Three-Body Technology, Start Testing Water Drop Detector

Chapter 8 Can Aliens Understand Sound Waves?

Everyone brought a lot of equipment.

Although the helicopter was large, it was a bit crowded.

"no problem."

"It's all ready."

"In that case, let's go."

The helicopter began to move, and the huge wind made the hair and clothes of the people on the tarmac flutter.

All are excited.

Because they are about to meet the droplets face to face.

"Check if there is any problem with the camera equipment."

In addition to the dozen or so scientists on the plane, there were also two camera crews.

in a huge conference room.

Hundreds of scientists are looking up at the big screen directly ahead.

They are all scientists applying to detect water droplets in the field.

However, aircraft space is limited.

Most of these scientists' fields of study also overlap.

It's impossible to get everyone up.

Finally used this method.

A dozen or so reputed scientists were selected.

The whole process of detection will be broadcast live.

Other scientists who couldn't get up watched the live video in the conference room.

If the scientists in the conference room have any good opinions, they can also raise them through the real-time intercom.

"everything is normal!"

The live broadcast has already started.

The helicopter flew towards the water droplets.

"Wow, what a big gunship!"

"The National Security Bureau is sure to take action."

"I know that this gunship can lift objects with a maximum weight of ten tons, and it may be possible to successfully capture water droplets through it."


The audience in the live room had already seen the gunship.

The huge plane slowly approached the water droplets.

It's the same as the one Luo Yun rode in before.

The pilot carefully adjusted the position of the aircraft.

When they were less than half a meter away from the drop, the scientists shouted: "Stop! Stop! Stop!"

At this moment, the hearts of more than a dozen scientists on the plane were pounding.

Look at this perfect artwork in front of you.

I'm really afraid that the helicopter accidentally bumps into it.

Its smooth mirror surface seems to shatter when touched.

The driver's skills are still relatively hard, otherwise he would not be sent to perform this mission.

When the side of the plane was only about thirty centimeters away from the water droplets.

Successfully hover the plane.

Professionals first checked everyone's safety ropes to make sure there was no problem.

Only then did the side door of the plane open.

The plane was specially modified yesterday.

With the side doors open, two platforms protrude from the sides of the aircraft.

The platform extends just to either side of the drop.

In this way, it is equivalent to setting up two platforms on both sides of the water drop.

facilitate better research.

The scientists walked out with the safety rope in one hand.

Although at an altitude of 300 meters.

But in the face of this stunningly beautiful piece of art.

No one was afraid.

"Don't get too close, its surface temperature is very low!"

As soon as Zhao Chunliang approached the position of the water drop half a meter, he felt a cold air blowing towards his face.

Absolute zero, previously unimaginable.

Now very face to face the image displayed in front of himself.

At this moment he believed.

The temperature on the surface of the water droplet must be absolute zero.

What puzzled him was.

How exactly does it achieve absolute zero?

How is it that under this scorching sun, this temperature is always maintained.

Creating a high temperature environment requires enormous amounts of energy.

Zhao Chunliang knew.

Create a low temperature environment.

Especially in such a low temperature environment.

How terrifying the energy required.

How exactly does it work?

Zhao Liangchun wanted to break his head, but he couldn't figure out its principle at all.

All are cautious.

For fear of ruining the artwork.

"There are so many people on and off the plane, they all look like scientists?"

"Go directly to the air to study?"

"Understandably, if you use force to get a droplet down, there's a good chance you'll hurt the droplet."

"Look at the careful look of those scientists, can it be real hammered, this is an alien probe?"

The audience in the live room is increasing.

meeting room.

When the full face of the water droplets is displayed in high-definition in front of them.

Several scientists stood up excitedly.

His eyes were fixed on the screen in front of him.

I want to find a little bit of difference from the water droplets.

But they failed.

The entire water droplet is integrated.

From beginning to end, it seems like a god forging.


It's not just them who fail.

There are many material-related experts present.

They carefully observed the water droplets from beginning to end.

Strictly fit.

Total reflection mirror.

Everyone is reflected in a smooth light pattern on its surface.

They went through all the knowledge in their minds.

