This star is from the earth

Chapter 602: Deceiving Ghosts

The morning at the airport is also noisy, with people coming and going, speaking languages ​​from all over the world.

The airport has witnessed the most partings in the world, as well as the most reunions.

Parting people are from the entrance to the security checkpoint. We always meet at the airport.

The excitement at the airport pick-up gate is even more intermittent. Passengers disembark from a flight, greet, hug, and laugh loudly with the pick-up person outside the door, and then change to another batch.

At nine o'clock, an international flight arrived in Shanghai from New York.

At the exit of the international arrival hall, passengers poured out one after another, walked slowly, and found the people who greeted them among the crowd.

"Hi Stephen, long time no see. How is your fruit stand?"

"Long time no see, Gates. The fruit stand is very good, very good! Recently, I was thinking about the effect of bundling fruit and culture together. For example, I plan to sell apples on Christmas Eve, which means [peace and peace]. "

"Chinese people will buy it, not only that, but they will also have the consciousness of Christmas Eve! This is the export of American culture to China! Jesus, Han Jue promoted [April Fool's Day] and [Valentine's Day], and you promoted [Safety Ye]. Stephen, I have to say, you are a genius at selling apples!"

"Of course!... I don't know if you still remember the house we rented together the year before last, but it's actually very close to Han Jue's house..."

"Fake! We used to be so close to Han Jue! Do you still live there?!"

"How is it possible? The housing prices in the neighborhood have tripled. How can I get so much money as an apple seller?"


Cohen hooked his mouth, glanced at the Chinese time displayed on the [Xiangyun] mobile phone in his hand, pushed his suitcase through the couples of greetings, and walked out at a faster pace.

Keen ears have collected more and more Chinese languages, and there are more and more Chinese faces in front of him. Cohen is sure that he has finally arrived in China and the magic capital again after many years.

How many years?

Since graduating from graduate school, he ignored the invitations and retention of many record companies, and made the oath of "If the English songs he produced are not on the Billboard, he will not step into China", and resolutely returned to the United States.

Those who knew Cohen said that he was stupid, saying, "English songs are on the [Best Billboard]? You should use a more sincere reason for rejecting them", "The way forward is cut off". I feel that it is impossible for him to return to Huaxia in this life. Even Cohen's teacher just sighed and told Cohen that if he changed his mind later, they would help him.

Cohen didn't believe in his fate, and worked hard for several years, but to no avail. Not only did he break up with every co-singer, he was also accused of being inhumane and unprofessional. Cohen became more and more powerless, but he still gritted his teeth and insisted on his own standards, refusing to compromise.

When Cohen was confused about whether he had no hope of logging into the [Finance Billboard] in this life, he met Han Jue.

After the record was finished, Han Jue invited him to Huaxia. He didn't go, and said that oath to Han Jue. After hearing this, Han Jue told him with a smile that he could go to Huaxia soon.

Cohen watched the record take shape and Han Jue transformed, and he was also very confident, saying that he believed it.

It's one thing to have faith, quite another to see it with your own eyes.

A piece of "When the Stars Shine" was born, and with the pedigree of English songs, it climbed steadily in China's [Feng Yun Bang], without data, without marketing, relying on real strength, step by step to the top of the list, creating history. As a result, Han Jue's status in the United States has been achieved in one step, reaching superstar status, and becoming the idol and god of thousands of American people.

Cohen finally got his wish, overfulfilled his long-cherished wish, and was able to set foot on the land of China generously, and told those who had looked down upon him that he did not exaggerate his words, and he did what he said.

Cohen, who has the experience of "When the Stars Shine", has a detached position in the company, and the work is carried out very smoothly. No matter how strict the instructions are, no matter how high the standards are, the singers can abide by them. As the person who [knows Han Jue's creative philosophy and style best], Cohen has made two albums of "music suitable for us in the United States". The response has been very good, and countless big-name singers rushed to cooperate with Cohen.

