This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Vol 2 Chapter 900: low key

After listening to the Divine Maiden's words, William thoughtfully opened his occupation panel, and the entry for [Highest occupation level 40] was impressive.


It's still a long way off...

So if you want to say that, then I really have to work hard and raise him to level 10 or level 20 before the gate of the dead country opens, otherwise this space will be wasted.


After twitching the corners of his mouth happily, William seemed to remember something and looked up at the Holy Maiden of Love opposite.

"By the way, how is the inhibitory force of the Gate of the Dead Country calculated?

In the end, the seventh-order and above cannot be approached, and they will all be pushed out of the same distance, or the seventh-order can only be close to a hundred miles, the eighth-order can only be close to two hundred miles, and the ninth-order can only be close to three hundred miles. ? "

"It should be the second."

After turning her head to recall for a while, the Holy Maiden of Love said firmly:

"Although we haven't tested it, according to the records of the Church of Knowledge, when the first few times of pre-clearing were carried out, the breath of the ninth-order undead was indeed much farther away than the seventh-order undead.

Moreover, the gate of the dead country is on the side of the underworld, and there is also the divine power left by the **** of death. For undead creatures without vitality, the closer they are to the divine power of the **** of death, the easier it is to trigger the function of the **** of death and be forcibly swept away. Throw in the river Styx.

And because the higher-level undead creatures are, the closer they are to the essence of death, the greater the resonance with the power of the **** of death, and the easier it is to be taken away by the power of the **** of death, causing them to dare not act rashly. "

Speaking of which, it seemed that William didn't understand the meaning of the power of death, and the Holy Maiden of Love added:

"Those ninth-order undead have a chance to climb out of the Styx after being swept away by the divine power of the God of Death, but part of their souls will inevitably be washed away by the Styx.

The soul is the source of the power of the undead. The undead whose soul has been washed will be greatly reduced in strength and will be degraded. Among them, the self-will is not firm enough, and they will even directly drop several orders or even die directly, so as long as there is no very special appearance In this case, they will never actively cross the line, and they don't even dare to mobilize their power to attack. "


William nodded with satisfaction when he got the answer.

It means that even if I copy their old nests in person, scrape the ground three feet, and pack up all the good things inside, they can only jump on their feet in the distance, right?

Tsk, I am very familiar with the situation at the gate of the dead country, and even know the location of a tenth-order [Black Emperor] underground palace, so it seems that this trip is really a must.

A few "old friends" flashed in his mind, and after silently deciding that he must come to "visit", William nodded with a very determined expression in the eyes of the Divine Maiden.

"Understood, I will not refuse this kind of thing that concerns the safety of Frank. Please leave a good place for me and my people on the list of entering the Netherland to clean up!

At that time, I will definitely lead the army to enter! Grab those undead with your own hands... forcibly drive them out! The farther away from the gate of the dead country, the better! "


I really saw the wrong person!

After listening to William's words, a strong expression of approval flashed in the eyes of the Holy Maiden of Love.

The Netherland is basically full of undead, and there is nothing good at all. Facing this kind of thankless task, it may lead to bankruptcy. If it is not forcing it, I am afraid that not many people in their own church are willing to do it. .

As for William, not only was he willing to bet his entire net worth, but he was willing to accept this useless thing, and he was even willing to risk his own life... Huh?

She patted William's words carefully, and stared into his eyes. After confirming that it was not a slip of the tongue or a misunderstanding, the Holy Maiden of Love said with some surprise:

"William, are you too?"

"Roughly the same……"

Although he didn't really want to reveal the fact that he was in Sequence 5.1, but considering that he wanted to enter the underworld, he couldn't avoid the sight of the three major churches, William had to silently nodded and admitted vaguely:

"It's true that I haven't reached the seventh level, so I can join the task of clearing the undead in advance."

"That's really good!"

After hearing William's answer, the Holy Maiden couldn't help but be overjoyed and said with a look of relief:

"The activities at the Gate of the Dead Kingdom are more intense than any in the past. I was worried before that this mission of clearing up in advance would cause too many casualties, but I can rest assured if you are here.

By the way, the aura on your body is so strong that even occasionally makes me feel a little dangerous... If you are only sixth-order, two sequences might not be enough! Are you a step further than me, learning three sequences at the same time? "


"Uh... it's almost..."

After glancing sideways at the lamp behind him, William couldn't help but smack his lips, knowing that what could make the Millennium Saintess feel dangerous was probably not his own strength, but hidden in his shadow, and would occasionally fall as the light fell. The [Sword of Eclipse] on her body.


After getting William's slightly perfunctory answer again, the excited expression on the Divine Maiden's face solidified for a while, and then a look of disappointment flashed in her eyes, and then she nodded gently in apology:

"Sorry, I didn't actually inquire about your sequence, it's just... um... I'm just a little bit for you... I'm just happy that this mission was able to reduce casualties.

I'm sorry, I've lost my temper. "

"Ah, it's not impossible."

After seeing the disappointed look of the Holy Maiden of I felt that people kept telling them frankly, and it seemed a little stingy for him to hide and tuck. William raised his hand and scratched the back of his head. After thinking about it, he said apologetically. road:

"Actually... I don't have to hide this matter, but I guess no one will believe it when I say it in the past..."

After thinking about it for a while, he felt that with the nature of loving the Holy Maiden, he should not talk nonsense everywhere, and considering that his current strength is basically enough to protect himself, he can go directly to the sea to join Ashley, and William simply took the initiative to show off:

"I actually learned a total of six sequences. Except for one that was special and could not continue to be promoted due to some reasons, each of the remaining five sequences was a fourth-order peak."

"..." (⊙_⊙)?


"..." (*?д?*)


Looking at the red lips on the opposite side opening slightly, his eyes suddenly glared at the greatest Holy Maiden of Love, William pursed the corners of his mouth calmly, and then spread out his hands helplessly.

sit! Basic fuck! No six!

It's just a trivial little achievement. For a low-key person like me, if it weren't for the fact that I couldn't hide it, I wouldn't be happy to say it~


Baoji succeeded! (*^▽^*)

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