This star is from the earth

Chapter 609 Arrangements

"After becoming the youngest singer in the history of [Golden Melody], do you have anything to say?"

"Everything I want to say is said in the acceptance speech."

"You didn't seem very excited when you accepted the award. Is it because you knew you would win the award?"

"I'm not excited. I'm just pretending to be calm. Well, my nails are actually pinched into the palm of my hand."

"There are rumors that the album producer of "Girl's Heart" was originally Han Jue, and then changed people temporarily. Is this true?"

"You also said that it is a rumor. An album starts from the establishment of the project. First, the producer must be determined, and then the songs are selected according to the overall style, theme and concept. This album has been Mr. Wang from the beginning, and there is no temporary replacement. Oh that statement."

"Mr. Zhang, may I ask..."


Backstage of the venue, interview area.

A bunch of microphones with various media brands were stuck in front of Zhang Yiman, surrounded by a group of reporters.

Zhang Yiman faced all kinds of obvious, dark, soft, hard, and needle-in-the-needle problems in front of him, and dealt with them one by one calmly, and he was no longer as young as before when every sentence could be said to be big news. Holding the newly released [Best Female Singer] trophy in her hand, even though she bears the [youngest] label, she still has the dignified aura of a queen.

After a few questions, several other winners came over from the photo booth for interviews.

When Han Jue walked over holding three trophies, the reporters standing in front of Zhang Yiman clamored for Han Jue and Zhang Yiman to be interviewed together and answer a few questions.

But neither Han Jue nor Zhang Yiman listened to the reporter.

After Zhang Yiman nodded to Han Jue, he walked off the stage in the interview area and left.

Han Jue stepped onto the stage from the other side, stood alone in front of a bunch of microphones, and said, "Come on, ask."

The reporters had no choice but to look away from Zhang Yiman's back and look at Han Jue.

This time at the Golden Melody Awards, Han Jue won three trophies of [Best Lyricist], [Best Arranger] and [Best Single Producer], but missed out on [Best Composer] and [Song of the Year]. Five shortlisted, three in the middle, the hit rate is not bad, the harvest is better than last year. Although there is no bonus from Zhang Yiman, Han Jue still has interview value for reporters.

The reporter began to ask questions: "Just now someone said that they saw you and Chen Zhan talking very happily. Will you have a chance to cooperate in the future?"

Han Jue asked back, "Who said that?"

Everyone's scalps were numb all of a sudden.

They all know that Han Jue is a difficult person to interview, but this is the [Golden Melody Awards] awards ceremony, and you have won three awards, so you should be in a better mood, right? Answering questions should be a little softer, right?


Absolutely not.

The reporter who asked the question was dumbfounded: "Just... a reporter said."

Han Jue shook his head and said, "How bad is my interpersonal relationship, that you will see me greet someone in a normal way and think that I have a good conversation with that person?"

In the noisy backstage, the interview area was incongruously quiet for a moment. The people around were a little weird, seeing that they were interviewing Han Jue, they were all relieved, and the excitement resumed in no time.

Another reporter continued to ask Han Jue: "What do you think of Zhang Yiman's posthumous title? How much credit do you think you have for this?"

"Congratulations to her. In terms of credit, I have at most two and three points."

"I have won three trophies this year. Do you have the confidence to win more trophies next year?"

"It's not easy to say."

[Because it may not come next year. 】Xiao Zhou silently completed the answer for Han Jue in his heart, pursed his lips, quietly left the interview area, and walked to the Golden Melody Awards celebration banquet inside the rear door.

Xiao Zhou actually wanted to continue watching Han Jue get along with the reporter, but he had to leave early because he had a mission.

Xiao Zhou has followed Han Jue for these years, and has appeared in many TV programs with Han Jue. He is handsome and Zhou Zhengjun.

So when Xiao Zhou wandered around the celebration banquet, some people aimed at him, wanting to get acquainted with him or get some information.

When Xiao Zhou was single for a long time, he felt that the peach blossoms were blooming in front of him, and he almost lingered. Fortunately, he still remembered his mission and kept his mission firmly in mind.

When Xiao Zhou and Zhang Yiman passed by, his face was expressionless, his eyes were looking straight into the distance, and he whispered in ventriloquism: "The fox may have noticed it, be careful."

"Ah?" Zhang Yiman turned around, but didn't hear clearly.

Xiao Zhou, who originally wanted to play the protagonist of the spy movie, had to turn around in embarrassment, looked around for a while, and then repeated his words in front of Zhang Yiman.

"The fox may have noticed it, be careful."

"What care?" Zhang Yiman was very surprised: "Uncle knows about you being a spy for me?"

"Ah? Did you know?" Xiao Zhou's expression changed drastically.

Zhang Yiman stomped his feet, and almost reached out to shake Xiao Zhou's shoulder severely: "I'm asking you."

Xiao Zhou blinked, and said after a while, "Then... there shouldn't be any, right?"

"Then what are you talking about, what does a fox feel like!"

