This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Chapter 171: If you have money, you can...

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Far away on the "construction site" of Ironthorn City, a middle-aged man with a handsome face blushed and shouted with a thick neck:

"Isn't it just smashed to pieces, I bet! The big deal is... Hello? Karina! Hello?"


The little rich woman had a dark face, took off the seal ring with golden rib patterns, and kicked it into her pocket angrily.

Goddamn bastard! I was crazy to listen to your nonsense!

"Lord Karina?"

William raised his eyebrows and expressed his doubts with his eyes.

The little rich woman was gnashing her teeth in anger by Cameron's manipulation. Obviously you said it was very dangerous to approach him, but now that she has made money, she didn't even want her life.

She really wanted to just let it go, but thinking about the teacher's care for her for so many years, she forcibly endured it.

Forget it, although he is stupid when he sees money, he is also his teacher. I have to stop him when he is not clear, otherwise there may be serious problems.

After breathing the sullen breath in her chest, Karina said with an embarrassed expression: "Your Excellency William, I'm really sorry, I have a reason why I can't agree to you no matter what, so..."

At this moment, a question full of doubts interrupted Karina's words.

"That was... Cameron's voice just now?"

Several young people came over and looked curiously at the little rich woman who was bowing to William and apologized.

An old lady with simple clothes frowned and said, "Karina, why did I hear his voice? Didn't you say that the old thing went out?"

After seeing the person who came, the little rich woman pursed her lips in embarrassment and said, "Aunt Lolita... It's a bit troublesome to talk about this..."

? !

The name made William a bit of a shock. He looked at the old lady with Hefa and Tongyan with complicated eyes. Although it could be seen that she should have been a beauty when she was young, but with this name, it is really a bit...

Seeing that William was looking at herself, the old lady nodded politely to him, and then said to Karina with an unpleasant expression:

"Karina, I know that old guy likes to speak ill of us, but you have to know that if something happens to Jin Sora, we will be the first to help."

The little rich woman nodded repeatedly to indicate that she understood, but she sighed twice in her heart.

The most troublesome people are here. These people are the veterans of the chamber of commerce. President Lolita has known the teacher since childhood, and the two have been entangled for decades.

When I secretly used the Zebra Ancient Scroll to look up my teacher's past, I also saw some comparisons between them... Harmonious records. Although they didn't get together in the end, she was actually no different from her own teacher.

Whether it's relationship or status, these elders definitely have to answer questions, but can this matter be said casually?

After thinking about the [Magic Vine Ring] on Cameron's hand, Karina's headache couldn't help but deepen.

The teacher is still on the side of the Church of Nature. If his identity of the seventh-order [Apostle of Destiny] is revealed, he may cause a lot of trouble.

After all, there are not many people who follow the fate sequence, and even fewer people reach the seventh order. As long as you use a little heart, it is not a problem to find out his identity.

Just when Karina was in a dilemma, desperately thinking about how to fool this matter, William stood up and slapped the little rich woman's heart with a puff, making her already barren chest worse.

"Miss Karina, listening to the meaning of these elders, who just agreed to the proposal, is it President Cameron?"

"Proposal? What proposal?" William's deliberate prompt really worked, and the expressions of several elders changed, and the old lady asked directly with hesitation.

William said flatly: "It's not a big deal, I am willing to cancel the city gate tax of the Jinsara Chamber of Commerce, and not only that, after I take back all the three nearby marquis, all three can be banned in the marquis. City gate tax."

William's tone was so flat that he couldn't afford to waver, as if he was not talking about a major event involving nearly 10,000 gold gold a year, but a casual sentence "I'm going out" before going out.

Because of Karina's repeated apology before, many people noticed this and heard William's words.

After tasting the taste, the surrounding suddenly became noisy.

"If you say you don't want the city gate tax, you don't want it? Who is this person?"

"Idiot, he was sent by the royal family to take over Doza Castle!"

"To be able to get such a big concession, the background of the Jinsuoluo Chamber of Commerce is indeed terrifying!"


The old lady with a childlike face looked at William's appearance, and remembered Karina's previous bows one after another, as well as the sincere and guilty look on her face, as if she suddenly wanted to understand something.

She frowned and said dissatisfiedly, "Young man, although I appreciate your generosity, some things cannot be forced."

In William's stunned eyes, the old lady with the very name Lolita taught earnestly:

"Karina is indeed a wonderful child. I can understand what you are doing, but I cannot agree with your behavior. It is indeed effective to buy that old thing with money, but you can only get Karina's..."

"It's not like that!"

The little rich woman stomped her feet and complained with a blushing face: "Aunt Lolita! There are indeed conditions to cancel the city gate tax, but it is not this condition!"

"What are the conditions?"


