The family rules of the Xiwang Mansion are strict and the children of the family are well educated. Lu Bei and Hu San tried their best to intimidate Zhu Qiming, but they were unable to pry Zhu Qiming's mouth open and get her to confess the mastermind of the assassination.

Fortunately, the problem is not big, it is just a frame-up. Emperor Xuanyinsi authorized it, and this is what he eats.

Hu San found Zhu Qiming's handwriting from nowhere, copied it on the spot and wrote down the charges, identifying the mastermind as the Western King Zhu Qike. Not only that, the Xiwang Mansion has another plan to rebel. It has been planned for many years, and it also wants to bring the Tianjian Sect next door into the water.

After finishing writing, Hu San pressed Zhu Qiming's hand, leaving a bright red fingerprint.

"It's done!"

Hu San nodded with satisfaction: "Such a crime is enough to break both legs of Prince Xi's Mansion."

"Write another one just in case."

Lu Bei offered advice: "Keep one part and put the other on me."

"What do you mean, you want to go to Xianzhou alone?" Hu San was extremely surprised.

"Otherwise, will I hold you back?"

Lu Bei was even more surprised: "You and I are brothers, why will you refuse to let me go even to death?"

These words made Hu San very angry. Of course he knew that he could not provide assistance to Lu Bei in terms of force, but he had the brains and the strength with many people. He accompanied him to Xianzhou, and he could mobilize the power of Xuanyin Division to assist him. Lu Bei is successful.

Lest Lu Bei not know the importance and really force the Xiwang Mansion to rebel.

At that time, the emperor would certainly be happy, but due to pressure from the clan, their official positions as Purple Guards would come to an end.

If you lose your official position, how will you make money in the future?

Hu San hummed and spoke in a low language, and wrote another letter of incrimination, pressing Zhu Qiming's fingerprints on it. The latter refused to obey, and because his soul was severely damaged, he could only watch as he "personally" confessed to the West Prince's Mansion for treason.

"By the way, we don't need any incriminating evidence such as the imperial robe or jade seal this time. If so, we unearthed several authentic items in the Dongwang Mansion some time ago."

"Then the relationship is good, the more evidence there is, the better." Lu Bei nodded happily.

Seeing this lawless scene, Zhu Qiming was horrified. She was shocked by how blatant Fox Three and Fox Four were, and even more shocked by how experienced and skilled they were.

It turns out that this is the true face of the black yamen, and the purple guards in Xianzhou are much kinder than the two of them.

"You two are lawless and unscrupulous in framing meritorious ministers. Aren't you afraid that one day the truth will be revealed and the court will question you?"

"What does frame-up mean? Second brother, please explain to me."

"Brother is joking, we brothers will not do anything illegal."

"Yes, our Xuanyin Division is a good yamen that pays attention to evidence. We will never wrongly accuse a good person, and we will never tolerate a traitor."

"That's right. Who believes that we framed a meritorious minister?"

"Hahaha——" x2

Dog officer!

Zhu Qiming closed his eyes, feeling worthless for Wu Zhou's power, and strongly doubted whether the royal family's rule could last for thousands of years.

As for Lu Bei, after reviewing the files of the West Palace, I discussed it with Hu San for a long time. One of them was full of bad ideas, and the other looked down upon the Son of Man. They quickly decided on the amount of mental damages and a series of claims for grievances. step.

When Lu Bei went to Xianzhou, Hu San contacted his boss Yu Tao and took a two-pronged approach. The first purpose is to make money. If knocking on the bones and sucking out the marrow fails, the next best thing is to give the Xiwang Mansion a hard blow and let others see that the two purple guards in Ningzhou are not the masters at the mercy of others. Think carefully before touching them. own ability.

Lu Bei said yes and added another plan to the plan.

After all, plans are not as good as changes, and it is understandable that there will be some surprises in the middle.



The western part of Wuzhou is adjacent to Luzhou, and further to the west is the great country of Qi and Yan.

