This pirate has his back on justice

Chapter 316 Of course the big plan must find a big force! How can the world government not support S

"Mr. Bailey, please get up."

Cui Ze raised his hand to help the old bounty hunter who bowed and saluted, with a gentle tone.

"You are the veteran of the Hunter's Guild. Besides, as I said just now, I took the initiative to invite you to assist in the establishment of a new [Hunter's Guild]."

The "Hunter's Guild" on Hunter Island has already existed in name only.

Siddell, the strongest bounty hunter who was previously called "the head of the Hunter's Guild" by Pride, is now even more unknown.

Cui Ze's subordinates have no characters involved with bounty hunters.

I want to set up a new [Hunter Association], and then win over and integrate the bounty hunters, a loose and chaotic force, for my own use.

Bailey, the old bounty hunter, is undoubtedly a very good assistant!

From the dilapidation of the headquarters building of the Hunter Guild, and the fact that the opponents voluntarily stayed in the mission hall, it is not difficult to see that Bailey is definitely a person who is full of sincerity and even faith in his hunter profession.

Such an assistant is also very suitable to use.

Thinking of this, Cui Ze thought about the person in charge of the [Hunter Association].

His eyes looked around, passing over members of the Destiny Pirates, and finally stopped on the strongest tool man - Pride!

Pride, who received the signal from his father's eyes, took the initiative to take a step forward.

"This is Pride, who maintains...good communication with common forces in the sea."

Cui Ze briefly introduced Fan Pride's identity to Bailey.

"From now on, he will be mainly responsible for the task of building the basic framework of the new [Hunter Association]."

Bailey straightened his back, looked at the indifferent Pride, and nodded slightly.

The old bounty hunter was deeply attracted by the blueprint described by the card master.

But he also knew that it was impossible for him to gain the deep trust of the card master when they met for the first time.

However, he can be responsible for participating in the preparatory activities of the [Hunter Association].

This has already given birth to a long-lost sense of blood in Bailey's old body.

'If it is really possible to let hunters replace pirates, they can gallop freely on the sea! '

Bailey helped the fisherman's hat on his forehead, and the movement of raising his hand concealed his sharp and shining eyes.

‘Even if the old man gave up his life, he would not hesitate! '

Taking a deep breath to calm down his restless blood, Bailey looked at Cui Ze, and after changing names several times, he finally found a suitable one.

"Card—the captain—the leader."

Bailey said very seriously.

"Boss, your detailed division of the types of hunters is indeed an incomparably genius idea... But to attract, integrate and then divide the entire sea of ​​bounty hunters in detail, this level of large-scale plan cannot be completed in a year or two. of."

"I am also very clear about this, so I just said that what you and Pride are currently responsible for are only the task of building the basic framework of the [Hunter Association]."

Cui Ze nodded slightly, very satisfied with the old bounty hunter quickly entering the role.

"If we want the development of the [Hunter's Association] to enter the fast lane, let's wait until we have a firm foothold in the new world in the second half of the great route! After all, those monsters in the new world are not easy to mess with. "

Cards—no, does the leader still want to hunt down those Pirate Emperors in the new world?

When Bailey heard this, his pupils couldn't help shrinking slightly.

Although the world government has always advertised the "Seven Martial Seas under the King", they are powerful enough to form a stable sea situation together with the "Pirate Emperor" in the new world.

But in the eyes of people in the sea, the "King's Qiwuhai" is still inferior to the "Pirate Emperor" by a lot!

"But if it's the leader, there shouldn't be any problem..."

Bailey paid attention to the plain eyes of the card master and other members of the Destiny Pirates, and he let go of a lot of worries in his heart, which turned into longing.

'And...if one of the pirate emperors in the new world can be regarded as the first prey after the official establishment of the [Hunter Association]...that will definitely shake the entire sea! '

Cui Ze didn't use [Heart Outline] to sense the inner thoughts of the old bounty hunter, he was just continuing what he just said.

"In addition, Bailey's words are also very reasonable."

Cui Ze summoned the [Treasure Room] card, and took out a special phone bug from it.

"The establishment of a new [Hunter Association] is a very complicated plan!

"A big plan of this level, of course, needs to find a big force of the corresponding level to help."

Most of the members of the Destiny Pirates, as well as the old bounty hunter, didn't figure out what Cui Ze meant.

Only Fat Tiger, who was feeling emotional just now, suddenly thought of a possibility at this moment.

"Cui Ze, do you mean..."

Fat Tiger looked at Cui Ze's expression, looking extremely weird.

"It seems that you probably understand what I mean with a smile."

