Three-Body Technology, Start Testing Water Drop Detector

Chapter 49 We Need A Hundred Years! (Please Subscribe)

Hearing Jia Weiguo's explanation, all the talents came to their senses.

Turns out they were all wrong.

The dark forest strikes, not the water droplets to strike the Blue Star human beings.

It is a high-level civilization in the long universe.

"The law of the dark forest, the law between cosmic civilizations?"

"No wonder we have never received information from alien civilizations, it turns out that those civilizations have hidden themselves.

The audience gasped.

Everyone seems to understand, but it seems that they don't quite understand.

But the law of the dark forest described by Yuntian really shocked everyone.

Also feel fear.

"According to your statement, as long as a civilization whose coordinates are exposed, it will definitely be destroyed? No matter how powerful this civilization is?"

Yevgeny was obviously also deeply shocked by this rule.

But he didn't believe it.

Advocating force, he always believed that as long as he was strong enough, no one could destroy him.

Even in the universe, the same law applies.

He does not believe that if his civilization is strong enough.

Will it be destroyed by others?

Jia Weiguo could not answer Yevgeny's question.

Only Yuntian can answer.

Yun Tian suddenly laughed.

He looked at the big man Yevgeny.

"If there are only two of us in the universe, and we both know each other, that's okay, you win."

His words did not seem to answer Yevgeny's question.

But he answered clearly.

How many civilizations are there in the universe? Who knows!

Maybe 10,000, or 100,000, or maybe a million civilizations.

With so many civilizations crowded into the universe, do you know where you rank?

If you don't know, then hide yourself honestly.

Yevgeny stopped talking.

He already knew from Yun Tian's answer that what he just said was indeed a bit stupid.

At this time Jones stood up.

"You said that our Blue Star has exposed the coordinates as early as the last century, who can prove it?"

Audiences also want to know.

When have we exposed coordinates.

Yun Tian looked at Jones, and he was too embarrassed to ask this sentence.

"I don't think anyone knows the Pioneer probe better than you?"

"Did the Pioneer probe reveal the coordinates of Blue Star?" Jones' eyes widened when he heard Yun Tian's words.

In the 1970s, the Eagle Country sent a number of cosmic probes into the universe.

Among them, Pioneer No. 10 and No. 11 carry portraits of human men and women, as well as the specific coordinates of the blue star.

The purpose is to transmit the information of human civilization to the universe.

I hope that other cosmic civilizations will know about the existence of Blue Star.

"That's right."

Yuntian's words made the representatives of all the 610 countries on the opposite side start to feel restless.

All pointed to the Eagles representative.

"It turns out that the dark forest that our Blue Star is going to suffer, the Eagle Country turned out to be the initiator!"

"It is conceivable that only if their country sends signals into the universe so crazy, the position of the blue star will be exposed sooner or later."

"Eagle Country is the sinner of mankind!"

Knowing that the Eagle Country was the initiator of the Blue Star Dark Forest attack, everyone began to accuse them.

But Jones was unwilling to accept it.

"It's not just the Eagle Country that broadcasts into the universe, many countries, including your Dragon Country, have also established super broadcasting towers, constantly transmitting signals to the universe, and also receiving electromagnetic signals from the universe.

How can it be said that the blue star's coordinate information is exposed by us?"

Jones is still arguing for the Eagles.

The Eagle Country is not the only country trying to get in touch with alien civilizations.

Several countries including the Dragon Country and the Grizzly Bear Country.

They are all monitoring the sound of the universe through various means.

The past universe is constantly sending out broadcasts.

This is a well-known thing.

"Only stellar-level broadcasting can be transmitted to the depths of the universe. Our Blue Star is now a first-level civilization, and we cannot achieve stellar-level cosmic broadcasting.

The Pioneer probe left the blue star, and when he passed near the sun, it sent a set of signals in the direction of the sun.

What you don't know is that the sun is actually an electromagnetic amplifier that can amplify the signal 100 million times!

This group of amplified signals has already been transmitted to the depths of the universe!"

Jones plopped down and sat down.

He couldn't refute it, because they were indeed the only ones in the world who had sent a signal to the sun, with the information of human men and women, and the coordinate position of the blue star.

This is an open secret.

"It's really Eagle Country!"

Yun Tian's explanation was very clear, and all the audience, even those with only a junior high school education, could hear it clearly.

Although many countries on the Blue Star are trying to contact alien civilizations.

But the signals you send are simply not enough to transmit to the universe.

