This Star is Legal But Sick

Chapter 246: Semi-finals, music chapter, begins! (Add more

Chapter 246 Semi-finals, music chapter, begins! (Additional update)

  After this barrage rolled past the live broadcast room, it immediately won the recognition of other viewers.

"This patient is right, the task requirement is to wash your hair upside down, not upside down!"

“I declare that the dean wins this mission!”

“Patients, I kind of want to experience this inverted hair washing machine. Am I crazy?”

 The barrage in the live broadcast room exploded from the moment Xu Ye turned into a handstand position and put his head into the bucket.

  If you don’t block it, you will find that there are too many barrages.

 Everyone felt a deep sense of helplessness after seeing this scene.

Soon some netizens started talking in the barrage.

"I just said that this feels a bit familiar. Have you ever heard of a previous punishment called pig cage immersion? The prisoner was put into the pig cage, tied with a rope at the opening, hung up, and submerged in the river. Those who commit crimes may have their heads above the water; those who commit serious crimes may have their heads submerged and drowned until death.”

 After this barrage came out, everyone burst into laughter.

At this time, the camera is facing Xu Ye, who is washing his hair. Anyway, he doesn’t look very comfortable.

"This is not an inverted hair washing machine! This is a torture device!"

“I suddenly had an idea. If we could make the bucket bigger and put the whole person in it, could we make an inverted bathing machine?”

"I also have an idea. I think it is not good to make the water flow rotate. The water should not rotate and let people rotate it. In this way, after washing, the person can be lifted out and the hair can be dried by centrifugal force."

  Throughout the live broadcast room, other ideas for this inverted hair washing machine began to be discussed.

 There is no movie "The Richest Man in Xihong City" in this world. Otherwise, someone in the barrage would definitely say, "I, Wang Duoyu, invested in this project."

 At this time, the director gave the camera to others.

 Cheng Tianlei's eyes were glazed over, his mouth was slightly open, and his face was full of shock.

Shen Qian and the other female singer were similar, but they covered their mouths.

 The camera showed Lin Ge and the surrounding ranch staff watching the excitement.

 Everyone in the audience had the same expression.

 Seeing the expressions of these people, the audience became even happier.

It is much more interesting to see how others are being tortured than when you are suffering yourself.

 Finally, Xu Ye turned off the rinse function and pressed the drain button.

 The water in the bucket flowed out from the drain pipe.

 When the water in the bucket ran out, Xu Ye's head was finally no longer submerged in the water.

He took out the water tube in his mouth for breathing and took off the nose clip from his nose.

 Then he pressed the drying button.

The bottom of the bucket spurted out high-speed airflow, blowing Xu Ye's hair around.

Although the posture is unsightly, you can just say whether you do it or not.

 After blowing for a while, Xu Ye pressed the lift button.

 The bed board slowly rotates and lies flat.

 He also got off the machine.

Xu Ye said to the evaluators: "Evaluators, this is my way of washing my hair upside down. What do you think?"

The group of evaluators didn’t know what to say, so they simply applauded.

This machine is absolutely outrageous.

 It was so outrageous that everyone really didn’t know how to evaluate it for a while.

 Everyone has done handstands and shampooed their hair, but it feels very awkward.

 The mission release officer hurriedly said: "Please Malu complete the mission."

Ma Lu smiled and said, "Okay!"

 Subsequently, Malu also used this inverted hair washing machine to wash his hair.

Ma Lu also helped Xu Ye when he was making this inverted hair washing machine. He was quite happy when washing his hair and felt a sense of accomplishment.

 After Malu was also washed, the task release official said: "Evaluators, please rate everyone's task completion."

 The evaluators also discussed it.

 After a while, the score was finally scored.

 After getting the paper card, the mission release officer announced: "The one who got the highest score for this mission is Xu Ye, with 96 points!"

“If we don’t win first place, there must be something shady!”

 “The inverted hair washing machine has come out, how can we fight this?”

“King Cheng Tian: I shouldn’t have come.”

 Everyone began to mourn for Cheng Tianlei.