There are two thousand troops stationed in the fortified city of Xiwang County, and there are 800 private soldiers of the Xiwang Palace. The two gates guard the Xiwang Palace and are impregnable. In addition, the local cultivation mountain gate is dispatched by the Xiwang Palace, and the intensity of the guard is far beyond the surface.

But in terms of majesty and wealth, the West Prince's Palace is not worthy of carrying shoes to the East Prince's Palace. In terms of arrogance and domineering, the descendants of the Xiwang's family are also unmatched.

The Xiwang Mansion has great prestige in Xiwang County. Naturally, it cannot be done with great fanfare when attacking this place.

Moreover, there are three purple guards in Xianzhou who are in charge of dispatching. Lubei is a cross-district law enforcement, so they may not betray his face. There are no soldiers at hand, so it is impossible to make a big splash.

This trip is destined to be low-key.

Bang! ! !

In front of the West Prince's Mansion, the soldiers heard a loud noise, and then dust rose into the sky and large pieces of gravel flew into the sky.

The grand formation in the mansion was activated, and after the dust dispersed, a large pit appeared in the open space in front of the mansion, and the neatly laid out stone slabs were in a mess.

A soldier with sharp eyes noticed that the woman in black in the big pit looked familiar. He looked at her carefully and immediately ate a mouthful of dust.

"It's Your Highness!"

"Come quickly, His Highness is injured!"

"What happened?"

After a brief confusion, the soldiers stepped forward quickly, but before they could get closer, another black shadow fell from the sky and smashed the stone slabs with a thud.

The visitor was wearing a brocade-patterned official robe, a gold belt, a purple guard token, purple silk cuffs, and a royal sword across his back.

Xuanyin Si Ziwei pretends to be in disguise, but...

The soldiers stared blankly, confused for a moment. They had seen the three purple guards from Xianzhou Xuanyin Division and had dinner with their own prince. Not only did this one look strange, but he also acted like a thief.

You are a purple guard who is also a corrupt and corrupt official. Why do you cover your face with a black cloth in broad daylight and do not want to show your true face?

"Whoever is coming, tell me your name quickly!"

The leading sergeant noticed that the situation was not good and drew his sword with a clang.

"Ningzhou Purple Guard Lu Bei came to pay a visit to the King of the West."

Under the eyes of all the soldiers, Lu Bei raised his foot and stepped on Zhu Qiming's back, drawing out two ounces of blood: "This is Lu's salute. If it is convenient, please accept the gift in person."

"Quickly report to the prince and tell him not to come out."

Zhu Qiming shouted loudly, and then his vest was hit hard, and another mouthful of blood spurted out.

"How many times have I told you not to talk because my cousin is so seriously injured? If you don't listen, then she's vomiting blood again."

Lu Bei lowered his head and expressed concern, then glanced at the sergeant: "What are you still doing in a daze? Hurry and go and summon me. You are delaying my cousin's injury. You have ten heads and it's not enough to cut him off."


What the hell? Where did this cousin come from? Since when did the Xiwang Mansion have a relative like you? xN

"Don't listen..."


Zhu Qiming was vomiting blood and looked at the sergeant's back with grief and anger as he ran into the house.

In front of the West Prince's Mansion is Zhuque Street. The entire street is owned by the Zhu family. The commercial area is prosperous and people make money quickly, which soon attracts a large number of melon-eating people.

Different from those in front of the Dongwang Mansion, these people were somewhat unhappy while watching the excitement, and looked at Lu Bei with disgust. If it weren't for the fact that he was wearing a black yamen dog skin, green cabbage leaves would have flown past.

As for the rotten eggs…

TV dramas are all lies. Whoever has nothing to do will carry a few rotten eggs in his sleeves all day long. Wouldn’t it taste good if you boil them before they become smelly?

After a while, surrounded by guards, a middle-aged man in black robe walked out quickly.

He has a high nose, phoenix eyes that look powerful, and he has a good appearance.

King of the West, Zhu Qike.

