This star is from the earth

Chapter 585 Welcome Home

Note: The advertisement here refers to the advertisement of Apple's smart speaker [HomePod] - "Welcome Home".

The director is Spike Jonze, who has directed a lot of good movies, such as "Puppet Life" and "Her".


Advertising is actually similar to writing a screenplay.

Relying on a pat on the head to come up with a shocking idea, a stunning advertisement to turn the tide, only exists in film and television works. In fact, this industry is no different from building houses and repairing bridges. All fanciful and unconstrained ideas are useless if they don’t fall to the ground. No matter how creative an advertiser is, he still needs to work hard on basic skills. The so-called talent is nothing but the overflow of basic skills. Only after years of immersing ourselves in honing, can we capture inspiration at a certain moment when it comes to our brain.

Therefore, Han Jue doesn't expect that as an outsider, he can impress [Xiangyun]'s advertising department with just an advertisement. After the release, it will shock the world and make the product a hit.

Han Jue was very sober.

At the same time, because he is a director who makes movies, he doesn't think it's overqualified to shoot commercials.

"In my understanding, the function of advertising is to spread. I am not a professional advertiser. How to effectively spread products through advertising is not my specialty. It is impossible for [Xiangyun] not to know this. However, they Now that they knew it, they finally decided to let me shoot commercials, that is to say, what they paid for was what I was really good at—dance, film and music.”

In an office, Han Jue stood in front of about twenty people, speaking slowly and steadily.

Han Jue was wearing a shirt that was neither completely black nor completely gray. His hair was all combed back, exposing his forehead, and he was wearing a pair of half-rimmed glasses. His gaze rested on each person's eyes in turn.

“So, let’s make it clear in advance that when the filming starts, I don’t want someone to jump out and tell me [the dance type is better], [give more shots to the sound system], [can the color be more atmospheric] . . . something like that.”

After saying this, some people below showed empathetic smiles.

"Of course, I won't really shoot the commercial as a movie." Han Juechao and the others explained: "Just like what you see in the script, I still know clearly the advantages of the product, strengthen the brand image, and convey the brand concept. .”

Some people down there started flipping through scripts.

The script of the advertisement was distributed for everyone to read before the meeting.

The script is divided into shooting outline, literary script and shot script, which is the initial template of a story.

[Xiangyun] has its own advertising production team. According to their original framework, the advertisement they originally wanted to shoot was:

Backstage of the dance competition, the atmosphere was dignified. The dancers waiting to go on stage were very nervous, playing music on their mobile phones and mini speakers, trying to do the final practice. However, the space is only so big, everyone is crowded together, the limbs will not touch, but the music will be played together. All kinds of music rang in the room, some jazz, some classical, some rap, some fast and some slow, all mixed together, no one could hear his own music clearly, and no one would turn down the volume. In the end everyone quarreled. At this time, in the corner, a dancer took out the smart speaker of [Xiangyun], turned it on, and played music. In an instant, he couldn't hear other people's music, couldn't hear other people's quarrels, and focused on his own practice. Finally Get on stage with ease and perform to your heart's content on stage.

Therefore, people from [Xiangyun] went to "This Is Street Dance" to find choreographers and dancers, and found Han Jue.

Han Jue's choreography ability and dance level are undoubtedly excellent. But compared to dancers, Han Jue is more widely known as a director and screenwriter. When the people from [Xiangyun] were negotiating with Guan Yi, they asked Han Jue if he was interested in advertising directors, he could give it a try.

Then Han Jue came to try it out.

Design the script from the perspective of a film director.

In just a few minutes, it is not easy to tell a good story. And to tell a good story, the method is not limited to one.

Han Jue is a director with a background in screenwriting. He is good at text creation and wins by plot, but his weakness is in color. But under Pei Qing's guidance, Han Jue has been improving his art skills.

This time, Han Jue intends to take this opportunity to try to use visual narration-reducing narration and lines, and only relying on tone, picture, layout, mirroring, art design and color to tell the story.

In the end, the script created by Han Jue seemed quite cinematic.

[Movie feel] It's not that the aspect ratio is the same as that of the movie, but the color tone is made to be the same as the movie. This is called a movie feel. In Han Jue's view, the so-called "movie sense" is actually literary.

Han Jue opened the script titled "Welcome Home" and began to say:

"At the beginning of the protagonist's debut, the color tone of the picture should be low saturation, dim, and the lighting should be given the least, and the clothes of the people around are all dark tones. Dark subways, dark streets, dark props and costumes, everywhere is a cramped space. .This shows the mood of the protagonist, the real world in the eyes of the protagonist..."