Only when we come to the vicinity of the sun and amplify the signal through the sun can the signal reach the star level and finally let the whole universe know.

meeting venue.

Everyone was surprisingly quiet.

Especially the representatives of various countries.

No one is going to take responsibility for the Eagle Country anymore.

Maybe everyone wants to understand.

Although Blue Star's position is indeed exposed by the Eagle Nation.

But they are not the only country who want to reveal the position of Blue Star. There are at least ten countries in the world who have tried to shout out our voice to the universe.

It's just that in the end, only Eagle Country did it by accident.

There was silence for a while.

Jia Weiguo asked again: "Mr. Yuntian, I want to ask what form the dark forest's attack takes?"

Speaking of this question, Yun Tian's face became a little ugly.

"Yes, after our location is exposed, how will an alien civilization that discovers us attack us? Invasion?"

Audiences are also curious to know this question.

The invasion of alien civilizations is the most discussed topic of this time.

In everyone's opinion, the so-called dark forest strike should also be a type of alien civilization invasion.

"Mr. Yuntian, is it cruel? | Cao Weiguo instinctively realized.

Maybe the Dark Forest strike will be brutal, for Bluestar, and for humans.

"You say, we can bear it!" Yevgeny did not show fear.

Before the droplets attacked their fighters.

He had already felt a sense of despair.

Could it be that alien civilizations can have more powerful invasion weapons?


Everyone looked at the sky.

It seems that we are ready, even if it is cruel, we can bear it.

Yun Tian nodded.

"Please turn on the projection device, I need to connect my phone to the projection device."

Immediately, technicians began to prepare for projection.

In this huge conference hall, there is a ten-meter-square screen.

with the help of technicians.

Yuntian quickly connected the phone to the screen.

"I have two videos here, which are videos of other civilizations shot by Zhou Zi in the universe when they were hit by the dark forest.

On the screen, there are two videos named Dark Forest Strike, one and two.

The suffix of the first paragraph reads - 'Particles of Light'.

The suffix of the second paragraph reads - 'Didirectional foil'.

Everyone's eyes lit up at this moment.

"This is a video of an alien civilization being hit by a dark forest? Can we see what an alien civilization looks like?"

"Hurry up, hurry up, I can't wait!"

"Didn't you notice what Yuntian said, it was the video that his master asked Proton to shoot, doesn't anyone care what a Proton is? Can a video be taken in the vast universe?"

The meeting place also began to become restless.

Everyone is looking forward to seeing what an alien civilization looks like.

Yun Tian slowly clicked on the first video.

At the beginning of the video, the vast and boundless universe is shown, with sparkling stars representing galaxies one by one.

There is no sound here, it is more quiet and terrifying.

Soon the view locked onto a galaxy.

This is a galaxy with three stars.

Three stars orbit together.

A planet orbits three stars.

"This is the Trisolaran galaxy over the Centaur!" As soon as the video started, someone in the team of scientists below immediately shouted loudly.

He recognized it almost immediately.

They have been observing for many years and discovered this galaxy that has been doing irregular motions.

and named it the Trisolaran galaxy.

The three-body model is a mathematical model in which regular solutions cannot be found.

And the three stars in the three-body galaxy are doing this kind of irregular motion.

This galaxy is about four to five light-years away from the solar system.

Some people took a look at him, and now the video has started.

Everyone watched the video, and no one cared what he said.

In the video, the three stars move smoothly with each other.

Everyone can see that the only planet in the galaxy has a "diffuse" shape on it.

It's like a gray atmosphere that envelopes the entire galaxy.

Nobody knows what this is. (bcfd) At this moment, a strange spaceship suddenly appeared in the picture of the video.

The spaceship is like a light that only flashes by in the video.

Can't even see what it looks like.

After it flew away, a "light particle" shimmering with yellow light flew towards the Trisolaran galaxy.

The speed of this light particle does not know whether it has reached the speed of light.

The entire galaxy can intuitively capture a panorama in the picture.

It can be seen that the location of the photographer is still very far away.

Particles of light rush towards one of the stars at an incredible speed.

In the video, the star is like a glowing egg yolk.

Directly pierced by bullets!

Huge energy radiated instantly.

Because there is no air in the universe, the videos they watch are like silent movies.

Even so, everyone could still feel the burst of that energy.


"This......this is too exaggerated!"

Countless spectators exclaimed.

They witnessed the explosion of a star.

