Three-Body Technology, Start Testing Water Drop Detector

Chapter 71 One Year Later, The Construction Of The Saturn Super Dock Is Complete

After speaking, Zhang Heng hung up the video.

"Mr. Yuntian......Mr. Yuntian!"

Zhang Heng still has something to say, but the video has been hung up.

He knew that this matter was no trivial matter, and it was not something he could decide alone.

Call the guard.

"Go to the big leader immediately!"

This information revealed to him by Mr. Yun Tian.


Zhang Heng must consult with the leader as soon as possible.

Take a look at what to do in response.

Soon, he met several leaders of Long Kingdom in the conference room.

Now Zhang Heng's status is very high in the Dragon Kingdom.

Although his rank is not the highest.

But his status and popularity are unmatched.

The big leaders also trust him very much.

He can make decisions independently of many things.

"General Zhang, you can direct everything on the moon at will. What else needs to be so urgent to find us?"

The leaders didn't know what was going on.

They usually receive a lot of information.

Things on the moon, as well as information from the United Nations and Qingfeng Scientific Research Center, they all received the information immediately.

Right now, it doesn't seem to be anything urgent.

"There is a very urgent matter." Zhang Heng didn't even have time to take a sip of water.


The six leaders also put aside their contempt.

Zhang Heng said that it was a very urgent matter.

"Tell me."

Zhang Heng came to the front of the leader.

"Mr. Yun Tian contacted me today, and he mainly told me two things.

The first thing is that the Longteng Super Factory will belong to our Dragon Kingdom from now on.

And they also gave us the manufacturing procedures for the Stellar-class battleships.

As long as we have enough resources, we can also create a super battle at the level of Blue Star One. "

"That's a good thing."

The six leaders were very happy to hear the news.

"With the stellar warship "267" of the Blue Star No. 1 level, our bunker plan is more secure."

A leader said excitedly.

A star-class warship with a length of one kilometer can make them more capable of building a space city.

"General Zhang, you just said two things, what about one more thing?"

The big leader sitting in the middle saw Zhang Heng's expression.

He could easily guess.

Another thing is definitely not a good thing.

Otherwise he wouldn't be the expression he is now.

You know, the Longteng Super Factory gave them to them, which is a good thing for the whole country to celebrate.

"Another thing, Mr. Yuntian reminded us that the bunker plan we planned could not resist the blow of the dark forest.

"Can't resist?"

Zhang Heng's words surprised everyone.

You must know that the bunker plan was calculated by many scientists in the United Nations three years ago.

And later they also used the Shenwei computer simulation calculation.

It is completely resistant to Hessian blows.

The explosion of the sun was not enough to destroy the farther planets.

hide behind it.

It can completely resist the impact of the Hessian blow.

"Yes, General Zhang, this matter has been calculated by many countries in the United Nations, and it is completely feasible.

The big leaders are more puzzled.

This is obviously something that everyone agrees on, so why is it not feasible?

The United Nations has been working on this matter before, but their capacity is insufficient.

The Dragon State has the star-class battleship, and has the ability to complete this plan.

Zhang Heng shook his head.

"I don't know exactly why, Mr. Yuntian didn't say."

"He didn't say? Was there any concern?" The leaders didn't quite understand.

"There must be concerns, I think, but it should not come from the fear of the Hessian attack, but from the fear that we humans will despair because of this."

Zhang Heng thought for a while, and then said: "I also thought about it when I came here.

When we suggested bunker plans before, we were all based on the premise that Hessian blows were light particles.

We have seen the destruction of the Trisolaran civilization, and calculated the destructiveness of the light particles to deduce the feasibility of the bunker plan.

But we forgot one thing.

So what would a Hessian strike against our solar system look like?

If it's a particle of light, is it the same intensity as we see in the video?

In other words, we can all think of hiding behind distant planets to avoid light particle strikes, aliens don't know?"

Zhang Heng's words seemed to make them all at once.

"Yeah, aliens are much smarter than us." The leader understood.

The reminder given by Mr. Yun Tian.

Mostly want to tell us that the bunker plan is not good, the aliens are much smarter than us.

"The bunker plan doesn't work, what should we do?" The big leaders don't know much about these technical things.

Professional things have to be left to professional people.

"I think we should call some experts to discuss it?" The bunker plan doesn't seem to work though.

But the big leaders were not too anxious.

They now have super battleships, and they can choose a lot.

