This is what cultivating immortals is like

Chapter 653 It turns out you are Lu Xi

Gu Zongchen, a Mahayana monk and a natural disciple of the Buddha as King Yuanji calls him, is still stronger than Han Miaojun.

Lu Bei knew very well that fighting against such a powerful enemy could not be done easily.

The second stage of transformation into the Great Demon God came from Lu Dong, and Lu Dong possessed Gu Zongchen. It is difficult to say how strong the Great Demon God is, just how strong Gu Zongchen is, but Gu Zongchen at least contributed nearly half of the Great Demon God's magical powers and strength. .

Since the Great Demon God has a limited time limit, and Gu Zongchen is well aware of his magical powers, he must fight quickly.

There is not much time left for Lu Bei.

The great demon pointed one finger to the sky and the other to the earth, chanting "I am the devil's mercy", and the golden wheel of black light shone with the power of the devil.

The golden Buddha points one finger to the sky and the other to the earth, reciting the words "My Buddha's Compassion, My Golden Wheel" to save all living beings.

They are exactly the same, except for the different colors, there is almost no difference.

The two colors of black and gold are distinct, colliding in the air, causing ripples. The void is twisted and wrinkled like paper, almost being crushed by two extremely powerful momentums.

On the dark side, the concept of demonic space is vague. Under the rolling black clouds, the demonic realm seems to be endless. From the sky to the earth, everything is surrounded by demonic energy.

There is immeasurable light, light and shadow flow, and the stars on the sands of the Ganges flicker and fade.

The bizarre time and space is vast and boundless. There is no universe in the four directions of heaven and earth, and there is no universe in the past and present. The eternal river representing the destiny of time and space is hurriedly at the fingertips, linked from end to end, and is held in the palm of a big Buddha.

Regardless of the special effects or the realistic style, the Great Demon God is dwarfed by the Golden Buddha by more than one level.

When Lu Bei saw this, his heart suddenly stopped, and he blindly guessed that the big demon in front of him would be destroyed.

He took a deep breath, and the Great Demon God slowly spoke: "Gu Zongchen, right? You want to protect the demon Lu Dong, that's okay, you are compassionate and understandable, but..."

As soon as the conversation changed, the painting style changed accordingly.

"What should you do about the blood curse of your Gu family?"

"I hold the Seal of Immortality, which is the key to unlocking the curse. If you protect Lu Dong, I will turn around and leave. Thousands of lives in the Gu family will die because of you. Saving one person will kill all living beings. This is really the mercy you want." ?"

Gu Zongchen was stunned on the spot, the golden Buddha's hands pointing to heaven and earth were clasped in front of his chest. Since ancient times, there has been gain after giving up, and there has never been a way to choose both.

If you want it all, you must convince people with reason so that the other party does not dare to speak.

It was possible in the past, but not today.

Gu Zongchen didn't have the confidence to win, so he rescued Lu Dong, just because he didn't want to see him die in front of his eyes. But as Lu Bei said, he insisted on saving Lu Dong, delaying the blood curse, and thousands of lives of the Gu family would be at risk. He will die because of his thoughts.

lay down?

What to let go of?

Gu Zongchen couldn't solve this problem, and he didn't want to let it go.


The Great Demonic God stepped forward and came to the golden body of the Great Demon. He raised his five fingers and swept the demonic power: "Monk, you are too greedy. You want this, but you are reluctant to let go of that. You have too many thoughts, and you can't be considered a family member."

The devil's palm swallowed black mist, and fell with one palm, knocking back the golden Buddha.

The Great Demon God succeeded with one blow, and his laughter became even more hearty: "My Demon Mercy, who makes me so kind? Today I give you a chance to get the best of both worlds. If you want the Seal of Immortality and want Lu Dong to live, then just fight back. .”

boom! !

The great demon is rampant, and wherever he goes, the void collapses, intercepting a part of the world and falling into his palm, and the golden Buddha is trapped in it.

