Chiyun Palace, the official organization of Xuanlong.

Different from the Huangji Sect and Xuanyin Division in Wuzhou, the monks in the Chiyun Palace neither participated in intelligence nor were they responsible for managing the cultivation sects, families and other forces within Xuanyin. They were pure thugs.

If anything, the responsibilities of Xianyungong and Qi Yan's Xiantian Mansion are similar. Referring to the chronological order of the establishment of the two organizations, Xiantian Mansion is a later imitator.

The word "魑云" is easy to understand. The literal meaning is that bad people gather and evil parties gather together.

Xuanlong, as a great northern country with a thousand-year divine dynasty, openly maintained a group of demons and crooked ways. It was unreasonable no matter how you looked at it. This was a shameless thing.

Qi Yan turned off the lights.

The Xiantian Mansion, taking into account its reputation, secretly assigned the old demon Mo Xue to control the underworld, without mentioning it publicly. Even though the old demon Mo Xue has great magical powers, he cannot be caught or killed.

The reason why Xuanlong consumes a lot of cultivation resources every year to raise these demons regardless of her monk background is absolutely related to her geographical location.

Judging from the large map of Jiuzhou Continent, Xuanlong is located in the north, but not too far north, and is slightly adjacent to the Buzhou Mountains.

Just such a small border has caused Xuanlong Kingdom to be thousands of miles of no-man's land to the north, with row upon row of desolate mountains, extremely abundant spiritual energy, and countless monsters hidden there.

These monsters are not under the rule of the Ten Thousand Monsters Kingdom, at least on the surface, they do not obey the management of the Ten Thousand Monsters Kingdom. They make trouble all the year round and attack the Xuanlong northern blockade.

The war has been raging from the day when Xuanlong founded the country, and it has not stopped until now. During this period, the blockade was lost several times, and Emperor Xuanlong personally led the army to conquer the country. Counting carefully, ten emperors died in the battle alone.

Within the territory, the people are submissive and united.

Outside the country, monsters are ready to move, and Chiyun Palace takes advantage of the situation.

Regardless of whether they are monsters or evil spirits, Xuanlong will not refuse anyone who comes. As long as you are obedient and willing to go to the northern blockade to fight against the monsters, you will have a seat in the Xiaoyun Palace.

Therefore, the monks in the Chiyun Palace are extremely powerful in combat. At the same level, the monks of the Huangji Sect would have to fight three against one to be able to defeat one of them.

The Three Evils, the Eight Evils, and the Twenty-Four Ghosts are both code names and status symbols. Each of them has walked through the mountains of corpses and seas of blood of the demon clan, and there is no doubt about their strength.

Suddenly, they discovered that the monk from the Chiyun Palace appeared, and it was one of the famous Three Fierce Sword Fierce Dugu. Xiongchu was a little panicked, thinking that the chance of winning alone was slim, so he asked Wu Zhou or Qi Yan to form an alliance.

The three formed an alliance at the same time...

I'm afraid this won't work. If there are too many people, there will be too much trouble. If you add a stick to stir things up, the scene can be imagined. I'm afraid that one of my own people will beat him to death before he even sees Xuan Long.

Lord Xinli and Lord Xinkuang waited patiently, waiting for Qi Yan, the big fish, to take the bait.

Xiongchu and Wuzhou are bordering each other. The natural contradictions are irreconcilable and the alliance is fragile.

According to the principle of distant friendship and close attack, Qi Yan is the most suitable. There is Wu Zhou between the two countries. There are no territorial disputes. Even if there is uneven distribution of the spoils, it is a conflict after obtaining the stolen money.

Unexpectedly, Qi Yan's ability to collect intelligence outside the country was really worrying. When the bait was thrown out, Qi Yan passed by several times without noticing it, and instead fished Zhu Heng ashore.

The fight he had arranged for had to be finished with tears in his eyes. Once Xiong Chu's side gathered together, his ally chose Wu Zhou.

Of course, you just need to know this clearly in your heart, and you must not make it clear. According to what Kuangjun Xin said, when Xuanlong entered the scene in surprise, the first thing he thought of was his old friend Wu Zhou who fell in love with each other and killed each other.

