This Mizukage Is Very Strong, But Overly Cautious

Chapter 313, I heard that you are very resistant to beatings?\r

An old coin like Danzo, who has been in the ninja world for many years, naturally sees his own life as more important than everything else.

After all, my life is gone, so how can I go to a yin person... Oh no, it's a Hokage.

So before the battle (before Shi Lezhi), Danzo still left behind for himself.

He arranged a member of the root in advance to stay in the town and did not follow him to "touch porcelain" Rock Shinobi.

And he also engraved a spell on the body of this root member, this spell is to activate a kind of activation spell similar to the reverse Summoning secret.

At the other end of the spell, the Master is in Danzo's hands.

When Danzo is in danger, he can immediately activate the spell and exchange places with the root members far away in the town.

It was because of this technique that he escaped.

Because of this, in addition to the Nightmare Tapir, another dead ghost blocked the sword for Danzo.


Danzo scolded secretly, looking at the mushroom cloud dust that still hadn't fallen outside the town, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

Without stopping, he quickly fled in the direction of the Fire Country.

Because Danzo knew in his heart that it wouldn't be long before the Han, who had been transformed into a half-tailed beast, would completely shatter the seal on his body about the tailed beast.

At that time, no one can say exactly what a tailed beast that has escaped the seal will do.

Within a distance of hundreds of miles, this small town in the Land of Frost, and even the entire Land of Frost, may no longer be safe.

With Danzo's personality, it's natural to go for the thirty-six strategies.

So, Danzo didn't turn his head back, and ran wildly towards the Fire Nation in embarrassment.

On the other side, as the aftermath of the Tailed Beast Bomb dies down.

The vast white tundra in the Land of Frost had turned black. Not only that, but a large pit with a diameter of nearly 100 meters appeared in the center of the blackened earth.

Apparently, everything in front of me was caused by the Tailed Beast Bomb.

On the edge of the pothole, a terrifying monster dressed in scarlet red clothes was panting heavily. Obviously, such an attack was not easy for it.

Its empty eye sockets flickered with struggling and painful expressions, and it slowly lowered its head, looking like an evil body made of blood lying on the ground, constantly tearing at its own skin.

As the monster continued to struggle, its body began to slowly expand, from the original human size to the size of an adult bull, and it continued to expand.

Anyone who knows the characteristics of Jinchūriki can see that this is a precursor to the tailed beast breaking the seal and running wild.

At this moment, a gentle and calm voice suddenly sounded.

"Hey, wait a minute."

"This guy can't die yet, you have to endure it first."

With the sound of the sound, the monster's expanding body was suddenly frozen, and it turned its head to look in the direction of the sound.

Although it didn't understand the meaning of this sentence, the faint aura emanating from this human being made him feel a little familiar.

That kind of violent, powerful aura of wild beasts, and that kind of aura that is aloof, cold and powerful, like a fairy god.

After the combination of the two auras, it suddenly turned into something even more terrifying.

Mizuki Ryosuke just stared at the monster in front of him, just like looking at a monkey in a zoo.

After a series of battles, everything around has already been "cleared"


In the vicinity, aside from Mizuki Ryosuke, there was only this half-tailed beast.

So now Mizuki Ryosuke can shoot at will.

Therefore, Mizuki Ryosuke has completely released the seal on his right eye, and an eye with purple ripples is revealed, exuding a heart-wrenching power.

Five Tails Jinchūriki Han must not die now, this matter is related to Mizuki Ryosuke's own interests and future plans.

Feeling Mizuki Ryosuke's gaze, the monster's body was trembling and his footsteps were retreating.

"Is this scary?"

Mizuki Ryosuke raised his brows with a hint of interest in his eyes.

In his eyes, the monster that seems to be extremely scary right now has only one advantage - that is, it is resistant to beatings.

With the coat formed by the tailed beast Chakra, it is difficult for ordinary attacks to hurt the body under the tailed beast's coat. The battle between Payne and the half-tailed beast Naruto in the original book is enough to explain everything.

Also because of this, Mizuki Ryosuke was a little "happy to see the hunter". He, who had not made a full effort for a long time, not only gave birth to a little playfulness.

He also wanted to pick up the plane and try the power of this Rinnegan.


Mizuki Ryosuke raised his hand, and a scepter made of ice appeared in his hand.

Polar Ice Structure. Scepter Form

With the aid of the ice formation medium in his hand, Mizuki Ryosuke can unleash most of the ice ninjutsu without printing.


Mizuki Ryosuke raised his scepter slightly and lowered for a while. As the end of the ice scepter touched the tundra of the Land of Frost, the terrifying cold air began to radiate outward along the charred ground.

In just a moment, the tundra of the Land of Frost was once again covered with pure white.

The half-tailed animalized Han wanted to escape, but found that he couldn't lift his claws no matter what. He looked down and saw that his four scarlet claws had been frozen on the tundra.

Even the tailed beast's coat, which was scorching hot like lava, was frozen on the ice sheet under the freezing air.

"Roar! 99

It roared and tore its limbs to escape.

Now, this scarlet monster is like a child whose tongue is stuck to an iron pole in the winter, and can't break free no matter how hard they try.

In the end, it tore the scarlet skin on the surface at the price of giving up the tailed beast coat on its limbs, and escaped the shackles of the freezing air.

But all this is just the beginning.

Ice escape. Absolute zero!

The ice layer formed under the absolute low temperature has absolute hardness! This trick is Mizuki Ryosuke's "absolute defense".

And sometimes, this is just a defensive trick, but it can also have unexpected effects.

Like now.

The ice wall engraved with dragon and beast embossed on all sides took advantage of the monster's efforts to break free from freezing, trapping the half-tailed monster in the center layer by layer.

How could the scarlet monster attack the surrounding ice walls, but it didn't work, his attack was like a scratch on the defense formed by absolute zero.

On the other side, after trapping the scarlet monster, Mizuki Ryosuke put the ice staff in his hand on the ground, his hands were imprinted, and there was a hint of seriousness in his expression.

A huge amount of spiritual power flowed out of the sea of ​​consciousness and was swallowed by Mizuki Ryosuke's right eye together with Chakra. Even Isorou, who was leisurely "playing in the water" in Ryosuke's consciousness space, felt that the sea level of the sea of ​​consciousness seemed to drop by one meter. .

However, Isata had no expression on his face.

After all, for the sea, a drop of one meter in the water level is as simple as losing a hair.

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