This star is from the earth

Chapter 663: The Past Days

"Teacher Zhang! Teacher Zhang! Teacher Zhang!"

"Wow ah ah ah!!!"

"Hahahaha! I knew it! I knew it was Teacher Zhang!"

"My youth is back!! Woo..."


When Han Jue and Zhang Yiman sat together and announced their relationship, the fans of [Workplace Couple] headed by Xiao Xia in the studio were ecstatic and cheered, feeling that they were worthy of an old brand. When they said a word, they almost cried. Individuals who were emotional even danced samba.

In contrast, Qianqian's [Linqin Party] was pale, and some people were stubborn: "Maybe there will be a reversal later..."

"It's impossible to have a reversal." Xiaoxia looked proud of the winner, and shook her index finger at Qianqian: "How many people in the world are watching, how many media have set the headlines, the program team will not play tricks here. The most important thing What's more, the eyes of Lao Han and Mr. Zhang have already explained everything."

Qianqian looked downcast.

Xiaochi laughed wildly while dancing samba in front of Qianqian, without any consideration for tomorrow's health.

After Han Zhang got off the bus, Xiaochi, as a firm [workplace fan], has gone through a series of tests such as internal strife, separation of hearts, encirclement and suppression of heresy, official denial, cold eyes and ridicule by others... and so on, and has endured for more than half a year. He waited for so long, just to wait for an opportunity to fight for that breath. Not to prove how great he is, but to tell others that he must get back what he lost!

He waited.

Xiaochi wiped away his tears and shouted: "I finally waited until..."

"Be quiet." Xiao Xia suddenly covered Xiao Chi's face with her palm, and pushed him to the ground.

It turned out that there was a new picture on the screen in front of him.


The camera shakes and focuses, and an old-looking house appears in the picture.

The camera seems to be controlled by amateurs with bare hands, and it shakes violently. It also moves the picture forward and back from time to time, looking around, and being used as a telescope. Like a paparazzi reporter squatting on big news.

A few seconds later, someone outside the camera lowered his voice: "It's 9:36, and I'm going to go in there in three minutes and twenty seconds..." The screen was focused on a certain floor of the old house.

The person who spoke should be the person with the video camera, babbling and saying that after many days of hard work, "I finally came here", and also said "If someone finds out, I will be finished", which made the atmosphere very tense, and the style of painting suddenly changed to Unannounced interviewing journalists risked their lives to break into the den of thieves.

The footage is edited. By the time of the next picture, the person has entered the corridor and is walking up like a thief. Finally reached a certain floor, reached out to open the door, and entered.

to the interior. The well-dressed photographer appeared in front of the camera, and took off his mask, sunglasses, and knitted hat with ear protectors one by one... revealing the highly recognizable little face.

"Hi everyone, I'm Zhang Yiman. At 9:59, I successfully sneaked into the cohabitation cabin." Zhang Yiman smiled, as if he had accomplished a great event. Then she held up the camera and wandered around the empty cohabitation cabin.

"There is nothing here." Zhang Yiman's tone was a little lost. The things she had picked, the things she had picked with him, were gone.

Revisiting the old place, the audience off-screen also felt sad and cherished together. But they have a doubt, Zhang Yiman came here for...?

"Okay!" Zhang Yiman recovered from the sadness, "Then we will start working!"

Zhang Yiman took out a stack of photos that had been taken, compared the empty room, listed the missing furniture one by one on the paper, and prepared to add it back and restore the past.

"I just came here today to take a look, and now I have to catch up with the schedule."

As soon as he finished speaking, the screen went black.

When there was a picture again, Zhang Yiman in a different dress appeared in front of the camera.

"Hi everyone, I'm here again," Zhang Yiman held a bunch of things in his hand, put them on the ground, and said to everyone, "This time I brought wallpaper, and I'm going to put them up today."

After posting, Zhang Yiman was going to catch an announcement from a certain place and left in a hurry.

The screen is everything.

"I'm going to move the sofa and coffee table today. I searched online and second-hand markets for a long time, and finally bought the same one." Zhang Yiman didn't take off his clothes when he appeared in the camera this time. Because in addition to her agent and assistants, there are also some moving company employees in the cabin. In order not to reveal her identity, Zhang Yiman even hid in a corner to speak in a low voice.

