This pirate has his back on justice

Chapter 446: Meet the Revolutionaries! Hunter Association Branch Plan! Arrived in Totland of All Nat

Hearing the card's words, Drago's pupils shrank slightly for a moment, and there was a faint alertness all over his body.

For the character [Card Master], Dorag's understanding is basically obtained from news newspapers, and some other people's dictation may be added to the rest.

Although Drago had communicated with the card master a long time ago, strictly speaking, today was his first meeting with him.

For the overall impression of the card master, Dorag can only sum up two words: mysterious and powerful!

The intelligence gathering capabilities of the Revolutionary Army may not be called the absolute top in the sea, but they can also be evaluated as well-informed.

Drago is very clear that the card master, the Shichibukai, is a powerful monster who can be compared with the three admirals of Sakaski, Polusalino and Kuzan!

For this kind of monster's words, even if it's just the other party's casual words, Drago must always be vigilant.

Even if the two parties have already had a cooperation agreement!

"Haha, don't be so nervous, Mr. Dorag."

Cui Ze smiled and waved his hands.

"Although I am very interested in your hurricane fruit, what I really care about is its ability to call wind and rain!

"Remember our previous agreement.

"When the Destiny Pirates arrived in Totland and I officially started the battle with Charlotte Lingling, the wind should have blown."

After the words fell, Cui Ze's figure disappeared in front of Drago.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew up in this remote alley.

Drago's knowledgeable arrogance mixed with the ubiquitous breeze, spreading in all directions.

Information such as the environmental situation, personnel location, and strong man's position in Dressrosa Island are reflected in Drago's arrogance like a mirror.

As a [Natural System · Hurricane Fruit] ability user, he can control any degree of [Wind] as he likes, and the range of perception of Dorag's knowledgeable domineering is also super wide!

However, it was such a domineering and knowledgeable man with a wide range of sensing, but he did not perceive the aura of the card master.

It was as if the other party had suddenly disappeared into this world.

Drago's fear of the card master's strength in his heart has once again raised a small level.

at this time.

Cui Ze's figure appeared behind Drago inexplicably.

Ozawa, with the same smile, said casually as if he was talking about the weather with an old friend.

"By the way, Mr. Dorag, after the incident in Totland, are you interested in helping me?"

Drago looked at the mysterious card master, and nodded without saying a word.


In the morning of the next day.

The members of the Destiny Pirates gathered at the port of Dressrosa Island, and boarded the white sailboat A together in full view.

King Liku of the Kingdom of Dressrosa, King Elizabero II of the Kingdom of Prodence, and King Gancho of the Kingdom of Dontata gathered here, and waved goodbye to the Destiny Pirates. And [Hunter Association] related matters.

Although the [Hunter Association] was only established on Dressrosa Island for a few days.

The Kingdom of Dressrosa has clearly felt the impact of the establishment of the [Hunter Association].

This does not include the several government-exclusive trade channels specially opened up by the World Government to take care of the [Hunter Association].

Just talking about the existence of the [Hunter Association], the improvement of the law and order of the Dressrosa Kingdom has already made King Riku overjoyed.

Both the Kingdom of Prodence and the Kingdom of Dongtata are aware of these things, so they are naturally concerned about the next action plan of the [Hunter Association].

"Three kings, you can go to Greed (Pride's new vest) for advice on all matters related to the [Hunter Association], and you can also consult Mr. Bailey, the former president of the Hunter Association."

Cui Ze took the trouble to remind the three kings.

"In addition, the [Hunter Association] will definitely not just build a branch on Dressrosa Island, the same is true for the Kingdom of Prodence!

"As for the Dung Tata Kingdom... the habitat of the little humans is not suitable for normal human activities, but if King Gancho is interested, Glid will also build a small [Hunter Association] branch base in the Dung Tata Kingdom. .”

"Card—no, Mr. Hunter President, the matter of the branch can be settled! The power of the World Government and the Navy Headquarters in the New World is too weak, ahem, it seems that this should not be said..."

