After capturing Sun Wukong and throwing him to Li Tianwang Li Jing of Tota, Chen Run went back and arranged for the water tribe water armies from all over the world to return to their respective locations.

This battle is almost over here.

The rest of the battle has nothing to do with Chen Run.

Chen Run knew that the next thing would probably be that Sun Wukong would go into the alchemy furnace of Taishang Laojun, and then integrate the flat peaches, royal wine, and elixir he had eaten with his body, and directly transform into Vajra Immortal. A bad body will be invulnerable to all calamities!

In addition, Sun Wukong will also develop piercing eyes in the alchemy furnace.

At that time, Sun Wukong will be even more powerful, and no one will dare to test his edge for a while.

That's when the real 'Havoc in Heaven' began!

Chen Run himself was not sure whether he would be Sun Wukong's opponent if he followed him out of the alchemy furnace.

Therefore, his plan ended here. Before Sun Wukong entered the alchemy furnace, he got ahead of Erlang Xiansheng Zhenjun Yang Jian, took action in advance, and used his own strength to capture Sun Wukong.

If we talk about it afterwards, this can be regarded as a great achievement.

Chen Run dismissed the Sihai clan, dived into the sea himself, and returned to the East China Sea Dragon Palace.

In the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea, the Dragon Kings of the Four Seas had gathered together. When they saw Chen Run returning, they all came to greet him.

"My dear nephew, you actually captured Sun Wukong."Ao Guang, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, said with some incredible exclamation. He said with unspoken pride:"You are worthy of being the golden dragon in my dragon clan. That monkey was born as a stone monkey, with a sacred body and powerful abilities. He was arrogant, but he was defeated by your wise nephew, which can be said to have severely rubbed his spirit."

"This is exactly what I meant. He made a big fuss in the Dragon Palace before, making the East China Sea uneasy, and even despised our Dragon Clan. This time I can teach him a lesson."Chen Run nodded and said, now he has placed his identity on the side of the Dragon Clan.

"You did a great job, and what’s even more valuable is that you didn’t go too far. Ao Shun, the Dragon King of the South China Sea, nodded and said:"That Sun Wukong has a great background, so this time, many gods in heaven will not confront him head-on.""

"And although you captured him, you relied on your ability and dignity, and didn't go overboard afterwards. You directly handed over the tower to Li Jing, the king of towers."

The Dragon King of the Four Seas is very satisfied with Chen Run's work, but he has only one worry:"Although you did a good job this time, you also stole the limelight. Ao Guang , the Dragon King of the East China Sea, said:"After today, your reputation will probably spread, including"

"Whether it is the Jade Emperor of Heaven, the immortals, or Lingshan Mountain in the West, I am afraid they have all noticed you. This time, you have gained too much limelight."

This is the only thing about the Dragon King of the Four Seas. Chen Run has not really grown up yet. He has just accepted the inheritance and there is still a lot of room for improvement.

But at this juncture, he has made so much limelight and attracted attention.

According to The Dragon King of the Four Seas thought that the higher Chen Run's cultivation level, the better. Before that, he should keep a low profile.

But regarding the matter of Sun Wukong, Chen Run did nothing wrong. They had nothing to say, but they felt proud.

"No problem."Chen Run shook his head and replied:"Although I wanted to get justice from the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea and stand up for the dragon clan, so I took action to capture Sun Wukong, but in my heart, there is another meaning."

·····Asking for flowers 0·····

Chen Run's eyes flickered, and he had his own thoughts, which he confided to the Dragon King of the Four Seas at this moment:"I was originally only a sixth-grade patrolling the Four Seas. Now that I have captured Sun Wukong, I will definitely get another seal from the Jade Emperor.""

"Moreover, by doing this, I also promote the grace of my dragon clan, so that all the immortals and monsters in the world will not dare to look down on my dragon clan!"

Chen Run's purpose is these.

First, to seek justice for the dragon clan and beat Sun Wukong violently.

Second, to obtain the imperial edict so that he can directly return to the real world and make another breakthrough!


, show your power for the Dragon Clan!

The Dragon King of the Four Seas placed his hope of revitalizing the Dragon Clan on Chen Run, so naturally Chen Run would not do nothing.

From now on, his power can already represent the power of the Dragon Clan, so he has no scruples in showing his power to the outside world!

"The most important thing is that although I have received the inheritance now, my real path still lies in the real world. And only after receiving a further decree from God can I return to the real world and make a breakthrough!"

"As long as there is a divine decree, my cultivation will be able to quickly break through to the next level with the help of the countless incense and human power in the real world!"

"Therefore, I am destined not to be low-key!"

"Even if I show off in the forest, I will not hesitate. As long as I can get the imperial edict, I can return to reality and improve my strength!"

Chen Run has such ambitions in his heart!

After hearing Chen Run's explanation, the Dragon King of the Four Seas was silent for a while, and then he praised Chen Run. He had to sigh with emotion, Chen Run was more than they thought, and they were worthy of the hope of the Dragon Clan. , placed on Chen Run 6! _Fei

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