Cui Ze held the phone bug and dialed a series of confidential phone numbers with a little jerk.

"The bounty hunters who have spread to the entire sea naturally have to consult with the real owner of the entire sea—the World Government!

"It's impossible for the world government to ignore and support the Qiwuhai, the king they personally appointed, right?"

blue blue...

Among the dumbfounded expressions of the members of the Destiny Pirates and the old bounty hunter.

Cui Ze raised the phone bug and held it in front of him.

"Moxi Moxi... is it the Five Old Stars?"


The Red Clay Continent, Marie Gioia, is in a magnificent palace.

A burst of phone bugs rang, breaking the silence in the chamber.

The bald Wu Laoxing stopped his constant wiping of the long knife, and took out the phone bug that kept sending out incoming call notifications.

The other five old stars all cast concerned eyes.

"Moxi Moxi... is it the Five Old Stars?"

The young voice of the card master resounded in the empty meeting hall.


The bald Wu Laoxing held a long knife in his arms and asked the phone bug calmly.

"I sent you a call at this time, what's the matter?"

Although it was the CP department of the blond five old stars who were responsible for inviting Cui Ze to take charge of the operation of Qiwuhai under the king.

But now, the person in charge of direct communication with the card master is the bald five old stars who proposed the Qiwuhai plan.

"Of course, with the intelligence capabilities of the world government, they should know where I am currently, right?"

Cui Ze's voice was transmitted to the ears of the five elder stars through the phone bug.

"Hunter Island, right?"

The bald Wu Laoxing replied without the slightest delay.

"Also, your actions on Forchette Island are very good!

"Let the sea kings kill the hero murloc, hehe...

"A brilliant idea."

The words of the bald five old stars were transmitted along the phone bug to the Hunter Guild headquarters building on Hunter Island.

All of a sudden.

I don't know how many members of the Destiny Pirates tried to pinch their thighs, for fear of laughing out loud.

The real power center of the world government, the five old stars standing at the top of the sea, the faint deterrence brought to the members of the Destiny Pirates, disappeared at this moment!

What five old stars?

Just an old idiot who was fooled by the captain as a fool!


Cui Ze hummed, maintaining his poker face.

"The story of the Sun Pirates has turned over...

"I contacted the government this time because I just have a plan and I still need the support of the government."

"Oh? Let's hear it."

The phone bug vividly imitated the relaxed expression of Marie Gioia's bald star.

"The government will not treat those who have contributed to the government badly."

"Since the government knows that I am on Hunter Island, they should be able to guess who is involved in my plan, right?"

Cui Ze only took the words of the bald five old stars as deaf ears, and said softly.

"I'm going to recruit all the bounty hunters on the sea, get rid of those rotten and dirty ones, and set up a new [Hunters' Association]... to fight against the endless stream of pirates and criminals!"

The last sentence was temporarily added by Cui Ze.

For the "boss" creature, you need to let him at least understand what the goal of your plan is before throwing out the plan.

no matter what...

You also have to let your boss understand the meaning of your plan.

Whether it is the substantive meaning or the superficial meaning.

"Bounty Hunter?"

After hearing Cui Ze's words, the bald five old stars in the meeting hall couldn't help frowning.

"The group of little hyenas chasing money, do you also like it?"

"I am somewhat interested in them, and I have special arrangements. The potential that the bounty hunters can bring out is definitely not just the current situation."

Cui Ze said lightly.

"It's just that those things are too long, and it's inconvenient to communicate in the phone bug... Do you need me to explain in detail?"

"In that case, let's talk about it when we meet!"

The bald Wu Laoxing took the initiative to delay the time and talked about Qi Wuhai's responsibilities.

"Accepting the government's invitation to become Shichibukai requires regular participation in Shichibukai's 'round table meetings'.

"As a newcomer, you'd better not miss the first round table meeting, and the woman from Nine Snake Island too.

"Your plans, wait until you attend the government meeting, and then explain them to us old men."

"Schibukai's round table meeting? I see."

Cui Ze nodded lightly, and talked with the bald five old stars for a while about the government support needed for the [Hunter Association] plan.

"Funds, technology, talents, channels... I need all these things to form forces!

"But how much the government is willing to give, let's wait until the day when the plan is discussed in detail, and then we can discuss it."

"That's reasonable, no problem."


Marie Gioia's bald-headed five old stars hung up the phone bug contact neatly.

Cui Ze pinched the phone bug, looked at the crew members aside, and raised his eyebrows slightly.

"See? This is the benefit of being backed by a big force.

"We don't kill, set fire, or rob. We just want to form a small force. How can the world government not support it?"

The third watch, there are two more.

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