This star is from the earth

Chapter 643 Raise Your Hand

Zhang Yaohui vaguely feels that he has been implicated, but there is no clear evidence yet.

Although he knew that the best solution to this problem was not to think too much about it, to act like a screenwriter and fart, but watching the slowly unfolding movie, Zhang Yaohui still subconsciously compared the father-daughter relationship in the movie with reality.

After a family background introduction at the beginning, the story begins with the father asking his daughter why she doesn't sort the garbage.

The two had a conversation using chat software. There are chat records in the chat software. The father in the movie always sends long paragraphs of content in the software, with many exclamation points at the end of the sentence, which looks very enthusiastic. However, the daughter's response here and there is usually only one or two words, polite and alienated. Much like how many parents and children get along.

Sometimes parents, in order to make a friendly gesture to their children, are often filled with a "I am also good at surfing" temperament between the lines, thinking that they have crossed the generation gap, but they do not know that such behavior is full of burdens in the eyes of young people, and they can see through it at a glance Reluctance, so he refused to talk even more.

The movie shows the audience the perspective of a parent. Before sending a message to his daughter, the father always carefully revised a sentence several times. Feeling that the tone was really wrong, he simply deleted it and sent a video application to his daughter.

In just a few seconds, even before the actors showed their faces, the movie has already outlined the pattern of getting along between father and daughter after the death of the mother.

The advantage of [Desktop Movie] is that the text can be superimposed on top of each other, so the amount of information contained in a picture is much richer than that in traditional movies.

Zhang Yaohui, as the head of [Aidu Films], first professionally analyzed the influence of film media involved in film narratives, and then immediately assumed the role of father, gnashing his teeth and nervously comparing Zhang's father and daughter with the movie Ma's The difference between father and daughter.

In the movie, the father likes to take his daughter to watch variety shows together. In reality, Zhang Yaohui and his daughter's repertoire is to watch variety shows together. Right on.

In the movie, when the daughter said she was outside, the father would ask "Where is it?", "With whom?", "When will you be home?", "Didn't you say you will be home at nine o'clock in the evening?" In reality, Zhang Yaohui would do the same , And he also set up a gate control - unless he is out of town, no matter whether he is working or not, his daughter has to go home before eleven o'clock in the evening. This is also true.

The only thing that didn't match up was that the relationship between Zhang Yaohui and Zhang Yiman was more like friends, not so polite and awkward.

Zhang Yaohui breathed a sigh of relief.

It shouldn't be talking about me.

But in the next second Zhang Yaohui was ashamed of his relaxation.

Why should I rejoice? My daughter and I are doing well! I have a clear conscience!

Zhang Yaohui adjusted his sitting posture and watched the movie more intently with sharper eyes.

In the movie, the father and daughter had a simple video chat. The father Ma Jie didn't finish talking, and the daughter Ma Ge ended the video.

Ma Jie was a little frustrated when he wanted to get close to his daughter, but it seemed that this was not the first time he had been frustrated. He quickly adjusted his mood and continued to have a text conversation with his daughter, asking her how she was doing in the exam.

My daughter has no confidence and feels that she did not do well in the exam. Ma Jie immediately gave affirmation: [I will definitely pass the exam! You study so hard, I am so proud of you! 】

After this sentence, Ma Jie wanted to type "Mom will too", but after hesitating for a moment, he finally deleted this sentence little by little.

The mother who died of illness is someone who cannot be easily mentioned in this family. Both father and daughter avoided talking about it.

The audience in the screening hall have not forgotten the elegant, optimistic and strong beautiful mother in the opening five minutes, let alone the father and daughter in the movie.

Listening to the piano performance, Ma Jie could think of his dead wife. When asked by his younger brother about how to make homemade dishes in the United States, Ma Jie could also think of his dead wife when he watched old videos of his wife cooking. But when his younger brother asked how he got along with his daughter, Ma Jie seemed to have been stabbed to a certain nerve, and said bluntly that they had a very good relationship. My brother couldn't say anything about it. Ma Jie finished the conversation and continued to watch the video and video left by his deceased wife, indulging in memories.

The audience looked at Ma Jie's expression and felt sour in their hearts.

Jack, the leading actor in "Mystery of the Internet", and Gu Yu, the leading actor in "Dark Net", both had a long experience as drama actors. The amazing thing is that in this kind of [desktop movie] where the lens almost touches the face, the two people unexpectedly do not make people feel that they are acting too hard or exaggerating.

