This Pirate Relies on Justice

Chapter 411: The Universal Totland Project! Cui Ze's scruples!

Shuttle through the [any door], Cui Ze's figure instantly appeared on the sailboat a.

Before he could receive the greetings from the crew, his brows suddenly wrinkled, and he disappeared in place in an instant, only to reappear after a while.

"Captain? Did something happen?"

Seeing Cui Ze disappear and reappear, the crew of the Destiny Pirates who did not know why couldn't help but look puzzled.

"It's nothing, I just feel that it's a bit inhumane to throw a horrible, mentally ill woman into the sea... I mean the innocent people who are helpless."

Cui Ze shook his head and did not explain in detail to the crew how Charlotte Lingling was kicked and flew to Wanguo Totland by him just now.

"So I just sent her home myself."

Ozawa Express, [Absolute Hit], the mission must be fulfilled!

Cui Ze is very clear that the potential of [Absolute Hit] is definitely more than that.

But right now, his energy is limited, and he doesn't have time to study this top-level Ex-level ability, so he can only leave it for later.

And the reason for "sending" Charlotte Lingling back to IWC Totland is also very simple.

Cui Ze is really a little worried that this terrible woman who has suffered from phagocytosis is chaotic in the new world, endangering the lives of some innocent people.

This is also the reason why he had just returned to the sailboat a, but he returned to Charlotte Lingling's side and sent her home in person.

Instead of letting her go to harm innocent people, it's better to send her back to her bigo pirate group to be a blessing!

Yaoguang and Pride have teamed up to serve a sumptuous meal.

With an empty stomach, Cui Ze directly enjoyed these drinks and delicacies, and swallowed them hungry.

The crew members also understood the captain's attitude very well, and did not disturb him at this time.

After Cui Ze's eating speed has slowed down significantly.

With a smile, he slowly opened his mouth and said, "Cui Ze, how did the battle between you and bigo end?"

"Charlotte Lingling is not so easy to solve..."

Cui Ze swallowed a mouthful of bread, shook his head, and picked up another glass of soda.

"Speaking of this, I just remembered a very important thing. I need to discuss it with everyone. It is all members."

Feeling the seriousness of the captain, the crew also showed their expressions of listening carefully.

"Just got into a fight with Charlotte Lingling... That woman's strength did not exceed my expectations."

Cui Ze looked around, and his eyes passed over the powerful crew members.

"After sailing through two more New World islands, we will arrive at the Totland of Nations...

"Everyone knows very well that I won't let the bigo pirates go so easily, especially Charlotte Opera, who once led the bigo pirates to break the kingdom of Tobias!

"But about the overall action plan of the IWC, I need to discuss it carefully with everyone."

"What's there to discuss?"

Anilu clenched his fists, and the silver and white arcs continued to wander over his body.

"Since the captain can deal with that crazy woman Charlotte Lingling... Then leave the other officers and members of the bigo pirates to me! And the vice-captain."

"Eradication of pirates, but also to eradicate the bigo pirates like the bigo pirates, the emperor pirates that shakes the new world, doesn't need to be discussed at all."

Auramu, whose attitude towards pirates was also extremely aggressive, nodded in agreement with Anilu's statement at this time.

"And captain, if we really destroy the bigo pirates, the overall environment of the new world will definitely become better? And we can also become the new emperor pirates! Hahaha! The seven who became the pirate emperor Wu Hai!"

"No, you are wrong, Araki."

It was not Cui Ze who spoke at this time, but the smile of the deputy captain.

At this time, Fat Tiger's expression was slightly calm, and his tone was also lukewarm.

"In fact, after entering the new world, I have been thinking about finding an opportunity to discuss this matter with Cui Ze... I didn't expect that Cui Ze took the initiative to mention it today."

Cui Ze shrugged and continued to enjoy the exquisite food prepared by Qi Yaoguang.

The eyes of the crew shifted from the captain to the deputy captain.

"Is there anything wrong with what I said just now?"

Araki looked at the fat tiger with some curiosity.


He smiled and nodded earnestly.