The bunker plan won't work, they can think of other ways.

"Mr. Yun Tian gave us advice." Zhang Heng's expression became strange.

He didn't seem very keen to say the suggestion.

"What advice, don't be awkward." The big leader has never seen Zhang Heng like this.

He is usually a resolute character.

How could the sky become so twisted.

"It's not that I'm tweaking, it's Mr. Yuntian's suggestion, I'm afraid you won't be able to accept it."

Zhang Heng sighed.

Cai continued: "Mr. Yun Tian suggested that after we build a stellar battleship, select some people and immediately escape from the solar system.

"What?" When the six leaders heard this, they looked at him in unison.

"Escape the solar system, where are you going?"

They could not accept this suggestion for a while.

You know, the solar system, the blue star is their home.

Where can they escape to in the vast universe?

"I don't know, but what Mr. Yuntian means is that we can't resist the attack of Hessian. Only by running away can we save some species of extinction for mankind."

Zhang Heng went on to say: "I can do everything about the battleship, but I really can't decide this."

Several leaders were silent.

It's not just that Zhang Heng can't make a decision.

They are the supreme leaders of the Dragon Kingdom.

Can't decide now.

Leave a billion people to fend for themselves and pick out some people to escape?

This plan sounds unreliable.

One thing it's hard to decide is who to let go?

rich people?

Or a capable person?

Anyone with energy in today's world wants to run away.

The end result is that ordinary people are left behind.

Those who run away are rich and powerful.

No one will accept that.

Everyone would rather everyone perish than accept others running away.

This is human nature!

Even the people of the Dragon Kingdom are no exception!

Unless every family can pick one person to escape.

But at least they need to let more than 100 million people go.

"Apart from this, there is no other way?" The leader asked in a deep voice.

"Yeah, even a star-class battleship has only 2,000 seats, how many battleships can we build in total?

Even more frightening is, where can we escape to such a big universe?"

These leaders don't even know much about the universe.

They also know that the distance between stars is often in light-years.

Although the star-class battleship can reach the fastest speed of 15%.

It is like a lonely boat in the vast universe.

If you want to go to another galaxy, at least a hundred years.

Thinking about this kind of thing makes my scalp tingle.

Zhang Heng was also silent at this time.

The leader's question is not something he can answer.

"Didn't Mr. Yun Tian also go to Saturn's orbit? Didn't you speculate before that he went to Saturn's orbit to build a space city? This further verifies the feasibility of the bunker plan?"

The big leader sitting in the middle no longer thinks about escaping.

Instead, he asked about the trend of Qingfeng Scientific Research Center.

They all knew that Yun Tian flew the star-class battleship to Saturn orbit.

And the last report.

They made guesses about the actions of Qingfeng Scientific Research Center.

Guess why Yuntian went to Saturn orbit.

Just want to build the space city of Qingfeng Scientific Research Center ahead of schedule.

This coincides with their bunker plan.

It means that the Qingfeng Research Center also agrees with their plan and is doing the same thing as them.

"I have already asked Mr. Yun Tian that he went to Saturn orbit not for a bunker plan, but for other missions.

We don't have any moons over Saturn, and we don't know what Mr. Yuntian is doing there.

But I don't think he needs to deceive us.

And I believe that what Qingfeng Research Center is doing is definitely to avoid Hessian attacks.

So should we let the battleship go over and see?"

Zhang Heng felt that they should send the battleship over to take a look.

See what the Qingfeng Research Center is doing in Saturn's orbit.

They can also learn.

The leader nodded.

"You can go and see, but we currently only have one battleship, which is carrying out missions on the moon. Even if the new battleship is fully built now, it will take a year to complete, and this stay can only be implemented in a year."

The New Era cannot be moved.

The lunar mission to provide them with fuel is the foundation.

A star-class battleship without fuel is just a piece of steel that doesn't move, without any value.

"Understood! After our new warship is completed in a year, we will fly to Saturn for information."

Zhang Heng repeated the order.

Then look at the leader again.

"Then the escape plan I just said?"

"Escape plans can be made, but for the time being, it can only be done in secret, and a plan should be made first.

This plan should include the direction of escape, the candidates for escape, and so on.

After the plan is made, it is sealed first and not executed.

The leaders still attached great importance to the reminders given by Qingfeng Scientific Research Center.

But to say that the escape plan is executed now.

It will definitely create panic throughout the Blue Star.

In order not to panic humans, this plan cannot be executed.


