Exercise Control Center.

The four of Yevgeny kept an eye on the progress of the exercise.

In fact, this time's exercise, in addition to being more ostentatious, is quite different from the normal exercise.

The most important difference is that all the planes in this exercise are just hovering in the air.

Not a single shot was fired.

It was already ten o'clock in the morning, and two hours had passed since the start of the exercise.

"Is the drop still moving?" Jones had just gone outside to smoke a cigar, and now came in and asked.

Everyone in the control room shook their heads.

As time passed, a tense atmosphere began to hang over the exercise control room.

Especially Yevgeny.

At first he was confident.

So many fighters are all locked in water droplets.

He definitely has to react.

But it's been two hours.

The water droplets were still floating there, without the slightest movement.

Jones returned to his seat and sat down.

"This exercise is likely to go down in the annals of human history as one of the biggest jokes," Jones said with a smile.

"Even if we make mistakes, it's for humanity!" Yevgeny gave Jones a stern look.

Jones wasn't angry either, just shrugged.

"It really doesn't work, just fire at the water droplets!"

Yevgeny was on pins and needles in the control room.

The pilots had been hovering in the air for two hours, and if the droplets didn't respond, it would be two more hours at most.

They had to order the whole exercise to stop.

And announced the failure of the 5,000 fighter plan this time.

Since the droplet didn't respond, we fired directly at it.

"Not yet." Zhang Heng did not agree with his opinion.

At this time, firing on the water droplets means that their deterrence for the previous two hours has all lost its effect.

It would be better to fire directly at the water droplets from the start.

"Wait, wait until half an hour before the end of the plan, if the water droplets still don't answer, fire directly!"

Although all three of them are in charge of this project.

But since the plan was carried out in the Dragon Country.

So Zhang Heng is the general person in charge.

Yevgeny also agreed with Zhang Heng.

Sit back in your seat and stare at the drops again.


"What's the matter, the water droplets haven't responded yet?"

"I think it's out of play. If there was a reaction, it should have appeared long ago."

"Hey, I've already guessed that this is the case. Aliens, they said they wouldn't answer again, so it's definitely impossible to answer again."

"I heard that the exercise will be over in less than two hours."

"It doesn't matter. In this exercise, various countries also dispatched some fighter planes. They didn't fire a single shot. At most, they spent some fuel."


There is also a voice of disappointment in the live broadcast room now.

Few people would think that in the next exercise, the water droplet could answer again.

Some people even quit the live broadcast room to do their own thing.

After all, the more than 10,000 planes were just hovering in the air.

The scene is spectacular, but after watching it for a long time, the eyes are tired.

Fang Mingshu is a military enthusiast. At this time, he was outside the Liangshan military base, using binoculars to watch the fighter jets in the sky.

Beside him, there are several of the same military enthusiasts.

They came here today, and their real purpose was not to see the droplets respond.

Purely just want to watch the super combat aircraft of various countries.

"Mingshu, I see that there is no h20i in our country, no matter in terms of speed or reloading capacity, and the B2 of the Eagles, can't check much."

A military enthusiast next to him said excitedly.

"Yeah, how many years have our country's bombers developed, it's amazing to be able to reach the current level.

However, the super stealth performance of the Bi2 bomber is still unmatched. "

Fang Mingshu watched and made flight videos of top aircraft in various countries.

Among their military enthusiasts, they all like to watch this kind of actual flight video.

very precious.

If not for this exercise.

Like this kind of flight video, it can be filmed.

"I observed that our Jian i20 seems to be a little faster than the fi22 in flight speed, have you noticed?" Fang Mingshu asked.

"Is there? I think the speed is about the same, and they don't seem to be flying at full speed."

The sharp i20 and fi22 are the objects that everyone likes to compare.

This is also the focus of Fang Mingshu's video production.

"What is that?" Fang Mingshu exclaimed while looking at the telescope.

"What's wrong?"

"Waterdrops, look at the waterdrops!"

The military enthusiast next to him hurriedly looked in the direction of the water drop through the telescope.

I saw behind the water droplets, a light circle slowly appeared.

This aperture is light blue as a whole, not very large at first, but gradually becomes larger.

Exercise control room.

Zhang Hengso suddenly stood up from his chair.

With him stood up, and Yevgeny.

The two of them never seemed to take their eyes off the screen.

On the other hand, Jones, seeing the two of them standing up, didn't know what was going on.

However, when he saw the light circle slowly appearing behind the water drop on the screen.

He also stood up.

"Is this the answer from the water drop?" Yevgeny's eyes widened.

Zhang Heng didn't know either.

When their scientists got in touch with the water droplets before, it was through the light on the water droplets.

Now there is a halo behind it, is it another way of communication?

"Call the scientists here!" Jones shouted.

Under a call from the control room.

Six scientists arrived at once.

All six of them had studied water droplets before.

There are Gabriel, Larisa, Minako Koike, and Zhang Hongbo, Zhao Chunliang and Jia Weiguo of Long Guo.

"Look, the circle of light behind the water droplet, what message does he want to send to us?"

Yevgeny looked at the scientists anxiously.

He knew that he could only rely on scientists at this time.

See that aperture.

The six scientists frowned at the same time.

"Come on, what are the water droplets saying?" Yevgeny looked like a wild beast.

No one knows how long the water droplet can answer, if the meaning of the water droplet cannot be deciphered in a short time.

All the work they had done before was done in vain.

"It's not like it's sending us a signal."

Gabriel murmured while looking at the aperture.

"I feel like a circle of electric fields." Zhang Hongbo has done electric field experiments before.

To understand this, what appears behind the water droplet is like a circle of electric field vortex.

"Electric field, what does it do?"

"Evgeny, don't you interrupt our scientists and let them think about it?" Jones really couldn't stand this reckless man.

The scientist didn't say a word, he could say three words.

Yevgeny was in a hurry and could only pace back and forth staring at the screen.

"First of all, I can be sure that this is definitely not used to transmit signals." Although Zhang Hongbo couldn't understand the effect of the electric field vortex behind the water droplet.

But he knew that if he wanted to transmit a signal, it wouldn't be so troublesome.

"It's not the transmission of the signal, but it appears at the tail of the water drop, there is only one possibility..." Jia Weiguo said slowly.


All scientists said in unison at this time!

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