This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 67 Counterattack

There is no doubt that Professor McGonagall will figure everything out today, but if the students can handle it privately, the school will obviously not interfere.

Percy bravely took responsibility, pushed the matter aside, and became Gryffindor's stay-at-home warrior. Professor McGonagall didn't have to worry about having to deal with such terrible things during this rare holiday, and Slytherin got an excuse for revenge. , saves face, and Andrew doesn’t have to work overtime—everyone wins.

Such good processing results made Andrew's joy reach a higher level. After happily processing the last document, he left Professor McGonagall's office, closed the door, and walked towards the library.

'It's fun story time this afternoon...'

Under Mrs. Pince's slightly surprised look, he borrowed three fairy tale collections, put them in his bag, and then walked towards the cafeteria.

However, as soon as he arrived at the door of the cafeteria, Andrew noticed that something was wrong with the atmosphere inside. It was then that Andrew, who had been busy all morning, remembered what poor Percy had said to him.

Compared with the empty tables in other houses, the dining tables in Slytherin House were very crowded, and everyone's face had an expression that smelled like earwax from eating strange-flavored beans.

The Gryffindor table, which had always been overly active, was extremely quiet at the moment. Andrew glanced at it and didn't even notice the famous Harry Potter.

"Shh, Andrew, keep your voice down, the Slytherins are crazy."

The first-year Ravenclaw who was also staying at the school whispered, "It is said that they were frantically looking for Harry Potter, but he was hidden by other Gryffindor students. In addition, it is said that the remaining Gryffindors The prefect is hospitalized."

It's reasonable - if I were in Slytherin, I would have to send Harry Potter to the school hospital, which would be a great thing to improve the cohesion of the school.

But is Gryffindor's fighting spirit so strong this year? To be able to predict what Slytherin students are going to do - so terrifying, so terrifying.

Andrew, who was completely free from the threat of overtime, was full of gossip at the moment. Unfortunately, none of the key professors showed up during lunch, whether it was Professor McGonagall or Professor Snape, which was really disappointing.


"This can be used for a while...but the story suddenly progresses to the time when Dumbledore was a professor. It advances too fast and is inappropriate...'

Andrew briefly copied the summary of the story in his notebook, then marked the word school, and put the notebook down. Although the better way to mark it was to write down his thoughts, looking at the white snow outside, he decided to keep it necessary. of caution.

"Rocking chair, fireplace, snowy weather, a good book..."

Andrew leaned back and even had the urge to hold a blanket over, "It would be better if there was a cup of brewed black tea."

But unfortunately, this is not Professor McGonagall's office. The house elf named Jim works for Professor McGonagall. Andrew is using the school's resources there, and there are no loopholes for him to exploit here.

But that was enough, probably seeing that he was really leisurely like this. Soon several Ravenclaws came out of the dormitory, each pulled a lounge chair over, and started reading by the fireplace without even communicating.

Andrew spent the afternoon happily amid the occasional sound of quills and parchment rubbing.

It wasn't until dinner time in the evening that the students who were reading dispersed, without even introducing each other - but this rare peace ended in the evening.

In the ridiculously quiet auditorium, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw students whispered to each other, and from time to time looked at the empty Gryffindor table and the full Slytherin table with pale faces. people.

"It's really outrageous - all the Gryffindor students ran back to the common room. It is said that the Slytherin students searched for the whole afternoon without meeting anyone."

The low-pitched discussion at the dinner table not only did not make the auditorium noisy, but it seemed quieter. Some Hufflepuff students secretly said that Harry Potter was directing and informed every Gryffindor student, but There is no definite evidence.


"Hand out the snacks. Think of the looks in the eyes of those Slytherin students in the cafeteria today!"

The Gryffindors who stayed in the school were very excited at the moment, especially the Weasley brothers who made the fake train plan. They somehow managed to get a bunch of food in, which made the faces of everyone in the lounge filled with the joy of victory.

They even opened bottles of butterbeer and pumpkin juice, "Here's a glass for Percy!"

"Here's to Percy!"

George and his brothers bit their ears, "That guy Percy... really, he can think of such an idea to make himself famous."

"After all, he is lying in the hospital. Poor Percy has broken a leg, an arm, and is even spitting out bubbles... I'm afraid he won't be fully recovered until the day after tomorrow."

"After all, he fought against the entire fifth grade of Slytherin alone, although the opponent did not send out any sixth or seventh grade students."

"Thanks to Harry, he thought of this after lunch," the two smiled at each other, picked up the butterbeer and moved towards Harry.


In the early morning of the next day, the Hogwarts Express returned to Hogwarts exhausted after a long day of driving and had to work overtime again. The Slytherins, who were full of resentment but had never vented it out, almost didn't want to go home.

At noon, the Gryffindors who had grown up all of a sudden did not forget to whistle occasionally during their meals, while the Slytherin students who stayed in school stared at this side with vicious eyes, but it was useless, as there were more Gryffindors who stayed in school.

As for Andrew, he went to the school hospital with a bouquet of flowers and a candy ordered by Rose, and prepared to visit Percy. Although he should have come yesterday, considering the madness of the Slytherins, he decided to make the same choice as Gryffindor.

At this moment, Percy's bed was already piled with flowers and various snacks, but because he needed to rest, Madam Pomfrey did not let anyone stay.

"How do you feel?"

"It will take some time."

Percy looked at Andrew's sincere eyes and almost forgot that it was the man in front of him who had put him in the hospital. Although he received cheers from his classmates, it was really painful...

"You have to get better soon, so that you won't be able to live up to the wishes of those Slytherin students."

"I'm afraid it's a bit difficult. Madam Pomfrey asked me to stay a few more days."

Percy's tone even became weak.

"Although I also want to get better soon, but, cough cough--"

In Andrew's surprised look, Percy said in a weak voice, "It seems that I have to leave the office work to you."

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