Jack has received scripts for many movies after he finished acting in "Dark Net". Looking at the screen, Zhang Yaohui knew that this Jack had gained a firm foothold in the Chinese film industry as an American after "Mystery of the Internet", and he was very likely to be a movie star.

Of course, Jack is not the only one who keeps making film appointments. As long as the plot of "Mystery of the Internet" does not collapse, director Sun Xian will also sweep away the haze of previous failures and become a good meat chased by a bunch of capital.

In traditional movies, the transition from one time to another usually only requires a few empty shots, or the subtitles of [X Days Later], or direct scene changes such as clothing and weather.

The technique in [Desktop Movie] cannot be used. When Zhang Yaohui watched "Dark Net" before, he didn't see such a transition process, because in reality, the audience watched it for two hours, and the story in the movie happened simultaneously, so there was no transition scene. But "Network Mystery" can't do it, because the storyline of "Network Mystery" spans several days, so Zhang Yaohui is very curious about how Sun Xian will handle the transition.

When the screen goes black, a glowing jellyfish swims around the screen.

The audience was dumbfounded, looking at the screen and feeling very inexplicable, but the next second, a call reminder from their daughter Ma Ge appeared in the upper right corner, and everyone knew that it was a screensaver.

The transition method of "Network Mystery" is the screen saver that appears when the computer is left still. This is very [desktop movie].

Zhang Yaohui sighed in admiration in his heart, and felt that the two films of [Tinder], "Dark Net" for Han Jue, and "Network Mystery" for Sun Xian, were really the right choices.

The screen saver ended, and the movie came to the second day.

In the morning, Ma Jie looked at the records of his daughter's late-night calls, and called back, but he didn't get through. He sent a message, but there was no response. Until the afternoon, I didn't receive any reply from my daughter all day.

Ma Jie, who works in a technology company, was a little restless and uneasy during a meeting, so he began to look for his daughter's whereabouts. At first, Ma Jie thought his daughter was taking piano lessons, so he went to find his daughter's piano teacher, but he couldn't find it, and unexpectedly learned that his daughter had dropped out of class half a year ago. Ma Jie went to ask his younger brother again, and his younger brother reminded Ma Jie to ask Ma Ge's friends. Ma Jie blankly typed [I don't know any of her friends, since...] The audience felt sad for a while.

Since what, everyone knows what is behind. So now everyone is not only sad that the father doesn't know even one of his daughter's friends, but also sad that the mother's death has had too much impact on the family.

Zhang Yaohui watched the movie and asked himself in a daze, if Xiaoman disappeared in a short period of time, how many good friends of Xiaoman could he get in touch with? Han Jue... Han Jue doesn't count, he is not a good friend. Lin Qin, Lin Qin counts as one. Besides Lin Qin? It seems that there are no more... But Lin Qin came to Huaxia the year before last. Who was Xiaoman's good friend before that?

Did he not, or did he simply not know?

Zhang Yaohui sat on the chair in a daze.

In the movie, Ma Jie found the contact information of his daughter's old friends by logging into his deceased wife's account. I found one to call and asked, and when I heard that my daughter was climbing and camping with the other's children, and the phone couldn't get through, maybe there was no signal, Ma Jie's tense body and nerves immediately relaxed. He touched his forehead, his voice full of joy. The audience also breathed a sigh of relief.

After a false alarm, Ma Jie was angry at his daughter's wayward behavior. He wrote long messages with vulgar words to send to his daughter. But one second before he was about to send it, Ma Jie calmed down, deleted the entire message to vent his emotions, and finally only sent a sentence to tell his daughter to call him when she has a signal.

However, the matter did not end there.

There was another call from the other side, saying that Ma Ge did not go to the mountain and camped together, and she declined the invitation. The hearts of the audience were raised again.

Ma Jie later found out that her daughter had no friends at school, and none of the dozens of people she had contacted were her friends. In all the big group photos that my daughter has appeared in, the daughter is always hiding in the corner sullenly, not looking at the camera, and not smiling. This fact made Ma Jie angry and heartbroken, and he could hardly breathe. His daughter is so good, she shouldn't have no friends like this...

The American policeman who assisted Ma Jie in finding his daughter, Luo Wei found some clues, determined that Ma Ge had run away from home, and provided a series of evidence. Of course Ma Jie didn't believe it. He felt that he knew his daughter well and knew that her daughter would not leave home without reason.

Then he logged into a live broadcast platform based on his daughter's online records, where he saw a bunch of video diaries kept by his daughter in the form of live broadcasts.