"In your opinion, what is the overall strength of our Destiny Pirates?"

"It must be the strongest! Hahahaha!"

Auramu let out a burst of laughter.

There is a captain who can wrestle arms with admirals and pirate emperors.

A deputy captain who can compete with the world's largest swordsman.

And with their crew...

The Destiny Pirates at this time, no matter which pirate emperor led by the pirate group fought head-to-head, they were not in vain at all!

"Our pirate group is really strong."

Yixiao first agreed with the statement of the wild animal husbandry, and then he changed the subject.

"But if we want to become the 'Emperor Pirates' as you say, our Destiny Pirates still lack two very critical areas - affiliated forces and power territories!"

Hearing Yixiao's words, whether it's Anilu or Huang Mu, they can only nod their heads to admit it.

The pirate emperors can guard the new world, almost rivaling the navy.

Whether it is [strength], [prestige], or [power], there are very strict requirements, and the three are indispensable.

"The old man thinks that our Destiny Pirates do have the strength to surpass or even defeat the Bigo Pirates!"

He smiled and said with a serious expression.

"But if we do destroy the bigo pirates later, what should we do next?

"Do we need to be like ordinary pirates, after destroying the bigo pirates, and then take advantage of their territory?

"But the huge Totland of the Nations has more than 30 islands, even if each of our members is divided into two, it is not enough for perfect overall management!

"What's more, according to Cui Ze's voyage plan, Wan Guo Totland is just an island in our journey, not the real destination of the Destiny Pirates.

"And if it gives up occupying the Totland of the World, it also loses the protection of the bigo pirates, and the ordinary people living in the Totland of the World, what should they do?"

A smile rarely utters such a tirade all at once.

This shows that he attaches great importance to the action plan of the nations.

"That's exactly the first point I just wanted to say."

Cui Ze put down the cutlery in his hand and opened his mouth to agree with Fat Tiger.

"The overall strength of our Destiny Pirates can definitely overwhelm the bigo pirates. Please trust your captain's judgment on this point!"

Cui Ze, Yi Xiao, Ai Nilu, and Alan Mu.

The Destiny Pirates just picked up these four people, and they were almost a heavyweight enemy that Wanguo Totland could not bear!

What's more, there are middle-level members of the gang of Urki, Hawkins, Drake, Tezzolo, and Brook in the Destiny Pirates!

With the current comprehensive strength of the Destiny Pirates.

It can be said that a single Four Emperor Pirates can no longer give much threat!

While uttering the rhetoric just now.

Cui Ze said very calmly: "However, the overall strength of our Pirates is sufficient, but the affiliated forces and professional talents under our command are still very far away from coordinating and managing a country."

Hawkins looked puzzled and looked at Cui Ze.

"Captain, if we really defeat the bigo pirates... we can just like ordinary pirates, plant the flag of the Destiny Pirates in the Totland of the Kingdoms, and declare the complete occupation of it!

"As for managing the that really something we pirates need to care about?"

all the time.

The orthodox pirate Huo Banxian from Beihai felt that his captain was an unorthodox pirate.

This may be influenced by the captain's navy undercover identity.

But after long-term contact, Hawkins discovered that it was actually many ideas of the captain, which were completely different from the normal pirates on the sea!

Just like what the captain said at this time.

Can you really beat the bigo pirates?

Then go beat them!

Among the pirates, killing each other and competing for the treasures of the territory is the norm!

As for the overall management of a country...

Is this really something that pirates need to consider?

Isn't the behavior of the pirates always the same - after I'm cool, what about the flood?

"Hawkins, you seem to have misunderstood something all along."

Urki looked at Huo Banxian calmly. Somehow, on his face with a sympathetic smile, he could read a bit of sarcasm.

"Our captain is not a serious pirate."

"Hawkins, our captain, has a very ambitious goal!"

The tone of a smile was full of approval, and at the same time he talked about what Cui Ze said when he invited him to board the boat.

"As a pirate, in the legitimate name of the world government, to implement our own ideas!

