This is what cultivating immortals is like

Chapter 349 The army presses the territory


Wang Yan snorted coldly: "The Iron Sword Alliance is certainly strong, and the Huangji Sect is not a show-off. Moreover, there is more than one Huangji Sect in Wuzhou, and there is also the mountain of the royal family pressing down on him. Qingqian was not Wuzhou's opponent before, and he is even less likely now." possible."

The other people nodded, trying to trick them into surrendering, but there was no way.

As conservatives in the Tianjian Sect, the seven sword cultivators did not have a crush on Wu Zhou, but simply hated Qing Qian. They felt that there was no future for rebellion when they were in a bad situation.

Tianjian Sect is the Tianjian Sect that abandons the scriptures. The disciples, disciples and grandsons only respect this sect leader, and it is definitely not Qingqian's Tianjian Sect. The remnants of the Qing Dynasty are daydreaming about the restoration of the country. Okay, please go elsewhere and don't let the Tianjian Sect go into trouble.

The seven people also believed that Qing Gan could control the Nine Swords Elders, but he could not control all the Iron Sword Alliance sword cultivating sects, and the conspiracy behind it could not be revealed. Once the showdown occurred, a large number of Iron Sword Alliance sword cultivating sects would withdraw.

Not only that, many low-level disciples of Tianjian Sect also knew nothing about this matter, and the methods of Qinggan remnants were despicable.

"You guys underestimate us Qinggan too much. You don't know that long before the country was destroyed, the late emperor left the capital to restore the country. Have you heard of the Dragon Trap Formation? A year ago..."

Lu Bei's speech helped several people stick to their beliefs and strengthened their determination as conservatives.

The effect was amazing. After hearing the effect of the Dragon Trap Array, the seven sword cultivators angrily scolded Qing Qian for his evil deeds that cut off the foundation of his practice. At the same time, they looked coldly at Lu Bei. After he recovered from his injuries, they surrounded him without saying a word. .

Even if you can't beat him, it's still good to splatter him with blood.

"Don't worry, Lin will be on call. Seniors, you can see me anytime you want, but before that you have to eat enough to have the strength to be beaten." Lu Bei opened a banquet and invited seven people to sit down.

Maybe it was because Lian Lin's feast yesterday had lowered the vigilance of a few people, or maybe it was because of the principle of not taking advantage of the bastards, they accepted everyone who came today, and they ate as much as Lu Bei served.

Lian Lin's eyebrows stood up in anger, he cursed that the enemy was right next to him, and at the same time activated double speed, fearing that he would eat less.

After having enough wine and food, Wang Yan raised his hand to lift the table and was the first to rush towards Lu Bei.

The next second, he flew back at an even faster speed and was buried in the col of the small world with a bang.


The sword formation soared into the sky, and the sword light spread across the small world, killing through the foundation to reveal black and white.

The seven people came clearly prepared. Instead of fighting alone yesterday, they joined forces to set up a killing formation. They concentrated all their efforts on Lian Lin, so that his magic power increased dozens of times, and his sword intention exceeded the limit, reaching the level of It reached the highest point that the sword body could bear.


Being abused again.

Facing the immortal sword intent, the combined sword intent of the seven people is useless. A younger brother is a younger brother, no matter how hard he is strengthened, he is still a younger brother.

This is the suppression of the food chain, dooming them to never be able to stand up again.

After three consecutive defeats, Wang Yan and others were disheartened and silently returned to the single room to lie down. Lian Lin, who had the best appetite, did the same. He grabbed a goose leg and tasted like chewing wax. Before Lu Bei could seal her, he asked for another Had a whole roast goose.

There is no other meaning, just turn grief and anger into appetite.

After the seal was completed, Lu Bei left Tieshan Prison, Xiaobai's face was filled with worry.

Let’s not talk about killing the same monster. The experience of defeating it is not static. It must be based on the opponent’s realm and current status.

There are only a few swordsmen like Zhan Lexian who have always had high morale. Most people, such as Wang Yan and the others, experience a series of misfortunes every day. The low morale and changes lead to an extremely poor state, which also weakens the experience of determining defeat.

How to improve the fighting spirit of several people is a problem faced by Lu Bei.