"Then, when the protagonist interacts with the smart speaker and the music plays, the color tone changes, and the colors begin to become richer, mostly warmer, in contrast to the beginning. The protagonist takes off his stiff coat and wears only a white shirt. Here is the shot To the wall of the room, the posters and objects on it reflect the personality and character of the protagonist..."

"The process of listening to music is the process in which the repressed personality in the protagonist's heart gradually breaks free."

"We don't need too many narrations and lines in this ad, because all the changes in mood can be expressed by dance. From the shy and unfamiliar small dance at the beginning, to a little bit of relaxation of the limbs and becoming comfortable, when we enter The tunnel, the movement is completely open and closed..."

"The tunnel is a projection into the protagonist's inner world. At the end of the tunnel there is a mirror, and the protagonist enters the mirror and dances with [the other protagonist] in the mirror. Here are two personalities interacting..."

"In the end, the two protagonists are separated, and the lights..."

"Through a lot of comparison, the whole film distinguishes reality from non-reality, before and after use..."

Listening to Han Jue breaking down every detail little by little, and telling every intention, the team members below all wrote down hard and carefully recorded.

But in fact, they are secretly thinking:

【What? Is there another meaning here? ! 】

【Are so many details necessary? ! 】

[How dare you say it's not a movie? ! 】


It’s all about complaining, but I have to say that the script Han Jue came up with is much better than their original one, from conception to creativity, from visual effects to depth. The shooting is like a movie, but it does not delay at all to show the advantages of audio products, strengthen the brand image of [Xiangyun], and convey the concept of [Xiangyun].

"I have already choreographed the first version of the dance, and the video will be sent to everyone later, but the specific location still has to wait until the studio to determine."

"I've already written the music, and I'll send it to the group. Lighting and photography must be thoroughly understood."

"Because the special effects will weaken the texture, these [psychedelic moments] need to be shot in real locations. I have already drawn the renderings, and one group can start designing and modeling based on the renderings and the plan. The second group will process the props, and then Find a stand-in dancer who's about my size..."

"My contact information will tell you that if you have any questions, you can ask the team leader first, and the team leader will ask me again if you are unsure. Any question is fine."

After Han Jue explained everyone's tasks neatly, the first meeting of the day was almost over.

Look at the time, it's time for dinner.

Leaving behind a group of members who were whispering and digesting the contents of the meeting, several supervisors and directors followed Han Jue out of the meeting room, saying they wanted to take him to the cafeteria.

It was rare for Han Jue to come to [Xiangyun], and he had already saved the idea of ​​eating [Xiangyun] for a long time. After listening to the suggestion, he immediately followed suit, rubbed his belly, and followed to the cafeteria.

The supervisor and director are very satisfied with today's meeting, or they are very satisfied with Han Jue.

None of the things I was worried about happened, but all the things I expected were realized. If Han Jue really presents the stories and pictures in the script, then this advertisement can basically be considered a success.

"The first meeting is over, how do you feel now?" On the side, the filming team that recorded the whole process of commercial production is still dutifully filming Han Jue.

"I don't feel much," Han Jue looked at the lens and said, "The biggest feeling is that your [Xiangyun] employees are worthy of being the elite among the elite."

The group leader was curious: "Oh? How do you say it?"

Han Jue said: "I complained hard in my heart, but there is no trace on the surface. If it weren't for my good eyesight, it would be hard to see."

Everyone: "..."

Leader: "Can you briefly describe the content of the advertisement?"

Han Jue summed it up in one sentence: "In fact, he is an ordinary white-collar worker who is exhausted for material pursuits. When he returns home, he escapes from reality for a short time through art—that is, music, and also briefly explores himself. s story."

"Sounds sad."

"Can you not be sad? It's not easy for social animals. I thought about resigning countless times in my heart, but I didn't dare to be willful. In the end, I bowed my head to reality countless times. The biggest rebellion against capital is nothing more than going to the bathroom to take shit during working hours. "

"Ah~" The leader instantly empathized.

But he still has a problem. He asked Han Jue: "What does social animal mean?"

"Oh, by the way, you don't understand..." Han Jue muttered, and then explained: "Social animals refer to employees who work obediently in the company and are exploited by the company like livestock. Overtime pay is not paid, and 996 is mandatory. "

"Oh~" The leader showed pain in his eyes, as if recalling the unbearable past, after breaking away from the memory, he asked again: "What is [996]?"

When we arrived at the cafeteria, Han Jue followed the supervisor, lined up step by step, began to pick dishes, and then explained to the camera: "[996] goes to work at 9 a.m. on weekdays and ends at 9 p.m. at noon and evening. Rest for an hour or less. A total of more than 10 hours of work, such an intensity, 6 days a week."

This sentence shocked the people around: "Is there such a company? And it doesn't pay overtime? This is too cruel!"

Han Jue shook his head: "Don't say that. It's a blessing in America."


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