This is what cultivating immortals is like

Chapter 356 Kill her while she is sick

Regardless of how attractive Lu Bei's pretty face is to the rich woman, let's just talk about Bu Zishi, the great elder of Huangji Sect. Like Zhu Wei, she was also defeated by Hu Er back then.

Moreover, she was even worse than Zhu Wei. Because of the same gender and extremely high standards and treatment, she was first teased by Fox Er and then beaten up by the Imperial Master.

Compared with the physical fists and kicks of the Imperial Master and Grand Tutor, Hu Er's teasing with hands and feet was mental torture, not very lethal, but extremely insulting, which left a deep shadow on the pace master.

As time passed, the shadow turned into hatred, and he almost became a demon. His cultivation level plummeted, and Liang Zi was finally settled.

With this relationship, Hu Si's pretty face will only become more and more annoying to watch.

Zhu Wei tried to reason, but failed to convince Lu Bei. He expressed his willingness to shake hands and make peace, and sent Lu Bei to the Mirror Center Stone Array in a tricky way.

The same cannot be said for Buzishi. Even if Zhu Can warns her first and takes the overall situation into consideration, she does not intend to let Lu Bei go easily.

It was impossible to tease her back, she was just close to being possessed, not crazy.

A great opportunity came to her, and she couldn't miss it. Back then, Hu Er almost made her become a demon. Today, she wanted Lu Bei to become a demon and become a complete demon.

After he loses his mind, let Xuanyin Division come out to hunt him down.

The plan has not yet been implemented, but just thinking about it makes Master Bu feel comfortable. If this happens, he will ascend to heaven where he is.

Just do it.

She struck down a charm with her backhand, tugging at Zhan Hongqu's heartstrings, making her irritable and irritable. When Lu Bei's words aroused her, she drew her sword towards him.

Unexpectedly, Lu Bei was more decisive than expected. Like Hu Er, there was no word of sympathy in his mind. He saw that Zhan Hongqu had an illusion in his body and raised his hand to kill him with one punch.

The prediction was wrong. The relationship between the two is pure and does not involve love between men and women.

On Lu Bei's side, he kept receiving reminders from his personal panel that charm attacks weakened his mental will, and he secretly cursed the elder of the Emperor's Sect for being insane.

We have all seen it, and Zhan Lexian can testify that it was the Grand Elder of the Huangji Sect who took the initiative to provoke him, and the undercover Xuanyin Division Ziwei of the Tianjian Sect tried to persuade him in vain, so he had to take up weapons to defend himself, and he had nothing to do with him, Lu from Ningzhou.

His spiritual thoughts dispersed and he was trapped in a huge disparity in realms. He could not find the hiding place of the pace master, so he opened up a small world and quickly occupied the surrounding dark areas.

A full moon hangs in the night sky, dotted with stars, and you can hear the waves of the vast sea in the distance.

Lu Bei closed his eyes and said nothing, knowing in his heart that his small world was illusory and insubstantial, and could not trap the power of the integration stage, which caused the moonlight in the sky to draw the white beam of light to fall to the earth.

The silver light is shining, and everything is covered with a layer of crystal white, just like the snow scene under the dark night, as beautiful as a painting.

Under the beautiful appearance, there is a ferocious immortal sword that cuts at high speed, interspersing the small world with crazy stirring. Whether it is grass or stone crevices, everything has been screened several times.

Thousands of meters away, a huge tree in the sky rippled through the space.

found it!

Lu Bei grinned, transformed into golden light, and came across the way. His sword and fist opened the way, slashing a shadow and exploding, shattering the giant tree at the moment, forcing the pace master to have nowhere to hide.

The shadow of the black robe blends into the void, so unreal that a breeze can blow it away.

The golden light approached very quickly and was close to him in the blink of an eye. The pacer raised his hand in front of him, and a black rune chain protruded from the sleeves of his robe, opening a solid wall curtain.

The next second.

The white light exploded, shattering the black curtain, and buried itself into the pacer's chest with a bang.

The black robe collapsed like soft mud. Lu Bei stood up with his fists closed and looked behind him with a sneer: "Grandma, you should take care of yourself at your age. Look, you are drooping to the ground."

The pacer did not respond. The belt with runes covered the window of her soul, and there was no joy or sorrow on her face. However, in another line of sight, the eyebrow corners of Fox Four and Fox Two suddenly overlapped, which made her feel angry.

Black rune chains opened under his feet, stretching for hundreds of miles around. A vast array was formed in an instant, cutting off the connection between the small world here and Lu Bei, and changing the owner for his own use.

The next second, there was a roaring sound, and thousands of stone tablets rose from the ground. The wordless tablets reflected ripples in the moonlight, and the dense ancient texts of Daxia disappeared in a flash.

Lu Bei's heart skipped a beat, and his intuition told him that there was something wrong with the grandmother across from him. He was too loud just now, and he should have called her "little sister."

The wordless stele movement evolved from the Nine Palaces and Bagua. One by one, layer by layer, a dragnet was instantly laid out. The countless and ever-changing formations made Lu Bei's scalp numb.

The quantity is a bit too much.

Boom! ! !

Over the small world, dark clouds emerged out of thin air, rolling and covering the full moon. Purple thunder suddenly struck down, making Lu Bei's forehead sink, and his innate sword body gained some experience.

He looked around intently and found that he was in a formation. He secretly thought of bad luck. He raised his hand and punched out a white beam of light, sweeping away hundreds of wordless stone tablets in front of him.

It's useless. The pace master sits deep in the center of the formation, deducing that the big formation will be endless. If you remove one of the small formations, a second one will be born. The solid monuments are also endless, and there is no possibility of clearing them all.