"Elder Zhu, Elder Lu, and Sect Leader Lu, the non-aggression treaty our two countries just signed will be in vain if we don't join forces to deal with Xuanlong!" Mr. Xin Kuangjun said, patting the table.

Well-founded, Lu Bei nodded repeatedly.

He also wondered that Xiongchu and Wuzhou faced each other across the river, and there was no trouble in the middle. A ceasefire agreement was more than enough, so why did they have to complete a non-aggression treaty? It turned out that there was still such a saying.

It seems that there are many hidden regulations in the paper agreement.

Zhu Heng nodded, then shook his head, his attitude was vague, and he did not agree immediately.

Like Mr. Xin Kuangjun, when he heard the name of Chiyun Palace, he also felt weak and wished he could start an alliance immediately. But the meaning of an alliance is to gain. Xin Kuangjun will lose a game first and then form an alliance. The advantage and initiative are all in their hands. They need to estimate the price before nodding. Even if it is just a verbal agreement, a charter must be drawn up.

"Elder Zhu, time waits for no one. If you don't nod, I will go find Qi Yan."

"Mad Lord, don't be ridiculous. Qi Yan can't even find a connection. How can he be qualified to form an alliance with Xiong Chu? Are they worthy? They are not worthy."

Zhu Heng smiled and shook his head, his face turned solemn for a moment: "Before forming an alliance, Zhu has two questions?"

"Please say."

"Has Xiongchu found out the location and opening time of the secret realm?"


"Aside from Kuangjun and Lijun, is there anyone else on Xiongchu's trip?"



Zhu Heng pondered for a moment, nodded with a smile and agreed to form an alliance, and then began to argue about the division of the stolen goods.

This chat lasted for two hours, during which time Xinli Jun began to tease Lu Bei again.

To be precise, it was teasing She Zhang, and she was very proud of it. She couldn't defeat Lu Bei, and couldn't regain the situation from the front. There were many ways to make Lu Bei uneasy.

Assist +1, +1...

Winding index +1, +1...

Night, full moon.

Zhu Heng thought of something and went to argue with Mr. Xin Kuangjun again. Lu Zhou sat under the moon holding a knife in the silent courtyard without saying a word.

As a member of the Lu family, compared to his efforts, Lu Bei had nothing to compare with except his qualifications.

There was no one around, so Lu Bei tiptoed to the wall. He quickly turned over and landed on the ground, facing...

Then he saw She Zhang with her hands on her shoulders.

"Sect Master Lu, if you don't practice practice at night, where are you going?" She Yan said with a strange air.

"I just came to Hanjin and haven't seen much of the world. I want to experience the local customs and customs."

"Haha, it's time to appreciate the local customs and customs of Xiongchu!"

She Yan was full of resentment. During the day, Xinlijun winked at Lu Bei, but the dead man did not avoid it.

In front of her!

"Sister She, be more confident. Compared with you, that woman has nothing else but long legs, money, high cultivation, and a high social status. How can I like her?" Lu Bei sneered.

She Xuan: (_)

It still tasted the same, but she had been wronged today and didn't want to hear this. She wanted something sweet.

The demon girl sighed and looked at Lu Bei with a resentful look. Why is it so difficult to like this dead man? She is both a senior sister and a princess. How can she resist?

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore. I didn't go out to appreciate the local customs, but to find my elder brother."


"Okay you, you don't believe me?!"


"Hey, I have such a bad temper!" Lu Bei pretended to be angry, waved his hand and pressed She Zhang against the wall, and did a set of oral gymnastics.

[You have been poisoned. It is determined that your health remains unchanged after deducting the defense and poison immunity]

Hey, it’s not settled yet?

Lu Bei smiled hoarsely, knowing that She Zhang still had resentment. He put his arms around the waist of the frail and boneless water snake, bit her ear and said, "Although she is a princess, so what, in my eyes, you are the queen."

Upon hearing this, She Zhang was so excited that she was about to push Lu Bei down into the grass on the spot.

"Second brother, are you busy?"

On the ground, a head that brought disaster to the country and the people poked its head, and before She Zhang could let the snake bite, it shrank back.

"Brothers and sisters, don't be impatient. My good brother is more anxious than you, so why don't you hold it back!"

