"The demon clan is the demon clan. This is not the first time that I have been misunderstood as a demon clan. Whatever you think."

Lu Bei held on to his mask and was so skillful in confusing the audience that it made people feel distressed: "I, Kang Jinlong, have been ordered by Qinglong to come here to deliver a letter of greetings and to borrow the head of an ox and a gold bull for use. Who are you?"

"It turns out to be Kang Jinlong, a famous name that has been admired for a long time, like thunder in my ears. His younger brother Gui Jinyang is an unknown junior who hangs around Suzaku. He is not worth mentioning."

Gui Jinyang was more modest and said politely: "This is Xuanwu's territory. You and I are outsiders. It's not appropriate to have a big fight. Please give Kang Jinlong a break and lend Niu Jinniu to my younger brother first. When she meets Suzaku, my younger brother Then send her back in person."

"It smells so loud and smells so strong, you haven't had it before!"

Lu Bei waved his hand and unleashed sarcasm with strange energy. He had always been very confident in hurting others.

Damage monsters are no exception.

The conversation collapsed within two sentences, and Gui Jinyang was not surprised. He smiled to himself and said, "In that case, let's just use our own methods."


Before he could finish his words, the Six-Armed Bodhisattva clasped his hands together and pushed them away suddenly.

Qin Shiwen listened to the two people talking to each other, and the topic revolved around her, but he never took her seriously. He commented like a commodity, and his anger arose in his heart. The glazed light was endlessly vented, and it went straight towards Lu Bei and Ghost Golden Sheep. go.

Two rays of golden light flashed past, and a thousand feet of golden light jumped out.

The golden wheel skyrocketed, and the six-armed Bodhisattva pointed to the sky and pressed down on the earth, manifesting a Buddhist world in the infinite Buddha light.

In this world, white bones serve as pagodas, and human skins serve as golden paint.

Slaanesh fills the precious land of Lingshan Mountain, and the eloquent Buddhas and Bodhisattvas are either naked or with beautiful bones painted on their bones. They speak lewdly and indulgently. They sing Zen music while laughing and cursing. They are vulgar and grotesque just for the joy of it.

In the center of this Buddhist world filled with licentiousness and recklessness, the six-armed Bodhisattva has a majestic appearance, and his face is indescribably holy. He seems to have emerged from the mud and is untainted. There are people in hell who see through the vain mind like the great wisdom of Bodhi.

However, it was of no use.

The great Buddhist supernatural powers of Taurus are only superficial, and there is something evil in the bones. The six-armed Bodhisattva's dharma is just a back-up support. Through the gorgeous skin framed with incense, it can be seen that it is full of rotten flesh and blood that contains the internal organs.

Lu Bei and the Ghost Golden Sheep were fighting together. One held out the Fangtian painted halberd, and the other wielded the eight-foot-long golden stick. The two golden lights crisscrossed back and forth, and there were hundreds of alternations of attack and defense in the blink of an eye.

As for Niu Jinniu, her flashy ultimate moves look very powerful, and she manages to deal with them half-heartedly in the confrontation between one person and one monster, which saves her some face.

The void is broken.

Gu Zongchen and others walked in. Except for Marquis Ji Wu, the others were all tombkeepers. Looking at the shape of the ghost golden sheep, they knew that this person was a colleague of Xingxiu.

Marquis Ji Wu didn't understand. Seeing that Jin Yang and Lu Bei looked exactly the same, he immediately frowned and looked at Yang Dian.

"The 'helpers' you found from Na are each more mysterious than the last. Are they being used as dogs outside behind Xiang Wu's back?"

The words hit the point, and Yang Dian was speechless. He had never seen any scene in the Mahayana period, so he opened his mouth and said: "Qin Shiwen practices the evil method of the far west and secretly hooks up with the demon clan. These are the envoys of the Holy Land. Yang That’s all I can say, and it’s useless to talk about the rest. A ban has been issued outside, so I advise you not to make random inquiries.”

Marquis Ji Wu didn't believe it, but he was seriously injured and it was really not appropriate to know too much.

He looks at his nose with his eyes, and his nose looks at his heart. He is obedient and does not dare to act rashly.

"How can a monster with such strong bloodline be able to keep up with the master's speed?" Tu Yuan spoke fiercely, his brows flashing red, and he gritted his teeth and prepared to take action.

As a Xuanlong monk, she doesn't have a good impression of the demon clan. She will not let go of any opportunity given by those who bully others.


Lu Dong probed his head, and saw the black mist lingering on Gu Zongchen's shoulders and back, and a grimace appeared on the back of his head: "Little girl, you can see clearly, your master is just playing with him, and he hasn't shown any serious intentions yet!"


