This shop owner is not very reliable

Chapter 28 Departure to the West

"This is?!"

The moment he saw the sword of victory, Totosai's pupils shrank.

He took a few hurried steps forward, almost putting his eyes on the blade.

The more he looked at him, the more amazed he became.

This sword is extremely rare in both its forging process and materials.

"How's it going? Do you see what's going on?"

Seeing Totosai's surprised look, King Douga smiled.

"Master, forgive me for being bold, where did you get this sword?" Totosai asked in a deep voice.

"In exchange for Cong Yunya, you don't need to know who it is."

"Make me a scabbard. I'll pick it up tomorrow."

"Cong Yunya was replaced?!"

Totosai was startled, and just as he was about to speak, he found that King Doya had already left.


After a moment of silence, Totosai carefully carried the sword to the inside of the cave and placed the Sword of Victory on the sword stand.

In the eyes of a craftsman like him, a sword of this kind of craftsmanship is simply a work of God, and he dare not be disrespectful in the slightest.

"Master! What good things did the master ask you to build again?"

A dark voice came.

In the darkness, Totosai's apprentice Hui Daofang came over. He was attracted the moment he saw the Sword of Vow to Victory, staring straight at it with his eyes unable to move.

"This sword is incredible. Even if your master and I spend our entire lives, I probably won't be able to reach this level."

Totosai sighed.

"Okay, don't look at it. This is the master's thing. We only need to complete the master's instructions and don't think about other things."

He took out his cane and knocked Hui Toufang on the head, and Totou Sai went out to look for materials to make a scabbard.

For a sword like this, the scabbard must be made of the best material.

Inside the cave

Huidaofang looked at the Sword of Victory that shone with light golden luster, and heard a strange sound.

"What a gorgeous light, it will definitely be more beautiful if it is tarnished..."

"Sesshomaru, this child's name will be Sesshomaru from now on."

As soon as he came back, King Douya came to Fairy Lingyue's palace, picked up the baby next to him, and laughed.

"Sesshomaru? Not bad."

Immortal Fairy Ling Yue tasted it.

"I was still thinking that if you chose some strange name, I would choose it myself."

King Douya gave her a helpless look.

Sesshomaru's arrogant character may have been inherited from his mother.

"How long will you stay when you come back this time?"

Fairy Ling Yue asked casually.

Who expected Dou Yawang's next words to make her stunned.

"I'm not leaving."

"Not leaving?"

"Well, the territory is big enough. I will stay with you and Sesshomaru from now on."

King Douya put Sesshomaru aside, sat down next to Fairy Lingyue, put his arms around her waist, and kissed her white and cold face.

Immortal Fairy Ling Yue was stunned when she was kissed suddenly.

"Madam, don't you think Sesshomaru would be lonely growing up alone?"

"Um, what?"

Immortal Fairy Ling Yue who reacted was confused.

King Douya laughed, ordered his servants to take Sesshomaru away, and then lay down on the bed with Fairy Ling Yue in his arms.

The bed curtains were drawn and the lights turned off.

King Douya listened to Ling Yu's suggestion and began to make plans for Sesshomaru's future with Fairy Ling Yue.

His greatest advantage as a dog is that he listens to advice!

On this day, the demon world changed.

General Inu, who had been conquering all directions, suddenly announced that he was stopping his expansion. This made the frightened monsters around him feel puzzled and at the same time heaved a sigh of relief.

"I didn't expect that it would be King Douya who is coming. The timeline has really been pushed forward for a long time."

In the shop, Ling Yu took out the replica Cong Yun Ya from the system space.

From a styling point of view, it’s zero points.

Then, he felt a sight.


"Ahem, I just collected it, no need to use it."

Ling Yu gave a fake cough, threw Cong Yunya into the system space, and looked at Esther awkwardly.

It feels like being caught in bed.

"Master, if you want to use it, I won't say anything more."

Esther was lying on the counter, looking at Ling Yu calmly with a pair of blue eyes.

"No, no, no, you are enough for me."

Ling Yu quickly picked up Esther and began to coax her.

Ding dong!

Just when Ling Yu carried Esther to the sofa and sat down, a notification sounded in his mind.

Clicking on the group chat, I found that King Douya had sent a picture.

It was a little baby like snow.

Silver hair and golden eyes destined him to be extraordinary.

