This is what cultivating immortals is like

Chapter 984: My Taoist friend has a fate with my Western religion

The Yin and Shang army camped outside the city. While they were making rice, they killed several generals in Nandu.

The main thing is eating, supplemented by performance. If you don’t know, you might think you are here for tourism.

E Chongyu's rebels had a city to defend, and the Yin and Shang people camped in the wild. They were very particular about the formation of troops. The defenses in front of the camps such as Luzhai, Juma, and Luan Shikeng made Lu Bei laugh out loud.

Although it is already outrageous to have two stirrups these days, the popularity and skillful operation of engineering soldiers still left Lu Bei speechless for a while. With such high social productivity and such rigorous troop formation, what kind of fighting general are you playing in front of the formation? What the hell is a free card?

For a moment, Lu Bei was ready to make a move, thinking about leaving behind a copy of Lu Zi's Art of War.

How the camp is arranged has nothing to do with Lu Bei. Since Deng Jiugong is busy, the elite Chaoge Central Army led by Lu Bei are located in the center of the military formation. They do not participate in the battle and are only responsible for security and flag-waving.

This was what Deng Jiugong meant, and it was also what Chaoge meant. Grand Master Wen Zhong sent sixteen letters in a row, which made Deng Jiugong feel numb.

The king is the king, and the minister is the minister. Understand your own status. Don't think that your daughter is lucky enough to sleep with the king, and you, an old boy, have broken away from the concept of a minister.

What made Deng Jiugong's scalp numb the most was Lu Bei's high fighting spirit. Whenever an enemy general came to call for battle, the soldiers in front of him would be the first to rush out. This was known as boosting morale and building prestige.

Pull him down, you are not the one who inspires morale. You are so scared, your calves are still trembling.

Deng Jiugong advised Lu Bei not to rush and just stand in a concave shape. Lu Bei refused, so he went to find his daughter Deng Chanyu and let her enjoy the pillow breeze.

The effect was first-rate. The king was busy playing with his daughter and had no time to fight in front of the formation.

Let's say that the gate of Nandu City was opened, and a military general rode out and rode alone to the Yin Shang tent to call for formation.

This man's majestic life, majestic weapons, and abundant spirit were clearly no ordinary thing. When the soldiers of Sanshanguan saw him, they were all frightened and hurriedly went to the Chinese army's tent to report the situation.

"The general called for formation and asked Tai Luan and Sun Yanhong to go and send them away. Why did it reach here?"

Deng Jiugong was quite unhappy. He finally managed to appease the king and avoid being worried. The herald had such poor eyesight that he sent the battle situation over again.

"General, the person who called the formation is not an ordinary person. He is Kong Xuan, the commander-in-chief of Sanshan Pass."


Deng Jiugong was greatly surprised. As his successor, he had heard about the name of the previous commander-in-chief Kong Xuan. He had guarded the southern capital for more than ten years without incident. The soldiers praised his bravery and two hundred princes feared his power.

In comparison, the troops led by Deng Jiugong were not so impressive. Since he started stationed at Sanshan Pass, the two hundred princes in the southern capital have been making small moves.

To put it bluntly, I just think Deng Jiugong is easier to bully than Kong Xuan.

What are you capable of, you lousy old man? You just got to the position based on nepotism.

He is not afraid of comparing goods with others, but he is afraid of comparing people with others. This is what Deng Jiugong is talking about now.

His expression remained unchanged, and he summoned his adjutants Tai Luan, Sun Yanhong, and Zhao Sheng, and asked the three of them to fight. If they could not surrender in one battle, they would be dealt with according to military law.

The three generals got the order and rode out.

The sound of beating drums stopped as soon as it started, and the herald reported back in a cold sweat. The three generals surrounded Kong Xuan, but they were defeated and were all swept away by a ray of yellow light.

"No one came back?"

"Horses, their horses are back."


Deng Jiugong was speechless, put on his helmet, and called his son Deng Xiu, who was responsible for escorting grain and grass, to join the battle. He wanted to join the father-son army to test Kong Xuan's ability.

Deng Jiugong was good at martial arts. Although he was a veteran, his immediate skills were not much worse than that of Wucheng Wang Huang Feihu. Both were top-notch players who were pinned to the ground and beaten by Huang Tianxiang.

"Old General, please wait a moment. This battle is most suitable to be fought alone."

Lu Bei pushed open the curtain and walked out. Deng Chanyu behind him had a blush on his face and pretended with a straight face that nothing happened just now.