Lian Lin was okay. He had two open-heart surgeries every day, each time in a life-threatening manner. There were only six left...

"How about we also perform surgery on them?"

Lu Bei raised his eyebrows, not to mention, it was really possible.

Double Mysterious Treasure Map!

"Isn't that too bad? Lu is not that kind of person!"

"That's not necessarily true. The bad one is Qing Gan Lin. What does it have to do with me, Wu Zhou Lu? If they don't stand up tomorrow, I will tell them when they wake up that the operation was successful."

Lu Bei clapped his hands and praised his wit. Time waits for no one. He opened the Shuangxuan Treasure Map and walked into it. He came to the single room where Mei Wangsu and Wen Bubei were imprisoned.

I haven't talked to them for a while. Today I will gain experience and practice with the master and apprentice. I will try the possibility of transformation during the integration period and strive to maximize my proficiency in the shortest possible time.

There is also Mei Wangsu's physical body, which is progressing too slowly. If he doesn't refine the clone, this trump card will not be able to keep up with the speed of his cultivation.

In the afternoon, Lu Bei, who had been busy all day, came to the camp and contracted the original residence of Lingxiao Sword Sect through double reasoning.

This is a geomantic treasure land. After Sima Buzheng led the team away, sword cultivators from Mei Wangsu's lineage came to station. Without Qin Bupo and Cheng Buque, it did not affect them in the slightest to continue to show off their power and claim to be the orthodox Lingxiao Sword Sect. This piece of land was occupied.

Facing Lu Bei's iron fist and verbal abuse, these people were no match for them. They rolled away and crawled away, saying they were looking for a patrol team to enforce the law.

There is an order to kill Lexian. The Iron Sword Alliance loves each other and is a family. Private fights are prohibited in Shuizeyuan. All disputes are limited to mouths and cannot be reduced to hands, let alone be upgraded to iron swords. Anyone who violates the rules will be sent out of the formation personally.

Lu Bei beat them today and violated Shui Zeyuan's taboo. Let's wait for Zhan Lexian to deal with him.

A group of bruised and bruised sword cultivators were so proud that they came to the patrol team to cry and complain. To be honest, they were very obedient and did not fight back when they were beaten.

Then there was no movement.

When the news reached Zhan Lexian's ears, he just pretended that nothing had happened. As long as the man named Lu didn't pester his daughter, he would harm anyone he liked. Without a word, he personally brought two of them to his door.

Ever since, the surrounding swordsmanship sects also knew that the pretty boy was not to be trifled with, and each team leader came up to chat with him with a smile, asking him what he wanted to do.

Lu Bei accidentally told the story of his brutal beating of Zhan Lexian, which aroused everyone's respect and fear. They wanted to make friends and hug him, but they were afraid that the gain of Zhan Lexian would not be worth the loss.

The tent was opened, and Zhan Hongqu hurriedly walked in. When he saw Lu Bei sitting cross-legged and meditating, he nodded secretly. He never forgets to practice. No wonder he has achieved today's achievements.

Lu Bei opened his sleepy eyes, squeezed, and said in surprise: "It's strange, it turns out that there is really a patrol team that upholds justice, and Lu just talks about it. Also, is Elder Zhan crazy? He actually sent you to talk to me." reason?"

"Father is not here, I steal..."

Zhan Hongqu had a straight face and changed his words: "Junior Brother Lu, I missed the appointment last night due to something unexpected, so I'm going to make it up now, but today I only have half an hour, so hurry up and follow me."

"No need, Lu already went there last night."


Lu Bei took out the token and shook it: "Thank you, Senior Sister Zhan. I appreciate your kindness. This is the token given by Elder Zhan. Our transaction ends here."

Zhan Hongqu was dumbfounded and looked at the token in Lu Bei's hand. Its value was zero, and he couldn't find any capital to negotiate business.

Kenshin: What did I say? I told you to be stubborn. Now it’s over. Your father has stolen your business!

"Senior Sister Zhan, it's getting late. You should go back quickly. I'm afraid Elder Zhan will misunderstand."

Lu Bei waved his hand and told Zhan Hongqu to leave quickly. There were many people and it was not suitable for a man and a woman to stay together in a secret room for five minutes, otherwise gossip would spread outside.