"I'm dizzy, it's because I'm aware that it's not Han Jue!..." Xiao Zhou took a deep breath, telling himself that the most important thing to engage in intelligence is to be calm and stay calm in times of crisis, "The boss asked me to pass this sentence to you. I don't know what it means. I know, now that the message has arrived, I'll leave first while no one is paying attention, lady boss."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Zhou left without any regrets, trying to regain the feeling of an underground worker.

"Really!" Zhang Yiman said angrily. I don't know if it's because Xiao Zhou left too hastily, she still didn't have time to say anything, or she was a little shy when she was called the proprietress in person.

Zhang Yiman recalled the information delivered by Xiao Zhou.

After finding out that the fox is not Han Jue, it is easier to guess, only her father Zhang Yaohui is left. Today’s cameras are like telescopes. Stars never dare to take out their mobile phones to send messages where there are cameras. So Han Jue asked Xiao Zhou to send messages. The information is relatively urgent. You can’t wait until the evening when you and I will say .

Key point one: Dad, be aware. Key point two: Urgent and important.

After all, Zhang Yiman is not a fool, and immediately thought that their love must have been discovered.

【It was discovered! 】

Zhang Yiman panicked all of a sudden.

He wanted to discuss the countermeasures with Han Jue, but he stopped immediately, wanting to ask his father to test it out, and knowing his own morality, Zhang Yiman finally found Sister Qin.

Sister Qin also had a headache after hearing this, because she played a very important role in covering this underground love affair. Zhang Yaohui asked her to watch more and finally saw it like this. It is not an exaggeration to say that she betrayed Zhang Yaohui.

"Sister Qin, what should I do?" Zhang Yiman pretended to drink water, but his hands trembled and he accidentally poured it into his nose.

Sister Qin took the opportunity to slap Zhang Yiman on the back, and Zhang Yiman almost burst into tears.

Sister Qin handed over the tissue and asked, "How do you say the complete sentence?"

Wiping tears, Zhang Yiman repeated pitifully: "The fox may have noticed it, so be careful."

Sister Qin found the key words, "Don't panic, here is [possible]. It may be discovered, or it may not be discovered."

Zhang Yiman saw that Han Jue had also entered the celebration banquet, but Zhang Yiman quickly looked away, because she thought it was because she failed to install mushrooms in the venue that led to the revelation of her deeds, and she was very annoyed.

"Don't pretend to be mushrooms, we'll talk about it when we get back." Sister Qin pulled Zhang Yiman up from the ground.

Zhang Yiman pouted, sullen, and his mood was obviously much lower. She won the "Best Female Singer" today. She should have been happy, but when she heard that her relationship might be wiped out by her father, Zhang Yiman didn't know whether she should be happy or sad.

After taking photos with several celebrities, entrepreneurs, insiders, and the staff of the ceremony, Zhang Yiman sat in the car home.

Zhang Yaohui sat in the car as a matter of course.

After Zhang Yiman was granted the title today, Zhang Yaohui also received congratulations from others.

Zhang Yaohui was also really happy.

Zhang Yaohui brought out several outstanding singers when he was a manager, and it's not like he didn't touch their Golden Melody Awards, but today, the one in his hand is different. Zhang Yaohui held Zhang Yiman's trophy, under the faint street light, carefully looked at the details on the trophy, saw the small characters [Zhang Yiman] on it, couldn't put it down, and said for a while that he would put the trophy in his home It is said that it will be put in the company's office later.

Zhang Yiman's mind wandered throughout.

After Zhang Yaohui finally decided to put the trophy in the study, he asked his daughter, "What do you plan to do in the future?"

Zhang Yiman was a little strange: "What are you doing? Of course I'm still singing. I won the award and didn't say I'm going to retire."

"I'm asking if you have any plans for the future," Zhang Yaohui wanted to tap his daughter's head with the trophy, "Do you want to take a break and take a few days off? It's okay to continue working, hold concerts, variety shows, record records, whatever .”

Zhang Yiman would definitely choose to take a holiday, but now she thinks, no matter how she thinks that the holiday is a trap, she just waits for her to step on it.

Zhang Yiman immediately said: "I'd better work!"

Zhang Yaohui was a little surprised: "No rest?"

"No rest. Work, I like work the most. I won an award today, the market is going up, and I can make a lot of money!" Zhang Yiman is very firm.

Zhang Yaohui was so firm that he felt that something was wrong.

Zhang Yaohui thought for a while and said, "Did you meet Han Jue backstage just now?"

"I saw it, but I didn't say anything, not a single word!" Zhang Yiman spoke in a tone that insisted on Qingshan.

Zhang Yaohui asked puzzledly: "Why didn't you talk? They wrote those songs for you, and you won the prize, so you have to thank him."

"Ah," Zhang Yiman hammered his head secretly, saying yes yes yes yes, "I will tell him next time I see him."

"Not calling?"

"The number has been deleted."

"Then how do we see him next time?"

