Three-Body Technology, Start Testing Water Drop Detector

Chapter 75 The Video Of Dimensionality Reduction And Attack Is Exposed, And The Blue Star 2 Takes Of

The Dragon Leaders' Conference Room.

The leader has urgently issued an order to the Blue Star II.

Let them suspend takeoff.

"Leaders, we can't hesitate, we must go!"

Zhang Heng felt that he was about to die.

At this time, the leader even directly ordered the Blue Star 2 to suspend takeoff.

This order is only issued.

It will be difficult for the Blue Star 2 to take off again.

"General Zhang, you have also seen that the reaction of our citizens, taking off at this time, is irresponsible to the entire society.

Leadership is also something that can't be helped -.

The Hessian blow was terrible though.

But the instability of the people is even more - terrifying.

And this instability is still happening in front of us.

If it is not dealt with immediately, the entire Dragon Kingdom will be completely chaotic.

"It is irresponsible not to take off, and it is irresponsible to the entire human race!"

Zhang Heng was angry.

He even forgot his identity.

Facing the big leader, he slapped the table angrily.

The place became quiet.

The six big leaders were not angry because Zhang Heng slapped the table.

They also know that Zhang Heng is for the good of the whole mankind.

"General Zhang, when we made our escape plan before, I didn't feel it was appropriate.

If this secret can be kept, that's fine.

The masses now know the truth.

They will not allow us to escape.

So I think we should change our strategy and don't run away for now.

A leader expresses his opinion.

He felt that at this time, social stability was the main priority.

If the society is unstable, it will be impossible for them to manufacture warships later.

The other countries of the United Nations, even if the country were destroyed, would no longer be able to provide resources.

the reason is simple.

The warships made by the people of the Dragon Kingdom are directly used for their own country to escape.

We just provide resources.

It is simply impossible to enjoy a little benefit from it.

And when the Hessian strike came.

We are also the fate of refugees to perish.

In this case.

What's there to be afraid of.

We will not provide resources directly, since your Dragon Kingdom wants to destroy us.

Come on then.

This is very unfavorable for the Dragon Kingdom.

"General Zhang, I think we can take it easy for a while, and it's not too late to escape until the Hessian attack is about to come."

The big leader sitting in the middle also expressed his opinion.

There is chaos outside now.

Police across the country are maintaining order.

All kinds of rumors are fermenting on the Internet.

Now everything is said outside.

Some even said that those who fled were the powerful.

The spaceships that have not yet been manufactured have already been reserved.

Some people say that there are 10 billion places.

Ordinary people have no chance to escape at all.

They can only stay in Blue Star and wait to die.

What's more, it is said that those who can escape are the children of the great leaders.

At this time, right is the qualification to live.

If they want to resist, they must be treated fairly.

Zhang Heng looked at the people in the conference room with dejection.

He has nothing to say.

He cannot change the leadership's decision, nor can public opinion change.

"What we have to do now is to appease the hearts of the people, so General Zhang, you can hold a press conference.

At the press conference, it was announced that we would not run away.

And directly locate the escape plan as illegal behavior!

Only in this way can the anger of the masses be quelled. "

The big leader ordered.

Now that the escape plan is on hold.

They have to find a way to suppress the anger of the masses.

To convince the masses, the nature of the escape plan must be determined from the legal level.

Let everyone know.

Running away is a crime.

is a crime against the whole of humanity.

"What's next?" Zhang Heng asked.

This can really restore peace to the people.

But what about after recovery?

Are you all waiting to die together?

"Continue to implement the bunker plan." The big leader's eyes revealed firmness.

In any case, the Qingfeng Scientific Research Center did not directly state that the bunker plan was not feasible.

Only the bunker plan can restore the confidence of ordinary people.

So they're going to continue the bunker plan.

Zhang Heng wanted to say something.

But seeing that the leaders had made up their minds, he could only nod in agreement.

He is also helpless.

There is really no way.

Saturn orbit.

Yun Tian looked at the chaotic blue star.

Looking at the decision made by the leader of Long Guo in the conference room, he couldn't help shaking his head.

Both are human beings, and both are from the Dragon Kingdom.

Yun Tian really didn't want to see the complete extinction of the entire human race.

Now the Qingfeng Scientific Research Center is still too busy.

Impossible to help them.

The Hessian attack may come at any time, even if it is the Qingfeng Scientific Research Center.

All need to race against time.

The escape plan is currently the most beneficial way for the entire human race.