"Your Majesty, that Kong Xuan..."

"It doesn't matter, I'm just curious. He disappeared in Beihai, why did he suddenly come to Nandu."

Lu Bei smiled faintly. He knew exactly what was going on. He knew the forces behind E Chongyu just by looking at Kong Xuan.

It’s no wonder that a good and loyal minister quietly ate the beheading of the rebels. Sure enough, it was the saint who was backing him up.

It is understandable that if he were a prince and suddenly deceived by a saint, he would foolishly think that his destiny was his.

When the drums sounded, several generals from Yin and Shang rode out on horseback. Chao Tian, ​​Chao Lei, Fang Bi, Fang Xiang, Yin Pobai, Yin Chengxiu, etc. lined up in a row. The father and son of the Deng family were located on the left and right of Lu Bei, looking towards the direction together. Kong Xuan immediately struck with a sword.

"You go and try his quality!"

"I will take your orders."

Chao Tian, ​​Chao Lei, Fang Bi, and Fang Xiang rode out and smashed their heads and faces with spears and big spears.

Speaking of which, Lu Bei doesn't mind if his generals die one by one. As far as their future is concerned, it is better for mortal generals to die than to live during the Conferred God Tribulation.

If the Twelve Golden Immortals and others were listed on the list of gods, it was a loss of blood. Jin Ling, Yunxiao, Zhao Gongming, etc. were listed on the list and their grandma's family was at a loss. Then, if the mortal generals were listed on the list, it can be said that Qin Shi Huang touched the switch and won.

Let's take Huang Feihu as an example. In the human world, he was the Wucheng King of the Yin Shang Kingdom and the Wucheng King of the Founding Kingdom of Xiqi. He was a very popular minister and protected his descendants. He reached the pinnacle of the world's military generals and could only hope to reach it.

However, after a few decades, the loess will be wiped out, and all the fame and wealth will be gone.

It’s different when you’re on the list of gods. Huang Feihu was named the Dongyue Emperor, the leader of the Five Sacred Mountains. He presides over life and death. He is the protector of kings who have been appointed by heaven to govern the world. His priestly duties include but are not limited to being in charge of good and bad luck in the world, and being in charge of the underworld. Eighteen layers of hell.

This can't be called soaring into the sky, just the immortality picked up for nothing is a gimmick.

What, do you have to clock in to work every day?

Bah, in this kind of class, no matter how many people kneel down, they can’t get a job!

The benefits of being on the list of gods were so great that Lu Bei was happy to see his subordinates die. Even his old father-in-law Deng Jiugong, Lu Bei wished that he would be hacked to death by Kong Xuan.

Although it sounds wrong, it is indeed true. For mortal generals, the list of gods is a blessing that only comes once in ten thousand years.

As a result, Lu Bei was quite disappointed. Kong Xuan did not kill him. Maybe he was thinking of his colleagues' feelings, or maybe he was embarrassed in front of his former master. He raised the yellow light and swept away the four generals with a swipe.

The generals were shocked, and Deng Jiugong and his son hurriedly protected Lu Bei.

"What a five-color divine light. You are waiting here. Who dares to come forward and kill his whole family alone?"

Lu Bei raised his hand to suppress Deng Chanyu, preventing her from throwing out the five-light stone. He rode his horse and rushed out of the military formation. He held a black gold and black stick in his hand and looked at Kong Xuan with a half-smile.

Next to him, a bay-red horse followed, it was Deng Chanyu.

Jun Wu joked that if he had the ability to kill her whole family, he would start with his husband's family.

"My old minister Kong Xuan has seen your Majesty. He is wearing armor and cannot dismount his horse. I still want to see your Majesty Haihan." Kong Xuan looked to the side with a look of shame on his face.

"General Kong is so powerful. I heard that you were kidnapped by a wild man in Beihai. Why, instead of going to Chaoge to revive your life after returning to freedom, you came to Nandu to lead the rebel army. Is it because this king is so unpopular with the people?" Lu Bei looked at it. Looking at the oval face in front of him, he secretly thought that his eldest nephew was about to make a career.

"My old minister is so frightened that he really can't help himself. I hope your Majesty won't say anything more."

Kong Xuan carried a steel knife in his hand and was unwilling to mention the current situation, asking Lu Bei to quickly leave with his troops and not to invade Nandu territory again.

He even bluntly stated that the Yin and Shang generals were all the ones who wanted to betray themselves, and since he was guarding the south, he would not lose any territory.