Gu Zongchen couldn't hear this and suppressed the extraterrestrial demon with a wave of his hand.

On the other side, two golden lights intersected for thousands of rounds. The ghost golden sheep danced with a golden stick and splashed water. He raised his hand and patted his forehead, and three large flags appeared behind him.

Just like the old general on the stage, his body is covered with flags.

Lu Bei stopped his offensive, cut the golden edge of Fang Tian's painted halberd in his hand, raised his eyebrows and said: "Star Flag, what's next, the Star Formation?"

"Who are you anyway?"

Gui Jinyang didn't answer, and instead asked about Lu Bei's heels. If he could match him in speed, he must be the number one person in the Ten Thousand Monster Kingdom, and...

The possibility of being of the same race is very high!

"There's so much nonsense, why don't we set up a formation quickly."

Lu Bei picked up Fang Tian's painted halberd, and the wind and thunder walked together. Weird strength entangled it, drawing the power of yin and yang in the endless darkness. He moved a thousand pounds in four or two and deflected the angry blow of the six-armed Bodhisattva.

At the same time, Gu Zongchen and Tu Yuan just need to stand in a concave shape, and no one is allowed to interfere in his battle.

The ghost golden sheep roared wildly, and the three star flags moved without wind. The roar exploded into bright streams of light. The stars moved in an instant, and a magnificent formation enveloped Lu Bei and the six-armed Bodhisattva.

Countless golden lights crisscrossed the sky, and among the sea of ​​billions of stars, 365 main stars were positioned, linking up and outlining the star map, forming a mysterious and extraordinary star formation.

The space within the formation is infinite and vast, the stars are thousands of miles apart, there is destruction and creation, and the evolution space continues to grow.

The ghost golden sheep formed a star formation, and the hanging heart slowly settled down. The three star flags were given by Suzaku, which was the greatest guarantee for his trip. Even if he met the previous Xuanwu Jiang Suxin, it could keep him safe. go.

It is said that there is already someone for this Xuanwu, but who it is has not yet been determined.

It's not a big problem, I dare to fight him if I encounter him.

Gui Jinyang glanced at Lu Bei, who was motionless, and looked outside the formation with his peripheral vision, thinking about catching all the stars under Qinglong's command.

After thinking about it, I feared that I would be outnumbered if I was outnumbered, so I might as well go all out to capture Kang Jinlong in front of me.

He roared wildly, and starlight gathered in. He transformed into armor and covered his body. At the same time, his half-demon body expanded, transforming into a golden-armored war god with a height of three meters, long arms and legs, and two wings on his back.

The ghost golden sheep holds a golden stick, its wings dance in the cold storm, and wisps of demonic energy come out of its body, spreading demonic clouds that cover the sky and the sun in the vast sea of ​​stars.

The six-armed Bodhisattva is sitting in the Buddha's kingdom, the stars are swaying, and the shooting stars are coming in droves. Every time a star falls, it wipes out the Buddha's light.

Seeing that she could no longer hold on and was no match for the magical power of the Star Formation, she fought back and moved closer to Lu Bei's position.

When encountering a strong enemy, the weak should unite with the weak.


Lu Bei's figure grew taller, with the same height of three meters, and the same floating armor, transforming into a unique golden-armored god of war.

Seeing his appearance, Gui Jinyang became even more convinced that there was no doubt that he was a demon, and the possibility of being of the same race was as high as 99%.

The two golden armors came to a fight, and the golden sticks collided with the painted halberds. The ghost golden sheep's arms trembled, and the winning blow failed to achieve success. Instead, it was overturned by the huge force and flew upside down on the spot.

He was horrified. He was protected by the Star Formation at home, his magical power increased sharply, and his tyrannical physical body also increased several times. Why should he start from the beginning instead of collapsing at the first touch?

The Star Formation does not distinguish between ourselves and the enemy, and even the opponent has been strengthened?

"Your star formation is good, now it belongs to me."

Lu Beiyin opened his mouth and activated the marks carved by the two palace masters. Two golden lights danced on his faceplate. When his five fingers were raised, the three hundred and sixty-five main stars swayed.

Also shaking were the three star flags stuck behind the Ghost Golden Sheep.

boom! ! !

The starlight burst into pieces, and the three star flags encountered some strange supernatural power. The star flags tore into powder, the divine light was not visible, and they became decorations on the spot.

Ghost Golden Sheep was so frightened that he lost his mind, and an even more horrifying scene happened. There were no star flags to host the formation, but the stars still existed in the sky, and the stars shifted, and they all bowed to Kang Jinlong.

