This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 46 It’s so scary

Probably emergencies of one kind or another often occurred in the castle, and the school responded almost immediately.

Dumbledore almost immediately asked the prefects to take the students to his lounge, and the prefects quickly started to ask the new students who had no experience to follow him.

"Andrew is not here, he should go to the library!"

His roommates reported the incident to their prefects almost immediately.

"Oh, he in a club?"


The roommate immediately signed up for Andrew’s club.

"Fortunately, there are people in their club who can fight..." The prefect breathed a sigh of relief, "You go to the fifth graders and ask Hande, and ask them to organize students to go to the library to look for them. The dean and I will report it. "


Andrew was unaware of the scene in the auditorium.

He was still proud of completing his work, and he was thinking about whether to eat first and then take time to go to the owl shed, or to take advantage of the fact that there were fewer people there and finish the work secretly before going to eat.

"What does it smell like?"

A stench suddenly hit him, and Andrew frowned.

It's normal for underground classrooms to smell bad, but it definitely doesn't have the horrible smell of an exploding public toilet.

After making a short judgment, he immediately took a few steps back and confirmed that the source of the strange smell was from the front.

"What the hell... Peeves' new prank?"

Uncertain, he tapped his backpack with his wand, and a rope crawled out of the backpack - if it was a correct transformation technique, it should be a snake at this moment, but his level was limited, so that was all he could do.

The rope began to crawl along the base of the wall, until a loud noise was made at the corner - if Peeves smashed something, it should be attracted.

But what reached Andrew's ears was not the sound of something hitting the ground, but the sound of extremely heavy footsteps, as if someone had brought an elephant into the castle.

"What the hell... what kind of new prank is this?"

He took a few steps back, used a levitating spell to create a piece of parchment and stuck it on the wall, conjuring a mirror to confirm that there were no mischievous ghosts or goblins behind him.

But now the smell was worse.

"Myrtle blew up the toilet?"

Andrew, who held the wand firmly, even complained, and used another piece of parchment to conjure a mask, and commanded it with the wand to put it on himself.

"Oh...what the hell?"

He retreated from a good position, and a giant thing more than ten feet tall stood in the shadows. It was impossible to see its face clearly due to lighting problems, but the fear brought by its size alone was enough. Not to mention the shadow holding a huge wooden stick on the ground in its right hand.

"Hell... I'm not here to study?"

Andrew rolled his eyes silently - he waved his wand towards the ground without any hesitation.


While Andrew was casting the spell, the troll had begun to speed up and trot towards Andrew. Unfortunately, the solid floor had turned into a quagmire when his huge feet stepped in. It staggered immediately, but found itself His feet fell into a pit that was only slightly larger than his feet.

Amidst the horrifying sound, it easily pulled out its legs, its ferocious eyes completely fixed on Andrew.

'Transfiguration is not strong enough...'

Andrew waved his wand again, and the rope that had been used to explore the path began to climb directly along the troll's body. It easily climbed up the troll's neck in the giant's big hands trying to scratch it, and then wrapped around the eyes. One lap.

The next moment, the rope turned into a vine with sharp thorns and was firmly fixed on the troll's eyes.


A huge roar came, and the troll screamed heartbreakingly. The wooden stick dragged on the ground was raised high, trying to smash it in the direction of Andrew, but it was only half lifted and began to stretch again. It turned into the root system of a huge tree.

The relatively spacious passage was occupied almost instantly, and the scattered force prevented the transformation technique from disappearing.

Andrew didn't even hesitate to start the next spell. The thorns wrapped around the troll's eyes began to grow rapidly, and the monster's tragic wail resounded throughout the underground passage.

But within half a minute, it was all over.

At least in Andrew's cognitive system, living things cannot survive such a blow. However, he still waved his wand, and the mirror attached to the wall turned back into parchment, and then turned into a sharp awl, firmly nailed to the troll's heart roughly.

The wand was waved again, and the big tree turned into a wooden stick. Under Andrew's control, it hit the awl like a hammer, and finally smashed the entire awl into the troll's body.

"If you are not dead yet, I will admit it."

Andrew breathed a sigh of relief at this time and stepped forward cautiously - after all, what if he moves again?

But the troll was undoubtedly dead.

"It's really scary... Fortunately, I practice my transformation skills..."

He randomly tested a few of the magic spells he knew and found that they couldn't even penetrate the skin of the dead big guy.

"But how come there are trolls in such a good school? I always feel like something is wrong, but I can't remember it."

Shaking his head, he didn't know if this guy had any economic value or usable materials - but it wasn't worth the risk.

After taking back the parchment and rope, Andrew simply erased the traces around him. After making sure that there was nothing to do with him, he simply changed his hair color and hairstyle, raised the soles of his shoes by a few centimeters, and left in a hurry.

He always felt that there was a conspiracy. He was just at the level of being able to kill the troll. How dare he get involved?

Taking a step back, if there was a problem in the school, it was Professor Quirrell's problem no matter how you look at it. There was no need to provide evidence!

With this mentality, he bypassed several places with portraits and went directly to the library on the second floor. He just walked around the bookshelf and removed the magic. Anyway, he often checked in at the library, so he didn't have to worry about others' suspicion.


"Come to find Granger?"

"Why didn't you say Granger came to find you two?"

"It's just... a group of people sneaked out to kill the troll without leaving their names and thought I didn't know it was them, and another group of juniors thought they could deal with the troll!!!"

"Five points deducted from Gryffindor, five points each!!!"

"Professor, they really came to find me, because I... I think I can deal with the troll..."

Professor McGonagall looked at Hermione who was obviously lying, and then looked at the other two who looked like quails.

"Okay, you will also be deducted five points, Miss Granger - okay, you can go."

The two felt relieved, but then they were embarrassed all the way.

"Forget it, I have decided to forgive you."

In front of the common room, Granger said this before entering first.

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