To translate, everyone here is happy.

Lu Bei was not annoyed at all. What Kong Xuan said was true. His ability as a military general may not be top-notch, but the magical power of the five-color divine light can be said to be invincible in the world. It can conquer everything within the five elements, including the physical bodies and magic weapons of mortals and monks. Among them, no matter how much you come, you will get it for free.

To deal with this kind of bug, only deus ex machina can solve it.

"General Kong is so loud. I want to try it out in Gudao. How strong is the steel knife in your hand? Is it worthy of your arrogance?"

Lu Bei smiled heartily, waved his hand to Deng Chanyu to retreat, and pointed with his horizontal stick: "Gu Aicai, especially a great talent like General Kong. If you lose this battle, you will follow Gu back to Chaoge. Gu will be the master of your previous rebellion." All arrogance is wiped out."

Kong Xuan was greatly moved. If he could, he would be willing to obey the king's orders, but he couldn't help himself and nothing could go back.

He advised Lu Bei to leave quickly, otherwise he would be asking for trouble and destroying the majesty of the human king.

"It's such a big tone. It's not too late to pick up the three sticks first and then start talking wildly."

Lu Bei rode up on his horse, and the long black stick slashed through the afterimage, seemingly slow but fast, and struck Kong Xuan's chest like lightning.

Kong Xuan sighed in his heart, and moved the tip of the knife forward to resist the black light falling like thunder.

The king is ignorant, so give him a lesson so that he can restrain his arrogance, lest he meet a powerful person and be humiliated to the point of shame.


The blackness hits the bottom, and white flakes scatter everywhere.

The long knife in Kong Xuan's hand was broken into pieces. He only saw a sudden drop of black light, then severe pain in his chest, and he seemed to hear the sound of cracking bones and tendons in his ears.

Then the world started to spin, and something hit behind me.

My head is buzzing.

Lu Bei stood on the spot holding a stick. In front of him was the fast horse riding by Kong Xuan. As for Kong Xuan himself, he was the one embedded in the city wall.

The blood was flowing down, and he was about to die.

This is what a crispy mage looks like.

The pharmacist standing on the top of the city was shocked. He raised his hand and slapped his forehead. A relic fell and the golden light shone. Kong Xuan, who was almost dead with broken bones and muscles, was resurrected with full blood on the spot.

After walking through the gate of hell, Kong Xuan's eyes were full of shock, and he was completely confused after landing.

Who am I, where am I, what just happened?

He looked at the bare knife handle in his hand, then at Lu Bei who looked indifferent, and swallowed softly. Firstly, he was surprised by Lu Bei's unrivaled and terrifying strength, and secondly, he sighed at Lu Bei's precise control of strength. control.

Is it possible that the great king is also a practitioner?

"General Kong, if we don't surrender now, how long will it take?"

The strong wind blew against his face, and Kong Xuan saw black shadows falling from the sky at an unbelievable speed. In fear, he waved his hand to create a streak of yellow light.

But when the mud cow entered the sea, the black shadow disappeared instantly.

Before Kong Xuan could breathe a sigh of relief, a sense of crisis suddenly hit his heart, stronger than before. The black shadow swept away was not Lu Bei, but the BMW he was riding under.

Lu Bei jumped into the air, and under the cover of the sun's dazzling light, he rounded the long black stick with both hands and slashed straight down at Kong Xuan's Tianling Gai.

If you don't brag, you won't be black. If this stick is swung, the crispy peacock will basically not be able to fight back.

White light flashed, the five elements of gold opened, and the long black stick in Lu Bei's hand disappeared without a trace.

He smiled, not taking it seriously, and took advantage of the momentum of his fall to continue impacting, hitting the ground with his fists.

boom! ! !

There was a thunder on the ground, and the whole world was shaking. Kong Xuan was attacked by the hurricane, and his body was uncontrollable, spinning and flying far away.

The nearby city wall collapsed directly, and black cracks spread downwards, sweeping in all directions, subverting a city like a boat rising and falling on the sea.

The Yin Shang camp was shaken continuously, frightening all the soldiers to tremble, the flags collapsed, the horses were trembling, feces and urine flowed out, and many people were so frightened that they screamed.

Deng Jiugong's eyes widened in shock. In his early years, he heard that the king's military power was astonishing, that he could defeat ten thousand enemies in the army, and that he had great power in changing pillars. He didn't believe it at the time and thought it was the boast of the courtiers.

Now it seems that Chaoge's civil and military officials are too damn humble and not rigorous at all.