I can't imagine how this droplet was made.


"Academician Zhang, the first item, try to contact the water drop."

On the plane, a slightly younger scientist held a notebook in his hand.

The above is what they need to study this time.

The first thing they do is try to get in touch with the droplets.

To do so is to first admit that it is a probe of an alien civilization.

Around the droplets stood eight scientists.

The rest are in the helicopter.

All eight scientists wore heat-resistant gloves to protect themselves from frostbite.

"No hurry, touch the surface of the water drop first."

These scientist gloves are on.

Carefully touch the water droplets.

Even wearing the most efficient thermal insulation gloves, everyone felt a biting coolness the moment they touched the water droplets.

Absolute zero, a theoretical low temperature that no one has ever really reached.

"Why are they still wearing gloves when they touch the water droplets?"

The audience in the live room didn't quite understand.

Could it be that he was afraid of damaging the water droplets?

But the gloves they wear look very heavy and don't look like protection.

I don't quite understand.


Hand touching the water drop.

It's like touching the surface of a diamond.

Not a hint of softness.

Press it hard, it is extremely hard.

At this time, some scientists took out the professional temperature measurement equipment prepared in advance.

The temperature of the water droplets can be measured very accurately.

Since everyone tried to touch the water droplets.

Might as well start with its temperature.

"-273.15 degrees Celsius."

The researchers took the device to the other end of the drop.

"-273.15 degrees Celsius."

Then there is the bottom.

"-273.15 degrees Celsius."

Three positions, three measurements.

The temperature displayed by the device is exactly the same.

All are theoretical values ​​of absolute temperature.

-273.15 degrees Celsius.

Seeing this result, no one doubts anymore.

The information given is completely correct.

The surface temperature of the water droplets is always maintained at absolute zero.

"Academician Zhao, what do you think?"

Everyone looked at Zhao Liangchun.

Everyone knows that he is studying low temperature technology.

He should have the most say when it comes to absolute zero on the surface of the water drop.

"Don't all look at me. Although I am studying low temperature technology, I am not studying absolute zero. As you know, it is only a theoretical value."

Zhao Liangchun quickly waved his hand.

Makes it seem like I can explain it.

But looking at everyone's expectant eyes.

Zhao Liangchun also said: "We study low-temperature technology, most of which are liquefied by compressing molecules, such as liquid nitrogen, which consumes a lot of energy.

The surface of the water drop has always been kept at absolute zero. For such a long time from yesterday to today, the energy it consumes is beyond my imagination. "

He didn't mention the specific technology at all.

This is completely beyond the scope of his imagination.

We can only tell everyone based on the theory of energy conservation that a water droplet is an individual with high energy consumption.

"Academician Zhao is right. We can only reason about it in basic theory now. As for the technology it uses, we are so poor that we don't even have a direction in our imagination."

Some scientists smiled wryly.

"In this way, the water droplets can basically be determined to be the product of alien civilizations."

"What do you think?"

"I think it's definitely not possible to figure out its principle by imagination. Only by dismantling it."

I don't know which bold scientist said this.

was stopped immediately.

"I don't dare to say such a thing. What we have to do now is to get in touch with 'them' first. Fortunately, from the current point of view, 'they' should be well-intentioned.

Otherwise, with the technological civilization of 'their', Blue Star is afraid that it will encounter a disaster. "

At this time, everyone was really scared.

Yeah, an unknown civilization.

Put a probe that doesn't know if it's good or evil over the city of Blue Star.

If it really pissed them off.

It's not something that humans can afford.

The water droplets have been discovered until now.

Always look perfect and pure.

Really like the tears of the Virgin Mary.

So everyone is not afraid.

But this matter cannot be thought about.

If you go to the other extreme.

It is likely to be the invasion of alien civilizations!

"Yes, yes, we should focus on the connection with it first."

The scientists in the conference room who were watching through the live broadcast were also silent.

Zhang Heng was also sitting in the conference room at this time, watching the live broadcast the whole time.

He knew that the reasoning of these scientists was not alarmist.

Just now, the Eagles and Grizzlies sent another message.

Along with them, they also sent the message from the footpen country, the union of countries in the north.