As he clasped his hands together, the world collapsed and dissipated. The golden Buddha cracked several gaps and the immeasurable light dimmed. Only the golden wheel Buddha's light behind him remained undiminished.

boom! boom! boom----

The great demon waved his hand and struck the golden Buddha repeatedly.

There are no misses, all critical hits.

Amidst the roaring and shaking sounds, the golden Buddha collapsed and his thick golden blood was lost to the continuous bombardment of the demonic kingdom in his palm, and was on the verge of collapse.

"Monk, fight back quickly, Lu Bei is a treacherous villain. Even if you are beaten to death by him, he will not let me go." Lu Dong roared.

The relationship between Lu Dong and Gu Zongchen is strange.

One is an extraterrestrial demon, and the other is a natural-born Buddhist. When the two meet, they are supposed to fight to the death.

Because Gu Zongchen relied on the wisdom of Buddhism and knew that it was difficult to achieve perfection, he asked Lu Dong to help him practice and forcibly suppress this demonic thought in his body. On the day when he can overcome the demon and become a Buddha, he will usher in the perfection of his merits.

This is where the tug-of-war begins.

During this period, Gu Zongchen was defeated several times. Due to Lu Dong's intermittent convulsions, he was able to save himself and was lucky enough not to be taken away.

Only Lu Dong himself knows the cause of Lu Dong's intermittent convulsions and whether it is painful or not.

Gu Zongchen didn't know it, but saw that Lu Dong was merciful everywhere, and his definition was reduced from an extraterrestrial demon who caused trouble to the people to a calamity of his own demons. If he successfully survives this calamity, he can become a Buddha.

Ever since, when Gu Zongchen gained the upper hand, he also started to show mercy.

Without using fists or mouth, he tried to influence the devil with compassion.

The love and killing began. Lu Dong had several chances to win, but gave up. Gu Zongchen had the chance to completely suppress the demon, but he gave up.

Then the real owner came to the door.

There are no extraterrestrial demons, and there are no demon tribulations. Lu Dong is a demonic thought cut out by Lu Bei.

Gu Zongchen couldn't accept it. It was clearly his demonic calamity, so how could it become someone else's demonic thought?

Still a passerby.

"Monk, what are you hesitating about? Fight back quickly!"

Seeing that Gu Zongchen didn't say a word and silently suffered Lu Bei's various postures, Lu Dong became furious and took it by force...

Didn't win.

As a demonic thought created by Lu Bei, he rarely had the initiative in front of Lu Bei. Every time Lu Bei did something related to the devil, that is, he did nothing to human beings, Lu Dong would be miserable.

The benefits go to Lu Bei, and the costs go to Lu Nan, Lu Dong, and...

Considering that Lu Dong most likely didn't know that he had a bad brother, and even if he knew about it, he wouldn't bother to associate with him, I won't mention him here.

In the past, Lu Bei was still a serious physical practitioner. He only had three demonic thoughts and the will to kill demons, but he didn't know how to make good use of them. Although Lu Dong's life was hard, he could barely survive.

Later, it failed. Lu Bei first learned the "Step by Step Method of Generating Lotus" and then "The Great Eclipse Demon Buddha Speaks of the Infinite Heart Sutra". They were all serious Buddhist techniques. If I don't go to hell, who will go to hell? Lu Dong's good days are over.

Life is worse than death.

Now Lu Bei controls the Great Demon God and can dance as hard as he wants, while Lu Dong continues to weaken due to his family status. On the surface, it was Lu Bei who was beating Gu Zongchen, but in fact, it was Lu Bei who was beating Gu Zongchen with his hand.

He couldn't even muster the strength to seize his body.

boom! ! !

The Great Demon God struck out with a palm, causing the golden wheel of black light to cause ripples in the water. The shadows of the thirty-six magic weapons condensed into entities, dispersing the golden blood in the sky, and completely destroyed the golden Buddha.

The palm falls but has not yet been put away.

The experience card for the Great Demon God expired. In the past, it was difficult to hold on to the remaining demonic thoughts, but today, Lu Dong was almost drained.

The next second, a dark figure about three feet tall and wearing a magic mist robe slowly walked out.