Deng Xiu, the eldest son of Deng Jiugong, was a more down-to-earth young man. He didn't expect the troubles in the court, and he couldn't help but sweat for his sister.

Can my sister endure the great king's prowess?

No matter whether you can bear it or not, one is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer.

Since ancient times, beauties love heroes. Deng Chanyu was born in a family of military generals. Seeing that her husband was so powerful that he could be called invincible in the world, her breathing became rapid.

The Nandu city tower collapsed and cracks spread in all directions. The pharmacists on the city wall and other Western sect members were all shocked, among which the pharmacist was the calmest. Before going out, the teacher said that King Zhou was the second leader of Jiejiao and had special skills. He asked him to be more careful and gave him a peacock just in case to take the lead in testing King Zhou's abilities.

This test was truly extraordinary.

Outsiders only knew that Lu Bei was extremely powerful. Insiders, Kong Xuan's eyes suddenly shrank, and his intuition told him that the king had not exerted his strength yet, so he used some tricks to remind him to surrender as soon as possible to avoid humiliating himself.

Again, he would have voted if he could.

With the wind blowing in his ears, Kong Xuan stepped out and left without even thinking.

The sky collapsed and the earth collapsed, and countless earth and rocks were raised into the air. Lu Bei punched down, causing countless pieces of earth to rise into the sky. The Peeling Escape Technique knocked Kong Xuan flying in the air.

The latter flickered and moved around, turning into five colors of light and shadow and escaping from the place.


Lu Bei arrived as if he teleported, grabbed it with his big hand, and grabbed Kong Xuan's door. He tightened his fingers like iron hoops, making a crackling sound as his bones cracked.

Kong Xuan froze in mid-air, with a pounding headache, his eyes were horrified, his whole body could not move, and there were only four words in his mind.

So fast!

So strong!

Kong Xuan didn't want to take any serious action against his old master, and never used his natal magical powers. The main reason was that he couldn't react and was caught with only a few moves.

A relic flew out of his head, and golden light fell, protecting his body from collapse.

Lu Bei sneered and threw Kong Xuan out with his hand. It was like the cannonball bombarding the earth, deafening the ears and raising countless waves of dust.

"General Kong, use your five-color magical power, and I will defeat you completely."

Kong Xuan rolled over and landed on the ground, stood up unsteadily, narrowed his eyes and looked at Lu Bei in the distance, and in just a blink of an eye, he saw the fist mark pressing in front of him.

The fist mark magnified infinitely in his eyes, connecting the sky to the earth and showing infinite boundlessness. It was as majestic and oppressive as the sky, and it made his heart tremble, as if he had fallen into an ice cave and felt like he was dead.

If you don't fight back, you're going to die!

Kong Xuan shouted low, raised his hands, and five divine lights lined up behind him.

White, green, dark, red, and yellow, the five colors of divine light flow endlessly, covering the sky and the sun, and disrupting the yin and yang.

"Well done, Your Majesty, I forgive my old minister for being rude!"

Kong Xuan raised the five-color divine light, pulled down the sky-covering curtain with five fingers, used the sun and moon to shrink thousands of mountains, transformed a small world and shrouded it towards Lubei.

Suddenly, five divine lights also rushed out from behind Lu Bei. The white, green, mysterious, red, yellow and Kong Xuan were exactly the same. They were equally powerful and impressive.

How could this be?

boom! !

Two five-color divine lights collided, and neither one could do anything to the other.

But just because the magical power was a draw, it didn't mean that the physical body could also be equal. The fist seal passed through the border with a crushing force, rampant and invincible, and descended on Kong Xuan's physical body, beating him until his whole body was limp, and he fell down as if his bones had been ripped away. land.


A relic rose up between Kong Xuan's eyebrows, and Lu Bei raised his hand to grab it, then used his fingers to crush it into pieces.

"Someone, take him down."

Lu Bei pointed out, and a white lotus appeared between Kong Xuan's eyebrows, holding his body from collapse. Qi and blood flowed smoothly throughout his body, and his seriously injured body slowly healed.

Kong Xuan opened his eyes and felt something in his heart. He was shocked and sincere: "I cannot be defeated in a battle. I am willing to be a pawn in front of the king and die a hundred times without regrets."

"You are decisive. There is no need to be like this. I will not kill you in order to keep you useful. Go down and reflect for three days and think carefully about how to serve the country."

"I accept the post and express my gratitude."

