This pirate has his back on justice

Chapter 646: Breaking the Army, Greedy Wolf and Giant Gate! Mysterious ruins from ancient times! Oza

"Quite a strange text, with an inexplicable sense of order and seriousness..."

Robin also discovered the ancient signpost stone engraved with the words "Broken Army" at the first time. She stepped over it, squatted down, and raised her hand to stroke the words on the mossy slate.

"It's neither the alphabetic characters popular in the sea today, nor the peculiar pictographs handed down from ancient times... This makes me doubt the specific age of this underground relic."

Cui Ze, who was not too touched at first, also flickered for some reason after hearing Robin's whispers.

Speaking of...

Just such a word [Broken Army] engraved on the stone slab does have a very strange feeling.

Just as Robin frowned and fumbled with the square text, trying to interpret the meaning of the text by himself.

Maya, who was forcibly brought in, patted the arms wrapped around her head lightly again.

Robin turned around, and simply completely released the ability of [Flower Fruit], completely liberating Maya.

"Miss Miko, do you have anything else to say?"

Robin retracted his chin slightly, looked up at Maya, with a dangerous and inexplicable expression.

"Or what do you know about this text?"

Robin's gesture seemed that as long as Maya didn't give any meaningful answer, she would directly break the latter's neck bone.

'Dangerous villain! '

Maya muttered something silently in her heart, and at the same time, her favorability for Cui Ze, who was standing aside, increased a lot for no reason.

Compared with the "bad woman" on the opposite side, the "big liar" next to her really shouldn't be too gentle!

"As I said just now, the underground ruins are full of organs and traps. Even the aborigines of Aska Island will die in this ruin if they accidentally enter the underground ruins."

Maya raised her finger and pointed to the depths of the ruins where the three of them hadn't been too involved, and the old matter was brought up again.

"In addition, according to the explanation of Elena, my grandmother, who is also the previous generation of witches on Aska Island, the construction time of the underground ruins is older than the ruins on the ground.

"According to the information handed down among the witches, the above-ground ruins were built later on top of the underground ruins."

Robin frowned slightly, and took a moment to digest Maya's revelation.

Cui Ze also activated his brain nerves.

‘The underground ruins and the above ground ruins don’t seem to be built by the same group of people... There are [ancient characters] and [Seven Star Sword] on the above ground ruins, which look like buildings built by normal ancient people. '

'And the underground ruins, the name of [Seven Star Sword], the signpost stone of [Broken Army]...these two are not completely unrelated! Isn't [Broken Army] one of the [Seven Stars]? '

‘And the name of the ancient kingdom and the giant kingdom that I found out from the giant king of the Elbaf Kingdom——[Central Kingdom]! '

‘Could it be said that the builders of the underground relics on Aska Island were people from [Armor Kingdom], and the above-ground relics were built by people from the current world government? But... there is always something that doesn't make sense! '

‘According to the current information, [Armor Kingdom] should also use [ancient characters], so what’s going on with [Broken Army] and [Seven Stars]? '

Cui Ze looked directly at the stone engraved with the words "Pojun", and the ability of [Listen to the Voice of All Things] came out, but he didn't hear any "powerful voice" worthy of attention from this stone.

This is an ordinary stone!

Robin also didn't find any valuable discoveries from Maya's reminder.

"Miss Miko, thank you for sharing your knowledge."

"I didn't mean to say that!"

Maya shook her head again and again, still pointing to the depths of the underground ruins, the dark place that was not illuminated by the light of [Qi].

"What I want to say is that this underground ruin is really dangerous, we'd better leave immediately!"

Maya's earnest reminder and persuasion were not accepted by either Cui Ze or Robin.

Robin turned around directly and turned his attention back to the [Broken Army] stone.

Looking back at all the ancient knowledge he has mastered, Robin tried to interpret these two "new characters", but found nothing at all, as if the two square characters were not in the same system as the current alphabet and ancient characters. Same!

In desperation, Robin had to turn his attention to other locations in the cave of the underground ruins, but unfortunately, no other effective discoveries were made.

In the end, Robin took out a stack of rubbing paper, rubbed the words "Pojun" on the paper and put it away, and planned to study these two "new characters" after returning to Feast Island.

