Three-Body Technology, Start Testing Water Drop Detector

Chapter 102 Suffering From The Blow Of The Four-Dimensional Life

"I believe in you." The other party chose to believe in Yuntian.

"Thank you, but this process may take a long time. After all, the singer civilization is the civilization of the great gods, and we need to ensure our own safety first."

"This is natural, but unfortunately I don't have any information to pass on to you."

"Need not."

After saying hello to the ship, they left again.

At this time, Jia Zhengxiang said: "Yuntian, I think he must have a lot of technical information, but he is not willing to give it to us."

Of course, Yuntian also knew.

However, he did not immediately answer Jia Zhengxiang.

Rather, it is an exit when the spacecraft enters the four-dimensional space.

Then it appeared in a star field, which is already a three-dimensional space.

Just now they jumped, and they jumped directly for a distance of eighteen light-years.

After coming out, the spacecraft continued to fly towards another puddle according to the navigation direction.

At this time, the protons on their spaceship suddenly established a connection with the reborn battleship.

When they entered the four-dimensional space, the connection between them and the reborn battleship was cut off.

Now the connection is established again.

Chen Feng established a video call with them.

"Master, we succeeded, everything is flying according to the navigation itinerary."

Yun Tian excitedly reported to Chen Feng.

"Okay, the protons of your itinerary will monitor the whole process to make sure you don't have any problems."

Chen Feng is not surprised that four-dimensional space navigation can be successful.

This is all they have repeatedly deduced based on theoretical knowledge, and there will be no mistakes.

After a brief chat, they ended the video call.

Yun Tian and Jia Zhengxiang were in the spaceship and flew towards the next puddle.

At this time, Jia Zhengxiang said: "Yuntian, should we ask for more technical information from that four-dimensional spacecraft?

I think they must have more technical information.

Have you forgotten our mission?"

Jia Zhengxiang always remembers their mission.

Their task is to collect information everywhere in the puddle.

this is very important.

Of course, Yuntian also knew.

He opened his mouth and said, "We can't do that. 12 There are two reasons, the first being that we already have information from them.

Anyway, we have an agreement, we can't do this kind of thing.

The second is whether they are dangerous to us, we cannot be sure.

So we can't do it casually. "

What Yun Tian said was right.

When they came over, Chen Feng had said many times that when they completed their tasks, they first ensured their own safety.

Jia Zhengxiang nodded.

Soon a month passed, and they came to the second puddle.

Entering this second puddle again, the two no longer have any worries and hesitations.

The spaceship went straight in.

Wait for the ship to enter.

【Dangerous, dangerous, has entered autopilot mode!】

As soon as it entered the puddle, the spacecraft sounded the alarm and entered autopilot mode.


The speed of the spaceship suddenly increased, and the sound of the explosion exploded at the entrance.

"What's going on?" Jia Zhengxiang's heart tightened.

How come you are in danger as soon as you come in?

"This is the spacecraft's protection program, which automatically enters autonomous driving mode when danger is detected."

Yun Tian was also relieved.

Fortunately escaped.

The gun just looked like a gamma ray.

As for whether it is, Yun Tian is not too sure, he is actually just guessing.

"Look ahead."

Just when the two of them hesitated.

Another ray shot towards them.

The speed of this ray seems to be very fast, but it is much slower than their spaceship.

The ship dodged again.

Dodged again.

An explosion sounded behind him.

"Emission source detected, destroy?"

The ship beeped.

It can be seen from the holographic projection.

In front of them, there is an older-looking launch pad.

The ray just now was launched from that launcher.


Yun Tian did not hesitate at all.

At this time, safety is the most important thing. First, destroy the opponent's weapon system.

After the spacecraft received the order.

The weapon system is activated instantly.

An ion cannon was fired.

This ion cannon is a four-dimensional weapon.

Can strike against four-dimensional space.

Their weapons in three-dimensional space have no effect in four-dimensional space.

Ion cannons carry huge amounts of energy.

Fly towards the opponent's fort.


After a blast.

The fort was blown to pieces.

[The danger has been lifted. 】

The scanning system in the spacecraft has already scanned all the puddles.

There is no danger inside.

【Discover the four-dimensional life】

The ship broadcasts again.

"Four-dimensional life?" Jia Zhengxiang and Yun Tian looked at each other.