Cohen has three people to thank for that. One is a mentor who taught him professional skills, the other is Han Jue who helped him realize his wish, and the last one is Zhang Yaohui who gave him a chance.

Cohen had inquired about it, and it was Director Zhang who overcame all opinions and appointed him to be Han Jue's producer.

Cohen swore to remember this love forever.

Now when Zhang Yaohui invited Cohen to work at the Huaxia [Aidu] headquarters, Cohen, who had settled his heart, agreed without hesitation and went to Huaxia.

As the team exited the pick-up gate, Cohen looked around for someone to pick him up.

After searching for a while, Cohen saw a familiar face.

"Xiao Zhou!" Cohen called out to a handsome young man.

The young man called Xiao Zhou turned his head around, as if he didn't know who was calling him.

Cohen had no choice but to walk up to Xiao Zhou himself and take off his sunglasses.

Xiao Zhou was slightly surprised, then moved a few steps to the side, and continued to twist his neck to find someone.

Cohen couldn't help but rolled his eyes, thinking that Xiao Zhou would still be so unreliable if there was no one named Guan Yi around the five-meter radius. Fortunately, Han Jue's apprentice who taught music was not this kid.

In order not to look like a lunatic or a fraudster, Cohen hurriedly reported his family: "It's me! Cohen! You are here to pick me up!"

Xiao Zhou froze for a moment, looked Cohen up and down for a few seconds, and then suddenly realized, without mentioning the mistake just now, turned around and was about to take Cohen out of the airport.

Xiao Zhou said: "The boss was afraid of being recognized, so he didn't come over in the car."

"He told me," Cohen nodded, "I know he's busy, but he doesn't even need to come here."

Xiao Zhou is unreliable, but he tried his best to help Han Jue outside: "I think so too! I told the boss that you are going to the hotel anyway, so why not just wait for you at the hotel , In this way, we can save more than two hours every time we go back and forth, and there is no waste. Moreover, you came to China this time to work for [Aidu], so it’s okay to let people from [Aidu] pick you up. But the boss refuses , he must come in person.”

"Hehe," Cohen let out a half-smile, squeezed a few balls of air in the void with one hand, and then patted Xiao Zhou on the shoulder a few times, saying, "Thank you for your hard work. "

Xiao Zhou nodded unceremoniously.

Cohen decided to change the subject: "When will the [Golden Melody Awards] be presented?"

Xiao Zhou replied: "The day after tomorrow."

Cohen nodded, exhaled, and sighed in his heart:

[Golden Melody Award] Ah.

As his half-apprentice, Han Jue walked into the hall of the [Golden Melody Award] first, and Cohen was only proud and happy. Because he knows more about Han Jue's talent and potential than anyone else.

[I will work hard too. ] Cohen cheered on himself.

To win a [Golden Melody] trophy within three years is a new goal that Cohen set for himself after arriving in China.

And I don't plan to use Han Jue, the big killer - if I follow Han Jue and get thrown into the air casually, it won't be difficult.

Cohen has a lot of [Ai Du] singers in mind who want to cooperate.

For example Zhang Yiman.

Cohen asked: "The songs that Han Jue gave to Zhang Yiman are good, did he pack and arrange them?"

Xiao Zhou shook his head and said, "No, the arrangement was made by Mr. Zhang himself. I don't know who it is. I only know the song "Idiot", which was arranged by Mrs. Zhang and her master. She played it herself."

"Tan Nian." Cohen nodded, not too surprised.

Then Cohen asked again: "Isn't it supposed to be a whole album? Why are there only a few songs, and it's just lyrics and music?"

Xiao Zhou explained a few words embarrassingly: "The boss and Mr. Zhang are no longer in contact, so we must avoid suspicion..."

Unexpectedly, Cohen just sneered a few times after hearing this, and said with disdain: "Don't be stupid."

Xiao Zhou is still pretending to be stupid: "Huh?"