After carefully putting away the rubbings, Robin stood up, patted his tingling calf, and then strode deeper into the cave of the underground ruins.

Cui Ze silently followed behind Robin.

Maya stomped her feet lightly, and finally followed.

But looking at the expression on the face of this Aska priestess, panic and excitement were mixed, and the latter was more.

Exploring unknown territory is a very exciting activity.

It is reasonable for Maya to feel this way.

Robin stepped forward, followed by Cui Ze and Maya, and the cave was silent.

But at this moment.


Suddenly there was a muffled sound in the darkness not far away, and dozens of round stone slabs the size of a millstone rolled out of the darkness, rolling towards Cui Ze, Robin, and Maya with majestic momentum. people.


Miss Miko, the least courageous, let out an extremely ear-piercing scream in an instant, and even closed her eyes in fright, her thin legs were trembling, and she couldn't even move.

Die! Die! Elena, I should follow your teaching and not mix with outsiders!

All of a sudden, the revolving lanterns of life flowed before Maya's eyes.

Until the sound of rustling footsteps reached her ears.

Only then did Miss Miko realize that the mechanism that was touched somehow seemed to be solved?

Quietly opening her right eye, Maya secretly looked at the scene in front of her. She didn't see any blood or stumps, only two figures that kept going away, and the darkness that kept approaching as the light source left. .

"Wait for me!"

Maya yelled in a panic, and quickly caught up with Cui Ze and Robin.

But she had just followed up, and before she had time to ask how the two of them solved the rolling stone just now, there was another rapid and continuous whistling sound, which came from the darkness.

Straight spears shot out from the darkness one after another, shooting at the three of Cui Ze continuously, as if they wanted to penetrate the three of them on the spot.

Maya closed her eyes again in fear.

But the whistling sound of spears and spears in my ears suddenly disappeared without a trace at a certain moment.

Maya opened her eyes again, and only saw the backs of Cui Ze and Robin going away.

'It's amazing...the two of you are amazing...'

The courage in Maya's heart finally rose, and she was no longer afraid of this dangerous underground ruins.

Next, Cui Ze, Robin, and Maya continued to wander among the underground ruins, encountering one after another ancient traps.

Howling rolling stones, dense arrow rain, flying quicksand, cracked earth...

As Maya described before, this underground ruins is indeed full of dangers.

But under the power of Cui Ze, the three walked through the underground ruins like walking on the ground.

For Robin, during this trip to the underground ruins, he found almost no meaningful ancient historical information, not even a piece of the "text of ancient history" that he wanted to discover the most.

But it's not completely useless.

Like the two strange square characters encountered at the beginning, Robin encountered some later.

[Broken Army], [Greedy Wolf], [Giant Gate], [Wenqu]...

At each exit of the underground ruins, there is a stone engraved with strange square characters.

Zeros and zeros add up to a total of seven stones.

And Cui Ze's mood became more and more weird with the discovery of these stones.

When leaving from the last entrance of [Martial Arts], Cui Ze quietly took out the card of [Seven Star Sword].

"[Seven Stars Sword], [Breaking Army], [Tan Lang], [Giant Gate], [Wen Qu], [Wu Qu], [Lu Cun], [Lian Zhen]... These [Seven Stars] are really seven stars ah!"

The three of Cui Ze spent a lot of time in the underground ruins.

By the time they left the underground ruins, the sky outside was extremely dark, and night had already fallen.

Cui Zefu raised his head to look up at the sky like a soul.

On the jet-black sky, quietly hanging seven stars that are brighter and larger than the surrounding stars.

That is……

The seven satellites of this planet.

Staring at the seven stars in the sky, Cui Ze somehow remembered a piece of information he had received from King Farbouti of the Albaf Kingdom. (chapter 514)

The three ancient weapons that have been handed down from ancient times—[Heavenly King], [Sea King] and [Pluto].

The only one that was really created by the huge kingdom, or [Kingdom of the Atrium], is the extremely evil warship [Pluto].

The biological weapons [Sea King Poseidon] and [Heavenly King Uranus], which are enough to control all sea kings in the sea, are super weapons handed down from more ancient times!

Looking up at the starry sky, Cui Ze inexplicably had a terrifying association in his mind.

'Seven Stars... Heavenly King...Uranus...'

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