"Next time..." Zhang Yiman's brain was spinning rapidly, she raised her head and looked at Zhang Yaohui with piercing eyes: "Father."


"I'm hungry."

"Then buy something to eat before going home," Zhang Yaohui said.

During the day, in order to dress up nicely, Zhang Yaohui knew that his daughter didn't eat much lunch, and even didn't eat dinner at all, so he asked the driver to drive on another road.

The car stopped on the side of the street, and there was a dessert shop not far away.

After Zhang Yiman just won the song tonight, there were reports on the Internet, Zhang Yaohui wanted to take a walk, so he got out of the car to buy it.

The traffic around the dessert shop is good. Even at eleven o'clock in the evening, there are still many people in the shop. Among them was a pair of young men and women in school uniforms, eating the same ice cream.

Zhang Yaohui's eyes moved, and after ordering what he wanted, he sat down next to the young couple with a calling device.

Zhang Yaohui quickly glanced at the school badges on their school uniforms, and asked, "Are you from No. 36 High School?"

Probably because they are rarely approached by middle-aged people, thanks to Zhang Yaohui's good looks and good temperament, and the clothes are not cheap. Although the two couples hesitated, they still nodded.

Zhang Yaohui changed his sitting position and said happily, "My daughter is also studying there, and she just finished her high school entrance exam. What grade are you in?"

The young couple glanced at each other, and the boy replied: "The second grade of junior high school."

Zhang Yaohui nodded, "When is the summer vacation?"

"Second of July."

"I'll treat you to a cake."


"Just order, what to eat?"

The young couple was invited to eat cake for no reason. At first, they were a little embarrassed. After Zhang Yaohui ordered two popular mille-feuille cakes, they shyly thanked Zhang Yaohui.

Zhang Yaohui waved his hand.

After chatting with the young couple about homework, popular movies and music, Zhang Yaohui changed the subject, his eyes flicked between the two children: "So, you are a couple, right?"

Facing the kind uncle who generously offered him a cake, the young couple nodded honestly despite their shyness.

"How long have you been together?" Zhang Yaohui looked interested.

"More than a year?" said the boy.

"One year and five months!" The girl added calmly.

Zhang Yaohui praised: "It's amazing. What do your family members say?"

The boy looked at the girl and said, "My parents know, but her parents don't."

Zhang Yaohui knows that now is not the same as before, there is no such thing as puppy love or not puppy love.

Zhang Yaohui continued to look directly into the boy's eyes, the boy paused for a few seconds, and then took the initiative to supplement. "Because my grades are not good, if her parents know that she is with me, they will blame her." The boy whispered.

"It's because they don't understand." The girl muttered, "Adults are always self-righteous."

The boy comforted the girl: "It's okay, I will definitely be in the top 200 at the end of this semester!"

"What, how many people did you take the exam last time? This is about to reach the top two hundred."

"I'm making up lessons."

Afterwards, Zhang Yaohui listened quietly without asking any more questions. When the food he ordered was ready, Zhang Yaohui said goodbye to the young couple and went outside.

Standing on a summer night, a thick layer of sweat appeared on the back.

Zhang Yaohui took milk tea and cake, but did not return to the car immediately. He took out his mobile phone to look at something, and after a while, he walked slowly towards the car.

Zhang Yaohui said to Zhang Yiman: "If you are working, Dad will accept a variety show for you."

"What variety show?" Zhang Yiman had already opened the milk tea and drank it.


"Well, travel is great, I like it!" Zhang Yiman nodded, very satisfied.

"As long as you like it," Zhang Yaohui was also satisfied, and said, "This time Dad will be on the show with you."

Zhang Yiman almost spit out the milk tea, thinking that his father was joking.

However, Zhang Yaohui looked serious, obviously not joking: "We haven't traveled together for a year and a half, right? You just took a break after winning the award, and when I was a little free, we went on a public trip together. It used to be the two of us. Just kidding, it’s not just the two of us who are traveling together this time, I don’t know if it’s fun to travel with so many people.”

Zhang Yiman was stunned and didn't know what the way was.

Zhang Yaohui just encouraged Zhang Yiman to say that this is very fun, very fun, let's go together.

This travel program is for four father and son or father and daughter to travel together. Either the father is a star or the child is a star. When Zhang Yiman first became popular the year before last, Zhang Yaohui received an invitation to this show, but he had no intention of going. If they want to travel, they can travel by themselves, once a year, why do they need a program group.

Last year, Zhang Yaohui and his daughter were busy with their respective careers. Thinking about it carefully, they haven’t traveled together for a year and a half. They haven’t talked all night with beer in the middle of the night, they haven’t picked souvenirs together, and they haven’t watched the scenery together without a camera. At that time, Zhang Yaohui was very clear about his daughter's thoughts, her preferences, her joys, sorrows and joys.

Since when did he stop understanding what his daughter really wanted?

And the decision he made for his daughter was really what her daughter wanted?

Zhang Yaohui didn't know anymore.

He needs to get to know his daughter anew.

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