They unanimously called for joint research on alien probes.

The wording of the message sent was very clear.

It's an alien probe!

As if the whole world knew.

Alien civilizations have come to Blue Star.

The detector is just above the Dragon Empire.

It's almost unbearable up there.

Although the Dragon Kingdom is also a big country.

But at the same time, facing the continuous pressure from other major powers, it is also difficult for them to resist.

The messages sent by those countries are all sent from the standpoint of human righteousness.

"The contact between alien civilizations and Blue Star is related to the fate of all mankind, and the Dragon Kingdom has no right to enjoy it alone!"

"Dragon Kingdom wants to be dictatorial? Want to make dictatorial choices for mankind?"

These messages are the original words sent by other countries.

This shows their urgency.

Zhang Heng knew that the top could last for another day at most.

Hopefully these scientists have something to gain today.


In the sky.

"can you hear me?"

Zhang Hongbo suddenly shouted at the water drop.

After speaking, start waiting for a reply.

Everyone in the helicopter and in the conference room.

They all looked nervous.

Nobody knows.

Will the water drop give a reply in the next second.

Because no one knows, the aliens do not understand the language of Blue Star.

After a minute.

The droplets remained motionless.

There was also no reply.


Another scientist shouted loudly at the droplet.

Then there was another wait.

Still no response.

"Could it be that it can't hear us, or can't understand?" Someone said beside him.

It is possible.

It is normal for aliens not to understand human language.

"I think we should send it some transcoding of our language and meaning, how intelligent the alien civilization is.

Through transcoding and translation, maybe they can establish a Chinese system. "

This suggestion is obviously to watch too many science fiction movies.

But they are now facing the scene.

It can only be estimated by trying the method of movie scenes.

Regarding these transcodings, they are also ready.

Quickly take out a stack of paintings from behind.

Show the first painting to the water drop.

There is a little girl in the painting, pointing at a person opposite.

Then make a heart gesture.

As the person presses a button on the cardboard.


A standard Mandarin pronunciation came out.

At this time, everyone discovered that this cardboard is not used for teaching kindergarten children to learn?

Take one to teach aliens?

It's kind of funny to think about.

In fact, Chen Feng was in the scientific research center, looking at the content displayed on the screen.

Also almost laughed.

"These scientists are too ignorant of high-level civilization."

Proton stood beside Chen Feng.

There was also a smile on his face.

"If we are really aliens who invaded Bluestar, by invading the Bluestar network, I can easily master all the languages ​​on Bluestar without such trouble."

Proton didn't expect these people to think they were so stupid.

"Master, do you want to answer?"

Proton asked.

It seemed to her that the owner had put the water drop in that spot.

Just want to take this opportunity to showdown with humans.

At this time, the answer is not impossible.

"What's the hurry, this is just the beginning, we have to make them aware of the gap in their civilization before we can answer.

So, don't worry, just keep watching the show. "


"Let's use electromagnetic waves to send messages to it," Jia Weiguo said.

I saw these people teach them Chinese with the water droplets as young children.

Jia Weiguo felt quite speechless.

"Old Jia, don't you know that water droplets reflect electromagnetic waves 100%?"

Although it is said that water droplets really reflect electromagnetic waves 100%.

Not tested yet.

But everyone knows that.

This is mostly true.

Since it can reflect electromagnetic waves 100%.

No matter how much electromagnetic waves you shoot at it, what's the use.

"Not necessarily." Jia Weiguo spoke again.

As the domestic leader of cosmic electromagnetic communication.

Jia Lao's words still have a deterrent effect.

"Old Jia, you don't know, this thing is like a ghost, and electromagnetic waves are ineffective against it." Someone reminded.

Jia Weiguo tapped the water drop with his hand.

This frightened the others.

In case one accidentally breaks the water droplet, how to fix it.

Fortunately, the water droplets just rang twice.

Nothing else happened.

"Water droplets can reflect electromagnetic waves 100%, which means that it knows electromagnetic waves, and we speak through the sound waves generated by the vibration of the air.

Whether there is air in the world of aliens is two words, how likely are they to understand sound waves? "


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