In the video, the daughter is either staring at the camera in a daze, or chatting with a netizen. Her face is no longer sad, but relieved. She said all the things that she will never say to her father. For example, she smiled and introduced what kind of person her mother is, and she misses her mother very much.

Another example--

Ma Ge said: "My dad didn't know that I had dropped out of piano lessons."

A netizen watching her livestream asked, "Why didn't you tell him?"

"He won't understand."

he won't understand...

Ma Ge's soft and gentle words hit Zhang Yaohui's chest hard.

"Unable to understand" does not mean that adults cannot understand mentally, but that they are disappointed in the communication results in advance. This disappointment was not caused momentarily.

Zhang Yaohui thought of the night when the Golden Melody Awards ended, the young couple he met in the dessert shop hid in a corner panting after escaping from the surveillance of their parents. Adults always rely on how many years they have lived, self-righteously know what is good for their children and what is not good for them, but what is the use of knowing those things? They don't know what their children think or how they feel.

When Zhang Yaohui knew that his daughter was secretly in a relationship without telling him, he also had the idea of ​​asking "why" in the past, but in the end he didn't ask anything, and pretended to know nothing, waiting for the other party to come over like today to prepare showdown.

Why didn't he ask his daughter why she was lying? When Han Jue was asked to leave Xiaoman in the study, why didn't he tell her directly that they were not allowed to be together?

It turned out that everything was to avoid being called "self-righteous".

And the reason for escaping is because he already knows that this is a kind of self-righteousness.

"I don't know my daughter at all." After watching all the live broadcasts saved by his daughter, Ma Jie came to this conclusion in a low tone.

Ma Jie has accepted that his daughter has run away from home. Although it is sad, it can be relieved anyway. After all, running away from home means that at least the person is still alive, which is better than unknown whereabouts.

There was a smile on Ma Jie's face again.

Luo Wei also comforted that parents always don't understand their children. For example, she thought her son was very well-behaved, but one day he used her name to raise money in the community. In fact, there was no such activity, and the money was eventually used by the son to buy other things. When the neighbor came to seek the authenticity, she ended up wiping her son's ass and thanking the neighbor.

Things seem to be clear here. Ma Ge is running away from home.

However, as an elite employee working in [Xiangyun] technology company, Ma Jie found out that her daughter's route out of the town was the same as the lake route where she often went to be alone during the live broadcast.

Ma Jie rushed to the lake immediately, but found his daughter's cherished belongings by the lake.

Looking at the lake in front of him, all of Ma Jie's luck was instantly shattered.

The next day, the police salvaged Ma Ge's car from the lake. There was no one in it, but a small amount of blood was found. Ma Ge's disappearance was ruled as a kidnapping case.

[Xiangyun] The daughter of a foreign staff member disappeared, [Xiangyun] attached great importance to it, as a giant, he unsparingly mobilized his energy, appealing to local residents to come to find Ma Ge, whose whereabouts are unknown, and this matter has also come to a head For some news, mobilize the power of the masses to help.

Some friends who were not familiar with Ma Ge turned into good friends of Ma Ge, crying bitterly in the camera, posting long posts, which attracted tens of thousands of likes.

Some Internet celebrities came here from other places, saying that they were helping to find Ma Ge, but in fact, they posed for a few photos and then edited them at the hotel. Finally, they were fired to the hot search list by the team, and they gained a lot [Blogger is great! ], [The blogger is so kind! 】comment of.

Some people on the Internet also grabbed Ma Jie's expression, and using various materials from unknown sources, concluded that Ma Jie actually killed his daughter.

It was very noisy and smoky.

Although the movie only shows a few scenes of these things, the intensity of the ridicule is not small, which is in line with Han Jue's style.

Because of reality, silly netizens also have a role to play.

A bastard who acts out of the ordinary and dresses up weirdly. In fact, he will secretly go to the [W.I.N.4] concert secretly. He said on Weibo that he actually kidnapped Ma Ge. Ma Jie couldn't help but go to block him and confront him face to face. Ma Jie, who was eager to find a girl, was teased and beat him up impulsively, but was warned by Luo Wei not to handle the case with the police again. The video of the beating was posted on the Internet, and public opinion became unfriendly to him. Some people suspected that he was prone to domestic violence, and Ma Ge might have been killed by him. Some people think that Ma Jie has gone crazy, which is particularly frightening.

After reading the comments, Ma Jie looked at the funeral service advertisement in the mailbox. He covered his face and wanted to cry.

