Hogwarts' finances rely entirely on donations and grants. Hogsmeade's area is limited, and although the rent is high, the gap is huge.

So Professor McGonagall asked Andrew to bring the ghost in without much hesitation - the normal operation of Hogwarts would be without various donations, even if they were purposeful.

Theoretically this is the case.

And the reason why I say theoretically - because within a few minutes of this well-off ghost entering, the negotiation completely collapsed.

Andrew was completely stunned, while Professor McGonagall was... well, how should I put it, as serious as ever.

How should I put it, this is really outrageous.

When the ghost was willing to cut himself open before, Andrew simply thought that he might be better at playing.

But once you talk about it, it's outrageous.

If I have to talk about it in detail, it is that - there is a limit to the lifespan of wizards, but generally speaking it is much longer than that of Muggles.

If you add magic potions or other messy things to assist, it will be even more ridiculous.

For example, the last principal, Mr. Armando Dippet, lived...well, 355 years old.

Yes, his age was outrageous. Compared to him, Dumbledore, who was over a hundred years old, was simply a young child.

And the visiting ghost gentleman did not live long at all.

But here's the problem, he is the kind of person who has a wide range of contacts and doesn't like to stay in one place, but certain close objects are not the same - for example, a enchantress.

Yes, his lover Mei Wa is still alive, and the two meet occasionally... But his ghost wife is quite jealous, and she even became a ghost because she was angry that he left early and the other party might remarry... She doesn't often return to her hometown. There is also the grave of first love...

All in all, the plot is very confusing. Professor McGonagall wants to pick up Gryffindor's dagger and cut off the person in front of her...

"All in all, if Tina grows old, I can probably leave with peace of mind. At that time, I think Anies will let go of her obsession and go with me... Really, she is obviously the last one to come, But I’m always so jealous...and poor Xia Mara, she will probably be able to let go of her obsession after I leave..."

Shut up, Professor McGonagall is probably trying to kill someone.

All in all, this generous ghost was willing to donate thirty thousand gold galleons to facilitate this, which only required a few blows from Gryffindor's sword.

However, it seemed that Professor McGonagall did not intend to accept the donation. In the end, everyone still failed to reach an agreement.

"The honor of Gryffindor cannot be compromised on this, so we cannot agree to your request."

Professor McGonagall shook her head, "Tyler, take him away."


"It's really a pity. I originally thought that if part of my body was left behind, my longing might be alleviated——"

The ghost who refused to introduce his name sighed, "But I will not default on your introduction fee. I will send you something that may be helpful to you later - ah, by the way, there is also a piece of advice."

Whether it's money or anything else, show it to the professor to see what to do with it - if he doesn't accept it, Andrew is afraid that he will be haunted by the ghost of free prostitution in the future.

"What advice, sir?"

"Stay away from the charming children. When you fall in love with them, you will be desperate."

Andrew was confused.

What kind of advice is this? What does he have to do with Meiwa?

"Especially for someone like you. You are the prey of the enchantress at first glance. Practice Occlumency well."

Before Andrew could ask further questions, the ghost, who did not want to provide his name, turned around and left - diving into the castle, never to be seen again.

"What is this, a ghost longing for the end? Or... I don't know, I went to eat."


The ghost incident caused some minor commotion in the castle, but it quickly subsided - mainly because there was nothing to talk about.

Gryffindor's sword belongs to Gryffindor alone. The students in other houses who have been watching them show off quickly became desensitized to this topic, and the Gryffindors couldn't see the sword and were embarrassed to mention anything.

As for Professor Lockhart's intention to apply for a visit, Professor McGonagall directly rejected it because of his college background - why do you, a Ravenclaw, care about our Gryffindor sword?

Anyway, the professor personally called back the application. Andrew and Huffman looked at each other silently, and neither of them laughed out loud.

Other than that, nothing too serious.

Andrew's manuscript is ready - this time it's about first encounters.

While Dumbledore was struggling with his choice for the future, Grindelwald, who was part of the prophecy, appeared - but Grindelwald did not appear to kill people, but to recruit troops.

Well, Grindelwald, who self-interpreted the prophecy, decided to recruit all talented people under his command, and then work together to decipher the prophecy.

But when they met for the first time, the two had a fight to test each other's strength, and they won and lost.

'Next month's issue will be about the mutual admiration between the two and the compilation of each other's knowledge... Well, the focus can be changed, and it can even be... No, the first issue has already set up the Elder Wand to claim its master. This cannot be a betrayal, it is unjustifiable... '

"It's not possible to suppress learning ability. The selling point is Dumbledore's strength..."

‘Well, since alchemy is introduced anyway, let’s just set up the alchemy bonus caused by Grindelwald’s extreme luck and crush Dumbledore. ’

‘But it’s all for the next issue, don’t worry. ’

Anyway, this issue is settled, and we will consider breaking up in the next issue - and then leave in fear of each other.

Then you can write randomly - as alchemy grows, you don't have to worry about the saints coming to kill you.

But just when he thought everything was going well, Huffman, who currently has the longest rotation, happily informed Andrew.

"Ah, yes, Andrew, I'm off to adventure training."

Huffman said this.

The process was set at the end of last semester and cannot be changed, and Huffman himself is happy to do so.

Huffman's friends prepared a small farewell party for him - he would go to training until close to graduation, and then return to school for exams, basically not showing up at school.

Andrew attended and got to know a bunch of Gryffindors, and gave Huffman his own gift - a good-luck compass with divination effect, which was expensive.

"Huh? This, Taylor, you are really..."

"I bought it at a friendly price, introduced by Professor Singed," Andrew responded to Huffman's hug, "You helped me a lot last school year, thank you very much."