This is what royal relatives should look like. The Zhu family was originally a cultivating family, and they have been in power for eight hundred years. They have reproduced and matched each other through generations with excellent genes, and their parents have a strong foundation and cannot give birth to ugly children.

Even the Dongwang Pig family is a potential stock per capita. If you lose weight, it will be like cake for a man and lipstick for a woman, no matter how bad it is.

Yin Hong's eyes stung, and he saw clearly the eldest sister Zhu Qiming who was lying on the ground. Zhu Qike narrowed his eyes slightly to hide the murderous intent in his eyes, and shouted at the soldiers around him angrily: "What are you doing standing still? The princess is seriously injured, why don't you kill her quickly?" Please come into the mansion."

After saying that, he did not give Lu Bei a chance to speak. He clasped his fists and thanked: "It turns out that this is Lu Ziwei of Ningzhou. He was not welcomed from afar. Your Excellency saw an injustice on the road and drew his sword to help. He saved my eldest sister in danger. Please come into the house quickly, my king." I will definitely thank you very much.”

"The prince has admitted the wrong person. She is not a princess."

Lu Bei waved his hand and whipped up a strong wind, overturning the soldiers who came to rescue him: "This beast went as far as Ningzhou to assassinate Lu. However, it was defeated by Lu's superior skills and was beaten half to death by me on the spot. After that, he was tortured and interrogated to find out who the mastermind was. Zhu Qike of the West Prince's Mansion. I firmly don't believe what kind of person the prince is, so I specially brought the person here to confront the prince. As long as the prince says a word, she will be splashed with blood today."

Speaking of this, Lu Bei slowly drew out his royal sword, hung it over Zhu Qiming's head, and said meaningfully: "This sword is given by His Majesty, even relatives of the emperor can be killed first and then killed. Let alone a fake princess, she is a genuine titled county." Lord, Lu can also kill her."

Zhu Qike looked ugly and said in a deep voice: "Lu Ziwei is joking. The princess's goods are genuine. The title is given by His Majesty himself. How can it be fake?"

"Oh, so this is really the prince's eldest sister, not a killer pretending to be the princess?" Lu Bei said in surprise.

"Of course it's true."

"Then the prince is in trouble!"

Lu Bei took out the incriminating document, raised his hand above his head, and said loudly: "The confession was written by the princess herself. It states that the prince assassinated the imperial official and had an attempt to rebel and overthrow the Wu Zhou Sheji. Prince, you see clearly, this is the county Authentic signature and seal of the Lord.”

After hearing this, the onlookers calmed down instantly and stuffed the green vegetable leaves they just bought into their mouths before throwing them out.

Among them, several people slowly retreated behind the crowd, went their separate ways, and went back to their homes to report intelligence.

Zhu Qike was stunned for a moment, and then laughed loudly: "Lu Ziwei, please don't scare me. There must be some misunderstanding. The princess has been missing for several days. I searched all over Xianzhou but couldn't find it. But according to what I found, , the disappearance of the princess is related to the demon cultivator, and what happened after that... It is inconvenient to say more here, and I will allow the king to thank Lu Ziwei for saving his life."

On the ground, Zhu Qiming, who had taken a few breaths, struggled to speak: "Yes, I was possessed..."


In full view of everyone, Lu Bei retracted his foot like a normal person, and with concern, put the edge of the knife on the back of Zhu Qiming's neck: "Cousin, don't talk if you are seriously injured. Look at you, you almost hit the edge of the knife."

On the opposite side, Zhu Qike was so angry that he was trembling all over. He gritted his teeth and said word by word: "The princess is so noble and extraordinary. Why should she be lynched before the coffin is sealed? On the contrary, it's you who covers your head and face so that you don't show your true face. The king would like to ask if you are really the Purple Guard of Ningzhou!"

"In my opinion, it shouldn't be."

From Prince Xi's Mansion, a man wearing purple guard clothes walked out and looked at Lu Bei: "Who are you? You are so brave, how dare you pretend to be a soldier of the Emperor!"

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