He was too tired, searching and waiting for news for several days in a row, which made him exhausted and had very little sleep.

But after a few seconds of silence, Ma Jie wiped his face vigorously and regained his composure.

He is not going to give up.

If even he feels that he can't find his daughter, who else in this world can rescue his daughter?

When clicking on the photos inside the car that fell into the water, Ma Jie saw a familiar piece of clothing, which belonged to his younger brother. But how could his brother's clothes be in Ma Ge's car? Holding his breath, Ma Jie clicked on the chat history between her and her younger brother on her daughter's computer.

The camera was serious at first, but with more and more chat records, which seemed to represent Ma Jie's mood, the camera focused on the computer screen began to vibrate continuously and became more and more intense.

The mood of the audience is the same.

Looking at the screen [I had a lot of fun yesterday], [It feels so strange that we did this...], [You must not tell your father, or he will kill me], [Yesterday was too crazy], 【Are you coming tonight? ]... With such a bad dialogue, the audience gasped and thought of some possibility. The possibility of his younger brother kidnapping Ma Ge suddenly rose sharply.

In the movie, when the younger brother appeared on the stage, he looked a little unpleasant, and he also smoked M. The audience thought he was bad, but they didn't expect him to be such a person!

Ma Jie bought a camera and installed it in his younger brother's home. When planning to interrogate my younger brother, I recorded all the evidence.

The younger brother didn't know at first, but he was incoherent when he was forced to question him. It wasn't until Ma Jie blushed and angrily grabbed his brother's neck and asked him what he had done, that the younger brother shouted hoarsely.

Ma Jie asked his younger brother blankly: "Why didn't you say it earlier?"

The younger brother coughed: "This is Huaxia!"

Ma Jie slumped down on the sofa.

"Do you know why she doesn't like the piano, because every time she sees the piano, she thinks of her mother." The younger brother said.

"Did she tell you?" Ma Jie raised his head and asked, "Why did she tell you and not me?"

"Because you never asked!" The younger brother has heard Ma Ge's confession several times, and he knows that Ma Jie and his daughter's problems are the dead wife who is avoiding talking about them. "You should take the initiative to ask, instead of waiting for her to take the initiative."

Ma Jie lay on the sofa for a long time, covering his face with his hands. For a long time, with endless melancholy, he said in a hoarse voice: "I thought time would solve everything."

Zhang Yaohui clenched his fist instantly.

Time will solve everything. He thought that after forcibly separating Han Jue and Zhang Yiman, his daughter would suffer a little at first, but time would solve everything. He will be hated by his daughter for a few years, but time will fix everything.

Does time really solve everything?

have no idea.

But Han Jue gave his answer in the movie.

Time does not solve everything, what can solve the problem is communication.

In the movie, Ma Jie received a call from Luo Wei. Listening to it, Ma Jie jumped up from the sofa and was about to go out, but before he could go out, the news on the phone made him lose all his strength in an instant , lost his balance and fell to his knees on the ground.

The angle of the lens is the perspective of the sneak camera of the younger brother's house, and the picture quality is not clear, but everyone can clearly see that after Ma Jie put down the phone, he bent down on all fours and gasped for air on the ground. The muscles of his entire back were tense, and even the shoulder blades revealed that he didn't accept it. In the next second, he began to crumble, and when Ma Jie fell to the ground completely, all the strength in his body suddenly collapsed, and howling like a beast came out of Ma Jie's throat. The younger brother hurried to see and asked what was wrong in a panic. But Ma Jie didn't answer, he just curled up and howled.

There were sobs in the auditorium. Everyone guessed what the call Ma Jie received was about.

When watching movies, audiences can often see the father of the bereaved daughter crying in a mess after hearing the news, but rarely see "Mystery of the Internet", which is just a scene from the back, which can make the audience feel the endless heart grief.

Luo Wei called Ma Jie, saying that the real murderer shot himself after sending the video of himself surrendered to the police station.

The whole thing really seems to be over here.

[So far] This idea has appeared in the audience's mind several times during the viewing process.

There are many reversals in the movie——

The first piano lesson, but it turned out that Ma Ge had already quit the piano lesson.

I thought I was hiking and camping with my classmates, but I didn't go.

After watching the video, I thought it was a certain netizen on the live broadcast platform, but it turned out not to be.

I thought that Ma Ge had run away from home, but he was kidnapped in the end.

The gangster suddenly revealed that he killed Ma Ge, but he turned out to be just a fool.

I thought it was Ma Jie's younger brother who committed the crime, but it turned out that his younger brother was just a tree hole.