Luna: "Is this what Sesshomaru looked like when he was a child?"

Dog General: "Yes."

Miku Miku: "It's so cute, I want to pinch his face."

Ling Yu: "As expected of Sesshomaru, he has been a beauty since he was a child."

Dog General: "Beautiful embryo?"

Three big question marks appeared on King Douya's head.

Isn’t this a bit inappropriate for a boy?

At this time, Ling Yu's eyes were attracted by Mijiu who was walking towards him, and she sat on the sofa next to her.

"Ling Yu, I want to discuss something with you."

"you say."

"We didn't go to see Zi's world before, so can we go to King Douya's world?" Miku asked.

"Of course. Do you want to see Sesshomaru?"

After thinking for a while, Ling Yu saw what the other party was thinking.


Meijiu nodded gently: "After watching "Inuyasha", I always feel empty in my heart, as if a long journey has come to an end."

"Although it is perfect, it is full of reluctance."

Ling Yu knows Meijiu's thoughts very well.

When he finished watching the finale of "Inuyasha", he couldn't come back to his senses for a long time.

Or, it's the same for every anime that he can immerse himself in.

It's like he has followed the characters in the anime and lived a short and long life.

After being told by Meijiu, he also wanted to go to that world to have a look.

Although there are no protagonists they are familiar with, at least they can see a few familiar faces.

"Is that so? Then I'll ask Douga."

"Really? Lingyu, thank you!" Meijiu said in surprise.

"It's just a small matter."

Ling Yu chuckled and pinched Esther's little face.


After that, Ling Yu asked Douga's thoughts in the group.

Inu Daisho: "Shopkeeper, can you come to my world?"

After hearing that Ling Yu and the others were coming to his world, Dou Ya Wang was shocked.

Ling Yu: "If you can come to the store, of course we can go there too."

Dou Ya Wang was stunned, and then he thought about it.

If he can go to the store, it is normal for the other party to come to him.

Yotani Miko: "Are you going to Inu Daisho's world? Can you take me with you?"

Miko, who was peeking at the screen, immediately became interested after seeing the conversation between the few people.

Ling Yu: "Jianzi, what time is the curfew at your house? If I can't make it back in time, uncle and aunt won't blame me, right?"

Yotani Jianzi: "I can say that I'm staying at Xiaohua's house for the night."

Ling Yu: "Is that so, @Dog General, what do you say?"

Dog General: "Of course no problem, it's better to say that you are welcome. Will everyone in the group come?"

Ling Yu: "Yes."

Dog General: "Okay, but I'm going to have a celebration banquet here. If the owner doesn't mind, you can come together."

Ling Yu: "That's all right."

Dog General: "When are you going to come, owner?"

Ling Yu: "Maybe later. I still have a little jealous girl who hasn't been appeased yet."

Demon Slayer: "..."

Dog General: "Then the owner, please notify me before you come."

Ling Yu: "Okay."

After agreeing with Douya Wang, Ling Yu left the group chat.

"We've finished talking. If you have anything you want to prepare, just do it first. We'll be there soon."

"Then Luna and I will go to the mall and come back later." Mijiu quickly sat up from the sofa.

"What are we going to the mall for?"

Ling Yu was stunned and asked in confusion.

"If I go to visit, I can't go empty-handed. I plan to go to the mall to pick some things."

"And Seshomaru was just born not long ago, so I can buy some maternal and child products." Mijiu said.

Maternal and child products?

Ling Yu felt that his brain was out of order.

Then he sighed.

As expected of a girl, she is meticulous.

He had never thought of such a thing.

"Then let Esther go with you."

Ling Yu put Esther down in his arms.

"We will be back soon, Esther will stay in the store."

Ling Yu glanced at her: "Forget what happened before? It's better to be careful when you go out."

Hearing this, Mijiu stopped talking immediately.

Just like that, Mijiu, Luna and Esther left.

Looking at the closed door, Ling Yu was silent for a while, then took out a big, red, hot and sharp sword from the system space.

"The Jiemie is still handsome."

Ling Yu admired the sword and praised it.

Compared with this, Cong Yunya is simply shit.

The Jiemie sword was already constructed by Ling Yu, but he never took it out because Esther was there.


In the mall

Meijiu was shopping lavishly.

She bought a lot of baby products.

