Three-Body Technology, Start Testing Water Drop Detector

Chapter 68 Yuntian Flies To Saturn, Cheers From The People Of Longguo

All the ships trying to escape from this galaxy inside.

Neither succeeded in the end.

It was like they were caught in some kind of vortex.

Accelerating at the edge of the vortex.

But this speed is for the speed of space falling.

Still too slow.

In the end no one could escape.

All become one image in this two-dimensional picture.

The video ends soon.

Zhang Hongbo and Jia Weiguo broke out in cold sweat on their foreheads.

The picture in the video is simply too terrifying for them.

This kind of blow is 10,000 times more terrifying than the previous light particles.

If dark forest strikes are really light particles.

Just as they imagined.

As long as you have a star-class spaceship, you can escape.

But it's actually not that simple.

"Is this another way to strike in the dark forest?" Zhang Hongbo murmured.

Yun Tian nodded.

He could understand how these two were feeling now.

When I saw this video for the first time.

Even more surprised than the two of them.

Also feel fear.

This is tantamount to a death sentence for the entire human race.

"What kind of attack is this?" In addition to shock and terror, Jia Weiguo was curious.

He wanted to know.

Such a horrible way to destroy.

Exactly how.

"This is a dimensionality reduction blow, using two-way foil to reduce the original three-dimensional space to two-dimensional, we are creatures living in three-dimensional space.

As soon as it falls into two dimensions, it is compressed into a painting.

It is impossible to survive. "

Yun Tian simply explained it to them.

The two scientists have some understanding of space dimensions.

But they couldn't possibly imagine it.

The space dimension can even become a weapon.

A small sheet can actually exert such a terrifying destructive power.

"Will this space collapse stop?" Zhang Hongbo asked another question.

Although the universe is big, the speed of this collapse will eventually reach the speed of light.

Spread out across the universe at the speed of light.

In this way, one day the universe will all become two-dimensional.

Yuntian shook his head.

"I'm really hungry about that." He didn't know the answer to that question.

Jia Weiguo's brain began to run wildly.

He really couldn't think of how to stop this kind of space collapse.

But think about it, the universe is so big.

Even if it collapses at the speed of light, it may take a long time for the entire universe to become two-dimensional.

"I'm thinking about a question." Jia Weiguo said.

Yun Tian and Zhang Hongbo both looked at him.

"The universe is so big and there are so many civilizations, there must be more than one person who can use two-dimensional foil. From this point of view, how many places in the entire universe have collapsed into two-dimensional?

This process may need to continue for 100 million years, a billion years, but one day, our universe will become completely two-dimensional.

But I believe that even if the universe becomes two-dimensional.

The universe is still functioning normally.

According to the theory we have at present, the highest dimension of the universe is definitely not three-dimensional.

So will our universe originally descend from a higher dimension?

Now it's three-dimensional.

One day in the future it will become completely two-dimensional.

Finally back to one dimension?"

The theory proposed by Jia Weiguo shocked both Yun Tian and Zhang Hongbo.

Because this seems incredible.

But if you taste it carefully, it is really possible.

There must be four-dimensional creatures beyond our three-dimensional.

These four-dimensional creatures also go to war.

The most powerful weapons of war are those that reduce dimensionality.

So the dimension of the universe has been reduced from four dimensions to three dimensions over a long period of time.

Those super-large civilizations have the ability to survive in a three-dimensional world.

to win this war.

Those who do not have the ability to survive in the three-dimensional world will end up dying.

"According to your idea, I want to know whether we humans came from the four-dimensional world, or did we originally appear in the three-dimensional world?"

Zhang Hongbo's mind was also spinning fast.

The human problem came to mind so quickly.

But this deep-seated problem.

Everyone is just guessing.

No one can give an answer at all.

"Two academicians, I think you should not think about these things that are too far away, we still have to stand in front of us."

These theories are too far away for Yuntian.

All he needs to do now is to complete the master's task.

As for other things, we can discuss it when we have nothing to do.

Jia Weiguo nodded.

"I understand now why you just said that only a light-speed spacecraft can save us, because only a light-speed spacecraft can escape that vortex."

Actually when they saw those ships that couldn't escape in the video.

Jia Weiguo and Zhang Hongbo already knew it in their hearts.

I want to escape from this space fall.

An escape velocity is required.

And this escape velocity is the speed of light!

"I have one more question now, how do you know that the dark forest blow we're about to suffer will be a two-way foil, not a particle of light?"

