This is what cultivating immortals is like

Chapter 908 Nine Strategies for Subjugating the Country

On October 8, Year 10437 of the Ten Thousand Monsters National Calendar, the Demon Emperor Tai An ascended the throne.

Different from the previous demon emperors who ascended the throne, Tai An is the second generation demon emperor and the only successor of the first generation demon emperor recognized by the Ten Thousand Demon Kingdom.

This is very telling. The first-generation Demon Emperor was a big golden bird, good at divination, and proficient in formations. The second-generation Demon Emperor was exactly the same. The former was named Tai Su, and the latter was named Tai An. They were very similar. .

Everyone understands. People with high vision, such as Huang Xiao, Ying Long, and Emperor Ji, know that Tai An and Tai Su are not from the same race. However, there are a few people with high vision in the world who tell them about the three-legged Golden Crow and the Golden-winged Dapeng. The difference is, they don’t even know what these two birds are.

Therefore, the consensus of the people in the world is that Tai An inherited the invincible bloodline of Tai Su, and this led to the second generation of Demon Emperor.

The name of Tai An spread all over the world.

On this day, the phoenix flaps its wings, the mirage dragon dances, and the golden light auspiciousness lasts for several days.

The Demon Emperor Tai An and the Demon Queen Huang Yu were crowned. Tens of thousands of demons came to court, and envoys from human nations also came to congratulate them.

It was a very hasty day, and Tai An seemed to have no energy, and he had no interest in important events such as the coronation. Except for the beauties sent from various countries of the human race that made his eyes shine, he felt sleepy at other times.

The next day, it was too dark to go to court, and Kong Ji, the left prime minister, was too busy to touch the ground.

At this time, the turbulent family confiscation in Demon Emperor City has not yet ended. More than 90% of the civil and military officials left by the predecessor Demon Emperor Zhan Ren were sentenced to death. Kong Ji was busy for ten days and ten nights just to formulate a new team. .

The Eight Kings tried their best to fill the court with their own people, but Kong Ji tried to get money and got soft. He was a smart peacock, so he drafted three sets of teams and sent them all to the imperial study together with the money he got.

Lu Bei had no interest in this. While his body was still strong, he appointed civil and military officials before Huang Yu came to power.

The Demon Queen softly soaked the Demon Emperor in his sleeping clothes, and single-handedly managed to make him sleep snugly. The latter's body was weak, and the two vixens couldn't find a chance to sleep while guarding him. They were reluctant to hand over their power. The country has officially entered the era of demon queens.

Of course, the second-generation Demon Emperor didn't do nothing. He issued several rather stupid decrees before delegating power.

The first one is that there are too many empty rooms in the harem, so find a way to fill them as soon as possible.

There is no other meaning, Taiming is still a child, what kind of evil intentions can a child have, he just likes the excitement.

The second is to disarmament and reorganize, shrink the front line between the Ten Thousand Demons Kingdom and the Human Race Kingdom. It is too long and meaningless. Withdraw the troops from the small border countries and concentrate them all at the gate of Jingyue Kingdom.

What is the identity of the Ten Thousand Demon Kingdom? It is the most powerful country in the Kyushu Continent.

It was too dark and destined to be on par with the first-generation Demon Emperor. It was too cheap to compete with the small human countries like Xuanlong. He didn't bother to do it. They all gathered opposite Jingyue Kingdom to fight against generals and kings. When the time was right, he The imperial commander went on a personal expedition and swept across the continent of Kyushu.

This decree is very unreasonable and cannot be said to be stupid. It has risen to the level of a policy of national subjugation.

A long front line is beneficial to the Ten Thousand Monster Kingdom. Let’s take Xuanlong as an example. If it weren’t for the demon soldiers and demon generals that have been harassing and attacking them for many years, Xuanlong would have already become a major country on the human side with its rich national treasury and its thousand-year destiny.

The same is the consumption of potential and overdraft of the future. The country of ten thousand monsters can afford it. Just throwing out a few monster kings can drag down a country's finances for a hundred years.

Going militarily without money is not an endless cycle, it is a dead end in one step. Xuanlong can survive until now by acting like a gangster on the heads of Wuzhou, Xiongchu, Qiyan and other countries. He uses deceit and abduction to make money. No more money, no more money.

If a country like Xuanlong suddenly changes its national policy, its national power will inevitably increase. On the contrary, it will be equivalent to the decline of the country's national power.

Article 3: The overall architectural layout of Demon Imperial City is average. There was no planning at all when it was first established. The Queen Mother did not even have a place to climb up and look far.

This is not good. Build a star-catching tower first. If the Queen Mother is happy, the Demon Emperor will be happy. When the Demon Emperor is happy, everyone will not be tormented in a short time.

