This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Vol 2 Chapter 1399: Abnormal and sabotage

So... are you going to raid his lair? How about fighting side by side?

After hearing William's request, the hip-pulling goddess didn't know what to say for a while.

When William first started to fool the goddess of abundance and promised to help, the goddess of hips thought that someone was planning to tie the goddess of abundance to the chariot, and was going to join forces with the coaxed her to fight against the enemy.

Unexpectedly, although William said that he was not busy, he actually didn't even intend to do anything. After coaxing the goddess of abundance, he sold her directly without any psychological burden, and instead planned to take the opportunity to run to the Shadowland God's lair ransacked the house...

Tsk... I know why the consciousness of the abyss always wants to pull you over.

It feels like if you didn't become a human, but became a low-level demon in the endless abyss, you might be able to get along like a duck in water, right?

"What are you thinking about?"

After waiting for a while, the hip-pull goddess did not make a sound. Relying on the understanding of her simple brain circuit, William only had to turn his mind slightly, and he roughly guessed what she was thinking.

"The deceitful priesthood can only temporarily suppress her thinking, making her stupid for a while, but it can't just make her stupid for a lifetime, she should wake up when she starts to use it!

I went up to fight the God of Shadows with her, of course I won, but the elf gods are so mobilizing to trouble me, what if she is more inclined to deal with me first than the God of Shadows? What if she decides to fight me with the Shadow God? "

After explaining why he chose to "sell" the goddess of abundance, William couldn't help but rolled his eyes and said:

"Besides, if they hadn't suppressed me with the Elven Temple, I would have run away eight hundred years earlier!

If I had to say it, in the final analysis, it was they messing around, which caused me to fall into the shadow plane, shouldn't I stop the shadow **** for a while now? " seems to be the reason...

The hip-pull goddess followed William's words and thought about it, and found that although the process was indeed a bit inappropriate, and she was suspected of bullying a fool, it seemed that there was nothing wrong with selling the goddess of abundance.

It's just that although the reasoning makes sense, this mistake is unrecognizable. Facing William's disgusted eyes, the hip-pull goddess pointed out the direction of the Shadow God Kingdom to him, while biting back and saying:

"I don't know what you are talking about at all! I just kept silent for a while, and I was educated a lot... Can I still not understand this thing? You just like to think too much!"

Cut, you know in your heart if you think too much.

For the dead duck mouth of the hip-pull goddess, William has been used to it for eight hundred years. He ran all the way towards the position of the Shadow God Kingdom.

The Shadow Plane belongs to the home field of the Shadow God. As the actual ruler of the Shadow Plane, William's actions can't be hidden from the Shadow God's perception.

When he noticed his actions, the God of Shadow couldn't help but frowned, and began to consider whether to temporarily let the goddess of abundance go, and give priority to completing the "task" he received from the Pantheon Hall to eliminate this extremely harmful blasphemer.

However, when he realized that he seemed to be headed towards his own kingdom of God, the God of Shadow pondered for a moment, his frowning brows relaxed, and then he turned his head and started to concentrate on tidying up the riches as if he didn't know William's goal. goddess.

Relying on his ability to call power from the shadow plane to make up for his consumption at any time, the God of Shadow poured down a large amount of divine magic that was infused with the divine power of the shadow as if it didn't cost money, beating the Goddess of Abundance clumsily.

Although she kept shouting angrily and tried to fight back, she was so crushed that she couldn't even raise her head, and she kept retreating steadily.

Um? Not ready to come and chase me at all? Is he so assured of his kingdom of God?

Finding that the God of Shadow didn't seem to care about his attack on his divine kingdom, although William didn't stop at his feet, his eyes narrowed instinctively.

Considering that the Goddess of Plenty is not the current God of Shadow's opponent, in order to allow the God of Tools to last a little longer, William purposely did not cover up his

Instead, he ran in the direction of the God of Shadow in the direction of his kingdom.

According to his understanding of the God of Shadows, this is a rather greedy guy who wants everything in the dictionary, and never knows what it means to accept it as soon as it is good.

With the character of the God of Shadows, even if the vital kingdom of God is threatened, he is absolutely unwilling to abandon the goddess of abundance who is about to be obtained, and directly kills him to stop him. Most likely he will choose to temporarily restrain the goddess of abundance, and then forcefully pull her Chasing them while fighting, fighting for neither Feng Rao nor losing one.

In this case, although I don't want to help, I can still help the Goddess of Abundance to share some pressure, lest she be directly knocked down before she consumes much of the Shadow God's power.

But today's God of Shadows seems to be not quite right. Even though he found that he was heading towards his divine kingdom, not only did he not catch up with the goddess of abundance, but chose to intensify his efforts, staying where he was and bombarding her indiscriminately. It seems to be ready to abandon the Kingdom of God directly. There must be something wrong here!