They have been in the universe for so many years, and they have never seen what an alien looks like.

Not to mention four-dimensional life.

Why, today we are going to see the four-dimensional life?

Just when they were in doubt.

The appearance of four-dimensional life appears directly on their holographic projections.

"This is the four-dimensional life?" Jia Zhengxiang looked at the life form in surprise.

The whole body is transparent, just like the crystal first, and there is no clothes on the body.

With four hands, his body floats in mid-air, and two green light spots flicker on his head.

"Is this carbon-based life?" Yuntian felt strange.

This guy can't be carbon-based life at all.

Kind of like a data body.

"Hello." Yun Tian called to him.

Immediately afterwards, their system received the data from the other party.

Play through their audio.

It's a piece of garbled code.

"What to do, we can't parse their language. Jia Zhengxiang realized it all at once.

for the entire universe.

There are countless languages.

Want to parse other people's language, this is a very advanced technology.

Just like the spacecraft of the Singer Civilization they encountered before.

parse their language.

But the civilization language of this four-dimensional life, they can't parse it at all.

"Don't worry, let's send some more data, maybe the other party can parse us.

Speaking of which, Yun Tian took out a notebook, which contained some of the easiest parts of human language to parse.

Read as above.

I read it for ten minutes.

The other party was silent for ten minutes.

"Can it work?" Jia Zhengxiang expressed doubts.

After all, the opponent's attack weapon was only a gamma ray cannon, which was destroyed by them all at once.

Such an organism can speak their language?

"Don't worry."

Yun Tian signaled him not to worry.

The two waited for more than half an hour.


The voice from the other side.

"He parsed our language." Jia Zhengxiang was excited.

"As expected of a four-dimensional creature." Yun Tian also sighed.

A random four-dimensional life, the technological civilization they master is much higher than them.

For them, parsing language may be a popular civilization technology.

"Why are you attacking us?" Yun Tian asked.

"For your own safety." The other party replied.

It makes sense.

This four-dimensional life lived in this small puddle and could live for so many years, it is estimated that it also relied on this gamma ray cannon.

Anyway, no matter who it is, as long as someone comes in, they will fight directly.

If it weren't for their fast speed, they would probably be defeated.

"It's only you here?" Yun Tian asked again.

"Yes, only me."

"What about your civilization?" Yun Tian asked.

"It was all destroyed in the dimensionality reduction attack."

"Then what do you rely on to live until now?"

"Relying on the energy remaining in the puddle, but the energy here will not last long, this puddle is collapsing, and I will no longer exist.

In the other party's words, Yun Tian and Jia Zhengxiang both heard a sense of exhaustion.

They could hear that this four-dimensional life seemed not at all afraid of death.

There is a sense of relief when I say that I will cease to exist.

"What's your name?" Yun Tian asked again.

"You can call me Ice."

"Ice?" Yun Tian didn't quite understand.

"Yes, our civilization originated from water and is the crystallization of water. According to your civilization's understanding, it is appropriate to call it ice."

Jia Zhengxiang heard that their civilization originated from water.

It feels understandable.

This thinking life body looks like crystals all over its body.

"The water in the four-dimensional space is definitely different from our three-dimensional space." Yun Tian said to Jia Zhengxiang.

Then he said to Bing, "Can't your civilization 3D itself?"

Bing said calmly: "Yes, we were almost able to do it, but it was discovered and we were hit."

After the other party finished saying this, he asked again, "Which civilization are you from?"

"Me?" Yun Tian was a little surprised.

This is the first time in the universe that someone asks which civilization he is from.

In the first puddle before, the spacecraft of the singer civilization was not interested in the civilization they were in at all.

Perhaps it is because they know that they are weak and do not want to understand.

"Yes." The other party responded.

"We come from the Shenlong civilization. Yuntian said casually.

He originally thought about saying that he would say that he was from the Blue Star civilization, or the civilization of the solar system.

After thinking about it, I just said Shenlong civilization directly.

"Shenlong civilization? I haven't heard of it. The universe is very big, and we are just a small civilization. Even if I have heard of some great god civilizations, it can't be all.

Your civilization can keep the fire of civilization in three dimensions, which is enough to show your real history. "

Yun Tian and Jia Zhengxiang did not expect that the other party actually regarded them as a great civilization.

From four-dimensional space to three-dimensional god civilization.