Because the Queen Mother had many adopted sons and daughters, the Eight Kings all had a share. Tai An did not want to enjoy the reputation of filial piety exclusively, so she took out the Queen Mother and shared it with everyone, so the money for the construction of the Star-Zhaing Tower came from the Eight Kings.

Seventy percent went into the demon emperor's pocket, 20% was divided between the queen mother and the demon queen, and 10% was used to build a building. The Phoenix family, the relatives of the family, were responsible for the construction. It didn't matter if the money was not enough, the eight kings still had it at home, so they didn't have to think of a way for themselves.

The Phoenix clan is eloquent and Niaojun is proficient in general principles. They will definitely be able to convince the Eight Kings to pay the money obediently.

Article 4: Being too dark is not good for money or beauty. Among the few interests, bullying ranks first. I ordered the eight kings to gather manpower as soon as possible to gather 365 Mahayana demon kings and the resident demon kings. Imperial City, skilled in the power of star formations.

This move aroused the unanimous opposition of the eight kings. The three hundred and sixty-five Mahayana periods were divided equally, and the eight kings' cities were left without generals. Some time ago, the Lu Wu clan was crushed by the mysterious human race. At this time, Zheng Yao was panicked and beat everyone to death. disagree.

Tai An thought what the Eight Kings said was very reasonable. As the Lord of the Underworld, he sympathized with the Eight Kings' difficulties. In order to allow them to form the Star Dou Formation with peace of mind, he sent strong men from the Phoenix clan to the Eight Kings' city.

With a strong man from the Phoenix clan responsible for the defense of the royal city, do you have any concerns?

All the beloved ministers dare to be angry but dare not speak out.

Article 5: All the sources of blood left by the first generation Demon Emperor will be turned over. Anyone who keeps them privately will take away the throne of the Eight Kings.

Article 6: Increase revenue and reduce expenditure. Tai An is an aspiring demon emperor. He does not want to be a faint king. His early governance philosophy revolves around military consolidation and financial management. He must grasp both sides and be strong with both hands.

The reorganization of the army is underway, and financial management must also start at the same time. The so-called increase in revenue and reduce expenditures means to increase revenue and reduce expenditures.

Saving money is very simple. There are a lot of ways to save money, such as reducing the title of 'Demon King'. The current Demon King of Ten Thousand Demons Kingdom has too low gold content. If you are born well, you can get the title of Demon King and enjoy salary and various benefits every month. discount.

Is this good?

This is not good, it is not the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons at all.

The strong ones in the Ten Thousand Monster Kingdom are respected. From now on, only those in the Mahayana stage can get the title of Demon King and salary. The rest, regardless of their origin, even if they are relatives of the First Emperor Phoenix, are no exception.

As for the open source, it is even simpler. The second-generation Demon Emperor has a birthday every month. He is a frugal Demon Emperor. On his birthday, everything is kept simple. The Eight Kings pay directly and he does not let everyone eat.

Article 7...

There are a total of nine orders, large and small. Tai An calls himself the "Nine Strategies to Strengthen the Country" and orders the left prime minister Kong Ji to blow it to death. He is very proud of the strategies he has formulated to govern the country.

In the eyes of the Eight Kings, this was clearly the Nine Strategies to Subjugate the Country, and contained the extremely high power of the first-generation Demon King.

For example, Bai Yi, the patriarch of the Bai Ze clan and now the Right Prime Minister, took the lead in hitting a pillar in the court, begging Tai An to take back his life. Because he broke the pillar, the demons turned right when they went out and paid a fine in anger.

By the way, the Lu Wu clan lost their national prestige due to their tragic defeat. Although they still carry the title of Eight Kings, they have ceased to exist in name only. There is no place for them in the civil and military officials, and they are all occupied by the Baize clan.

Even the harem, the palaces and secret realms representing the Luwu clan were taken away by the Baize clan.

The Lu Wu clan was completely pushed out of the center of power. Anyone could ride the Demon King, a beauty from the Eight Kings, but they had no chance. This alone would never make a comeback.

The reason why everyone pushed against the wall is the same everywhere. The Eight Kings were wronged by the Demon King and did not dare to express their anger. They gathered together to form a team and use the Lu Wu clan as a vent to vent their anger, which was likely to force them to defect to the human race.

Lu Bei did this on purpose. The Lu Wu clan was too loyal to the Demon Emperor, which was not good. When they became impatient and prepared to rebel, Lu Bei would consider letting them return to the center of power.

The same goes for the other eight kings. They hurry up and brag that they are roundworms in His Majesty's belly. In the end, they don't even know what the Demon King wants.

Royal study room.

The Demon King drank delicious medicinal food, and on the left and right were vixens squeezing their shoulders and beating their legs. The Demon Queen worked hard in the pile of memorials. Everyone got the happiness they wanted.