Kong Xuan was relieved to be free again, and he hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, I was suppressed by the Western Demon Dao Zhunti. The rebellion of the two hundred princes in the southern capital was also the work of the Western Cult. There are Western Cult demons in the city. Don't do it, Your Majesty." Let them go.”

You are a monster, do you call others a monster?

That's Zhunti, is it something you can say casually?

It’s almost as good as being alone!

Lu Bei nodded, with a sinister look on his face, looking at several shining golden figures in the distance, and said loudly: "Preaching the will of the orphan, the Western Sect has subverted the country and disturbed the peace of the world. All the members of the sect are rebellious and traitorous. After today, the Western Sect will For Gu Qin, he designated the number one cult in the world, and all those who believed in Western religions in the Yin and Shang Dynasties were killed without leaving a single blade of grass."

The pharmacist's expression changed drastically, and the others who were traveling with him felt as if they had been struck by lightning.

No matter what, the current King Zhou is still the king of men and the lord of the world. Once the imperial edict is spread, the Western religion will not be able to clear his name.

In this case, all we can do is be reasonable.

"Your Majesty, please listen to Pindao. Today's changes are not what the Western religion wants. Our followers stay alone in the suffering places of the West. We only go to the southern capital to rescue the suffering and spread good thoughts. We have no intention of disturbing the Yin and Shang Dynasties."

"Well, that's a good point, but so what, I just want to decree that Western religion will be designated as a cult."

Lu Bei looked up to the sky and laughed, raised his thumb and pointed it on his chest, shouting loudly: "I am so stupid!"


Regardless of whether he was faint or not, he was really domineering. Hearing this made Kong Xuan's blood boil and he wished he could serve the Yin Shang all his life.

It's not possible to reason with the foolish king. You can only change your strategy and continue to reason.

The Taoist Medicine Master recited sutras, and his fellow disciples echoed loudly. All of these Taoists, both Taoist and non-Taoist, have great supernatural powers. They are high-ranking disciples of Western religions. They will have great fortunes in the future and will become Buddhas and ancestors.

At a glance, there is the future Medicine Master Buddha, the future Dragon King Buddha, as well as the Precious Light Buddha, the Precious Fire Buddha, the Guangde Buddha, and the Red Flame Banner King Buddha.

It doesn't matter what they are called now, Lu Bei doesn't know any of them and has no intention of asking clearly.

The human king is marching in person, so there is no need to argue clearly with the rebellious party. He is taking advantage of the situation, and the other party is not worthy of it.

As the sutras are recited, the Buddha's light surges in the cloudless sky, the immeasurable light spreads out, and the lotus terraces take shape.

Golden lotuses are blooming, Sanskrit sounds are bursting, the sky is filled with colorful fallen flowers, and strange fragrances and visions are coming one after another. Looking around, a Dharma body is condensed on the lotus platform, covering the sky and the sun, which is a spectacular sight.

The sound of the Buddha's trumpet sounded one after another, and great supernatural powers came to the world. Everyone in Nandu prayed sincerely. Even the soldiers in the Yin and Shang army were shaken, and some even knelt down and knelt down to worship on the spot.

"Everything is false. How dare you confuse the public."

Lu Bei shouted low, the sound was like thunder, piercing the sky, shocking countless Yin Shang people who woke up from a dream, and looked at the lotus flowers in the sky, and they all felt timid.

"Human King, this is not falsehood, it is my great Western Dharma and great wisdom..."

"Be bold!"

Lu Bei interrupted directly and said with an eyebrow: "You are standing on Gu's head, and you still say that you are not rebelling. You all come down to Gu to die!"

After saying that, he stepped on the ground with both feet, and with a loud bang, a huge wave of clouds exploded, leaving a deep pit on the spot, and in an instant he reached the lotus formation in the sky.

Fists and feet danced, lotus terraces collapsed, and every Dharma body was shattered.

Buddhas all over the sky stood in the middle of the southeast, northwest, and surrounded Lu Bei on three levels inside and three outside. They offered relics one by one and manifested immeasurable Buddha light, trying to suppress them in one fell swoop.

In the future, when Buddhism flourishes, such a scene can be said to be invincible and can compete with the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation. But it cannot be done now. It is just an illusion. There are not enough heads, so there is no such thing as great supernatural power.


White, blue, black, red, and yellow, five colors of divine light flowed upstream, and the waterfall hung upside down. Wherever it passed, all illusions were empty, killing the pharmacist and others with fear and chills.

The human king has great supernatural powers and is invincible.

