This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 53 The reason why I couldn't tell Snape

"nice shot!"

A wonderful goal by the Gryffindor team caused a burst of violent cheers from Ravenclaw, who was technically a neutral faction - this made Andrew suddenly no longer feel guilty for supporting Gryffindor.

But it's not surprising that Ravenclaw shows such a tendency - even from the perspective of someone like Andrew who is not well versed in the rules of Quidditch, Slytherin's game is a bit dirty.

With unscrupulous fouls and almost-injurious collisions, this style of play completely fits the stereotype of Slytherin that others have.

'But, to be honest, the Gryffindor commentator named Jordan is really brave enough. Professor McGonagall still dares to make such a joke even though Professor McGonagall is standing aside - but I suspect that Professor McGonagall is letting it slip...'

Because of the jokes made by the commentators, Andrew watched the game with great interest.

However, the commentator soon brought everyone's attention to the Seeker, "It's the Snitch!!!"

How long has it been since this started?

Andrew complained a little and focused his attention on the seekers on both sides - but something unexpected happened, Gryffindor's seeker Harry Potter lost control of his broom.

'out of control? I seem to have an impression...ah...'

He couldn't remember the details, but there was no need to think too much - Professor McGonagall was still on the field, and the brand new broom was out of control, so there was only one possibility.

No nose...

No, it's a mysterious person...

The mysterious man who pressures almost the entire wizarding world, only he has the strength to do such a thing in front of Professor McGonagall - but Andrew doesn't understand.


Expecting to cast a spell on a broomstick that would cause Harry Potter to fall to his death in full view of everyone, in the presence of Professor McGonagall?

Are you kidding me...what's the point of this other than exposing yourself?

Only a madman would make such a choice - to gamble on something with a very low probability while half exposing himself...

'Isn't he really crazy...'

Andrew looked a little sad - he thought that the first grade was not that dangerous and was the best time to improve himself. That's why he gave up almost all his homework and the friends he should have had fun with in first grade, and joined a club that seemed to be linked to the Ministry of Magic.

But now, there are a lot of crazy people in the club, and even the so-called safe period doesn't seem so reliable anymore.

He didn't know what madness this mysterious man had gone to for an impossible execution in front of so many people. Who could guarantee that he wouldn't go crazy and attack the students next time - especially Andrew and the others who were also killed by this mysterious man? Teaching, the number of students who are unlucky next time may not necessarily be the same...

'Can't look over there...can't attract that person's attention...'

Andrew didn't even have the intention of pulling out his wand and doing something - Professor McGonagall was more than capable of dealing with this, but if he was spotted for being pushy, that mysterious man would never be merciful.

'Damn... Although this is not a desperate situation, this feeling...'

He clenched his left hand, trying hard not to let his eyes fall on Harry, 'It's really uncomfortable to see someone being harmed but not being able to help at all...'


After several non-exposed deep breaths, Andrew was finally able to control his emotions.

While he was adjusting his emotions, Harry had been saved from the chaos - the wand taken out by Professor McGonagall was withdrawn, and Harry regained control of the broom without her even having to take action.

‘What’s going on? ’

Before Andrew had any idea, the roommate next to him had already smiled and pulled him towards the auditorium on the Slytherin side - Professor Snape's clothes were on fire, and he was limping and hurriedly trying to save the fire.

‘It’s him, how could it be—no, it’s him. ’

Andrew easily found Quirrell, who didn't look quite right. He was still wearing his thick scarf and looked funny and didn't know what to do.

He was very close to Professor Snape's position - apparently, the person who had just set Professor Snape's robes on fire interrupted the spell at the same time...

'The reporting process must be accelerated. I will write anonymously after this regular meeting...'

Letting such a lunatic stay on campus is irresponsible for his own life. Andrew can't believe that something will never change - judging from today's events, after he chatted with that classmate, the other person's homework was compromised. Any problem can trigger this lunatic's anger, and then what if he kills all the first-year students in anger and then leaves?

'Also, if possible, sending a letter to Professor Snape is also very effective - but it is even harder to forge a letter to the other party...'

Andrew is not a rookie who knows nothing. Writing to Professor McGonagall and pretending to be a supplier may still be seen. Professor Snape - think about it, if he were Snape, he would accept strangers letter?

Are you kidding me? In every grade he taught, except for Slytherin who respected his own dean, the other houses had someone who was scolded. There was a possibility of a shouting letter being sent out without an anonymous letter. Who would open an anonymous letter? ?

Don't even think about stuffing makeup through the office door - you can deceive the portrait, but you can't deceive the office's protective mechanism. Professor Snape caught the students at night and caught the students in love. If you can stuff it into the envelope, there may be a lot of people in his office. What magical creature...

Andrew has heard of people stuffing wooden sticks and nails into the door locks of the head teacher, deflated the valve cores of teachers, stole electric car batteries, put super glue on the accelerator, secretly took photos and reported illegal parking, stuffed cockroaches into the head teacher's office, and beat the dean of studies with a sack when he graduated, stuffed the urinal after being beaten, stuffed the squat toilet after being beaten, and locked the empty classroom after being beaten...

'Forget it... I will definitely not receive it. After all, this kind of behavior is not a new professor. I will just imitate the supplier's letter...'

Considering that the student that Professor Snape had to deal with also mastered the skill of magic, he erased his sudden whim.

'Transfiguration should continue to improve strength, and improving oneself is necessary, but finding a place to escape, finding a spell to hide oneself, and finding a way to skip classes should be put on the agenda...'

Yes, skipping classes - if he feels that the bomb is about to explode, Andrew will skip classes and report it immediately under the real-name system.

Anyway, he had already learned the spell to extract the memory from the spells related to brain occlusion given by the club, and he only needed to keep the idea of ​​finding the extracted memory and expose the idea of ​​writing a book - it was impossible to completely seal it, but he was not under pressure to keep it a little.

And exposing the book could still cover up the deletion of memory.

It was just too dangerous, and there was a high probability that he would be hung on the astronomy tower.

‘I hope it won’t be like this…’

Andrew left with a worried look as the Gryffindors celebrated their victory.

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