one! Hundred! Ten thousand! ...and more!

William trembled secretly, and touched the banshee's reward in the space ring.

He had revealed more than a dozen copies of this thing at the beginning. Although he handed over one, he still had a lot of stock in stock. When he was ready to wait until the turnover could not open, he would discuss with the banshee whether he could conspire to go to the Church of Eros. Spend some money.

But now it seems that these bounties can really be thrown away. The speed at which Jose can make money is simply much faster than if he cheated... Well, the speed of making money is much faster.

William clicked his lips in disbelief.

This is more than one million gold gold!

Even for the wealthy Church of Fortune, it is a number that can hurt your bones. For the Church of Eros, which spends a lot of money, it can even hollow out decades of accumulation. How did he earn it? of?

William opened the system with a puzzled look and found the panel that belonged to Jose.

【Name: Jose Morris】

【Race: Human】

[Status: blood loss, minor injuries, panic]

[Affiliation: Breaking Dawn Collar]

[Identity: Dawn collar holds the chairman of the Chamber of Commerce]

[Ability: Prosperity, good reputation, bad luck]

[Evaluation: This is a natural businessman who can detect potential business opportunities very keenly. He has been doing business in various places all the year round, and he is very sensitive to the flow of wealth.


However, it should be noted that this is a guy who is often unlucky, be careful that he will bring his bad luck to your territory]


It turned out to be a good fortune and a good reputation, no wonder it's such a bullshit... a ghost! That's more than a million! Selling a banshee is not so valuable! Did he go robbery?

Feeling that William's body suddenly stiffened, the female knight looked at him curiously, and then pushed him a little funny, and said with a sarcastic tone:

"William, didn't you tell me that Jose is a man who can make a lot of money? Why is he more surprised than me?"

William regained his senses, grinned and said nothing.

The little rich woman and Jessica are both "spending money" people, but the little rich woman is too lazy to spend too much money, and the female knight is simply not financially minded. She is afraid that she only knows that this is a very large number, not yet. Find out how much wealth this money means.

After calming down a bit, William asked with a serious face:

"Jessica, did the Dark Nightmare cavalry who reported the news mentioned how Jose made this money?"

"It seems to have said something vaguely..."

The female knight frowned and thought for a few seconds, then hesitantly said:

"I remember, it seems that the contract was signed with whom. As long as the supplies are fulfilled as promised, the business can continue for a long time, oh yes!"

Jessica thought for a while and said: "Although it is said to have made a million, in fact, only about 300,000 was made this time, of which 150,000 was bought into various goods, and the rest The 700,000 is the payment for the next batch of goods, and only part of it has been paid, and the remaining 500,000 will not be available until the next transaction."

I see……

Hearing that the money wasn't actually that much, William was relieved. After all, 200,000 in and 1 million out. In this part of the world where barter is still in use, the efficiency of making money is a bit exaggerated.

According to the current situation, Jose 80% relied on his talent to detect the procurement plan of a major force or a chamber of commerce, and relying on the ability of good reputation, he gained trust and won a large order. .

As for the person doing business with him, it should be the Holy Empire or the Sea Clan, or it may be a large chamber of commerce from across the Seven Seas. In short, it shouldn't be a bad thing.

After confirming that the money itself is probably not a pit, William calculated the number of robberies a little, and found that there were still 350,000 gold golds and goods worth 150,000 gold golds. Spirited up.

Although the name of the 200,000 gold gold was "lent" to Jose, Jose is a rare "good man". According to his character of repaying his gratitude, he will definitely not only pay back 200,000 to himself. If something happened to King Gold, it will inevitably give out a large part of the profit.

Ahem, this is not an eye-opener, mainly because I still tighten my belt to live, and then I borrow 200,000 gold gold, and then send someone thousands of miles to **** me. After Jose is robbed, I have to take risks. To save people, he has to thank me, everyone is a friend, I'm too embarrassed to not accept it, right?

As for the Griddy family who came out to do things... how dare they rob me... and Jose's money! There is no need to wait for the three major churches to take action, you will die now!


Just as William was murderously gathering his army, the hapless little businessman Jose was lying in the darkened cell, staring blankly at the cobweb-covered ceiling.

His body was covered with welts and bruises. Although there was no serious injury, he could tell from looking at him that he must have been beaten in a venting manner.

Jose's situation was somewhat different from what Jessica said. The Grady family had no plans to execute him. They were even worried that the injury would affect his health. They also invited a half-baked pharmacist and gave him two mouthfuls of embarrassment. Smelling healing potion.

Although the medicine smelled like swill in the sewer, it was actually effective. The wound on his shoulder and back had even begun to scab over, and it was estimated that it would heal in two or three days.

However, these unexpected "kindness" did not make Jose's mood any easier. Regarding the behavior of the Griddy family, he had somewhat heard about it in his days of business, and vaguely guessed his own destiny.

He will probably be sold as a commodity to some forces with population needs, or even pirates above the Seven Seas.

He bit his lip so hard that he didn't let himself tremble humiliatingly.

A literate, well-informed human being is quite popular in many places, and the **** of the Grady family are like the most greedy mammons in mythology. Let go of any opportunity to grab money.

Therefore, for the rest of his life, he is likely to be held in heavy in a filthy and filthy cabin, helping a group of pirates who do all kinds of evil to calculate the looted loot.

If you are lucky, you will be thrown into the sea when you are old. If you are unlucky, you will even die of illness in the hot and dirty cabin, or even sink directly into the deep sea together with the sunk pirate ship...


Thinking of the faces of his wife and daughter, Jose's eyes were full of unwillingness and grief.

Her daughter's illness was cured by Her Majesty the Holy Maiden, his wife no longer had to suffer with him, and he also found an opportunity to display his talents. Why did this happen when the prospects were the best?

Although I am not a saint, I have never done anything bad in my life! Why have I been so unlucky! Why didn't the gods bless me!

Just as Jose's eyes were gradually filled with despair, a low whimper sounded slowly behind him, and then the voice became higher and higher, and finally turned into a hysterical cry.

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