Elizabello II, with a bold temperament, inadvertently complained about the world government as the king of the allied countries.

"Anyway, the Kingdom of Prodence has already prepared the site for the Hunter Association branch base! It will definitely not be worse than the bullfighting arena in Dressrosa!"

"Dong Tata Kingdom is also willing to support the construction of the Hunter Association branch."

Then the old voice of King Gancho sounded.

"As for the specific affairs, Leo will go and hand over to Mr. Glid."

After some consultations on the construction of the branch base of the [Hunter Association] ended.

King Liku, Elizabello II, and King Gancho all wished the Destiny Pirates smooth sailing for their follow-up voyage.

The people of the Kingdom of Dressrosa gathered on the pier also sent their blessings.

Amid the sound of blessings from Lang Lang, sailboat A slowly sailed away from the port of Dressrosa Island.

next stop.

IWC Totland.

The residence of Cream Minister Charlotte Opera.

Thick island, milky white town!


Sailing ship A is sailing in the vast sea of ​​the New World.

On the cabin deck.

Yixiao and Ai Nilu came to Cui Ze's side.

"Cui Ze, have you felt the breath in the sky?" Yixiao said calmly.

"Captain, why don't I go up and shoot that guy down! After leaving Dressrosa Island, that man has been following us." A few lightning bolts burst out from Enilo's body, speaking At the same time, the whole person is eager to fly to the sky.

The domineering attainments of other members of the Destiny Pirates are far inferior to Smile who has many fruits and Enel who has the thunder fruit. At this time, they have not sensed the existence of Drago in the sky.

"The one flying in the sky is the leader of the Revolutionary Army, Monkey D. Dorag, I asked him to follow."

Regarding Fat Tiger and Ai Nilu, Cui Ze naturally had no scruples, and revealed Drago's true identity very casually.

"I need his strength in the next plan of the Totland of the World."

Enilo didn't know much about the revolutionary army.

But a smile makes all the difference.

Whether it was the "Revolutionary Army", or "Monchi", or "D", he was surprised to varying degrees.

Especially these three words that shouldn't be mixed together, actually appeared together at this time...

The notorious revolutionary Long turned out to be a relative of a naval hero?

After a moment of silence with a smile, he slowly opened his mouth and said, "Cui Ze, I don't have any negative views on the revolutionary army, but their behavior style is indeed..."

"Don't worry, Mr. Dorag will not participate in the War of Nations."

Cui Ze briefly mentioned the role of Judrag, and at the same time confessed.

"In addition, our Destiny Pirates and the Revolutionary Army are not all the same!"

Hearing the words with a smile, he nodded slowly, skipped Drago, and then talked about the Totland of the World.

The conversation between the captain and the deputy captain bored Enel, who was only thinking about fighting.

He looked up to a certain direction in the sky, thundered at random, and then the figure disappeared in place.

A few days passed by in a flash.

Sailing ship A unswervingly sailed towards the waters of Totland.

For ordinary pirates, it is extremely difficult to get close to Totland.

As the base camp of the BIG MOM Pirates, Charlotte Lingling has spent decades carefully crafting the "All Nations", Totland's basic defense capabilities far exceed any country on this sea.

On the waters near Totland, there are a large number of cake-shaped warships named "TARTES", and any unauthorized ships will be directly sunk when they are found sailing;

And the most secretive thing is that there are still a large number of sea slugs living in the waters near Totland of All Nations, which are specially used to monitor the movement on the sea.

However, these protections are like child's play in front of Yixiao's many fruits.

Before sailing boat A arrived in the Totland sea area of ​​the world, it was pulled into the sky by Yixiao's fruit ability, turned into an imperceptible high-altitude black spot, and flew directly to the building named by Cui Ze deliberately. islands.

thick island.

As much as possible tomorrow.

Two updates a day, my procrastination will turn into cancer...

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