This is not mechanical ascension.

Chapter 115: The Vault, a wave of fat

[As I write this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network→𝘵𝘸𝘬𝘢𝘯.𝘤𝘰𝘮]

"General, have you gained anything?" Zhu Yunshen came to Fu Zongchen's office and asked. Ren Cangsong sighed: "There are no clues. Everyone seems to have no problem."

Zhu Yunshen hesitated and said: "The chairman and committee members have ordered that they must be released no later than tomorrow afternoon."

"I understand." Ren Cangsong rubbed the center of his brows, having never felt so troubled before.

There were almost no clues, no weapons, no ballistic trajectories, no suspects, no way forward.

Zhu Yunshen hesitated for a moment and talked about his gains in the afternoon.

"What they told you, they also told me, the ability to change the trajectory of bullets, or even let bullets pass through obstacles out of thin air is not impossible." Ren Cangsong was helpless: "But people like that are extremely rare, and there are not many in the Etlan civilization. indivual."

"By the way, there's one more thing." Zhu Yunshen added again: "Li Ming's father was the former Privy Council deacon - the man who assassinated the organization "Fierce Dragon" under Han Ce."

"And Fu Zongchen maintained a team called "Jin" and was killing the "Fierce Dragons". His father was killed by Jin."

Um? Ren Cangsong suddenly raised his head with sharp eyes: "You didn't tell me earlier!"

Zhu Yunshen smiled helplessly: "You don't really doubt Li Ming, do you?"

"He was definitely not the one who did it." Ren Cangsong shook his head: "Maybe he provided some help."

"Jin's commander-in-chief has died to save Li Ming." Zhu Yunshen thought of this and felt that it was nonsense.

Ren Cangsong didn't expect that there were so many things involved, so he looked into it carefully and frowned slightly: "This Wang Yan was probably killed by Li Ming."

"Yes, but Fu Zongchen has accepted this conclusion, and the body has not been traced." Zhu Yunshen nodded: "Theoretically, it can be regarded as revenge."

"That Xiaolong..." Ren Cangsong asked again.

"It's unlikely to be them. They have been hunted for five or six years, and it's not like they haven't organized a counterattack. They suffered heavy casualties." Zhu Yunshen shook his head.

"It's broken again?" Ren Cangsong felt inexplicably irritated.

The man who killed Fu Zongchen might be laughing maniacally at their devastated state.

"You don't have to worry, the other party's target is only Fu Zongchen." Zhu Yunshen was relieved. Ren Cangsong cursed a few times in a low voice and handed a cigar from the table.

"Try it, Li Ming left it for me."

Zhu Yunshen frowned, took it obediently, lit it, blew out a smoke ring, looked around the office, and sighed slightly:

"I didn't expect that Fu Zongchen died so suddenly. I'm still in a daze."

"Have you searched this room?" Zhu Yunshen asked.

"Not yet, now is not the time to care about this. No matter how many things Fu Zongchen leaves behind, it has nothing to do with us." Ren Cangsong warned slightly.

"I understand." Zhu Yunshen nodded, his eyes falling on the armored cabin on the side of the wall, "But, what should I do with this thing?"

Seeing the armored cabin, Ren Cangsong also had a headache. "We can only send it back. I wonder how the Baijiang prince will react when he learns about this."

"It's a pity that the grand plan for hegemony came to nothing." Zhu Yunshen walked to the armored cabin.

Bang! Bang!

He reached out and patted the side of the armored cabin, sighing in his heart, a few hours ago, Fu Zongchen had just taken office as a committee member and received a congratulatory gift from the Prince of Baijiang. How glorious it was.

But that bullet ended everything. As one of the witnesses, Zhu Yunshen still had lingering fears.

However, the sigh in his heart was still lingering, and he felt something strange inexplicably. His face was slightly condensed, and he looked up and down at the armored cabin. He felt that the sound and feel were not right.

Not only him, but Ren Cangsong also noticed this. The two looked at each other, both with a bad feeling.

Zhu Yunshen tried to pat it again, and even shook it, only to hear a "dang" sound, something fell down.

Zhu Yunshen picked up the metal block from the ground, his expression became more solemn. Ren Cangsong turned the armored cabin around, his expression suddenly changed.

There was a small dark hole in it.

Ren Cangsong had already sensed something. He pulled at the small hole with both hands and exerted force suddenly. With an unpleasant squeaking sound, the entire metal armor cabin was torn apart from the center.

But there was nothing in it.