Not only did the Eight Kings complain about the New Deal, but Huang Yu also felt that Tai An's moves were bad moves. She had just gained power and did not dare to go against Tai An's wishes. She knew it was wrong but still made mistakes.

However, Huang Yu was very satisfied with Tai An's move towards her relatives, and regarded this move as Tai An's favor for her. When there were no monsters around her, she shed the majesty of her mother-in-law and became as clingy as she wanted. .

First love is always like this. Being coaxed around by a scumbag, you really think you have the whole world.

"Little yellow croaker, do you have anything important to report today?"

Lu Bei pretended to hum. As the leader of the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Monsters, he delegated power to Huang Yu, so his daily life was very relaxed.

Every day, apart from thinking about the beauties in the harem and asking the Eighth Prince to send his beloved concubines to the Demon Palace as soon as possible, he spent the rest of his time pampering the Demon Queen.

Cheating and doting on each other, Huang Yu, who was already extremely possessive, became explosive. Worried about gains and losses, her mentality was unbalanced and she could enter the rage mode at any time.

Huang Yu knew that it was hard to be tough. She was not a dark opponent. If they really fought, she would be the only one who fell out of favor. In order to prevent his beloved bird from being flirtatious with other enchantress's crotch, he kept a tight guard and pressed forward step by step. So far, he has not given Tai An a chance to lose his virginity.

I am the highest in the holy destiny of creation.

The great gods of the Phoenix clan use it in palace battles, and the effect is outstanding. Except for the first one, Phoenix refuses to die in peace, there is nothing wrong with the rest.

Huang Yu has figured out Taiyin's stupidity. Important matters of family and country are just trivial matters in front of the latter. He insists on saying what's important...

She turned over the memorial and said reluctantly: "Jing Yueguo sent a hundred beautiful pictures, I hope..."

The Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons reduced its frontline troops and assembled its army at the gate of Jingyue Kingdom. Another 365 demon kings in the Mahayana period gathered in the Demon Imperial City in a state-war posture, which really frightened Emperor Jingyue.

Not to mention that the second-generation Demon King defeated one emperor and eight kings, and was extremely powerful. The three hundred and sixty-five Mahayana demon kings alone were enough to sweep across Jingyue. They sent out troops on the first day and could defeat them the next day. The battle line was pushed to the Kunlun Mountains.

Who can bear this!

Anyway, Emperor Jingyue couldn't stand it, and even the surrender faction appeared in the court, and the martial arts faction was speechless with reasonable arguments.

As a result, Jingyue Kingdom did what it wanted, collecting beauties and presenting hundreds of beautiful pictures, hoping that this would delay the second generation of the Demon Emperor from exhaustion to death.

Except for Jingyue Kingdom, all the human nations, big and small, were secretly planning what they would do if the monster clan came to the city.

Surrender is impossible. There is no such thing as surrender in a racial war. Taking advantage of the country’s past mistakes, they are all trying to figure out their own best plans.

Lu Bei's eyes lit up. It was time to set up the character design again. He patted his butt and asked Zuo Maohan and Yan Yan to stand aside and took out the picture of Bai Mei and looked at it carefully.

Beside them, Yaohan and Yanyu lowered their eyebrows and looked at the Demon Queen's fiery gaze, remaining silent and extremely well-behaved.

With Huang Yu's narrow-mindedness, she should not be able to tolerate two vixens, but the Queen Mother was also a vixen. The two fox girls were given to the Demon Emperor by the Queen Mother, and she had no choice but to deal with them even if she was unwilling to do so.

I can only push a little harder.

"These beauties are all of excellent appearance. Jing Yueguo has a heart, and he is so lonely." Lu Bei said with a smile, which made Yahuazi happy.

His acting skills are excellent, and the image of the Hunjun is perfectly grasped. He imitated the voice, appearance, and smile of the first-generation Demon Emperor vividly.

Huang Yu snorted coldly: "Your Majesty, there are already many beauties in the palace."

"There are none from the human race."


"What, why don't I know about this?"


Huang Yu shut up, annoyed that he was so quick to speak.

Seeing that his beloved bird was eager to have a taste of human beauties, he sneered in his heart and waved his hands to let Yaohan and Yanyu stand outside the door.

"Your Majesty~~"

Huang Yu's charming eyes were like silk, her fingertips traced the bright yellow phoenix robe of her mother Yi Tianxia, ​​and her graceful figure was astonishingly curved.

In just a few days, under the tremendous pressure of palace fighting, she even learned to subdue temptation.


Lu Bei's eyelids twitched, and he suddenly thought of a poem, "The belt is getting wider and wider, but I don't regret it anymore. I feel haggard because of Yi."

Liu, are you serious?

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