This pirate has his back on justice

Chapter 765 Reverse current of history! The son of the devil beats the red dog violently! What is th

"Captain, I..."

Robin, who was attracted by the golden energy, after listening to Cui Ze's narration, obvious embarrassment appeared on his fair and smooth face.

As the only survivor of the O'Hara Demon Slaying Order incident that year.

How could Robin not harbor resentment towards Akainu, the executioner?

Although with the growth of age, the increase of experience.

Robin knew very well that the incident of O'Hara's Demon Slaying Order could not be completely attributed to the ruthlessness of the World Government.

Rationally speaking.

As O'Hara archaeologists who actively violated the ban of the world government and researched blank history, they also need to bear certain responsibilities!

But the responsibility, or mistake, is not that archaeologists take the initiative to study history.

Since as an archaeologist, if you don't study history, should you study law?

In Robin's view today, the O'Hara archaeologists back then, including the highly respected Dr. Kloba (Dr. Clover), made two mistakes.

First, archaeologists themselves lack sufficient strength to bear the consequences of violating the taboo of the world government!

Even though he has no strength to restrain a chicken, he wants to shake this sea of ​​power supremacy with his blood...

How is this possible?

If you want to uncover the hidden history of the world government, you need not only enough knowledge, but also strong enough support!

Otherwise, even if O'Hara really successfully interpreted history back then, and revealed all the hidden secrets in the "blank hundred years" to everyone in Haihai.

But it will come later.

It's just another "blank hundred years" for the world government!

The world government of that year was able to forcibly erase an era.

Today's world government may not work!

Second, the second mistake O'Hara archaeologists make is that they shouldn't be doing research on O'Hara!

It is true that O'Hara Island, as an archaeological holy land in the world, has the unique [Omniscience Tree Library] in the sea, which hides countless treasures of knowledge in this sea, which has an extremely huge auxiliary effect on the study of history .

But since the O'Hara scholars know that what they are studying is a taboo that the world government strictly prohibits anyone from touching.

Then they shouldn't blindly gather on O'Hara Island to study history, thus dragging down other innocent people on O'Hara Island!

Those innocent people who lived on O'Hara Island back then, those ordinary people who didn't know what the O'Hara archaeologists did at all, didn't need to pay for the mistakes of the archaeologists, let alone pay for their lives cost!

Cold knowledge, in the incident of the O'Hara Demon Slaying Order that year, the world government actually did not intend to kill all the people on O'Hara Island. They even provided an evacuation ship.


In order to prevent archaeologists from sneaking into the refuge ship, Akainu ordered his subordinates to blow up the refuge ship full of O'Hara residents on the grounds that they might harbor archaeologists.

The above two points, in the final analysis, are still the lack of sufficient self-protection power of the O'Hara archaeologists back then.


Even if he is clear about the above two points and understands the mistakes made by the O'Hara scholars back then, this does not prevent Robin from hating Akainu.

But just like the O'Hara scholars back then were powerless to resist the demon-slaying order of the world government.

Where does Robin now have the strength to fight against a dignified admiral of the Navy headquarters?

Cui Ze smiled and took out a stack of [Awakening Cards], which contained both EX-level ability entries and EX-level super props.

"It's okay, I'll do it."


For the card to send a woman to fight against him...

At this time, Akainu remained in a state of absolute calm, and he didn't have any thoughts of "being insulted".

The situation on Feast Island at this time is very clear.

The World Government ordered the Navy Headquarters to organize this Demon Slaying Order operation, and it is absolutely impossible to continue to succeed!

Akainu knew that he was fighting in a corner.

He also knows what kind of enemies he needs to face.

Cards, Black Wrist, Yellow Ape, Yixiao, Huangmu, Enilo...

This is heads-up.

But there is one red dog, "one-on-one", and a group of Cui Ze.

Akainu fights these guys with his head!

If there was a real fight, Akainu's dog brains would be blown out!

So at this time, seeing that the card sent Nicole Robin, the son of the devil, to fight against him, Akainu understood that this was just a "pre-dinner dessert", and the real "hard bone" was yet to come!

It's just that Akainu never expected that Robin would soon be able to bring him a "sufficient" "surprise".

When Akainu saw Nicole Robin taking a thick stack of cards from the card's hand, a bad premonition had already begun to emerge in his heart.

The ability of the card master's "card"...

Boss Akainu, who printed a lot of cards for the cards back then, is quite clear!

'The ability of this card guy can already be transferred to other people...'

This idea just popped into Akainu's mind.

In the void next to Robin's body, pieces of golden armor suddenly flashed one after another, assembled together layer by layer, and finally protected Miss Archaeologist perfectly.

"This is……"

The yellow ape, who was watching the battle leisurely, widened his eyes instantly.