Zhang Hongbo feels that the two-way foil is harmful to the entire universe after all for aliens.

Use light particles or a little more convenient.

"Indeed, if we use light particles, we only need to build a space city behind Saturn and use Saturn as a bunker." Jia Weiguo also thinks so.

There are two kinds of dark forest strikes, not sure which one it will be.

Yun Tian thought it was funny.

Because of this question he had asked the proton.

He was also very curious at the time.

What Proton told him was: "Aliens are smarter than us, and their calculations are much faster than humans.

Almost instantaneously, it is possible to calculate the means needed to destroy the solar system.

Light particles are of course economical.

But they can naturally understand that cleaning up the solar system with particles of light cannot clean up the solar system.

They are not fools. While considering economics, they are more concerned about not leaving future troubles.

Whether it is light particles or dimensionality reduction strikes, it is not all of the dark forest strikes.

There are countless ways for a high-level civilization to wipe out the solar system.

They will figure out a way to be economical and leave no aftermath.

When Jia Weiguo and Zhang Hongbo listened to Yun Tian's description.

They all nodded thoughtfully.

Why did they say what they just said.

It's because they think about aliens with their own minds.

How advanced are alien civilizations?

How fast do they get data, how fast do they calculate data than we do?

It is easy to know that a single particle of light cannot clean up the solar system.

Regarding the bunkers, they can easily think of them as humans.

Aliens can't think of it?

it's out of the question.

"In this case, we only have to build a light-speed spacecraft to escape the solar system."

Zhang Hongbo said this sentence with some sadness.

At present, making a light-speed spacecraft is a difficult thing for a spacecraft.

Although the leader is Qingfeng Scientific Research Center, its own master.

But he can also think that it is not an easy task to increase the speed of a battleship to the speed of light.


Even if a light-speed spacecraft is built.

It is estimated that only a small number of people can escape from this catastrophe.

The leaders of the Dragon Kingdom don't know this yet.

They're still thinking about making bunkers.

The owner didn't remind them of anything.

Maybe the master has his own ideas.

"Okay, I can't tell you more, I have to go on a mission."

Yuntian decided to leave here.

He needs to go to the edge of the solar system, Saturn, to check.

According to proton detection data.

Saturn's moons have plenty of the resources they need.

If they had access to the resources of Milad.

We can build the dock there and build our first light-speed ship.

"Didn't you say that you are going to go?"

"No wait, anyway, the spaceship is on automatic cruise, and it's the same wherever you sleep.

Yuntian may also be because of the discussion just now.

He felt that time was running out.

They don't have long.

A dimensionality reduction attack is possible at any time.

The sooner the light-speed spacecraft is manufactured, the sooner their guarantees will be.

Jia Weiguo and Zhang Hongbo didn't say much.

The two sent him to the airship.

Watch him get on the airship.

"When I finish my mission, I will come back to visit you." Yun Tian got on the airship after finishing his words.

The sky gate of the moon base was opened.

The airship took off quickly.

After Yun Tian left, only Zhang Hongbo and Jia Weiguo were left on the moon.

"Old Zhang, let's go and get acquainted with the environment of the base first."

They have just arrived at the base, and they are not familiar with all places.

Although there is a manual.

It will take some time to figure out what each part is about.

"Come on, I'd love to see the base's energy system right now."

The two began to understand.

The distance between Saturn and Blue Star is about 1.5 billion kilometers, which is still very far.

At least farther than Mars.

Yuntian did not go to Mars.

Because almost all the minerals on Mars have been identified.

If they want to make a dock near Mars.

is not so convenient.

Best to go near Saturn.

The Saturns there can provide them with various resources.

Yuntian set the flight program to Saturn.

Although it is said that the Blue Star One can reach the speed of light at the fastest 15%.

But flying within the solar system, rarely uses such a fast speed.

If he wants to make the spacecraft fly at 15% speed, he needs to enter the deep sea state first to resist overload.

When the speed of the ship reaches its maximum speed.

You need to decelerate in advance.

This in turn made the trip a hassle.

So Yuntian simply used the automatic calculation flight in the spacecraft.

According to the calculation of the spacecraft, it would take about thirty-three days to fly from the orbit of Blue Star to Saturn.

Of course this time can be shortened.

But that's not economical.

Not the best choice for Yuntian.

Thirty-three days on a spaceship must be boring.

After setting up the automatic cruise of the spacecraft.

Yuntian came directly to the hibernation compartment of the spacecraft.

He lay in the hibernation chamber.