Zhan Hongqu opened his mouth and suddenly realized that Lu Bei refused on the surface but actually wanted more. He cautiously took a half step back and moved little by little outside the tent.

The reason why she moved slowly instead of leaving decisively was because Kenshin was trying to persuade her again.

It makes sense, Zhan Hongqu almost believed it.

"Wait a moment, Senior Sister Zhan, don't leave yet."

Lu Bei raised his hand to shout stop, stopping Zhan Hongqi, who was swaying at the door, and raised his brows: "What's going on with Elder Zhan? He was on good guard. Why did he suddenly let you out?"

"I have no idea."


Lu Bei rubbed the Immortal Sword Intent with his fingertips, tempting Zhan Hongqu to step forward step by step. When he got closer, he suddenly extinguished the white light and said solemnly: "To be honest, tell Lu without leaving a single word, I'm not joking with you." , there are a large number of Emperor Ji Sect forces entrenched outside Shuizeyuan, the situation is far more dangerous than you imagine, Elder Zhan is walking on thin ice everywhere, he can't even take care of his daughter, something big must have happened."

Zhan Hongqu frowned and felt that Lu Bei's words were reasonable, so he spoke quickly.

As she said before, she didn't know much. She only saw Zhan Lexian leaving angrily and walking very fast. As for where he went, even she, the daughter, didn't know, and she couldn't tell anyone if she asked.

"Is it possible that if you shout twice, he will appear?"


"forget it."

Lu Bei shrugged, flicked out a touch of immortal sword intent, raised it high, and Zhan Hongqu jumped to catch it.

There was not much sword intention, not enough to fill the gap between the teeth. As soon as she tasted a little bit of red yeast, the bottom part was gone. She asked Jian Xin sullenly if this was fishing.

Kenshin: You’re already hooked, and you’re still asking me?

After receiving the information, Lu Bei stood up and walked towards the outside of the camp. Zhan Hongqu followed quickly. When he saw that the direction he was going was the entrance of the Shuizeyuan Formation, he felt deep in thought.

"Senior Sister Zhan, you know that Lu has some connections in the Xuanyin Division and can find out what's going on with the Huangji Sect. If you are not one of my own, don't follow me." His intuition told Lu Bei that the Huangji Sect was taking action.

Although it was very unreasonable and seemed to force the Tianjian Sect to rebel, it seemed possible after considering the various outrageous operations that took place in Wu Zhou.

At the gate, Lu Bei frowned and stopped, looking at the empty formation portal, and raised his hand to push forward.

Five fingers touched the entity, and the portal of the formation disappeared.

There were many sword cultivators gathered around, and they also noticed that the situation was abnormal, and they were whispering at this moment.

Lu Bei turned his head and flew towards the west. There were underground waterways in the west of Shuizeyuan, and there were entrances and exits hidden underground. The Xuanyin Division's intelligence stated the exact location, and even the route was clearly marked.


The mist was vast and the lake was filled with mist, attracting a large number of sword cultivators to watch.

boom! ! !

The invisible barrier broke, and behind the clouds, a figure stood with a sword.

Kill Lexian.

"Everyone listens to the order, the Huangji Sect's army is approaching..."


The 5,000 monthly ticket event I participated in has been completed, and there will be three updates tomorrow.

Recommend this book: There is a huge problem with my achievement system

Author: Tianluo Leiguang

When you were six years old, after watching a martial arts movie, you put your hands into a pile of rice and imagined that you were practicing iron sand palm.

When you were seven years old, you were the first to greet a strange classmate in the new semester, and you felt that you were the diplomatic spokesperson of the class.

When you were eight years old, you could tell that your parents were coming home just by hearing footsteps, so you thought you had a good ear.

What will happen when the fantasy you had when you were a teenager becomes a reality?

Ji Ruo put his hands into the pile of rice——

[Congratulations to the host child for unlocking the martial arts achievement: Iron Palm Minenoshin! 】

[Acquired martial skill: Iron Sand Palm (first glimpse of the door)]

[Skill levels can be repeatedly acquired through activation. God rewards those who work hard. Host children, please work hard~]

Ji Ruo's mouth twitched, he felt that his achievement system was not normal.

After thinking about it, Ji Ruo picked up a small wooden stick and walked towards the rice field not far away.

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