The pharmacist held the relic on his head. Seeing that all the brothers worked together, they were no match for King Zhou. He gritted his teeth and took out the green bamboo from his sleeve.

Bamboo has six sections, and each layer is pure. It is the magic weapon of the Western Taoist Zhunti - six pure bamboo roots.

The six pure bamboos attract the infinite Buddha's light, knock it down from the mortal world, and pull the infinite light into a big hand that covers the sky. This hand also has the power of the five elements. Life and death are in conflict with each other, and they are endless, and even the five-color divine light cannot do anything about it.

The big hand covering the sky condensed into substance, and the palm prints were clearly visible. Each fleshy finger was comparable to the giant pillar of the sky. It fell in the sky and rumbled away the boundless golden and red clouds.

"False is false. Western teachings are flashy and unrealistic and cannot compete with our Taoist orthodoxy."

Lu Bei curled his lips, raised his hands to the sky, and stretched his arms to draw the yin and yang fish.

The huge Tai Chi diagram slowly spreads out, supporting the entire world, rendering all things pale and distorting the visible and invisible. All matter is assimilated into black and white at this moment.

Even the big hand that covers the sky cannot escape at this time.

The third form of Taixu Dharma Seal, the Yin and Yang Dao.

Lu Bei worked hard day and night, devoted himself to his work, understood that heaven and man are one, broke through his destiny, and regained his invincible magic power.

Suppressed by this world, unable to break free from the prison, he found his once great magical powers and found a new way to rebuild his magical powers according to the laws of this world, completing the three forms of Taixu Dharma Seal.

When his understanding has reached his level, he cannot hold back the pressure. If you give him some time, he is confident that he can break through the shackles and regain the lost Demon Creation Tower.

When the three divine birds fly across the sky, it will be Hong... Even if several saints join forces, he will dare to fight.

boom! !

The yin and yang avenue took shape, clearness rose and turbidity fell, life and death reversed, the black and white swimming fish turned, and the big hands that covered the sky twisted into twists. They broke through the Western teaching formation of the pharmacist and others in one blow, killing six pure bamboos and eclipsed them.

Black and white disappear, light returns, and the world becomes colorful again.

The pharmacist and others fell to the ground, their eyes were filled with shock and disbelief.

The leading pharmacist held six pure bamboos in his hands and faced Lu Bei's fierce gaze. He hesitated and did not dare to look at him for a moment.

"Good thing. This thing has a fate with Gu. If you leave this thing behind, I guess your Western religion came to the South to offer treasures, not to overthrow the Yin Shang Dynasty."

Lu Bei stepped forward and the pharmacist was so frightened that he hurriedly hid the six pure bamboos behind his back.

The effect was average, but a black shadow was seen piercing the sky. Lu Bei stood at the original position of the pharmacist, holding six pure bamboos and slowly raising them: "If you don't follow this, Western religion will become a cult and it will never be preached."

As he spoke, he slowly turned around and looked at Mother Chunti, who had her hands clasped together and looked like a Taoist.

Taoist Zhunti has a friendly smile, and there is a hint of pain and compassion between his brows, which makes people fall in love with him at a glance, and they would like to call him a true immortal with the right way.

Lu Bei doesn't know how. Yinglong's face deserves a beating no matter how he looks at it.

Even if there is no personal grudge, his invincible arrogance makes him not weak when facing the saint. He was born tens of thousands of years earlier. If you give him this time, he dares to reach the purple sky thirty-three days away...

Well, he dared to go to the Lingxiao Palace, and the emperor would take turns to sit there, and he would always sit there from now on.

"The poor Taoist Zhunti came from the west and met the King of Humans."

Zhunti bowed his hands and said, "So that the King of Human Beings will know that the bamboo pole in your hand is a means of transportation for the poor Taoist. Please be kind to the King of Human Beings and grant the poor Taoist unobstructed access in all directions."

"There's so much nonsense. Stop digging holes here. Just get it yourself if you want."

Lu Bei tightly grasped the six buzzing and trembling pure bamboos and grinned: "The evil way first detained me, the Yin Shang general, and then acted against me in the southern capital. The guilt is so great that the world cannot tolerate it. If I offer this thing now, I will be exempted from the name of the Western evil sect. If you don’t want to do this business, it’s all your own fault.”

It’s just digging a hole, who can’t do that!