This is impossible!

The Ghost Golden Sheep was greatly frightened. In the next second, infinite meteors bombarded him. The stars were as small as ten feet or as large as tens of thousands of miles away. Countless stars were extinguished beside him.

He was trapped in the star formation, all his magical powers were suppressed, and it was difficult to use 30% of his 10% ability. In addition, the space was blocked, and he could not escape.

At the same time, the Niu Jinniu who came to hug each other arrived. One person and one demon faced the starry sky and the universe, which collapsed and shattered along with the thousands of miles of starry sky.

The six-armed Bodhisattva was the first to bear the brunt. The Buddhist kingdom was hit by meteors and was beaten to pieces. His white jade body was stained and bloody.

Colorful organs and intestines flowed down, and the holy face was hideous and terrifying. It was no longer beautiful, and was even uglier than the evil ghost in hell.

The star armor on the ghost golden sheep was shattered, the demon cloud was bombarded by the stars, and among the rolling ripples, the phantom of the vicious bird could be seen fluttering its wings, trying to break out of the encirclement.

Suddenly a big hand of starlight pressed down, the stars bowed their heads, and boundless pressure filled every corner of the star formation.

The ferocious bird was stiff and unable to move. After a scream, it was caught in the palm of Starlight's big hand. With its five fingers tightened, it turned into nothing with a bang.

The giant bird has sharp teeth and sharp claws, its wings are as feathered as a spear and a sword, and it has a single horn on its forehead, which is fierce and ferocious at the end.

In the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons, Gu Diao is one of the bloodlines of one emperor and eight kings.

The phantom of the Dharma was shattered, the spirit of the Ghost Golden Sheep was severely injured, and the body was swaying and almost falling down.

In a trance, the golden eyes suddenly flashed, and he saw countless rainbows penetrating the sun, carrying domineering and unparalleled thoughts, raging and raging with unimaginable dazzling power, and rumbling down on him.

The stars dispersed, Lu Bei heard the lingering sound in his ears, and gathered the star sand of the Ganges River with his fingers.

"Not bad. As far as the magical power inheritance of the demon clan is concerned, you are already quite capable."

[You killed Gu Yong and gained 3.2 billion experience points. After determining that the opponent’s level was greater than level 20, you were rewarded with 3.2 billion experience points]

[You defeated Qin Shiwen and gained 1.7 billion experience. It was determined that the level difference between your opponent was greater than level 20, and you were rewarded with 1.7 billion experience]

"He's not dead yet..."

Lu Bei stepped forward, patted the non-existent dust on his sleeves, wrapped his fingers in concussive ripples, and dragged a white bone in front of him.

The jade bone is crystal clear, and it is definitely a beauty in the world of the White Bone Essence. The chest and abdomen where the internal organs are placed can't be seen from the mud flowing across it.

Qin Shiwen grabbed Lu Bei's ankle and raised his white-bone head, willing to sacrifice the secret method of the Yin-Sealing Huangquan Sect to save his life.

The common man is not guilty of carrying the jade, Qinglong and Suzaku are looking for her, and the new eldest brother Xuanwu has not arrived yet, so she has no choice.

As he spoke, he spat out a thick yellow-covered book, and at the same time sent a message to Yang Dian and Ji Wuhou, asking them to come to help quickly.

As monks from the same country, Xiang Wu still needs her, and neither of them can ignore death due to emotions and reasons.

Lu Bei swept away the secret method, and Yang Dian and Ji Wuhou came to meet him. One was hesitant, and the other was speechless. They just looked at Lu Bei longingly.

It is true that Qin Shiwen deserves to be killed, but Xiang Wu cannot afford to lose a powerful monk.

"No need to say more, I already understand what you two are thinking."

Lu Bei said sympathetically: "It doesn't matter if you can't say it out loud. They are all people with status. It would be hard for me to say it if I were the person here. As long as you understand what you mean, that's fine."

"Thank you, Your Majesty. Xiang Wu will definitely be valued..."


Lu Bei stepped on it, and the yin and yang twins spread out, the clear rising and the turbid falling, splitting Qin Shiwen's Yuan Shen body, and obliterating them all.

"Hey, you're not dead yet?"

Lu Bei was puzzled, and suddenly remembered Qin Shiwen's magic jade tablet, and disappeared in a flash.

After a while, he returned with satisfaction, patted Yang Dian's stiff shoulder, and said like spring breeze: "As you ordered, I have killed the person. Remember, you must not lose a penny of the money you promised me."


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