Under Little Cheshire's skilled boat handling skills, the sailboat A docked steadily on the coast of O'Hara Island.

Most members of the Destiny Pirates are not interested in exploring a deserted island in the West Sea.

After some discussion, except for Robin who missed his hometown, there were only two cute pets who had entered the "innovation fatigue period" with Cui Ze.

"Let's go on an adventure!"

"I'm ready!"

Xiao Canghe and Qiaoba were riding on the yellow [Somersault Cloud], floating beside Cui Ze and Robin, with excited expressions on their faces.

As soon as he landed, Cui Ze opened [Fate] to check the current situation of O'Hara Island.

In the perception of [Fate], O'Hara Island was completely silent, except for a few of them, there was no other living creature.

The attack of the World Government and the Navy Headquarters' Slaughter Order back then dealt a devastating blow to the ecological environment of this archaeological sacred island, and it was simply irreversible!

Nearly ten years have passed since the original Demon Slaughter Order operation, and the natural environment on O'Hara Island still shows no sign of recovery. Even the beach has many fragments of ammunition left over from the bombardment.

Cui Ze looked at Robin with a serious expression, then at Xiao Canghe and Chopper who were full of joy, and shook his head involuntarily.

"Let's act separately, if you find anything, contact us urgently."

"Yes, Captain."

Robin nodded slightly, but did not act slowly at all, and took the lead in choosing a direction to walk.


Xiao Canghe and Qiaoba cheered, steered [Somersault Cloud], and disappeared in a flash.

"The adventure begins wow!"

Cui Ze noticed that the direction of Robin's actions was not inside O'Hara Island, but around the island beach, his eyes fluctuated slightly.

‘Are you going to pay homage to the lieutenant general of the giant clan——Haguvar D. Sauro? '

"A navy of giants who followed their own ideals of justice and paid their lives for it..."

Cui Ze recalled the intelligence information about Sauro, and walked towards the depths of O'Hara Island.

'The influence that Sauro left on Robin was too profound... so much so that Robin later developed Huahuaguo with reference to the development of many abilities of the giant race, like some giant girl and the like of……'

‘But having said that, Sauro seems to be a branch giant that does not belong to the giant kingdom Elbaf! '

‘The most puzzling point is Sauro’s surname! [D]! '

'The giant family also has the incognito name of the D family! There must be some secret hidden in it...'

While thinking about this question, Cui Ze has already come to the central area of ​​O'Hara Island from the edge of the island.

There should have been a towering and huge ancient tree standing here - the tree of omniscience.

It is a pity that due to the fierce bombing of the Demon Slaying Order, the tree of omniscience, which symbolizes the thousand-year history and infinite knowledge of O'Hara Island, was interrupted by shells and flames.

The verdant crown of the tree fell into the dust, leaving only a dry and decayed thick stump in place.

It took Cui Ze a little time to find the entrance to the library of the Tree of Omniscience from around the tree stump.

The "Omniscient Tree Library" that claimed to have collected all the knowledge of the sea back then, now only remains a dilapidated appearance, with densely packed empty bookshelves in a dark environment.

Dust and cobwebs replaced countless books that should have been placed on the bookshelf.

"Fortunately, I'm just a fisherman, and I won't feel sad because this knowledge is destroyed..."

Cui Ze looked around at the library of the Tree of Omniscience, and silently took out a C-level bait from the light curtain, and held it in his hand.

Now arrive inside the iconic Tree of Omniscient library on O'Hara Island.

It's time to go fishing!

Cui Ze threw the C-level bait in his hand into the dimensional sea, waiting for the light curtain to respond.


[The fishing harvest type: item]

[C-level item: "Ancient Text: From Entry to Burial\

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