Zhunti said nothing and changed his words: "I just heard what Renwang said that the Western Dafa is flashy and unrealistic and far inferior to the orthodox Taoism. There is a mistake here. Renwang has been practicing for a long time. He didn't know that 'Golden elixir and relics are the same as benevolence and righteousness. The three religions are originally the same. One family's principle."

"I really don't know, Zhunti Taoist people should not put gold on their faces. I have only heard that 'red flowers, white lotus roots and green lotus leaves, the three religions are one family'. There is no connection with Western cults here." Lu Bei snorted coldly.

"In this case, I will show you to the King of Humanity the splendid aspects of my Western teachings. If you offend me, I hope that the King of Humanity will forgive me."

Taoist Zhunti picked up the flowers and smiled, then pointed out the white lotus with one finger, and then with another, the golden lotus flew and fell, hitting the six pure bamboos with two consecutive blows.

Lu Bei remained motionless, focusing on a brute force.

Seeing this scene, the Taoist's eyes twitched. He put away his contempt, waved his hand to take back the six pure bamboos, took out the magic weapon Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree and said: "The king of men has magical powers. If this is the case, the poor Taoist will show his ugliness."

"A cult is a cult. After pretending to be a gentleman for a long time, you finally stopped acting, right?"

Lu Bei opened his mouth to practice evil and kept his mouth closed. When he heard that, the three corpses burst into flames, and he started to brush down the Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree.

Lu Bei raised the five-color divine light with one hand, and in a head-to-head encounter, he was defeated. He changed the Yin-Yang Avenue and used the swimming fish to transform the divine power of the Seven Treasures Tree into everything.

The two of them were fighting on the spot, and they made more than ten moves without achieving any success. It seemed that they heard some ridicule, and their faces gradually became a bit unbearable.

He raised his hand and slapped his forehead, manifesting the golden body of the Dharma. He spoke of Pindao, and his thoughts were clearly visible.

This holy image has twenty-four poems and eighteen hands, holding three relics, holding the umbrella cover, and blessing magic weapons such as pestle, precious file, golden bell, golden bow, silver halberd, and banner flag.

Among them, the blessing pestle is the most powerful, not much worse than the six pure bamboos.

Lu Bei narrowed his eyes slightly, clasped his hands together and clapped his hands on his chest: "It is indeed Xuanmen orthodoxy. Let's see, Taoist, whether this is also the Dafa of Xuanmen."

After saying this, immeasurable Buddha light surged around his body, causing a large pillar of golden light from beyond the sky to fall down, which also manifested a Dharma form.

The Great Demon Buddha has four faces of compassion and joy. He is a hundred feet tall. He steps out with one finger pointing to the sky and the other pointing to the earth. With compassion, he says to the Taoist: "Heaven and earth..."

"I am the only one!"

Zhunti: "..."

At a certain moment, he was stunned that he would not be fooled anymore.

When he came back to his senses, a big bag fell from the sky, flipped him over with a splat, and flew out of the sky, landing in the deep space of the galaxy.

"This guy is... quite..."

Zhunti didn't know how to describe it for a long time, secretly thinking that Nuwa's fortune had changed and she had recruited a good lackey.

If he had known this, he would have taken action in advance and snatched away King Zhou for his own use.

Now it’s no longer possible. It’s clear that we can’t go back on our side, and if the Western religion wants to prosper, Jie Jiao must contribute. We can’t win over the second leader of Jie Jiao, who is called the King of Humans and is actually the Jie Jiao...

Wait, that’s totally fine!

Zhunti's eyes lit up and he clapped his hands and said, "So that's it. My Taoist friend has cultivated the wonderful Western Dharma, which is clearly related to our Western religion. Today's conclusion of cause and effect is a great opportunity for me and Pindao to go to the Western Paradise."

He laughed endlessly, and when the Four-Phase Buddha arrived in the starry sky, Xiaozhi moved with emotion and reason, raised his hand and smashed many magic weapons one by one.

The rebellion in Nandu was silently paid attention to by several saints, especially Taoist Zhunti, who personally ended it, which made Laozi, Yuanshi Tianzun, and Nuwa look at it.

I didn't say a word, just watching and refining the elixir. Yuanshi Tianzun frowned, counted with his fingers, and shook his head.

The attitudes of the three saints were different, and Nuwa was the most excited. She looked at Hunjun who had been going back and forth with Zhunti, not to mention how happy she was.

It was clear that this was her dog.

Suddenly, her mind sank. This dog had only been cultivating for seven years and yet he dared to treat her in all kinds of frivolous ways. He even had the audacity to say anything just by looking outside.