"Where's the thing!?" Zhu Yunshen turned pale in horror. He felt his scalp was exploding. Something seemed to be lurking in the shadows around him, waiting for an opportunity. His whole body was shrouded in cold.

Ren Cangsong's face turned pale and he quickly recalled that everyone had entered this room this afternoon.

Only Li Ming has been alone, no...he has nothing on him, and there is no place to hide such a large armor.

"The period before I came was completely blank. Everyone had a chance." Ren Cangsong's cheeks twitched, which was simply a naked provocation.

He was killed, his armor was stolen, and he was treated like nothing.

Treat the blue star as if it were nothing!

"After the armored cabin was displayed, everyone was in the hall and didn't go anywhere, except for a few staff members." Zhu Yunshen quickly added relevant information:

"This is a high-end villa area. There are no blind spots for external surveillance. Anyone who has been in or out of here will be known immediately." Zhu Yunshen reacted quickly.

"Call everyone out and have everything on their bodies tested one by one!" Ren Cangsong suppressed his anger.

"But..." Zhu Yunshen hesitated, doing this was a bit too offending.

When Fu Zongchen first died, they could understand that he acted in a hurry and blocked everyone, but now...

"If anything happens, I'll take care of it!" Ren Cangsong said in a deep voice.

Having said that, they certainly don’t dare to vent their anger on you, and it’s me who will suffer.

Zhu Yunshen was helpless, but in this situation he did not dare to refute and left in a hurry.

Everyone in the room was pulled out and immediately became furious when they learned that every item they brought with them would be checked and even their bodies searched.

He clamored to fight Zhu Yunshen until death!

In the end, it was Ren Cangsong who came forward to comfort him. At the end of the test, nothing was found.

Zhu Yunshen's surveillance investigation was also fruitless. They checked the nearby surveillance cameras more than a dozen times, but still couldn't find any suspicious clues.

If it’s not someone from the outside, it’s someone from the inside.

But the people inside couldn't find anything either and fell into a dead end.

How could such a large piece of armor disappear out of thin air!

"If you make me angry, you will torture them one by one to extract confessions!" Ren Cangsong was already extremely anxious and roared repeatedly: "The Etlan civilization is not one with psychic abilities, let them come, let them come!"

"Calm down, you must calm down." Zhu Yunshen's eyelids jumped and he hurriedly comforted him.

No one present was easy to get along with. Even Li Ming, who seemed to be born as a commoner, had a crazy teacher and an unbreakable golden body of public opinion.

Who doesn't have some dark secrets in their hearts? If they really want to ask Islamic civilization to take action and call in people with psychic abilities to check their memories, the impact of this group of people's troubles may be even more terrifying than Fu Zongchen's death.

Looking through memories is not without any cost. The sequelae of memory loss and personality distortion are all mild.

More importantly, as one of the on-site personnel, he may also be investigated.

Of course Ren Cangsong knew it was impossible, so he just vented his anger.

He took a deep breath and said, "You keep an eye here while I go out and report to several chairmen and committee members face to face."

Zhu Yunshen nodded. This place was surrounded by three layers inside and three layers outside. It was impossible for a fly to fly out.

"Leaving?" In the room downstairs, Li Ming felt that Ren Cangsong had left the sensing range, and the positioning coverage range was one thousand meters.

Far beyond Fu Zongchen's villa.

"What are you doing? Reporting? Or looking for someone?" Li Ming pondered. He had just pulled them out to check one by one, probably because Ren Cangsong had already discovered the empty armored cabin.

Looking at the other person's face, Li Ming knew that he was very angry.

"Now is a good opportunity. I'm afraid I'll be in trouble if I try to come in again after I leave here." Li Ming calculated and waited for another ten minutes, but there was no sign of Ren Cangsong coming back.

He no longer hesitated, stepped on the bedside, looked at the ceiling, and secretly assessed the position.

"The secret room should be behind Fu Zongchen's office. The gap between the left and right should be three meters..."

Turning on [Intelligent Assistance], Li Ming compared it bit by bit.

Finally, a rough area was delineated, and a piece of the ceiling was pried off to reveal the concrete and steel structure behind it.

After a slight hesitation, he moved now. The traces left behind would be difficult to clean, and a certain risk would be required.

"Fu Zongchen, after being an official for so many years, don't let me down."

He made up his mind, then took out the ion sword, slowly stretched it in, and the concrete was cut neatly like tofu cubes.

Soon, Li Ming felt the barrier, "It should be the alloy part."

He turned it carefully and cut it into a square, then held it firmly and pulled out the rectangular concrete block. Behind it was a silver-white alloy wall.