"Since you are unwilling to go, and you still have hope for the bunker plan, then I can only make you despair."

Yuntian called up the video of the Hessian Strike - Two-way Foil from his mobile phone.

This video was supposed to have been shown at that UN meeting a few years ago.

At that time, Yun Tian had some selfishness.

He doesn't really want humans to be too desperate.

Now it seems that if human beings do not despair, it is impossible to carry out the escape plan.

Yuntian no longer hesitated, and directly transmitted this video to the human Internet through protons.

A video of "Another Way of Hessian Strike - Two-way Foil" quietly appeared on the Internet.

At first, everyone's attention was still on the attempt of the Dragon Kingdom government to escape.

But slowly, the video started to explode.

Zhang Zhiwen was one of those who opposed Long Guo's escape.

He not only ran to the government gate to lead the march.

And more than a dozen articles have been published on the Internet.

Criticizing escape behavior is against humanity!

We can only save humanity by unswervingly executing the bunker plan.

All have equal rights.

If you want to escape, let everyone escape together.

Otherwise, no one can leave!

This is the view that Zhang Zhiwen has always adhered to.

He always believed that his views were right.

Because in his heart, he always felt that the bunker plan was feasible.

Once this plan is successful, at least the lives of the entire Dragon Kingdom can be saved.

When this video took off online.

Zhang Zhiwen clicked on the video.

Regarding the Hessian strike, it has been all too clear over the years.

Alien civilizations will pass a particle of light, causing the stars of the galaxy to explode.

That video was watched countless times by him.

This video just started, it's a bit like the previous video.

All in a vast universe.

Soon, the spaceship of the Dark Forest Strike appeared in the video.

The spaceship doesn't look very big from the video.

But they all know that this video has a wide perspective.

The entire galaxy is in it.

So the size of this spaceship can be imagined.

Very big!

Suddenly, a flashing white card was thrown from the spaceship and dropped into the center of the galaxy.

After the card was dropped, the spaceship accelerated and left.

In the blink of an eye, it disappeared without a trace.

"What is this?" Zhang Zhiwen muttered.

A silver card?

Is this the Dark Forest Strike?

What might be the effect.

This Hessian blow does not seem to be very strong.

Unlike light particles, it has a strong sense of visual impact.

Just when they were wondering, the card suddenly disappeared.

The space it was in began to collapse.

This collapse is fast and increasing.

Soon, the collapse came to a planet.

The planet is like a ball of paper crumpled, then flattened

Huge energy spread around.

From the video, you can even see a lot of spaceships fleeing out.

It's just that they are like boats pulled by a whirlpool.

After many circles around the vortex, it will eventually fall into the vortex.

Space is collapsing faster and faster.

The central star, the Sun, was also affected.

The huge star was sucked into it, like an egg yolk, and was instantly squashed.

The bursting fire can't escape the crushed fate.

This collapse radiates in all directions.

These twelve planets are involved in their causes.

All turned into a painting.

From this angle, it looks a lot like Van Gogh's work - Starry Sky.

All the ships trying to escape from this galaxy inside.

Neither succeeded in the end.

It was like they were caught in some kind of vortex.

Accelerating at the edge of the vortex.

But speed is the speed of falling in space.

Still too slow.

In the end no one could escape.

All become one image in this two-dimensional picture.

At this point in the video, Zhang Zhiwen's expression has frozen.

His mouth was slightly open, and his pupils were full of fear.

The hand holding the phone also began to tremble slightly.


He didn't even know what to say.

It took a few minutes for him to recover.

"I'm so stupid, really, I'm so stupid, to think aliens are as stupid as me!"

Zhang Zhiwen now understands.

The Hessian strike is just a name for the appearance of civilization destroying other civilizations.

The specific way to strike is definitely not fixed.

Particle strike is just one type of Hessian strike.

An even more terrifying blow is offered in this video.

Dimensionality reduction strike!

If the external civilization implements a dimensionality reduction attack on the solar system.

What they said about the bunker plan was a complete joke.

Not to mention the solar system, even nearby galaxies will be affected.

No life can escape this vortex of collapsing space.

The calm Zhang Zhiwen began to think about the future.

"Is it really the only way to escape?"

He thought about it.

It turns out that the government is doing the right thing.

If it is said to escape now, at the speed of a star-class battleship, it will move forward at full speed.

When the Hessian attack came, they had already fled to safety.

Besides running away, is there any way to deal with the dimensionality reduction blow?