In an extremely long life, the personalities of these true gods have long been fixed. The God of War can't help itching, the God of Wealth can't help asking for money, and the God of Shadow can't help but play tricks, trying to make them Changing the style and habits developed over the years is a hundred times more difficult than keeping a dog from responding.

And if one day, the dog who is keen to answer suddenly refuses to eat shit, it can only prove one thing... Most of the **** is poisonous!

"Do me a favor!"

After discovering the abnormality of the God of Shadows, William immediately became suspicious of his "old opponents". He immediately put his hand into his pocket and knocked on the lucky coin, asking:

"The God of Shadow's reaction is not quite right, quickly check the location of the God of Knowledge and the God of the Sea to see if they are in the Shadow Plane... No, if possible, try to check a few more, I think the God of Shadow There may be problems in the Kingdom of God!"

What? Could it be that there was an ambush?

After hearing William's words, the hip-pulling goddess was startled, and hurriedly checked the situation of the Shadow God Kingdom again, then shook her head and said:

"The Kingdom of the God of Shadows should have no problem, there are only three eleventh-level true gods and some tenth-level servant gods sitting in command, no one is your opponent.

As for the God of Knowledge and the others, I have checked before, including most of the true gods in the Pantheon Hall, their destiny trajectory did not come this way. "

So... isn't there a real **** helping it guard its home? Then why isn't he worried that I will break the Kingdom of God? Could it be some particularly powerful artifact?

After frowning slightly, William was about to ask something more, but felt the lucky coin in his pocket tremble twice suddenly.

"Hiss... wait a minute! You are right, there is indeed a problem with the Kingdom of the Shadow God!"

Seeming to have discovered something extraordinary, the hip-pull goddess gasped and said:

"William, just now I lowered the standard of investigation, and even took a look at the fate trajectory of the tenth order, and I found that there are many sea people who are still alive in the Kingdom of the God of Shadows.

Hmm... It seems to be more appropriate to describe it as "very many". In short, I roughly calculated that there are probably more than 100,000 Sea Clan imprisoned in the Kingdom of the God of Shadows! "

One hundred thousand? What did the shadow **** catch so many sea people?

After hearing the words of the hip-pulling goddess, William couldn't help being slightly taken aback, and then instinctively recalled the scene he saw in the Pantheon.

At that time, after the God of Shadow came forward to take over the task of solving the blasphemer, the scumbag Poseidon proposed to take a "ride", hoping that he could help deal with the ancient Poseidon.

After the God of Shadow agreed to him, he suggested that it is best to lure out the ancient sea **** and bring him, the blasphemer, to his side, lest after one is dealt with, the other will be vigilant and difficult to catch, and strive to bring both of them together. Get rid of.

But since I have already learned of their plan, it is naturally impossible for the ancient sea **** to fall in. The first time I left the hall of the gods, I tried to inform the ancient sea **** and reminded her not to leave the sea no matter what. Don't give the God of Shadows a chance.

And Yin

The Shadow God chose to attack him alone without attracting the ancient Sea God. He thought he had given up his plan to deal with the Ancient Sea God, but he didn't expect that he would not give up, and secretly caught so many Sea Races behind his back. , most likely wanting to do something to the ancient sea god!

After guessing the purpose of the God of Shadows in arresting so many sea people, William couldn't help urging again:

"Where's the ancient sea god? Take a quick look at the fate of the ancient sea god! The shadow god's goal should be her!"

"I can't see clearly!"

The hip-pull goddess said helplessly:

"In her heyday, she was a fourteenth-level true god, and her personality was two levels higher than mine, and she got mixed up with you, so I couldn't see much at all, and even her physical position was called no...

Let me tell you this, the only thing I can be sure of right now is that her fate has not been broken, so she should be fine for the time being. "

It's okay for now... Is it because the God of Shadows hasn't had time to deal with her, or has he been caught but not killed?

From the ambiguous answer of the hip-pulling goddess, there is not much effective information at all. After gritting his teeth, William had to stack [Fleeting] to the limit of the seventh layer. The gray and black sky of the shadow world rushed straight towards the shadow kingdom.

Under the frightening high speed that people can't even catch the afterimage, the Shadow God Kingdom, which was so far away that even the shadow could not be seen, came into William's eyes in a short time.

Damn it... Is the Kingdom of the Shadow God so big?

Looking up at the huge mountain peaks hanging upside down between the sky and the ground, and the dark sun and moon revolving around the gray-white giant mountain, even though he had made some psychological preparations, William still couldn't help but be speechless for a while.

Although the God of Shadow's personal strength is only at the peak of the twelfth level, if only the size of the "territory" is counted, he may be the largest among all the true gods.