Cohen said with a look of seeing through everything, "For a creator, meeting a voice that inspires inspiration is no different from meeting a wife. For a producer, meeting someone who can work together for a long time. A singer who does not have any conflicts is basically equivalent to finding a wife. Han Jue and Zhang Yiman are no longer in contact? Hehe, such words can only lie to ghosts."

Xiao Zhou was stunned for a while and stopped talking, then he shook his head and whistled as if he didn't hear what Cohen said.

Cohen said, "Speak."

"I won't say anything." Xiao Zhou resisted and whistled again. Xiao Zhou knows that sometimes he is unreliable, but the boss treats him very well, teaches him skills, and gives him money. Xiao Zhou must not forget his roots, he must know how to write the word loyalty, Zhang Yiman said that he should not let others know, Xiao Zhou vowed not to let others know easily, even if that person is the boss's teacher.

"Stop blowing it," Cohen covered Xiao Zhou's mouth with his hands, and said indifferently, "You're out of tune."



Cohen followed Xiao Zhou to the parking lot outside the airport and got into a commercial vehicle.

Han Jue sat in the back seat inside, happy to see Cohen.

The car starts.

Xiao Zhou was driving, and the man named Guan Yi was sitting in the passenger seat. Like a hunting dog, his eyes were calm but sharp, observing the surroundings of the car to see if anyone was following him.

Han Jue got used to Guan Yi's movements, and asked Cohen, "Should I go to the place where I live to put my luggage first, or go to have lunch first?"

Cohen talked about the apartment assigned to him by [Ai Du], and then sighed to Han Jue: "You didn't use it, I just went to find you."

Han Jue said with a smile: "Anyway, if you are idle, you are idle, so I just came here."

Although Han Jue is only half of Cohen's student, the etiquette he treats Cohen is the etiquette he treats his teacher completely.

Cohen nodded, and didn't say any more, just asked: "Have you got any new songs recently?"

Han Jue said: "New songs are always being written."

"What about English songs?"

"Ah," Han Jue said, "English songs are also written, but not many."

Cohen said: "A lot of people in America are waiting for your new song in English."

Xiao Zhou, who was driving, can testify to this.

He usually likes to surf the Internet, and the United States also pays attention to him. Including just now, when he was waiting for Cohen, he heard many tourists from the United States frequently chatting about Han Jue and Han Jue. Some people even listed watching Han Jue's performance in their plans. He knew it was because Han Jue hadn't sung in the United States for a long time, and everyone who wanted to see Han Jue could only come to China.

Cohen said, "Don't waste [Gu An]'s number."

Guan Yi, who was sitting in the passenger seat, was shocked.

Han Jue laughed and said that he used the account [Gu An] to post some new songs.

Cohen asked Han Jue: "How is the preparation for the new album?"

Han Jue replied: "It's almost done. When the time comes to cooperate with the movie... Cough, we can promote the two together to enhance the publicity effect."

Cohen said, "Let's not go to the apartment."

Han Jue asked: "Eat first?"

Cohen shook his head.

Like the people in the United States, Cohen has not listened to Han Jue live for a long time. His ears are itchy. He wanted to hear Han Jue sing, so he eagerly said: "Go to the recording studio first and listen to your new album."

"Recording studio? Now?" Han Jue was a little surprised.

"What? Is there someone there?" Cohen was puzzled, but his eyes shone with a light that could see through all deceptions.

After thinking for a while, Han Jue leaned forward and asked Xiao Zhou to change the route to the recording studio, then smiled and said to Cohen: "There is indeed someone there, and it's good to go now, just to introduce you."

Yesterday, a cool female star passed away, and she passed away, very sad. She is the kind of person who can calmly be herself in the face of the world's malice. I have always admired such a person, and I always hope that Han Jue, the protagonist of this book, is such a person. If there is a next life, I hope she can happily be the person she wants to be.

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