This star is from the earth

Chapter 168 Wednesday Late Show (Part 1)

The main reason most people classify [mean] as a pejorative is because the truth is often hard to swallow.

【Mean】or【Poisonous tongue】is not the same as 【口着】. The former hits the nail on the head, piercing through layers of defense and sealing the throat with a sword. It is a dimension-reducing attack of insight and IQ. People who are accused often feel that their inner weakness cannot be hidden, and they are prone to anger from embarrassment. The latter is a kind of sensationalism, and then actively exposes the lack of IQ, attracting fists and kicks.

After getting along with friends with the [mean] attribute for a long time, you will be able to get pleasure and progress from the self-abuse of [recognize yourself] again and again. The side effect is that the M attribute has a certain probability to be developed.

If you haven't met a [mean] person, it means that you don't deserve him to talk a little bit.

Xiaochi Studio, because of Xiaoxia's existence, the psychological quality of most employees has risen to a higher level, and they can be flattered or humiliated in the face of Internet violence. call in.

In their view, there are two types of interesting people, one is the one who is vitriolic and irritating to death, and the other is the one whose thinking is erratic and different from ordinary people, and is elusive.

Han Jue is mean. This was a consensus reached when Xiaochi and the others first met Han Jue through "Tucao Daxiu".

So Xiaochi and others closely followed Han Jue's movements and bet on Han Jue. And Han Jue's subsequent performances made him seem interesting enough, and did not disappoint Xiaochi and others, fortunately it was not a flash in the pan.

So Xiaochi and others were embraced as fans of Han Jue's fan club.

Now that they are fans, they haven't even received such a big news from their idols.

It's not the country of cherry blossoms, it's not the country of Han Gao, it's not the country of white bears... then it's going to the United States.

"What's the situation?!" Qianqian was shocked.

In her impression, the United States is poor, with a lot of troublesome people, everyone wears a cowboy hat, wears shoes with spikes on the heel, rides horses for transportation, and shoots people out with a revolver if they don't agree with each other. Very barbaric.

What did Han Jue do to escape to the United States to seek a living? !

"Look, look, why did Han Jue go to the United States?" Xiao Xia, as Han Jue's die-hard fan, pinched Xiaochi's shoulder palely, shaking and shaking, with a very urgent tone.

Xiaochi was so dizzy by Xiaoxia that he couldn't even see the screen clearly.

Everyone shouted [Calm down, calm down], and then hurriedly controlled Xiao Xia. It's like controlling a family member of a victim who is about to lose control of his emotions at the scene of a crime.

Xiaochi took a deep breath, and the mouse opened the connection tremblingly.

It was translated from Huaxia.

[International famous singer Han Jue, guest on "Wednesday Late Show"! 】

[Recently, after the American version of "Singer" - "I'm A Singer" program group released the first list of singers, it caused a lot of heated discussions. Especially for the singer from China——Han Jue, the whole country of America is curious. Han Jue made his debut in China as an idol singer. He was very popular, but soon faded away. However, he failed to defeat him for five years, and after concentrating on it, he became popular again when he left the customs. Not only did he create many popular Chinese songs, but he was also surprisingly involved in the creation of English songs. His "Shape Of You" and "Beautiful" have become popular in the United States. Today, he will be a guest on "Wednesday Late Show", let us get closer to this singer from China! Video link...]

"What is this? The American version of "Singer"? It's really out of style."

"Oh, his business scope is global."

"It's Huaxia who can't get along anymore..."

"It's also possible that there is more money over there?"


Everyone in Xiaochi Studio was discussing a lot. They were still lifeless just now, but now they gossip and turn into Zhuge, and every sentence on the screen can be analyzed into one, two, three.

Xiaoxia didn't know how she convinced herself, so she didn't participate in the discussion. A person is there sometimes happy, sometimes sad.

Xiaochi ignored the group of people behind him, but clicked on the link.

The video address is the official website of a TV station. I can't understand a lot of English, but there is no need to click and click. After clicking, it will be directly this video called "Wednesday Late Night Show".

The considerable number of online viewers and real-time comments on the side all show that this talk show is not well-known in China, but it is still very famous in the United States.

Stand-up comedy and talk shows are both American things, but they have been spread and found the soil for growth in China.

Although it is similar to Huaxia's cross talk and other forms of performance, there are still differences.

Stand-up comedy is a form of acting. A talk show is a form of programming. The important thing to note here is that the talk show must be a program. Like that "Tucao Big Show", it's actually a group of stand-up comedy performances.

The host of the talk show will say something by himself, and then find someone to chat and say something, interspersed with some music performances.

Koike knew about talk shows, so he just clicked to play.

The title came out, and just as Xiaochi was distressed that he couldn't understand English, in the following content, there were Chinese subtitles under the English subtitles, which had already been translated.

[This TV station is very popular, I'm a fan! 】 Koike is very satisfied.

Xiaochi thought the people behind were noisy, so he said angrily that he was going to watch the show and asked everyone to be quiet.

Everyone looked at the angry Xiaochi and immediately fell silent.

The next moment everyone worked together to lift Xiaochi up from the front of the computer and drive him away.

Next, some people copied and forwarded the video address on Xiaochi’s computer, some people fiddled with the projector, and some people consciously began to pull the curtains and look for snacks.

This is a disagreement, and we will start watching movies together during working hours.


"Wednesday Late Show" is the trump card program of the American radio and television station. Naturally, the decoration is closer to China, and it is not short of money.

Han Jue is no stranger to interviews. He had a relationship with Xia Yuan before, and he was not afraid that the host would make things difficult for him and set him up with difficult problems. Besides, he is from Huaxia, so if you don't know it, just pretend that you don't understand it.

"Gentlemen and ladies, you've heard a song lately that left half of the American music scene speechless. That's right, it's "Shape Of You," and I listened to it It's been so long, and I read the information six hours ago, only to find out that the songwriter is actually from China, it's unbelievable!..." The blond host stood in front of the stage and started the opening.

The audience uttered surprise and exclamation in unison, and applauded from time to time.

"...Okay, let's not talk nonsense, everyone must be very curious about him! Let us invite... Han Jue!" The host waved his hand to the side.

Han Jue walked out steadily from the side passage amidst the passionate music.

The foreigners stood up, cheered, whistled, and clapped.

Foreigners really have the physique to cheer and applaud anywhere, let alone concerts, stage plays, talk shows and other scenes, even standing on their hands on the side of the street will attract applause. than stupid. But at the same time, this habit of being happy to applaud is the essence of the good atmosphere of various performances.

Han Jue was not nervous and waved to the audience calmly.

"Say hello to the audience."

"Hi guys."

Han Jue greeted in English.


The foreigner applauded again.

I owe it first, I am a little busy during the day, and it will explode in a few days.

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