The video is sped up, and the exploding star forms a fierce radial nebula under the influence of gravity and the angular momentum retained by the original star.

The nebula was then squashed by its own centrifugal force, revealing a clear and delicate spiral.

Above the nebula, two other stars are still orbiting.

One of them shows a disc shape.

The other tree became a point of light farther away.

The remaining two stars have become a stable binary star system, but the planet in the galaxy has long been unable to enjoy the illumination of the system.

All life above was wiped out in the Big Bang.

From then on, it will become a galaxy unsuitable for life.

The video ends here.

see here, so

Everyone was silent.

Someone could even hear rapid breathing at the scene.

Is this the Dark Forest Strike?

This question arises in everyone's mind.

Especially Yevgeny, at this time he still maintains the posture of looking up at the screen.

Compared to the dark forest, water droplets are really nothing!

Destroy a star with the lift of your hand?

Is this really what intelligent life can do?

Will the solar system suffer this blow too?

Everyone was terrified by this series of questions.

It seems that the terrifying alien spaceship has come to the solar system and will project that terrifying particle of light at any time.

Real dark forest strikes won't be so gentle.

Destroy you at the click of a finger!

"I can attest to the authenticity of this video."

Suddenly, the scientist who shouted before shouted again.

Now the first video has finished playing.

Everyone noticed him.

This is a western scientist with yellow hair.

He looked young, about thirty years old.

Jia Weiguo gave him the microphone in the past. As the chief scientist of the United Nations, Jia Weiguo has the right to let him speak.

The young man picked up the microphone.

The face that was originally very white is now even more pale.

"I.... I am Odisson, a cosmologist from the Eagle Country.

His jaw trembled as he spoke.

That fear came from the bottom of my heart.

"The galaxy in the video, called Trisolaran, is in the constellation Centaurus about five kilometers away.

I noticed this galaxy many years ago.

It consists of three stars.

The three stars are strangely formed in the three-body mathematical model.

Always do random movements. "

Through Odisson's explanation, the Yin family understood what the Trisolaran galaxy was all about.

The universe is so big that all kinds of galaxies exist.

Odison continued: "Five years ago, I observed that there was an irregular wave of light coming from the Trisolaran galaxy, and it emitted light about twelve times stronger than normal, of course.

This process lasts very short.

If someone observes with the naked eye, they can see that a star suddenly shines in the sky.

I recorded this strange phenomenon at the time, but never found the answer.

It wasn't until three years later that I went to observe the Trisolaran galaxy.

I was surprised to find that the three-body galaxy lost one star and became a binary star system.

It's been three years and I still haven't figured out why.

Today I finally found out, the original Trisolaran has been hit by the dark forest!"

Odisson's words accurately verified the authenticity of the video.

His words were very heavy for everyone.

If he doesn't come out to verify.

At least everyone can think, maybe this video is fake?

But now, he directly blocked the road.

Dark Forest Strike is real.

This is the real law of survival among the civilizations of the universe!

The place was quiet.

until three minutes passed.

Zhang Hengcai asked in a deep voice, "Will the Dark Forest strike definitely come? How long do we have?"

For this question, Yun Tian shook his head.

There was no clear explanation in the information the master gave him.

Maybe the owner himself doesn't know when the Dark Forest Strike will come.

"Maybe ten years, maybe a hundred years, but what is certain is that the coordinates of the blue star have been exposed, and the dark forest will strike sooner or later!"

This is the original words in the information Yuntian gave him.

"If we have a hundred years, maybe there is still some hope. Jia Weiguo said on the side.

Although his voice was not loud, everyone could hear it.

Everyone looked at him, including all the live broadcasts.

The whole world is focused on him.

Hope he can come up with a feasible survival plan for mankind.

"I've done a model before, and it's like this, how much damage it would have done in the solar system if the sun had a big bang."

Just when he saw the light particles in the dark forest, Jia Weiguo thought of this solar system model he had made.

He continued: "If the sun explodes, there is no doubt that the blue star and Mars, the planets that are closer to the sun, will definitely turn into a sea of ​​fire, and it is impossible for any life to survive.

But the distant Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune will not be swallowed.

If these four planets are used as bunkers, humans can build a space city behind them. When the sun explodes, these four planets will become the best protection for the sky city.

Maybe we can escape the dark forest blow.

But with the current spaceflight capabilities of mankind, it is impossible to build a space city behind the four planets.

That's why I said, if you give us a hundred years, there may be hope. ".

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