Hu San emerged from behind Lu Bei, sprinkled a sound-proofing curse, and spoke quickly: "The location of the secret realm has been confirmed. It is located in the Yin Mountain of Litan Kingdom, the ancestral land of the former imperial mausoleum, in three days."

"You asked the question three times, why is the Queen so loose-mouthed?"

"Brother Xian, I see you look so polite, why do you say something that others can't understand?"

Hu San frowned and reminded: "Three days are too short to verify accurately. If this information is wrong, our work will be in vain."

"It doesn't matter, I have found allies here. If they are sure to be in Yinshan, then it will be safe."

"Who is it?"

"Xiong Chu... Waibi Waibi Xuanlong... Bilibili Chiyun Palace..."

Lu Bei Balabala spoke quickly and told Hu San all the information.

Hu San's face was extremely solemn. Lu Bei didn't know how powerful Xuanlong and Xiaoyun Palace were, but he knew clearly. He was shocked to realize that the matter was of great importance, and immediately made a decision to send the information to Wu Zhou's capital, and Hu Er made the decision himself.

"Don't worry, I haven't finished talking yet!"

Lu Bei grabbed Hu San and explained the secret passage under Hezenan Palace: "It's in Furong Palace. I found it when I was taking a bath."

"Are you playing in the water with your siblings?"

"Brother, I see you look so polite, why do you say something that others can't understand?"

Lu Bei snorted, raised his chin, and pointed his nostrils at Hu San: "I'm talking and laughing here, and I'm indifferent, and I really can't get away. I'll leave the investigation work to you, do it well, and strive to I died in the line of duty, so that I, my dear brother, can make another fortune so that I can honor my mother in the future."


"Remember to die cleanly, preferably silently, so that I can save money on the coffin."


Hu San cursed and buried himself in the ground, muttering that if he couldn't beat him, he would make Lu Bei look good.

After sending Hu San away, Lu Bei raised his hand and waved to She Zhang: "Sister She, there is no one left. What did you want to do just now? Continue, I promise not to hide."

She Yan spat lightly. She had just acted impulsively, but was interrupted by Hu San. After calming down, she couldn't continue anyway.

Lu Bei chuckled and invited She Zhang to go to the rooftop to admire the moon. As soon as they put their hands together, Zhu Heng clenched his fists and walked out while coughing.

She Yan completely lost his temper, and Lu Bei was even more puzzled. He lamented that the feng shui of this place was not good, so he placed it on Sanqing Peak to ensure that no one would dare to touch his bad luck.

"Elder Zhu, if you don't go to fight with Mr. Xin Kuangjun at night, what are you going to do to me?"

"I'll give you a mission." Zhu Heng put up a soundproof barrier.


Lu Bei accurately captured the keywords and quit sex on the spot. After listening to Zhu Heng's story, he looked at the motionless personal panel and picked up sex again.

It's not his fault. As a human being, you should never forget your original intention and remain consistent. No, this is retribution.

"Elder Zhu, you found out about Qi Yan so quickly. What method did you use?"

"Sect Master Lu, Lu Ziwei, please don't interfere with the affairs of the Emperor's Sect."

"I'm still the leader of Huangji Sect!"

Lu Bei shrugged. Zhu Heng didn't say anything, nor did he force it. He frowned and said, "Do the people in Xiongchu know?"

"I don't know yet. I'm dragging Mr. Xin Kuangjun here to ask Sect Leader Lu to go there. It would be best if we could secretly form an alliance with Qi Yan. If not..."

Zhu Heng narrowed his eyes and said, "Send them on their way. There shouldn't be any more idlers waiting to enter this round."


Lu Bei grinned. Although he had not triggered the side mission, he had gained experience. Qi Yan could contribute 300 million experience to him if rounded up.

Not a loss!

Thinking of this, Lu Bei slowly escaped underground, and then...

"Hey, Sister She, why are you following me?"

"What did you say?"

"My good sister, you have also heard what Elder Zhu said. I went to do business, and I really had no intention of experiencing the local customs and customs of Xiongchu." Lu Bei said that he was wronged. Oh my god, at least he was wronged this time.

That's it for today, three more updates tomorrow

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