It had only been like this for seven years. In another seven years, wouldn't it mean that the Devouring Lord would ride on her and dominate her?

Nuwa took a deep breath and secretly said she was lucky. She thought that she was not too involved in the situation. She had left room for turning before, but now she had time to withdraw from the world.

But for now, let’s see before we talk.

In the Biyou Palace, the Abandonment Sutra recruited its disciples as usual, and used the Four Swords of Zhuxian to anchor the four directions, and opened a grand curtain above the Biyou Palace, live broadcasting the entire world-shattering battle.

The good name is to cheer up the disciples and let them experience the majesty of the second leader.

It's hard to say whether they were inflated or not, but the disciples did gain a lot. For example, Taoist Duobao, he felt that he had underestimated the second leader before, and the golden muscle knots were very suitable for his taste.

There was also the phrase 'I am the only one in heaven and on earth'. The more he thought about it, the easier it became. If there weren't so many people, he couldn't help but recite it several times.

At the same time in the West, Taoist Taoist Jie Yin had a look of pain on his face. His balsam pear face was unique in the world and not everyone could learn it.

Then there is the Heavenly Palace, where the Jade Emperor of Haotian and the Golden Mother of Yaochi are sitting and watching the changes in the world. A list of gods is showing the saints fighting openly and secretly. The Emperor of Heaven has regained his majesty. Not to mention how happy these days are.

"The qualifications of a human king are really terrifying. If he had been born tens of thousands of years earlier..."

Halfway through his words, Haotian changed his words and said: "This calamity is caused by the Twelve Golden Immortals. There are variables in the calamity. The human king is the biggest variable. The Yin and Shang Dynasties are very lucky. I'm afraid it won't be that easy for Chanjiao to survive the calamity safely. .”

"If the saint takes action personally, the emperor on earth will definitely be defeated. He should not be so arrogant."

The Golden Mother of Yaochi gave a sound of approval, and then said: "In your Majesty's opinion, if this person can be made a god, what kind of divine position should he get?"

"There is only Dobu Zhengshen, the Lord of Arctic Purple Qi."

Haotian gave it a very high evaluation, and then shook his head: "This person cannot be made a god, so he can be mentioned as a saint. Even if he is defeated, there are Tongtian and Nuwa behind him, and he has no chance to be with you and me."

"If Your Majesty really loves talents, you can directly recruit them."

"Oh, what did the Queen Mother say?"

"The number of days is unknown, and the throne of God has not yet been determined. Your Majesty can give you a decree and promise Yin Shou to be the Great Emperor of Zhongtian Ziwei North Pole." The Golden Mother of Yaochi offered a plan.

"Yes, but not now."

Haotian smiled slightly. The Human King was too arrogant and did not even give Zhunti face. It is conceivable that without the suppression of the Gods List, he would be a great master when he came to the Tiangong.

Wait a little longer, wait until Yuanshi Tianzun exerts his strength, and the human king has nowhere to go, so it will not be too late to issue an order to recruit him.

But, now you can show your attitude and invest in advance.

"It is said that Long Ji and Xuannv are here to listen to the order."

In the starry sky and the universe, the Four-Phase Buddha fights against Zhunti Dharmakaya alone. Countless Buddhist magical powers are displayed one by one, giving Zhunti enlightenment and benefiting a lot.

The more he saw King Zhou of the Yin and Shang Dynasties, the happier he became, and he made up his mind to take him captive to the west to entertain him. As long as King Zhou was willing to condescend, he would establish a Buddhist kingdom in the west. From then on, he was both the king of the human world and the World Honored One in the West.

And those beauties who can't let go, all of them will be given the fruits of Bodhisattva's path.

As long as King Zhou nods, he will agree to any conditions.

Thinking of this, he exerted force on his hand and struck out with the blessing pestle, beating the Four Phases Buddha to pieces.

"The Taoist has magical powers, and the poor Taoist has been taught."

Taoist Zhunti took back his dharma body and stated the conditions of his promise one by one. When Lu Bei opened his mouth, he readily agreed even if he gave up his position as leader.

"In that case, I would like to ask fellow Taoist Zhunti to give it a try to see how good this formation is."

Lu Bei narrowed his eyes slightly, and a roar of dragons and tigers spread out boundless golden light. Wherever the light passed, the stars in the sky responded. In the resonance of the stars, starlight portals opened one after another.

Boundless brilliance descends, and a large formation forms a world of its own.

"This formation..."

"Zhou Tian Xing Dou!!!"


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