"It's a small skill, I really don't think you can do anything to Lu."

Lu Bei took a deep breath, took one step forward, and turned his body into a sword.

Golden light spread in all directions, weaving a golden net under the black curtain. Wherever it passed, whether it was a trapping formation, an illusion formation or a killing formation, they were all smashed to pieces.

In just one breath, the stone tablets all over the sky were shattered. The golden eyes locked on the pacemaker in the center of the formation. The eagle's claws were raised and he suddenly grabbed toward his face.


The sharp claws tore up a piece of black cloth, and the area around Lubei was empty. Thousands of solid monuments rumbled on the ground again.

In the distance, the black robe of the pace master who was moving the formation was split open, and a line of blood slowly slid down from his cheek.

The immortal sword intention is entrenched, and the scars are opened on the white flesh, which is difficult to heal on its own.

She was secretly shocked and couldn't believe for a moment that a mere Void Refining Realm could have such exaggerated magical abilities. Such people were extremely rare even in the Holy Land of the Human Race.

"Reincarnated immortals also have different qualifications. This person should be the top one..."

Thinking of the false information provided by the Presbyterian Institute, Master Buzi was angry. He had no idea that the information network of the Presbyterian Institute was fine and the analysis was reasonable. It was because Lu Bei updated too fast.

Boom! ! !

High in the sky, stars dotted the five divine beasts, and the brilliant brilliance released the beams of light. The five colors intertwined and fell in all directions, crushing the Nine Palaces and Bagua array, including the stone tablets, all crushed into powder.

The sealed small world returned to Lu Bei's control. Under the twisted void, two black foundations were revealed. Chains interspersed and converged into two huge palms, surrounding the pace master in the eye of the formation.

"The Five Elements, Yin and Yang, his little world..."

"What a huge ambition."

Was it intentional or just a coincidence?

The step master was deeply fearful and couldn't think too much about it. He waved his hand and rolled up his black robe. His figure quickly shrank and disappeared without a trace as the collapsed space.

"You've come here, but you don't want to leave even if you don't leave an arm or two behind!"

Lu Bei shouted loudly and pointed his sword into the sky. The immortal sword intention that had been accumulated for a long time soared into the sky.

The Jianguang Waterfall surges up into the sky, causing the full moon to bloom in boundless white. For a moment, it hangs high like the sun, and its cleansing edge fills the entire small world.


The step master fell into the void crack, a bright red color overflowed from the corner of his mouth, he folded his hands in front of him and made a strange seal.

The black cube isolated the space and protected it in the center. Soon, another cube was formed on the outer layer. As its mana was released, twelve consecutive defenses were stacked up to form an invulnerable one.

Bang! Bang! Bang————

The golden light struck, and the white fist blasted away the black cube. Under the horrified perception of the pace master, Lu Bei broke through eleven defenses in a row, until the last layer could barely block it.

Escape, there is something wrong with this small world, and you cannot stay here for long.

Before she could use her methods again, the full moon's light surged, echoing from afar, filling the void of the Immortal Sword Intent in Lu Bei's body. The sword fist fell, crushing the last layer of turtle shell, and a bang was imprinted on the pit of her heart.

The Immortal Sword Intent struck down, and the black robe struggled to resist. As the runes exhausted their halo, the black cloth exploded on the spot.

The sword intent was so powerful and unstoppable that the remaining force not only shattered the Bu Zishi's internal organs, but also smashed a vigorously beating heart into bloody mud.

The sword light pierced through the chest, and the pace master staggered back a few steps. The immortal sword energy in his body strangled him crazily, his tendons were severed, his bones turned into powder, and he fell limply to the ground. As a magic cultivator, her physical injuries were secondary. The heavy damage to her soul caused her mind to stagnate and she was no longer able to use spells to fight back.

Kill her while she's sick!

When the cultivation level has reached the integration stage, no one has a trump card to turn the tables, especially Fa cultivation, who most lacks the means to perish together.

Although Lu Bei didn't want to kill the pace master, he knew how dangerous the monks in the integration stage were. To fight against such a powerful enemy, either he didn't take action, or he would die if he did.

Therefore, he is responsible for doing his best. Whether he can survive depends on the pace master's own destiny.

The sword intent gathered at the edge of his fist, and Lu Bei transformed into a hand sword. White light flashed, his long hair fluttered in the air, and a head fell off and rolled to the ground.

Black chains wrapped around him, dragging the two bodies down, and the battle came to an end.

Lu Bei breathed a sigh of relief. Only then did he realize that the pacer was no longer covered by clothing, and his body was covered with black runes, covering a huge area. At first glance, it looked like a painting.

Can't see anything clearly.

"As expected of your Emperor Ji Sect, you are just playing wild."

He sighed, thinking that Zhan Hongqu was still buried in the mountains, and hurriedly put away the little world.

Just as he turned around, a sudden change occurred, and the headless body rushed out of the chain shackles. The runes tattooed on the body looked like living creatures, and the exoskeleton pulled the limbs.

Immediately afterwards, the head of the pacer moved out, separated from the Yin and Yang array, and was brought back to its original position under the tug of the black runes.

The black mist shrouded, and a slender demonic figure slowly stood up. He was over two and a half meters tall, and his whole body was as black as a gelcoat. His graceful figure was clearly visible.

Rolling demonic power swept down, distorting the surrounding space, and a roar sounded directly in Lu Bei's heart.

"I'm so cautious, but you can still die together..."

"Also, who are you calling a slut?"

Lu Bei dispelled the demonic voice in his heart, and with no other choice, he opened up the small world and swallowed the demonic shadow inside.

Round two, come again!

Even though I’m late, I’m here. It’s the last day of the event. Please vote for me.

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