Although there is no wind, thunder, rain, snow, flame and frost in the shadow plane, there is only the power of shadow, and although there are a lot of shadow creatures in total, none of them can be born with the same level of wisdom as human beings. "The degree is not comparable to that of the Austrian Fa Continent.

But as the "shadow" plane of the Arcane Continent, its size is indeed the same as the entire Arcane Continent, and it can be as big as the Arcane Continent. And the God of Shadow, who enjoys such a large plane to himself, is naturally different from those petty true Gods, and the Kingdom of Shadow God he built is simply astonishingly large.

Regardless of the quality and the area, one hundred ordinary eleventh-order true **** kingdoms are probably not enough for a fraction of the Shadow God Kingdom. If this gray and white giant mountain is brought upright, it is estimated that the entire Holy Empire will be accommodated. They are all well off.

And although there are already a lot of 100,000 Sea Clans captured, for such a large kingdom of God, it can only be regarded as a drizzle, and if you want to determine whether the ancient Sea God is inside, it is estimated that the difficulty is like finding a needle in a haystack It doesn't make any difference.

"My good guy has long heard that the Kingdom of the God of Shadows is very big, but he didn't expect it to be so big! No wonder he is not afraid of you harming his Kingdom of God."

After looking up at the gray and white giant mountain together with William, the hip-pull goddess couldn't help saying:

"This size is too outrageous, no matter how strong your ability to destroy is, it's useless! I estimate that if you spend more than half a month burying your head in dismantling it, you can barely destroy a mountain at most!"

After hearing the words of the hip-pull goddess, William couldn't help curling his lips speechlessly.

I've never seen the Kingdom of Shadow God, so it's okay to be a little surprised, why are you so surprised?

"Don't look at me like that, it's also the first time I've seen the Kingdom of the God of Shadows, okay?"

After reading William's eyes, the hip-pull goddess couldn't help but argue:

"Not all true gods are willing to display the Kingdom of God for others to see.

Because the elves are particularly grouped together, and there is an elf temple in the middle to coordinate, most of the kingdoms of the human gods are hidden, and most of the kingdoms of the gods are not only hidden, but even change their locations regularly, which is generally very difficult to find .

Also, you can easily find the location of the Kingdom of Eros

It’s because she opened the authority to you, and you can go back directly along her spiritual link, if you didn’t have an affair with her, it would be... ahem, let’s continue talking about the God of Shadows..."

After being glared at by William angrily, the hip-pull goddess decisively brought the topic back, and said embarrassingly:

"In short, you just need to understand that the Kingdom of God is not that easy to find.

And although I can directly locate the specific location of the Kingdom of God through the fate trajectory gathered by a large number, the God of Shadow God's Kingdom of God is in the heart of the Shadow Plane, which is his home field, and I was accidentally caught If I don't, I will be slaughtered. Why should I take such a big risk to visit his kingdom of God? "

"There is no rush for the visit, let's think about what to do next, shall we?"

Looking at the gray and white giant mountain hanging upside down in the distance, William couldn't help but sighed and said:

"This thing is too big. Even if I rummage through it without defense at all, I can't find where the shadow god's treasury is, let alone make sure whether the ancient sea **** has been caught... Well... wait a minute."

After staring at the gray and white giant mountain for a while, William could not help but narrow his eyes subconsciously, rubbed his chin and said:

"How about... I'd better give up the Sea God's Kingdom and eat this instead?

Although the quality of the Shadow God Kingdom is much worse than that of the Sea God God Kingdom, this thing is big enough! It must be very convenient to use it to smash people!

Also, since the place is too big to find someone, why not simply drag it back and wait until you have free time to find someone? "

Drag the whole thing back...

After looking up at the gray-white giant mountain that can only be described as Qingtianchedi, the hip-pull goddess couldn't help but hesitate and say:

"But it's too big, right? It's estimated to be as big as dozens of sea gods' kingdoms, and there are probably astonishingly many origins at the core. Can you eat it?"

"Try it."

After taking out the chair of the God of Light and grabbing it in his William flew towards the gray-white giant mountain, and said:

"Eat as much as you can. If there are too many origins and it is too late to finish before the God of Shadows rushes over, then I will throw everyone in the Kingdom of God out, and throw the chair of the God of Light into the Origins of Shadows. Just blow up this whole thing!"


Ah, is this still possible?

In the bewildered expression of the hip-pull goddess, William seemed to think of something, grinned slightly at the corner of his mouth and said:

"By the way, didn't you just say that facing such a big thing, no matter how strong my ability to destroy it is useless?

Hehe, it turns out that if a person can't even do damage, it can only prove that his ability to do damage has not been mastered! "

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