"Hi everyone. I'm going to restore the bedroom this time. I brought the quilt and pillow..." After Zhang Yiman put the quilt on, he said that he would lie on the bed and try it out, and fell asleep after trying it.

"Hi everyone. It was a mistake last time. I brought tableware and kitchen utensils to restore the kitchen this time." After Zhang Yiman arranged the things, he cooked a meal for himself and made a comment in a serious manner, "Very Delicious! Highly recommend!"

Subsequent videos have been edited and sped up. Zhang Yiman is like an ant moving in the picture, sneaking into the cohabitation hut wearing different clothes again and again, each time carrying different furniture or objects, carrying them up and down, filling up the cohabitation hut little by little.

………Little black house………

Program group: [Why do you want to restore the cohabitation hut? 】

Zhang Yiman said: "Because there are many memories of us there, it is very important."

Program group: [Mr. Han, do you know about this? 】

Han Jue shook his head: "I don't know."

Program group: [After knowing that it was Mr. Zhang who restored the hut by himself, how did you feel? 】

Han Jue pondered for a moment, and said: "I am a person who has no home for a long time, and all the houses in the world are just houses to me. However, when I returned to the cohabitation hut after such a long time, and then saw there again She, at that moment, how to put it, suddenly understood that I have a home in this world."

Zhang Yiman looked at Han Jue from the side, didn't speak, just smiled.

The atmosphere is very nice.

When the audience was immersed in the pain and joy of publicly throwing dog food, there was a strange cry from the screen, which was designed to destroy the atmosphere.


Startled all the audience.

The screen also seemed to be frightened, everything happened suddenly, and he exited the [Little Black Room], followed by a series of videos of Han Jue.


Han Jue was sitting in the studio painting oil paintings, and a piece of work was almost finished. It goes without saying whoever draws it, Zhang Yiman. After finishing the painting, Han Jue left the drawing board and went to rest on the balcony, while the assistant with the camera in hand began to shoot the painting, boasting fiercely, saying that the painting was good, the light and shadow, and the composition, saying "Mr. Zhang must like it".

At this time, a black cat patrolling with a sweeping robot passed by. Seeing the red-haired woman on the canvas, her posture changed suddenly, she jumped off her mount, accelerated her sprint, flew into the air, gave the canvas a flying kick, and kicked the drawing board down with a bang, There was a slam on the face, and finally the crime was over, and he fled.

"Don't..." The useless cameraman could neither stop nor stop, so he had no choice but to go over and pick up the painting.

"What are you doing?" Han Jue's voice suddenly came from outside the camera.

The cameraman and the camera were taken aback. When they turned around to look, they saw Han Jue standing on the window sill looking expressionlessly. In the distance, there is a black cat sneaking around. In his hand is Zhang Yiman with a blurred face.

The posture is very awkward.

"No! Boss! You listen to my explanation..."

Without waiting for his explanation, the screen jumped directly to the next scene.

Han Jue is filming on a set. It seemed that it was time to take a break, and the people around were busy walking around. Han Jue was sitting on a chair, staring at the screen, holding a black cat in his arms. It was still the unlucky assistant who shot the video, and came over to talk to Han Jue, asking some questions about the shooting just now. However, after a few words, a certain staff member came over to tell Han Jue that something went wrong somewhere in the scene. As soon as Han Jue let the cat go, he went to see it.

The black cat was sleeping bored, when suddenly Han Jue's cell phone rang, and it was Zhang Yiman's singing voice, "You and I agreed, we will stop the quarrel soon, and we also agreed that there is no secret and we are transparent..." singing together, originally The sleeping black cat raised its head instantly, looked around, extremely vigilant, its ears trembling. It finally found the target, found that the sound was coming from the mobile phone, and jumped to the mobile phone on the table.

Xiao Zhou knew that cats have the habit of [dropping everything from high places to the ground], and was afraid that the black cat would push Han Jue's cell phone off the table, so he ran with the camera and shouted, "Don't push, don't push! Good boy!" Obediently!"

However, the black cat just stared at the phone for a few seconds, then raised its paw and pressed it.

The phone hangs up.

The singing is gone.

Xiao Zhou was confused.

The black cat jumped off the table and went back to sleep.



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