"If it's really just like ordinary pirates, defeating the enemy, then randomly planting flags and declaring territory occupation... that's not the Cui Ze I know."

Hawkins was not persuaded by the perverted monk's words, but was persuaded by the vice-captain's words.

Cui Ze didn't expect Fat Tiger to suddenly talk about the private words he said when he invited people to board the boat.

After a few soft coughs, Ozawa added.

"About the scruples of IWC Totland, I just made it very clear. The second point I need to talk about here is not from the pressure from the pirates, but from the world government."

"World government?"

Araki frowned, but he also hoped to become a majestic navy by using the captain's navy undercover identity.

"Captain, aren't you a government-approved king under the Seven Martial Seas? How can they put pressure on you?"

"What if this king went to the Qiwuhai, the one who could defeat the Pirate Emperor?"

Cui Ze said calmly.

"If the World Government sees that we can defeat the Bigo Pirates, will they let us continue to defeat the Beast Pirates and the Whitebeard Pirates?

"In the end, there is only one top pirate group left in the new world. Do you think the world government will concentrate all its forces to solve our destiny pirates?

"I am the King of the Seven Wuhai, but in essence, I am still a great pirate wanted by the World Government.

"The world government wants to deal with the king's Qiwuhai, it's really just a matter of order!"

What Cui Ze said can be simply translated into an idiom.

Rabbit dead dog cooking.

Cui Ze really has the ardent idea of ​​defeating bigo, beasts, whitebeard, redhead and other big pirates to harvest their A-level bait.

But not to mention the intractability of the pirate emperors who are top-level in strength and power.

If Cui Ze really defeated them...

Even if he successfully harvested the opponent's bait, he would forcibly suppress his plan to print these people into cards and contain them.

These great pirate emperors.

But it is different from Silbaz Rayleigh, the deputy emperor of the Roger Pirates who has no relatives and no reason and is alone.

It's not like the King of Arms, Flamingo, etc., who are weak (?) and not well-known.

If Cui Ze really engraved bigo into a card, he even engraved the beast, white beard, red hair, etc. into a card.

It is estimated that it is not yet time to harvest the A-level bait of these Pirate Emperors.

The world government has already assembled its forces to deal with the Destiny Pirates!

all in all.

Everything is still to be blamed on Cui Ze's own strength, which has not developed to the top.

If Cui Ze's current strength level has reached the ceiling of the sea.

At this time, there is no need to care about the impact of the aftermath of "destroying the Four Emperor Pirates".

If Ozawa's strength really reached the ceiling of the sea at this moment...

At this moment, he has already carried [Flowing Blade Ruohuo], and went straight to the ancient city of Pangu in Mary Joa, looking for the **** Yin Mu, who can't figure out the details, to single out!

Cui Ze's undoubtedly revealed an embarrassing truth to the members of the Destiny Pirates.

Fortunately, the intelligence of the members of the Destiny Pirates is basically online.

Although he felt a little embarrassed about what Cui Ze said, he still accepted it.

"To sum up, taking into account the subsequent impact, and the reaction of the world government..."

Cui Ze looked around and, as the captain, issued the outline of Wanguo's action plan.

"Later on the trip to Totland, everyone can do their best to deal with the bigo pirates, and to deal with some evil people in this pirate group, there is no need to show mercy!

"As for Charlotte Lingling herself, she'll leave it to me! I'll try my best not to hit too hard."

The real strong support of the Four Emperor Pirates, in the final analysis, is the Four Emperors themselves.

As long as Charlotte Lingling didn't die and was not taken out of the bigo pirates by Yinka.

No matter how much the bigo pirates have been eliminated, they can be made up for it by other means!

A moment of silence.

It was finally broken by Anilu's laughter.

"Yeah hahaha! Captain, what are we saying at this time as if we've been able to hit the bigo pirates to the ground?"

"more or less!"

Cui Ze spread his hands and warned the crew again.

"There are still the last two islands, Sleeping Ancient Town and Dressrosa...the crew who feel that their strength is insufficient, they must hurry up and exercise for the next all-out war!"

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