This alloy wall is so hard that it cannot be cut directly by an ion sword and needs to be sharpened slowly.

Li Ming stretched out his fingers and began to absorb, "cut" out a hole, jumped in, and then his breathing stagnated slightly.

This is not a secret room, more accurately, it should be a vault. He is in a corner.

The vault is not big, only about four or five square meters, but the alloy cabinets on the wall are filled with various interstellar precious metals, row after row.

"Yujin, amethyst, Kasakul sand gold, gold, platinum and diamond crystal, obedient..." Li Ming's eyes were filled with heat.

Fu Zongchen's role as Privy Council Deacon really didn't go to waste.

He was pressed for time, so he picked up a piece of interstellar precious metal and began to absorb it.

With expectation and anxiety, Li Ming has been praying that Ren Cangsong must not come back so soon.

But fortunately, until five o'clock in the morning, Ren Cangsong showed no sign of coming back.

And all the metal energy in the entire vault was devoured by him.

"Fifty-two thousand points, what a wave of fat." Li Ming's throat trembled. Adding the rest, the overall metal energy has passed the 600,000 mark.

He guessed that this should only be part of Fu Zongchen's assets.

There are probably more in his personal accounts, as well as physical assets and investments, but he has no hope of getting involved with them.

Before he had time to think about it carefully, he basically swept away the entire vault, leaving some inconspicuous weapons, and the control was a waste of metal energy.

As well as some materials, pictures, etc., Li Ming also took photos and kept them.

In order to ensure that there would be no accidents, he chose to snipe Fu Zongchen at close range, which was risky.

But neither the suit of armor nor the vault made him regret it. He could upgrade it severely when he went back.

The only trouble is that the traces of his arrival here cannot be eliminated.

Li Ming looked down at the hole. Even if he blocked it with an alloy block, the traces were extremely clear. If he looked carefully, he could easily locate the target.

However, this adventure is definitely worth it. Even if he is discovered, he will have to pretend to be stupid.

There is no other evidence, and with his current golden body, there is a high probability that there will be nothing.

"However, it is better not to be discovered." He thought, and his frown suddenly relaxed.

"If you want to hide subtle traces, of course you have to create bigger traces." He grinned, changed to [Thunder Burning Equipment Ball] to enhance the control of fire elements, and then stretched out his hand, and the blazing flames gushed out in an instant.

The alloy used in the safe is very hard, but the cabinets for storing things are much worse. After more than ten minutes, they have turned into iron slurry.

Li Ming opened holes of the same size in the entire safe, and did the same with the concrete behind, and then poured iron slurry to seal it, including the small hole when he came.

He also dug some concrete from the side, smashed it into powder, mixed it with water, and applied it on both sides of the concrete block, and finally filled it with concrete blocks and covered the ceiling.

Except for the slightly higher temperature in the room, almost nothing else can be seen.

Of course, he didn't expect to really erase all traces, as long as he delayed long enough.

And until dawn, Ren Cangsong didn't come back. At seven o'clock in the morning, the officials started to quarrel again and must leave here.

For these people, the longer they lose contact with the outside world, the more uneasy they feel.

"Fuck, did you feel it last night? It was inexplicably hot. I don't know what happened." Qi Xing shouted as soon as he opened the door.

"I felt it. I was curious too." Li Ming secondly agreed.

"I didn't feel anything." Rosser shook his head. His room was a little further away.

Ren Cangsong never came back, and no one knew what happened.

Without Ren Cangsong's support, Zhu Yunshen couldn't stop the questioning of these officials.

After holding on until nine o'clock, the news finally came. Zhu Yunshen was shocked, relieved, and forced a smile: "Everyone, you can leave."

Unexpectedly, no one at the scene moved. They looked at each other with subtle eyes.

Qi Zhan spoke first: "After leaving here, I don't want anyone to come to me because of Fu Zongchen's death."

"That's right." Others echoed.

"I can't guarantee this either." Zhu Yunshen said helplessly: "The truth about Commissioner Fu's death must be found out."

"Since there is no guarantee, let's stay here until the truth is found out."

Zhu Yunshen asked them to leave, but they were not in a hurry. They found a place to sit down and started chatting.

Qi Xing was dumbfounded.

This group of bastards! Zhu Yunshen's eyebrows jumped. They are all smart people, and they still want to mix in the political arena of Blue Star.

After going out, if someone uses today's incident to attack them and claims that they participated in the assassination of Fu Zongchen, it will be a big trouble. This kind of trouble must be eliminated.

"What a group of old foxes." Li Ming's eyes were strange, "But it seems to be good this way."

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