This hibernation chamber is connected to the control system of the entire spacecraft.

When the spaceship reaches its destination, it will be awakened.

In this way, he perfectly solved the flight time problem.

After lying in the hibernation chamber

He pressed the button.

The hibernation warehouse was activated instantly, and Yuntian also lost consciousness.

Blue Star One began to accelerate towards Saturn.

blue star.

After all the nuclear strike forces of the United Nations were destroyed.

They became a lot more honest.

The underground meeting of the United Nations also ceased to be held.

They can only honestly provide resources to Longteng Super Factory.

provided by these countries.

It only took a month.

The second spaceship of the Longteng Super Factory was officially completed.

The spacecraft was named New Era by the Dragon Kingdom.

The original name has been changed.

In subsequent votes, the number of support for the Epoch number continued to increase.

In the end it became the name of the battleship.

Today is the time for Long Guo to receive this battleship.

Zhang Beihai was the captain of the battleship.

He could no longer contain his excitement.

After the control room of the automatic battleship was completed, Zhang Beihai entered the battleship many times to study.

Now the operation of the battleship is very familiar.

His task today is to control the battleship to fly to the orbit of the Blue Star.

"." Beihai, we will hand over the New Era to you. "

at the handover ceremony.

All eyes.

Zhang Beihai is wearing a military uniform.

This is a new type of military uniform, a military uniform redesigned by Long Kingdom.

represents space.

At the same time, other personnel on the battleship also participated in the handover.

In addition to Zhang Beihai, the New Era battleship also had hundreds of people per day.

Most of these 100 people are engineers, and their mission is to go to the moon to establish a base.

They are no better than Qingfeng Scientific Research Center.

There are a lot of robots in the world.

Their machines are not smart enough.

Only a real person can replace it.

Fortunately, the Dragon Country is bad at everything, just not bad people.

The hundred engineers are specially trained.

Not only business ability.

And the physique is also very strong.

Their mission is to spend three months on the moon.

After three months, another group of people will replace them.

Humans cannot live on the moon for too long.

This low-gravity environment is not good for their bones and health.

"Our Dragon Kingdom is so good, we will become the second one to establish a base on the moon after Qingfeng Scientific Research Center.

"Captain Zhang Beihai, I'm your fan!"

"Our Captain Zhang Beihai is so handsome!"

Countless netizens watched the live broadcast with tears in their eyes.

This is an exciting time in history.

It is us human beings, the most exciting moment for our people in Longguo.

We are really leaving Blue Star at this moment and flying to the moon.

This is the starting point for our conquest of the moon.

"General, we will not disappoint everyone's expectations (King Zhao's)!" Zhang Beihai's eyes were firm.

Since the moment he became the captain of this battleship.

He has completely dedicated his life to the battleship.

This is his life.

In addition to Zhang Heng, the great leaders of the Dragon Kingdom also attended the ceremony.

The leader of Long Kingdom shook hands cordially with Zhang Beihai.

"You represent the hope of all of us in the Dragon Kingdom and build the first base on our alien planet."

Zhang Beihai saluted the leader.

He nodded heavily.

The time has come.

In accordance with the requirements of Qingfeng Research Center.

Only those who board the ship can enter the super factory.

Zhang Beihai, three deputy captains, and a hundred workers walked into the Longteng Super Factory in the sight of everyone's expectations.

Through the spiral staircase, entered the interior of the battleship.

When Zhang Beihai was training with the three deputy captains, he had already entered here many times.

Familiar with everything inside.

But the engineers never came in.

Feeling very curious.

The first thing they felt was the size of the interior of the battleship.

It's like standing on the deck of an aircraft carrier.

However, the space available in the battleship now is almost filled with various mechanical equipment.

These are all they are going to use on the moon.

Even these are still not enough.

After unloading things on the moon, the spacecraft will return to Blue Star to continue pulling things.

According to their plan, it is necessary to pull more than one time trip.

"Deputy captain, immediately arrange for everyone to take more cabins and make them all fasten their seat belts. We are going to fly."

Zhang Beihai ordered Daowei.

"Yes!" The three co-captains immediately arranged for everyone to sit in their seats and help fasten their seat belts.

Engineers know that when the spacecraft takes off, they will suffer from overloading.

Fortunately, all of them have been trained in this area.

Not too scared.

At this moment, all the people of the Dragon Kingdom are watching the battleship hovering in the super factory.

Just waiting for him to fly straight into the sky, because the people of the Dragon Kingdom bring a new era.


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