Qingfeng Research Center?

‥…For flowers…

If there is any way to deal with this blow.

Maybe only Qingfeng Scientific Research Center can know.

Zhang Zhiwen knew that he had done something wrong this time.

Looks like he's still underestimating

The government should have known for a long time that the bunker plan was impossible to resist the Hessian attack.

So it was forced to implement the bunker plan.

But they were stopped by them.

Zhang Zhiwen hesitated.

Although he probably understands now.

Only running away can keep humanity going.

But he also has selfish thoughts in his mind.

Why are only so few people able to escape.

Did these people escape by virtue of privilege?

He did not withdraw the article he published immediately.

The video of the dimensionality reduction attack exploded on the Internet.

"I see, the bunker plan can't resist the Hessian attack at all!"

"It's over, I think this time we're really over, the dimensionality reduction blow is really devastating for us!"

"We should have thought for a long time that alien civilizations are so much taller than us, don't we know that light particles can't completely clean up our solar system? In the end, we humans are too conceited."

"The government's escape plan is right. Only by escape can we continue some fire for our humanity."

"Why? Why are they the ones who escaped? I don't agree with them. These people must have passed through privileged warships@!"

"That's right, I don't agree either. Since we can't escape, I'd rather everyone perish together."

"Unless you bring me, or bring my son, or I will never agree!"

Slowly, people on the Internet began to calm down.

Everyone's fear of two-way foil strikes from the beginning to calm thinking at the back.

After calm thinking.

Everyone still agrees.

A small number of people must not be allowed to escape.

this is not fair.

No matter who let go, after all, there are a small number of people.

It is impossible to do one person per family.

This makes everyone feel that there is something tricky in it.

It must be someone who has the right to use the right in his hand to get the ticket.

Although everyone agrees that the escape plan is correct.

But not supported!

Zhang Heng hurried to see the big leader again.

They all watched this video.

Zhang Heng's heart was about to be lifted.

Before Yuntian just reminded him that the bunker plan could not resist the attack of Hessian.

He didn't quite understand it at the time.

do not know why.

Now he understands.

There is nothing in the entire solar system that can resist the blow of dimensionality reduction.

Only a light-speed spacecraft can withstand the vortex of space fall.

What Qingfeng Scientific Research Center built on Saturn must be a light-speed spacecraft.

"Leaders, you have all seen the video. Escape is our only hope now!"

Zhang Heng hopes that the leaders can withstand the pressure.

Resolutely implement the escape plan.

As for other people's objections, we simply can't control so much.

The big leaders couldn't even pay attention at this time.

On one side is the opposition of a billion people.

On the other side is the fire that continues human civilization.

They have to do and choose.

"We can't wait, leaders, now the army is still under our control, once the army is out of control, we will completely lose the right to make decisions, and now only

To control the people on the periphery, the warship can take off at any time. "

Zhang Heng was just about to give him a break.

Anyway, I'll take off the spaceship first.

You make trouble.

No matter how troublesome it is, it can only be on the Blue Star.

Several leaders began to discuss urgently.

They also know that this process cannot take too long.

Too many soldiers also opposed the escape plan once the army got out of control.

Then they really have no way to decide the future direction.

Been discussing for ten minutes.

The big leader sitting in the middle looked at Zhang Heng.

He nodded: "General Zhang, we decided to execute the escape plan, you go and execute it!"

The leaders eventually agreed.

They still decided to sacrifice the vast majority of people to keep the fire for the continuation of human civilization.

Even in hell, they would admit it.


After Zhang Heng got the order, he immediately came to the command room.

Through the video in the command room, talk to Chu Yan, the captain of the Blue Star II.

"Captain Chu Yan, immediately take off the battleship, fly towards the predetermined target, and never come back.

Zhang Heng gave an order.

His orders echoed throughout the ship.

Everyone in the battleship now knows the specifics of their mission.

Not to carry out the bunker plan at all.

Instead, let them escape from Blue Star.

never come back.

The mood of these two thousand people is extremely complicated.

Their relatives on the Blue Star did not even have a chance to see each other again.

Another video of Hesse's attack, they all watched it just now.

Staying in Blue Star is doomed to die.

They must shoulder the heavy responsibility of human destiny at this time!


After Chu Yan received the order, he immediately set the battleship to take off.

The battleship took off slowly.

The speed was faster than normal, almost in a few tens of seconds, it rose to the altitude of three kilometers. .

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