In the end, the real culprit appeared and surrendered to kill...

Zhang Yaohui had to praise this movie to such a degree, even if the ending has not yet appeared, it is already very good.

If there are too many reversals in suspense movies, it will easily make the audience feel tired. Everyone will think that the screenwriter and director are messing around and playing tricks.

However, "Mystery of the Internet" has been reversed without making the audience feel tired. The main reason is that the rhythm of the whole movie is very well grasped. When the rhythm is fast, it is almost breathless. When the rhythm slows down, The audience does not feel bored while panting, because they can experience the performance of the actors in detail.

The whole movie not only controls the audience's heartstrings, it also controls the audience's breath. The suspects in the story are strangers and people around them appearing in sequence, [far], [near], [far], [near]... contacted one by one, and eliminated one by one. The [far] ones are usually quickly denied, while the [near] ones always allow Ma Jie to take a step forward in understanding his daughter.

"Network Mystery Track" has two lines. One is that the daughter is missing, and the male protagonist is searching for the daughter, looking for the daughter. The second is that after the mother died of illness, the male protagonist is slowly getting to know the real daughter and pulling in a psychological distance.

This is a very traditional movie script, so the book "Mystery of the Internet" is perfect for Sun Xian, who has profound skills. And after Sun Xian left this movie, he can also shine in other types of movies.

It's just that Zhang Yaohui thinks based on his movie-watching experience, if the movie ends like this, there is no doubt that something is missing.

Sure enough, the real ending of the movie is yet to come.

Luo Wei said that Ma Ge was dead, but Ma Jie had actually accepted it, and he was ready to contact the funeral company that sent the advertisement before. However, he found a suspicious point, that is, the appearance of the model was exactly the same as the avatar of the netizen who often came to watch Ma Ge's live broadcast. Ma Jie suspected this netizen, but Luo Wei said that this person is not suspected and has been confirmed. However, when Ma Jie contacted the identities of the models and netizens, he found out that they were fake, and Luo Wei was deceiving.

Luo Wei lied.

Ma Jie began to push back and began to doubt every clue before. He found out that Luo Wei voluntarily came to take charge of Mage's disappearance on the grounds that they were also American residents. Ma Jie finally found out the relationship between the real murderer and Luo Wei. In fact, they had known each other for a long time. Wei said she did not know the murderer.

Luo Wei has a problem.

Ma Jie exposed Luo Wei, and Luo Wei was taken away for investigation.

In the interrogation room, Luo Wei told what happened. Her son has liked Ma Ge since elementary school, and when he grew up, he met Ma Ge on the live broadcast platform. He played the role of a woman and made up stories to get close to Ma Ge. When meeting Ma Ge, he accidentally pushed Ma Ge off the cliff. After Luo Wei received her son's panic-stricken call, she stopped the other party's plan to call the police. Just like how her son used her name to deceive others to raise donations from neighbors, Luo Wei stood up, covered up Ma Ge's death, and used her identity to lead the case to help her son clean up the mess, even killing a person at the cost of real.

The audience really didn't know what to say to people like Luo Wei.

It is said that she dotes on her son and does not hesitate to kill for it. She must be a good mother, but she is too spoiled, blindly covering her son, and deformed education causes her son to know right from wrong. It is not a good mother to say that she is a good mother.

Let’s say she is an excellent policeman. Before she met Ma Ge, she had indeed won numerous awards for solving countless crimes, and she also did charity work, helping people who were released from prison to build houses. She was a really good policeman. But she used her status to abuse her power, and she was really sorry for the police badge on her hat.

When everyone thought the story was over and ended in tragedy with the death of Ma Ge, things ushered in a reversal again.

Ma Ge was trapped under the cliff and did not die. Days of dehydration could have killed her, but a heavy rain on the fifth day allowed Ma Ge to survive until the rescue team found her.

Margot is not dead.

Like the calm after the storm, a chat interface occupying the entire size of the screen appeared on the screen.

However, unlike the beginning of the movie, the chat interface between the father and daughter is no longer warm and cold on the one hand, but now both sides are sincere, with emoticons and symbols in the chat.

The group photo is also different from the group photo at the beginning of the movie. It is also a group photo of father and daughter, but at this time they not only spanned life and death, but also spanned the distance between hearts. Father Ma Jie hugged his daughter Ma Ge's shoulders affectionately, and the two looked at the camera with bright smiles.