"Similarly, you have helped me a lot. It would be too depressing to be alone in the office."

Huffman let go of Andrew and enthusiastically began to introduce the others.

'Another friend I have lost...'

That night, Andrew performed range deformation training as a routine, but Huffman's internship did not add any training buff to him, and even hindered him a little.

In addition, since it was almost November, the grass beside the Black Lake began to turn yellow in large quantities, making the grass where he first cast the spell look even more fake, which really made people unhappy.

'Don't change it yet, keep it for comparison, and go to the owl shed later to send out next month's manuscript...'

'Besides, you have to train earlier, otherwise you won't be able to see the effect even if it's dark...'

With a good attitude, Andrew began to return to the castle - there is a lot of work to do next. When Halloween comes, the castle needs to be re-decorated and cleaned. Although there are no holiday arrangements, and the elves are used to it, there is one most important thing. What's going on.

I received an application today. Nick, the ghost who just lost his head, plans to hold a death anniversary party. The relevant arrangements have been submitted - although it will occupy the underground space, it needs to be arranged in advance.

"Fortunately, I don't have to follow you to see it. I have no interest in giving up the limited-edition ice cream to attend the ghost's dinner party." ’

Andrew yawned and began to figure out the next process.


"Death anniversary?"

"Yes, this Halloween is my five-hundredth death anniversary."

Nick looked proud in front of the twins, "And my application for the Headless Hunters was rejected - ha, this time I want to show it to those stubborn guys in person, I have indeed lost my head!"

"This is really cool!"

The twins applauded.

"Yes, so I hope you will be my special guests, ah, by the way, and your brother. I heard that they worked hard for your sentence. If Mr. Ron is also willing to come, then It’s great.”


The twins said the name at the same time, and then laughed at each other, "Just kidding, Nick, how could Ron...haha..."

"We agreed. Anyway, we won't be locked up for a holiday like Halloween. By the way, can you invite Sirius to come? It's Black. He provided a lot of help last time."

"Of course, your friends are my friends!"

When Nick talked about his excitement, his head fell from his neck with a bang, and then slowly floated up in the air, "Ah, I'm sorry, I'm still a little uncomfortable."

He held his head with his hands, "It's settled, see you later!"

After saying that, Nick rushed towards the wall and waved his hand, the head in his hand filled with a sincere smile.


"Pranks can also help a lot, but we can't show off, otherwise that Andrew will definitely give us trouble..."

"It's great to invite Sirius to participate. Come to think of it, he must have never participated in such interesting things!"

"Yeah, that's got to be great."

The two nodded at the same time - after learning that Sirius was the ancestor, they always wanted to show something different. The Bing Room that the elves said was not clear yet. We will come back later, but now this banquet is different. .


"Hiss...it's so cold..."

"What happened to Grayskin (Dementor) and those thugs who are greedy for money? There are still no new robes at this time of year..."

"Yeah, it's a pleasure to collect Gallons, but the heating equipment is always not provided..."

In the Azkaban prison, a group of prisoners were swearing.

It was better a few days ago, but these days when the cold wind comes, almost everyone is shivering - although prisoners in Azkaban never die of cold or starvation, it is impossible to get there easily.

Only when the batters who come on duty bring the materials, can the supply be considered completed.

"I can't wait to take off the gray leather robe..."

"Tch, just you?"

The noisy prisoners look down on each other, after all, everyone is just talking.

But in one of the houses, there was something special about a prisoner. Instead of complaining, he kept walking around, and walking around again.

"Pull him down, William, aren't you just going out?"

"Shut up and I'll give you the chocolates I have in stock when I leave."

"Huh? Oh, no, the beaters will be here soon, no doubt about it, my Mr. William!"

"Whether you keep your diary or not, I'll leave Galleon!"

"Not for sale!"

"Write more, write more, William!"

The noisy cell even attracted dementors, but they rarely came to eat, and instead left - it would be a problem if the prisoner's legs were too weak to walk, and there was definitely enough food today.

Just when everyone was complaining and cursing, the door to Azkaban opened again.

The strikers who used magic to transport a large number of inferior prison uniforms rushed over, took out the daily necessities from the messy clothes, and then exchanged them for galleons one by one, throwing away the clothes in disgust.

Another small batter was holding a list and walking quickly towards the cell on the edge.

"You're out of prison, boy - reform yourself, I have no intention of sending you off again! Go get your wand and deposit!"


"I can't believe it, a party for ghosts."

Sirius's face was full of excitement - it was the five hundredth anniversary of his death, and he had never seen this scene before.

But Harry and Hermione on the other side were not so happy.

Both of them looked a little uneasy, but Ron looked excited.

Although Harry and Hermione didn't know what he was excited about.

"Welcome, my friend!"

Standing at the door, Nick desperately tried to show a sad expression - the ghosts around him were like this, but the smile on Nick's lips could not be suppressed no matter what.

"I'm so happy that you can come..."

"It doesn't look like he's celebrating death at all..."

George muttered under his breath, "He's crazy happy."

However, after entering the underground classroom, everyone was stunned - there were probably hundreds of ghosts in the whole room, and each of them had a milky white translucent existence that directly enhanced the Halloween atmosphere.

What's even more terrible is that there are more than a thousand candles glowing with blue light and a huge number of terrifying saws, about thirty or so - the latter makes a sound like something is sawing bones.

Moreover, I don’t know if it’s due to the gathering of ghosts, but the whole room was so cold that an obvious white mist could be seen when I breathed.

Compared to others, Harry and Hermione were obviously more scared - after all, in the stories they had heard since childhood, the people in front of them were the protagonists.

"Let's go chat!"

Sirius pulled Harry, looking excited.

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