“I am here to help you.”

“under! You’re here to help us? user? How shameless!”

A madness beyond life flashed in the woman’s eyes.

Sensing a life-threatening crisis, Yuseong quickly exclaimed before she swung the dagger.

“I have a way to prove my innocence!”


The dagger in the woman’s hand was lodged in her chest.

this is not a game

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