Maj said:

【I'm so proud of you】

After a few seconds, the next sentence is:

【Mom will too】

The sentence that Ma Jie couldn't type at the beginning, after going through so many things, he was finally able to say it.

【Thank you dad! 】

The story ends slowly in the smiles of the father and daughter in the photo.

When the subtitles appeared, the audience in the entire auditorium stood up and applauded.

Zhang Yaohui is no exception.

One reason was that it was strange for him to sit alone when everyone else was standing.

Another reason is that this movie deserves his standing and applause.

Since he dared to open the film and television section of [Ai Du], Zhang Yaohui naturally did not dare to open it casually. He has also studied movies, and he can clearly understand the setting of every point of this movie, what is worrying, and what is foreshadowing.

If "Dark Net" is essentially a horror movie with a niche theme, it just takes advantage of the audience's voyeurism and curiosity, and consumes everyone's imagination of the urban legend "Dark Net", then "Mystery of the Internet" is It is an orthodox suspense movie focusing on family ethics, and the ideas and techniques are also traditional movie techniques.

In Zhang Yaohui's opinion, the two films "Dark Net" and "Mystery of the Internet" can be successful. This kind of success not only refers to [profit] success at the box office, but also refers to [name] success in film history. The innovation of the film genre was really set off by them.

When director Sun Xian took the main creators to the stage again, he was only greeted with warmer applause.

Sun Xian stood on the stage and looked at the people in front of him with fanatical expressions or admiration or admiration, and hid behind Han Jue, wiping away tears vigorously. Han Jue just patted him on the shoulder.

Sun Xian held the microphone and said in a trembling voice: "First of all, I want to thank my teacher. Not only thank him for teaching me movies, but also because he told me not to give up movies when I failed. He asked me to shoot Good movie, then invite him to watch it, now my movie is out, but it's too late, too late..."

Sun Xian choked up and covered his mouth. After a while, he turned around and said, "Now I have a new goal. I joined a good company and met a bunch of good people. I want to shoot more Let more people watch my movie, and then let them tell the teacher about the movie for me when they meet the teacher after death."

Although there was suspicion that the cursed person died prematurely, after laughing, everyone in the audience cheered and expressed their support for Director Sun.

Sun Xian didn't occupy the microphone for too much time. After he finished his speech, he left his light to the others on the stage.

Jack and Jennifer had a radiant experience and were quite stable, while the other actors were too excited. After all, it is not just any actor whose debut work can receive a lot of applause at the Berlin Film Festival.

When the microphone was given to Han Jue, he didn't want to share Sun Xian's brilliance, so he didn't make any speeches, and started the questioning session directly.

Although Han Jue has been lowering his sense of presence, he is present today as a producer and screenwriter. It is better for him to answer the content of the script.

An audience member raised his hand and asked in Chinese: "I have a question. After Luo Wei destroyed the body and pushed the car into the lake, why did Ma Jie go to the lake late at night and find his daughter's keychain casually? Luo Wei is a The police in charge of criminal cases, and the police who have been commended, should not make such low-level mistakes when handling the scene."

As the screenwriter, Han Jue answered directly: "It's good that Luo Wei is an excellent policeman, but she is not a prophet. She doesn't know what animation Ma Ge likes, so she doesn't know that the keychain by the lake belongs to Ma Ge. As for Why it was found by Ma Jie is indeed a bit of a coincidence. I will not deny the role of coincidence, because coincidence is needed in the movie."

Another viewer raised his hand: "Why do the protagonists of the two desktop movies you wrote have the surname Ma? Is there any intention?"

Han Jue smiled: "No. It's just that I personally think that people surnamed Ma will be more powerful when they engage in the Internet."

Another person asked, this time in a relatively professional way: "Can you tell me about the difference in directorship between "Mystery of the Internet" and "Dark Web"?"

Han Jue did not show any timidity, and said: "Although "Dark Web" was directed by me, I have to say that my directorial role in that movie is far inferior to that of Director Sun in "Mystery of the Internet". For example, [desktop movie] a screen with a lot of information often causes viewers to be overwhelmed and do not know where to look first. In "Dark Web", my solution is to use the cursor to keep spinning in one place, just to remind everyone [Look here], he is lazy and has almost no language. But "Network Mystery Tracking" is different. In addition to using the cursor, Director Sun can also use the camera to push, pull and pan, and the camera language is richer. Not to mention that he uses Shooting in various media, displaying images in different formats and ways..."


This session went smoothly as usual.

Some questions such as [Which movie do you think is more exciting between "Dark Web" and "Mystery of the Internet\

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