Karina was choked by the question, because even without considering the abolition of the city gate tax, it would still be a very cost-effective thing to build a church belonging to the Church of Fortune, not to mention that William also offered a lot of discounts and discounts. Help, if this matter is really spoken out, the teacher's refusal to cooperate will undoubtedly appear even more bizarre.

Just when she was desperately thinking about how to get this matter over, William couldn't hold back a little.

Fortune Church will do the same thing in the future. In the future, the churches they will build will be all over the place. Although they are not large-scale buildings, and some churches don’t even have priests in charge, they are undoubtedly the most popular among “believers”. Welcome to the "church".

A large number of "Qian Cheng" believers with a huge amount of goods frequently haunt these humble churches, and under the witness of Fortune Church, they frequently trade, bid, sell, and deliver... In William's view, these churches even have The prototype of the commodity exchange.

The church of Fortune Church is a big fat sheep, and the wool on this sheep is gilded.

As long as I can scoop up that little handful, I will no longer have to worry about money in the future, I can train as many legions as I want, and raise as many witches as I want...

"Let me tell you."

Seeing that the little rich woman was slow to speak, William decided to take the initiative. "I have a suggestion for Miss Karina, hopefully..."


The little rich woman's panicked voice sounded, she wiped the other ring on her hand, took out a strangely shaped animal skin scroll, and pulled it apart without hesitation.

[Suffered from the Silence Technique from the Fifth-Order Secret Magic Scroll, an abnormal state appeared: Silence, the remaining duration is ten seconds]

[Before this effect ends, you will not be able to speak and use any combat techniques below Tier 4, and the use of Tier 4 combat techniques will also be severely disrupted]

Looking at the scroll in the hands of the little rich woman exuding light blue light, William reluctantly closed his mouth.

After all, if you have money, you can do whatever you want.

This is a scroll of silence art with an average price of several thousand gold gold. I am afraid that it can be sold for tens of thousands in a place like Flange, just to make me quiet for a few seconds. Next time, can you give me the money directly, and I will take the initiative to shut up!

On the other hand, Karina, who successfully prevented William from "revealing the bottom", was relieved, turned to look at the old lady next to her, and asked sincerely, "Aunt Lolita, do you think I will hurt the teacher?"

"This is definitely not possible, after all, you can even say that he was raised by him."

Seeing that the old lady agreed with her statement, Karina hurriedly pursued her victory.

"Then you can rest assured, it's just that Sir William's proposal is very important, and my teacher and I have certain differences of opinion, so can we talk privately first? I can guarantee that after confirming the result, I will definitely talk to you immediately. Say."

Several elders looked at each other and finally nodded in turn.

Seeing that these few were appeased, the little rich woman's heart was completely relieved, and she quickly dragged William to the chamber of commerce. The female knight on the side was about to follow, but was stopped in place.

The silver-haired old lady asked kindly, "Miss, what is your relationship with that Lord William?"

The question stopped Jessica.

Normally, the two of them should be regarded as superiors and subordinates. After all, the "deed of sale" is still in William's hands, but in fact, their relationship is somewhat like a friend, and it is slightly closer than ordinary friends.

Seeing the indecision on the female knight's face, the old lady couldn't help but smile, her face full of nostalgia.

I used to be like this when I was young. At that time, Cameron was a gentle and handsome young man, and he was not as wretched as he is At that time, the two were together all day, and they had a little inexplicable affection. When I was asked a similar question, my reaction was almost the same as this little girl.

"It's nice to be young!" The old lady sighed without thinking, looking at Jessica with a lot of warmth in her eyes.

She patted Jessica lightly on the shoulder and smiled kindly. "You seem to be looking at the dance floor all the time. Your Excellency William also has something to do. If you don't dislike it, I can dance with you, old lady."

Looking at the dancing figures on the dance floor, the female knight moved a little, but she was still a little self-aware of her dancing skills. If it wasn't for William, she would have been embarrassed just now.

"Forget it, I'll just take a look here."

Jessica shook her head shyly, rejecting the old lady's kindness, but her eyes were still peeking at the dance floor where people and figures came and went.

Oh, this little girl is really interesting.

The old lady smiled, as if she saw herself when she was young again. She clearly couldn't think of it, but she just couldn't put it down. Because of this, she didn't know how many beautiful moments she had missed.

She pretended to be unhappy and said, "Well, since you don't want to dance with an old woman like me, I can't force you to pull you. Alas, when people are old, everyone really hates them..."

Under the old lady's "rely on the old and sell the old", Jessica was defeated in a few words, and she was pulled into the dance floor in a confused way.

Finding that this dance could no longer be pushed off, the female knight had to bite the bullet and put her arms on the shoulders of the old lady, determined to pay attention to her steps even if she made a fool of herself. But after looking at the old lady's full head of silver hair, she was still a little worried.

Hesitantly pursed her lips, Jessica leaned into the old lady's ear and whispered:

"Can you...can you change to a pair of sturdier shoes?"

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