This martial saint is too generous

Chapter 105 I am the only honest person

You promised to take care of me!

When Qin Jinyang arrived at the door, Feng Duoying had already rushed in, spinning his swords along the way and taking away one of the men with two or three swords.

Still a double sword style.

The sword owner is clever and fancy, and a little blood flower can kill a dog.

This kind of sword technique saves energy, but the details must be controlled to the extreme, no mistakes are allowed, and it requires deep and hard practice.

After all, he is the son of a warrior. The second generation of Wu has already surpassed Xia Santang in all aspects of his performance.

Fang Yongli should not be Feng Duoying's opponent.

But that's not necessarily the case. Fang Yongli is now Ding Guangchun's disciple, so it's inevitable that he doesn't have some tricks up his sleeve.

These scumbags all have their own trump cards.

I am the only honest person.


Seeing Qin Jinyang and Feng Duoying all entering the city, Wu Shengshi turned around and flashed outside the village in the blink of an eye.

Using his palms to unleash his true energy, the heavy door slammed shut. He put a chain on his shoulders and bolted the door shut from the outside.

With a leap, Wu Shengshi rolled back into the city again.

The door is so high that it is difficult for ordinary second-class people to climb over it in one go, but first-class people can only be locked inside.



Wu Shengshi broke off a few more big trees and inserted the trunks deeply under the gate of the city. The trunks penetrated deep into the ground and stuck the gate like a door bolt.

This is foolproof and it will be difficult for the minions to escape!

The trunk of the tree is thick and it takes some time for fire to burn.

"Who... dared to kick in the door of my Blue Gun Gang!"

As soon as Wu Shengshi locked the door, a roar rang out, echoing in the sky and coming from the inner hall.

"Mad Blue Dog, come back and be fine..."

Wu Shengshi jumped up and rushed towards the back hall.

He didn't have time to observe the situation of his two disciples, so he had to contain all the masters immediately.

"Wu Shengshi?"

In the back hall courtyard, a man and a woman surrounded Wu Shengshi from the front and back.

The man's face was full of flesh and his teeth were gritted.

The woman was obviously old, but she was wearing a brand new red dress, dressed like the bride. Her face was smeared with rouge and gouache, and she was as scary as an exploded zombie.

Behind the two men, there was a group of warriors, all standing with swords in their hands and looking nervous.

There are many second products.

But most of them are first grade.

This group of people were the core members, and they were flattering the two village leaders. Suddenly they heard a loud noise outside the door. Before they could fight out, a man rushed in with a sword.

Facing the third grade, although this group of people were nervous, they were more excited.

Only the third grade.

The two village owners have experienced hundreds of battles and have killed countless third-level men.

This is an opportunity, an opportunity to make a difference!

They just need to hold on and ensure that they don't die.

The two village masters could get a large amount of ransom by capturing the third grade alive.

"Haha, it turned out to be a master from Helan Villa? Hahahaha, today is the birthday of the leader of the village, and Helan Villa has sent a generous gift!"

"If I capture you, a third-grade old man, alive and sell it to Xu Yuepai, I can get a good price."

Lan Hongmiao licked her red lips, half smiling.

"Sister, don't underestimate the enemy. Wu Shengshi, the leader of the Hall of Health and Wellness, once faced a fourth-grade man head-on and retreated unscathed. This is not an ordinary third-grade man."

Lan Gumiao looked solemn.

"I only know that he is the money that comes to my door...Brother, kill him!"

Lan Hongmiao roared, and the sword light was like an earth dragon arching into fire, instantly covering Wu Shengshi.

"Wu Shengshi, if you want money, you can discuss it with the leader of the village. In fact, there is no need to risk death... Don't you understand the principle of peace making money?"

The corner of Lan Gumiao's mouth twitched and he also attacked and killed, but in his heart he still wanted to negotiate.

Wu Shengshi is really special.

Swish swish swish!

The blade of a third-level warrior is sharp, and there is a layer of terrifying blade light intertwined around the body, which jingles, sparks continue throughout the process, and the blade even produces a pungent smell when it hits.

The second-grade warriors could still wander around, but the first-grade warriors had to get out of the way. If they were not careful, they would be accidentally killed.


All the furniture in the courtyard was in pieces. Wu Sheng fought one against two, but there was no sign of falling. The expressions of the two village leaders became more and more serious.

At this time, several second-grade warriors also began to find angles to attack and kill.

The pressure on the two village leaders dropped sharply.

Wu Shengshi's fighting rhythm was interrupted several times, and there were some dangers.

"Wu Shengshi, can we negotiate?"

Lan Gu Miao has been able to stand for so long because he is best at negotiating with the so-called respectable people.