The rest of the people present, even including the members of the Destiny Pirates, basically had such a surprised expression.

The armor covering Robin's body at this moment is an EX-rank item [Siren Scale Cloth]!

"It turned out to be you?!"

The red dog looked over Robin and fixed on Cui Ze.

"The World Government offers a gold bounty of 6 billion Baileys—"

Akainu couldn't finish his words in the future.


Wearing the [Siren Scale Cloak], Robin suddenly emitted a bewildering voice from his golden armor, which was like that of a sea monster and witch in a fairy tale.

After hearing this voice, Akainu, who was the first among them, only felt that his nervous system was suddenly attacked by an unknown force, and his strength was instantly suppressed to the point of bottoming out.

【Siren Scale Clothes Symphony of Death】!

For enemy targets with a comprehensive evaluation of A+ and below, destroy the enemy's nervous system without space restrictions, thereby reducing their comprehensive strength to one percent of the original!

Akainu's comprehensive strength plummeted instantly.

But Robin's strength has ushered in a double increase!

A faint light shrouded Robin's delicate body, and the EX-level item [Plasma Spark Tower] was shining on the Devil's Daughter, doubling her strength, durability, and agility attributes.

Over the years in the Destiny Pirates, even if Robin didn't need to be in charge of combat missions, under Cui Ze's occasional "power feeding", her overall strength has been steadily raised to the C+ level all the way.

At this moment, with the blessing of [Plasma Spark Tower], Robin's own comprehensive strength instantly rose to the B-level level!

One ebbs and another, Robin's card strength at this moment is almost the same as that of Akainu!

Robin felt the endless power flowing in his body, and a touch of excitement flashed across his pretty face hidden behind the golden visor, and he bloomed his [Flower Fruit] ability without hesitation.

With the blessing of the EX-level ability entry [Super Recovery], Robin doesn't need to care about any physical exertion at this moment.

Pink petals bloomed one after another out of thin air in the void, connecting each other in twos and threes to form a piece, and finally connected with Robin wearing the [Siren Scale Clothes].

The sea of ​​flowers all over the sky wrapped Robin, completely hiding her figure.

After the petals dissipated, Robin's gigantic figure, which seemed to be magnified more than ten times, was revealed in front of everyone.

And the most surprising thing is the densely packed huge arms extending from the back of Robin's body, just like the Avalokitesvara in a Buddhist story.

Temporarily obtaining the EX-level ability entry [Steel Body], Robin does not need to actively activate her A+++-level [Arrogance], and her body can easily touch the body of the devil fruit ability user.

Robin's eyes were fixed, and without even aiming at Akainu, he blasted all the arms behind her wildly.

EX-level ability entry [absolute hit]!

Hoo hoo -

Thousands of arms and palms whizzed across the sky, laying a huge wall of arms on the high sky that made people lose their rationality, and bombarded with incomparable precision to the still shrouded [Death Symphony] Akainu in.

The attack speed of this arm wave is extremely fast, and golden arcs shuttle through it, the entry of EX-level ability [Supernatural Speed ​​Force]!

Before Akainu had time to adapt to his plummeting physical strength, the densely packed white arms surged towards him.

Looking at this white arm that does not cover any domineering, Akainu subconsciously wants to play the housekeeping skill of [magma fruit]-a naturalized body that ignores ordinary physical attacks!



A white and delicate palm slapped Akainu's resolute face crisply, giving him a loud and painful slap.

The A+++ level [Domineering] that has just integrated the characteristics of [Meteor Star], what other characteristics does it contain [Jade Dragon], [Crazy Waves], [Wrist Man], [Collapse Mountain]!

Akainu's body, which was temporarily out of control due to the [Death Symphony], was instantly staggered by this slap.

But Robin's attack in the form of Avalokitesvara was not the only one!

The arms that followed, hundreds and thousands, countless!


Another slap was thrown on Akainu's body, and a clear and loud sound erupted, followed by a series of rapid sounds like firecrackers.

Clap clap!

Thousands of arms of the devil's son hit Akainu's body like a violent storm. Although the power of each blow was not huge, the small forces gathered together still pushed the admiral from the sky abruptly. It fell into the sea.

Cui Ze looked at the red dog who was beaten by Robin with a smile on his face.

What is the world's strongest archaeologist~

[Chapter 394 of comics].

During the O'Hara Demon Slaying Order incident, the world government's arrangement method for the ordinary people on O'Hara Island is - [All people who have nothing to do with archaeology, bring their ID cards and wait on the [Refuge Ship]].

But everyone knows what happened afterwards.

Akainu, who had eliminated all evil, directly ordered the bombardment of the refuge ship, killing all ordinary people who boarded the ship. This is also the biggest black spot that Akainu [as a navy] cannot erase.

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