Like, milk bottles, milk powder, baby carriages and so on.

As a little singer with only more than 10 million left in her card, it is more than enough to buy some baby products.

"This should be enough, right?"

Looking at the full shopping basket, Meijiu asked Luna beside her.

At this moment, Luna had a blank expression on her face: "I don't think it's possible, because I didn't have it when I was a child."

Meijiu was stunned after hearing this, and then she laughed, and then said lovingly: "Then I'll buy you another one when I come back. Adults can still drink milk powder."


Hearing this, Luna looked at Meijiu in surprise.

"When have I ever lied to you?"

Looking at Luna who was like a child, Meijiu laughed.

Luna immediately jumped up.

"Esther, you have it too."

Meijiu looked at Esther who had nothing on the side and said softly.

Esther's eyes moved slightly, and she uttered two words lightly.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Meijiu smiled back.

After checking out, she put all the purchased items into the card, and then the three of them returned to the store lightly.

"Is it over?"

Looking at the three people who pushed the door in, Ling Yu had already straightened his posture.

There was nothing in his hand.

Meijiu nodded her head: "I haven't been to a big mall for a while. There are many brands I haven't seen before. It took me a while."

"It's a competitive world. It's normal for brands to disappear and be born." Ling Yu said.

The mall is like a battlefield. It's either a life-and-death struggle or a monopoly.

"Hua La."

At this time, the sound of flushing sounded.

Under the gaze of Meijiu and others, a girl walked out of the bathroom.

It was Jianzi

Unlike the usual JK, Jianzi changed into casual clothes today.

The dark green sweater and pleated skirt made her look very beautiful.

And her eyes no longer had the melancholy when they first met, and she looked energetic.

"Sister Meijiu, you are back."

Seeing Meijiu and others, Jianzi took the initiative to say hello.

"I called her here, let's go together later." Ling Yu said.

Meijiu and others nodded.


At this time, Ling Yu clapped his hands, attracting the attention of several people.

"Because we are going to the land of monsters next, there is one thing I want to make clear to you."

In the puzzled eyes of Luna and others, Ling Yu continued: "Monsters are unruly. They treat humans as food, so they look down on humans instinctively. There are very few monsters who are as close to humans as Toga. You should have felt this when you watched "Inuyasha."

Jianzi and others nodded.

"So even if Toga has the order, we will be looked down upon and envied by many monsters for being humans."

"When you go to that world, you must always stay by my side. If you encounter danger, you must fight back without hesitation. Do you understand?"


Ling Yu was very serious when he said this, and everyone did not dare to be careless.

"Ester, you can help take care of it when the time comes."

Ester nodded: "Okay."

"Okay, that's all I have to say, let's get ready to go."

After the words fell, Ling Yu reached out to the void.

The next second, the dark space channel opened.

"Let's go."

After saying that, the five people led by Ling Yu walked into the space channel.

And not long after Ling Yu and his group left, a figure came to the door of the store.

"Huh? Closed today?"

Looking at the "temporarily closed" sign on the door frame, Yan Yiyue showed a puzzled expression.


The Kingdom of the West

This is the country established by General Inu after overthrowing the rule of the leopard cat.

There are no humans in this country, and it is a country that truly belongs to monsters.

And at this moment, the ruler of the Kingdom of the West was standing at the door of the palace, as if waiting for someone.

His wife, Fairy Ling Yue, was also waiting with King Dou Ya holding Seshomaru.

Fairy Ling Yue didn't understand who was going to come and let King Dou Ya bring out their newborn baby.

But she couldn't refuse her husband's decision.

"Here he comes!"

Just when Fairy Ling Yue was still confused, King Dou Ya, who was very sensitive to smells, suddenly raised his head.

Fairy Ling Yue was also paused.

Then, she saw a crack in the space in front of her, which then expanded into a space channel.

"This is..."

Ling Yue Fairy's tone changed slightly.

She could feel the terrible breath coming from the space channel, and it could shatter the space. This was not as simple as a big monster.

Ling Yue Fairy couldn't help but look sideways. When did Dou Ya King have any dealings with such a being?

"It shouldn't be too late."

The voice came, and Ling Yu's figure appeared in front of Dou Ya King.

The young appearance made Ling Yue Fairy next to him stunned.

But then her brows frowned.


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