Yuntian wanted to tell him that their civilization was a civilization developed in three-dimensional space, not descended from four-dimensional space.

But he was stopped by Jia Zhengxiang.

Jia Zhengxiang replied: "You can pass all the technical data of your civilization to us, this may be the only way for your civilization to continue.

After answering, Jia Zhengxiang said to Yun Tian, ​​"Brother Yun Tian, ​​don't forget our mission, although this civilization does not have the ability to reduce dimensionality, since they can parse the language in the universe, it can be seen that their science and technology are still somewhat.

Our task is to get all the information of civilization. "

"Great, that's exactly what I'm asking of you."

The other party showed excitement when he heard Jia Zhengxiang's words.

"All this time I have been

I am still alive because I do not recognize that the information of civilization has disappeared, and I will transmit all our information to you.

As soon as he finished speaking, Yuntian saw that a large amount of data was being passed towards them.

Needless to say, all these materials must be received.

Jia Zhengxiang is so happy.

He didn't expect to get the technical information so smoothly.

"I tell you Yuntian, we have to let the master develop a parsing system for the cosmic language later, or we will communicate with aliens in the future.

Yun Tian nodded, this is indeed the case.

Walking in the universe, it is indeed a lot more convenient to have an analytical system.

This piece of data is very large, and it took nearly half an hour to complete the transmission.

After the transmission was completed, the four-dimensional life appeared very weak.

It seems to be dying soon.

Obviously, transmitting such a large amount of information used up a lot of his energy.

"Thank you for your willingness to help me." After Bing finished saying these words, her body gradually faded.

Eventually disappeared.

"This is gone?" Jia Zhengxiang did not expect that the other party disappeared immediately after passing the information.

"Let's take a look at the data."

Yuntian opened the profile and took a look.

"Hi......that's a huge amount of information."

The two of them found that this information was more than technical information.

It also includes a lot of information on the civilization where the ice is located.

Converting to the Blue Star civilization is equivalent to digitizing all the details of the entire Blue Star civilization, including the size of the Blue Star, all the life on it, and the development history of life.

Art, etc., including technical materials, are all included.

"It's really not small, we don't have time to study it, let's send it directly to the owner, he should have a way to extract useful information from it.

Both felt that the material was simply not something they could study.

Such a huge amount of data, let alone read it all.

Even reading the catalogue will take several months.

Driving the spaceship, he flew out from the designated exit.

After the spaceship flew out, the connection between the proton and the reborn battleship was established again.

"Master, we saw four-dimensional life in this puddle." Yun Tian reported to Chen Feng excitedly.

"Have you seen four-dimensional life?" Chen Feng was surprised.

You must know that 99.999% of the universe is now three-dimensional.

There are only small puddles in four-dimensional space.

These small puddles are like lakes on Blue Star before.

If there is life in it, it is also very rare, because no one knows where the puddles will form under the impact of dimensionality reduction.

Only under the blow of dimensionality reduction, there is life in the place where the puddles just formed, and it is possible to survive.

"Yes, but there is only one living body in the puddle, we have recorded his physical features, and he also passed us a copy of their civilization information, which I now pass on to


With that said, Yunkai began to pass the data over.

"How can there be such a large amount of data?" As soon as the data was delivered, Proton felt the hugeness of the data.

"Yeah, there is nothing we can do. The other party has passed all the information of their civilization to us, not only the technical information."

"It's okay, let's pass it on.

Chen Feng didn't care so much, and asked Yuntian to pass all the information.

At this time, Chen Feng said: "You still have to be careful, since four-dimensional life has been found in the puddle, it means that the probability of other puddles having four-dimensional life is still small.

It's all about safety, understand?"

"we know."

The spaceship they piloted was not an ordinary spaceship.

Has a certain ability to resist attack.

For example, if the gamma rays hit them today, their spacecraft will not explode immediately after eating one shot.

Of course, injuries are certain.

According to the programming of their ship.

If it suffers a serious blow, the spacecraft will carry out the escape procedure as soon as possible.

Their cockpits will be turned into small spaceships, and they will return from the same path as soon as possible.

to ensure their safety.

The entire data transfer process lasted for more than half an hour before it ended.

After the transfer is complete, they end the call.

"It's a long journey ahead."

In the next two months, they will not enter the puddle again, but will chase the Blue Star Six in the universe.

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