The devil's face is shrouded in mist, his eyes are divided into yin and yang, and his arms and sleeves are rolling with black and white fish.

Black-robed Demon God, Dark Demon God, Yin-Yang Demon God...

Because it is not used very much and is not important, the exact name has not been decided yet.

Lu Bei: "..."

It turns out you are Lu Xi.

What a chicken dish.

Wait a minute, it seems to be getting stronger!

It's so useless to still be so useless after getting stronger.

The three stages of transformation never disappoint. Lu Bei didn't want to be embarrassed, so he took the initiative to disperse this demonic body. Then he looked at Gu Zongchen who was swallowing golden blood and secretly said "monster".

This is the first time someone has retreated completely in front of the Great Demon God. Of course, this is because Gu Zongchen is familiar with the Great Demon God's magical powers. More importantly, it is because of Gu Zongchen's tyrannical strength. Even if he does not fight back in the whole process, the Great Demon God will still attack him. Don't kill him.

Lu Bei knew this truth very well. He raised his hands and penetrated the void with strange strength. The big demon couldn't be beaten to death, so he continued to attack.

After the fight, there was still a demon body, and after the fight, he could still shake people. He wanted to see how long the monk could protect Lu Dong today.

Invisible fluctuations overflowed, creating ripples in the void.

Gu Zongchen only felt that the sky and the earth suddenly darkened, as if there was a big hand covering the sky covering the four poles, and the vastness filled every corner of the world.

In an instant, he was caught in the big hand and fell into the void, falling infinitely.

The sky and the earth were spinning, Gu Zongchen's eyes blurred, and his body flew upside down to the sea level in the distance.

boom! !

The scorching white sword light rushed over, and in a thousandth of an instant, as soon as the consciousness caught it, severe pain spread from the chest to the whole body.

boom! boom! boom----

Lu Bei punched to the flesh, and every blow was done with all his strength. After thousands of punches fell, his mana was severely depleted. He switched to the golden-winged roc demon body and caught up with Gu Zongchen, and there was another burst of crazy output.

"Monk, our fate has ended."

Just when Gu Zongchen was struggling to hold on, the heaviness in his heart suddenly lightened. He raised his head in surprise and watched the black light heading straight to the sky.

"Where to go!"

Lu Bei snorted coldly and chased the direction where the demon light escaped.

Gu Zongchen looked melancholy into the distance, clasped his hands on his chest, lowered his eyes and recited Buddhist scriptures.

After a while, he slowly opened his eyes, and with his magical power, he could run thousands of miles away and chased into the distance.


The golden light galloped at a speed that ordinary people could not imagine. Although the black light's speed was not slow, it was still far behind compared to fast men like the golden-winged roc.

Seeing that Lu Bei was about to catch up behind him, Lu Dong was extremely anxious. He was not afraid of death, since he would not die anyway.

He was just afraid that he would not be able to deceive Lu Bei by pretending to die to escape, and he would be reduced to a furnace, suffering day and night, with no freedom at all.

To put it bluntly, he felt that he probably couldn't deceive Lu Bei if he was just one of his own.

Ahead, heavy fog shrouded the sea. Lu Dongzheng was worried that he had nowhere to hide, so he plunged into it without even thinking.

Lu Bei followed closely behind, stopped suddenly, frowned and looked at the land of thousands of miles of clouds and mists.

There was no sound in the eerie silence. Under the sea, not to mention the long ugly ghosts, not even one could breathe.

Something weird!

"Donor Lu, please wait."

Gu Zongchen stepped forward and looked at Lu Bei with a complex expression. He insisted on talking about fate. He and Lu Bei's demonic thoughts have been entangled for a year and a half, which can be said to be a deep fate.

"Monk, do you still want to stop me?"

Lu Bei frowned. Gu Zongchen was so patient. He had been hammered by him for so long and yet he was still alive and kicking.

"Saving one life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. Lu Dong save me, he is not a demon..."

"Wait a minute!"

"Sect Master Lu will speak first."

"Let me say it for the last time, I, Xinyuehu, am not Sect Master Lu."


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