Zhang Heng gave a military salute.

He probably understood what the leader meant.

In other words, the escape plan is made first...

Once it has to start, it can be done in a very short time.

And now, they still want to make the world feel that they are working hard to complete the bunker plan.

This is the hope of mankind.

Although people are in a state of panic in the current society, since the Dragon Country has battleships.

Society is fairly stable.

Everyone is safe in their jobs


Once the escape plan is revealed.

It is estimated that the whole society will be in chaos immediately.

This is an extremely unfavorable thing.

Zhang Heng left, and he began to secretly make arrangements for the escape plan.

Everyone felt that Long Guo was working hard for the bunker plan.

Waiting for one day to be able to enter the space city.

Another year has passed in the blink of an eye.

The cloudy sky is still in Saturn's orbit.

At this time, he was on the phone with Chen Feng.

"Master, our space dock is almost finished, and it's time to build the speed of light spacecraft."

Yuntian looked out through the hanging window.

A huge dock, suspended in the orbit of Saturn.

In sync with Saturn.

This dock is as long as ten kilometers, and it is definitely a rare giant dock.

This kind of big guy is very difficult to operate if it is not in space.

It can only be operated in a zero-gravity environment like space.

"No problem, I heard Proton say, Saturn is missing a lot of resources we need?"

Chen Feng asked.

During this year, Chen Feng has been concentrating on researching and developing new technologies.

Especially space technology.

At present, there are two space technologies he has developed.

One is the space transition technology.

If this technology can be successfully developed, it can allow them to fly faster than the speed of light.

Another technology is the microcosm.

It is also the ultimate technology in space.

It is equivalent to becoming the creator and truly creating a space.

Created a universe out of it.

"Yes, I have made several trips to Mars and Jupiter to find resources there. Now that the dock has been basically completed, we can start the manufacture of our light-speed spacecraft immediately."

In this year, the cloudy sky is not clear.

The dock is just too big.

Too many materials are needed.

There are certain materials that Saturn simply isn't enough here.

Yuntian can only drive the warship to look around.

Fortunately, now that the dock was successfully completed, he did not live up to the master's order.

"Very good Yuntian, you worked hard."

Chen Feng naturally praised Yuntian.

At this time, the proton came over.

"The two academicians Zhang Hongbo and Jia Weiguo you recommended to us are also very good. In this short one year, the two of them have mastered controllable nuclear fusion [and genetic technology].


The owners are complimenting them on their high level. "

What Proton said was true.

Chen Feng did not expect that two academicians, Zhang Hongbo and Jia Weiguo, would be able to understand these two technologies in just one year.

This really surprised him.

You must know that you have mastered the entire knowledge system of the Trisolaran civilization.

to master these techniques.

As for Zhang Hongbo and Jia Weiguo, they just deduced from the real thing.

It is possible to do this without a theory as a basis. 0.8.

They have already demonstrated their high creativity.

"Really? I'm glad they can help the master too."

During this time, Yuntian did not hibernate, and he communicated frequently with Zhang Hongbo and Jia Weiguo.

These two old guys have only a few things to do every day.

One is the daily inspection of the base.

The other is eating and sleeping.

Lastly, do research.

It can be said that they put all their energy into research.

Plus they are really smart to make these achievements in one year.

"The master has given them some basic research materials and taught them to do a lot of applied things."

Chen Feng did not have this plan originally.

But after seeing the potential of the two academicians, he had this plan.

Like genetically modified crops, as well as genetic medicines, and small devices that use nuclear fusion into energy, Chen Feng has previously studied.

He doesn't have that time now.

For example, nuclear fusion armor, immortality through gene replication, clothes that change colors at will, and technology to change the environment of a planet, etc.

These technologies are not important, but they are actually important.

But Chen Feng's energy is limited, he must devote himself to space technology.

For these he researched flawlessly.

With two academicians, they can be allowed to study.

Anyway, the more these technologies, the better, and they will always be used in the future.

The theoretical basis that may need to be used in related aspects was packaged and sent to them by Chen Feng.

The two are treasured.

Now I forget to eat and sleep, and I study every day.

"No wonder the two of them have less chatting with me during this time. It turned out that they were studying the theoretical knowledge given to them by the master. Next time I go to the moon, I have to have a good chat with them.

Yuntian has been very boring these days.

I want to chat with the two of them.

These two old guys are busy with something every day.

Makes him look very busy. .

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