 The second place is Cheng Tianlei, the third place is Ma Lu who also uses an inverted hair washing machine, and the next two are female singers. The last place was Lin Ge who was hung upside down with a rope.

“If it weren’t for this inverted hair washing machine, Cheng Tianwang would definitely be number one.”

“Indeed, Cheng Tianlei’s movements have the highest technical content, but it’s a pity that the dean went straight to a wave of hard-core techniques.”

“I want to buy this inverted hair washing machine, who can I contact?”

 Amidst the discussion among everyone, the live broadcast of Wandering Music Wandering has ended.

The live broadcast room has not been closed, but will loop through the exciting stages of previous episodes to continue to maintain popularity.

 Xu Ye and the others returned to Hangzhou for final rehearsals.

 On Weibo, after Xu Ye and others left the live broadcast room, the inverted hair washing machine became a hot search topic.

This morning, after Xu Ye started working, the Internet has been discussing what Xu Ye can do.

 This time something came out.

The wandering music program team also quickly edited a video of an upside-down hair washing machine.

This video quickly received over 10,000 reposts and likes, and the comment area was also very lively.

 The topic "Xu Ye's inverted hair washing machine" directly ranked first in the hot search.

 Many netizens who did not watch the live broadcast felt like they were struck by lightning after seeing this inverted hair washing machine.

"As expected of Xu Ye! He is the only one who can come up with this thing!"

“When Xu Ye’s head was submerged in the water, I wanted to know if he heard the sound of water in his head.”

 “He is a bit humbled by being a star.”

 On Weibo, there is really a lot of discussion on this topic.

Yu Wei looked at all aspects of the program’s data and was very satisfied.

With such high popularity, tonight’s live broadcast will definitely have an audience.

 The time when you are not sick always passes quickly.

eight pm.

 The fifth issue of Wandering Music, the music chapter officially opens.

 At eight o'clock sharp, the screen in the live broadcast room changed to the opening animation of the semi-finals.

 The number of viewers was eight million at the beginning, and the number is still rising.

This show is so popular right now.

Evening is also a time for most people to relax and have fun, and many people choose to watch stray music.

 When the opening animation ended, the scene came to the live broadcast.

 A male presenter took the stage.

 After the host came on stage, everyone called his name in the barrage.

“Huo Zhou is actually here to host it!”

“Isn’t the program team in Hangzhou? It’s normal to ask Huo Zhou to host it.”

 Huo Zhou’s career is as a host. It’s hard to imagine that as a host, he also has many fans online.

He has hosted many variety shows and is relatively well-known in the industry. Many variety shows like to have him host.

After arriving on the stage, Huo Zhou smiled and said, "Good evening to all the audience friends at the scene and those in front of the TV!"

 Subsequently, Huo Zhou started a oral broadcast.

“This program is sponsored by Ecological Good Milk, Natural and True Taste…”

After all the sponsor advertisements for the show were read out, he smiled and said, "Unknowingly, wandering music has been accompanying everyone for more than a month. During this month, many singers have stayed in this show. A wonderful stage…”

 Huo Zhou naturally brought the topic to the singers, and then began to introduce the singers to the audience.

Every time he reads a person's name, the singer will smile and gesture to the camera.

 Finally, Huo Zhou read Xu Ye's name.

“He is a superstar of tomorrow, a new star in the singing world, and a genius in lyrics and music. Some people also call him the dean of Huohua Academy. Let us welcome the singer..."

  When Huo Zhou said this, many people in the barrage typed the word "patient".

 “Xu Ye”!

 The camera switched to Xu Ye in the lounge.

 Xu Ye smiled and waved to the camera, then picked up a piece of white paper from the table and placed it on his chest.

I saw a few large characters written with colored pens on the white paper.

“Inverted hair washing machine sincerely invites investors to invest, please contact us for details. This is a big studio!”

I wish you all a happy holiday and have fun. Friends who work overtime, don’t be sad. Don’t be mentally exhausted and go crazy if something happens!



 (End of this chapter)

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