In front of money, there is no so-called justice and morality. Talking about benevolence, righteousness and morality, shutting up about morality, benevolence and righteousness, it is all for money in the end.

"Okay! Use your head... as a bargaining chip!"

Hearing the first half of Wu Shengshi's sentence, Lan Gumiao sneered contemptuously, but the second half immediately made his smile freeze.

"Kill him... chop him with a knife, and the reward is 100 taels of silver!"

Lan Hongmiao shouted hysterically.

There was a brave man under the heavy reward, and the eight second-grade men began to risk their lives.

Wu Shengshi was quickly suppressed, and Daomang was also at a disadvantage. He observed... Well, eight second-grade people are here, and it will be easier for the two disciples to be outside.

The cottage has been in chaos.

The backyard is messy and the front is even messier.

In just a few breaths, corpses were everywhere.

The fatal parts of these corpses were all cut open, and the bodies were completely preserved, so they were not too miserable.

Feng Duoying's eyes were bloodshot, and even his breath was filled with the sticky smell of blood. Many ants killed the elephant. Although he became braver as he fought, there were many desperadoes from the bandits, and he still received a few bloody cuts on his body.

"As long as I am not surrounded by the first rank, I will be safe... Calm down, Feng Duoying, Feng Duoying, my father has taught me since childhood that only by being calm when encountering difficulties can you survive danger. You must be calm..."

Feng Duoying could no longer remember how many bandits he had killed.

There was no longer even a human shape in his eyes, only the smooth neck and the fatal part with beating blood vessels...

"Junior Brother Qin has not long been exposed to martial arts. The crisis is more serious than imagined. He will definitely be in danger. I have to be faster, faster... As long as you kill me, you can go over and help Junior Brother Qin... Calm down, calm down!"

Swish swish swish!

The two knives drew two indescribable weird arcs, like a sudden poisonous snake, severing the throats of the two first-level bandits.

When the blood spurted out, Feng Duoying's body was already on the other side.


Unfortunately, he was hit again in the arm.

Fortunately, this minor injury was not fatal and did not affect his ability to perform martial arts.

"Master is so proud of himself that he shows off in front of me and Junior Brother Qin. He is facing two third-grades and eight second-grades at the same time. How can he be so relaxed... After helping Junior Brother Qin, I have to assist the master. Alas, three people Suppressing bandits is simply unrealistic. The master is inflated and confused... He overestimated himself and Junior Brother Qin... But I, Feng Duoying, am a dark horse!"

All the pressure was on Feng Duoying, and he felt as if the mountains were suffocating on his shoulders.

"I've probably fought through half of the journey. Be quick... be quick... Junior Brother Qin, you must hold on... Senior Brother is here to save you. I really envy you. You have a good Senior Brother... Oh!"

Another way.

There were mutilated limbs and broken arms everywhere, and corpses scattered everywhere.

Blood was spattered on the wall and on the floor. Near the door, the blood was thick and black, and the smell was pungent.

Completely opposite to Feng Duoying's sword technique, Qin Jinyang's sword is only powerful, and its meaning contains a strong sense of magic.


Bloody and bloody.

If gods stand in the way, they will kill gods; if demons stand in the way, they will kill monsters.

Opening and closing widely, the sword can see the bones, and the sword can break the bones.

The killing was hearty and there were corpses everywhere. Even though they were dead, the bandits still looked horrified.

In front of Qin Jinyang were the frightened bandits. They were blocking the street in a group, retreating step by step. Several Yipin had peed their pants.

"It's over!"

Qin Jinyang never counted how many bandits he killed, and the beep in his mind never stopped.

The batch in front of me should be the last batch.

A whole street was wiped out!

Unfortunately, the son of the second boss was never found.

"Young hero, if you have something to say, can't you just say it properly?"

There was a first-grade bandit whose mouth was dry and his whole body was shaking.

"Hey, when you are killing the old, weak, women and children, will you talk to them nicely?"


A black light flashed past, like a stream of black oil poured into an ant's nest, and the sword light dragged out a sharp blade, like a red-hot knife cutting tofu, and several bandits were cut in half.

They still maintained a defensive posture with their knives, but their upper bodies were already sliding down.

They saw their legs and smelled the urine in their crotches. They felt unprecedented cuts and pain, and they could no longer breathe.

Qin Jinyang stood in the middle of the street and pinched the face of a bandit: "Where is the son of the second master? I'm looking for the man with the scar on his face!"

"No...I don't know!"


Qin Jinyang waved his hand and hit his head decisively on the wall. No... that was a watermelon.


The next person's face was pinched: "Say!" Qin Jinyang's tone was very calm, as if he was joking with an old friend, but the more this happened, the more frightened the bandits became.

"In the cell! The young master is in the cell!" The bandit rolled his eyes.

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