Three-Body Technology, Start Testing Water Drop Detector

Chapter 91 Set Foot On A New Home Fully Suitable For Survival

This gave Zhang Heng a headache.

The things I feared before still happened.

It is believed that not only the Blue Star II, but other warships must also have a similar situation.

Now, it will take at least three hundred years from Sirius, so how are they going to spend this time.

There is a hibernation warehouse on the Blue Star 6, except for the personnel on duty, everyone else enters hibernation.

This not only reduces the pressure on the ecosystem.

A lot of conflicts are also avoided.

He was thinking about how to reply to Blue Star Two.

This message is difficult to respond to.

Because there is no hibernation chamber on the Blue Star 2, Chu Yan is already over eighty years old.

It is not certain how long he can control the battleship.

But fortunately, now Chu Yan is still completely obeying his orders.

He is a very determined soldier.

"Captain Chu Yan, please ensure the ecological balance of the battleship, and take the initiative to reduce personnel when necessary."

He replied with that one sentence.

Zhang Heng himself did not expect that he would reply such a sentence.

The meaning of this sentence is obvious.

Just tell Chu Yan.

For the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled, or those who are destructive, they can take the initiative to clean up.

This is unimaginable in human civilization.

Human life is paramount.

No one can take someone else's life casually.

But they are no longer the humans they once were.

out of the human species.

Their mission is only one, and that is to live to the end.

Had to hold out until they got to Sirius.

Too many people on a battleship can wreak havoc on the ecosystem.

Their ecosystem simply cannot support the survival of so many people for long.

When necessary, it is of great significance for the entire population to clean up those old, weak, sick, or destructive people.

They have to pay attention to bestiality.

in this extreme environment.

Only animal nature can "two three three" keep them alive.


After the message was sent, Zhang Heng breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, he thought of the Reborn again.

Although it is said that there are very few people on the Reborn, but Tongtong is very clear.

If anyone can really lead human civilization to the forefront of the universe.

That must be the Qingfeng Research Center.

He took out the mobile phone, which was a mobile phone that could contact Yuntian.

It's just that he's not sure whether the phone can still be used now.

"Try it."

Zhang Heng held the attitude of trying.

Click on Yuntian's communication.

Near Sirius, Yun Tian was in his office, looking at the starry sky outside.

Suddenly a holographic projection popped up in front of him.

The display is Zhang Heng's communication.

For Yun Tian, ​​it was only a few hours that he and Zhang Heng hadn't seen each other.

But for Zhang Heng, it has been fifty years.

He connected to the video.

On the other side, Zhang Heng's heart trembled suddenly when the video was connected.

He never imagined that the video could not be connected.

"General Zhang, are you hibernating?" Yun Tian asked.

Before the video was released, Yuntian imagined that Zhang Heng might be in his 70s or 80s.

After all, fifty years have passed since the outside world, and Zhang Heng was originally in his forties.

There are more than ninety now.

"Yes, Mr. Yuntian is really happy to see you again, you are also hibernating?" Zhang Heng asked.

Yuntian shook his head.

"I didn't hibernate."

This made Zhang Heng a little confused.

"You didn't hibernate, how did you look unchanged in those fifty years?"

Yun Tian did not explain much to him about this question, but said: "We are already near Sirius now, and in three days at most, we will enter the planet of Sirius.

"I guess you should be there too." Zhang Heng was not too surprised that Yuntian had reached the vicinity of Sirius.

This was what he had long thought of.

"Yuntian, we should be 45 light-years away now? How can we communicate so smoothly?"

Zhang Heng suddenly thought of this question.

This puzzled him.

He used to feel strange, it seemed that every time Yuntian wanted to communicate with him, it was very smooth.

There seems to be no delay at all.

"Do you know about quantum communication?" Yun Tian asked.

"Quantum communication? Heard of it."

Of course Zhang Heng had heard of this term.

But all he knew was the word.

More he doesn't know.

Regarding the specific content of quantum communication, how could he, the director of the security bureau, know so clearly.

"It is a long-distance communication method. No matter how far the distance is, zero-latency communication can be achieved, but the premise is that quantum entanglement needs to be established between us."

Yun Tian felt that he might not understand what he said.

In fact, he only knew about these things.

The specific content, Yuntian is also not clear.

Zhang Heng didn't ask any more questions.

Technical matters, originally for Qingfeng Research Center, are privacy.

He and Yun Tian are barely friends now.

But just because the relationship is good, you can't use the technology from Yuntian's mouth.

He didn't want to make it difficult for Yuntian to do things in front of his master for his own reasons.

Their Dragon Kingdom can achieve this level, and under the attack of Hessian, more than 10,000 people can escape, which is already very satisfied.

"General Zhang, how long did you wake up this time?" Yun Tian asked.

"As long as you want." Zhang Heng didn't have a long time on duty.

But for the sake of Yuntian, he could not hibernate.

"Okay, we'll reach Sirius in three days, and then we'll see if there are any habitable planets there.

If there is, we will do the pre-transformation first.

Also I will give you a video to tell you.

If Sirius is not habitable.

We will also tell you about the new goals. "

Yun Tian's words were actually what Zhang Heng wanted to say.

The reason why he communicated with Yuntian.

A large part of the reason is that he wants to know whether it is possible to live on the other side of Sirius.

They are not like the reborn battleships, which can travel through the universe at will.

Stellar-class battleships are very slow in the universe.

Sirius's distance of fifty light years has almost exhausted their patience and resources.

If it is uninhabitable.

This will make everyone lose faith.

Including himself, he may not know how to deal with it at that time.

"Thank you Yuntian."

Zhang Heng said sincerely.

In the eyes of outsiders, Zhang Heng is an extremely determined general.

There seemed to be nothing he couldn't fix.

They had a total of six warships, and if any warship had a problem, they all came to him.

No one knew how much pressure he was under on his own.

He released this pressure in five places.

At Bluestar, he was the omnipotent security chief.

In the Dragon Country, there is really nothing that he can't solve.

But this is the vast universe, and if he leaves the blue star planet, Zhang Heng is just an ordinary person.

Fortunately, he can contact Yuntian.

With Yuntian's words.

There was a little bit of bottom in his heart.

The conversation between the two ended at this point.

Three days later, the reborn battleship finally arrived at the Sirius Galaxy.

Yun Tian, ​​Zhang Hongbo and Jia Weiguo all gathered in Chen Feng's laboratory.

This time also Jia Zhengxiang and Zhang Yulong came together.

The two of them were seeing their master for the first time.

Very nervous at first.

Although they have known it for a long time, the master is also a person.

But when I saw Chen Feng, I was still nervous.

Fortunately, Chen Feng looks very easy-going.

This made them less nervous.

"Immediately conduct a comprehensive inspection of the Sirius Galaxy." Chen Feng said to Proton.


Before the specific circumstances of the Sirius galaxy were determined.

They don't go rashly.

That's a very dangerous thing.

Now for them.

It is safest to be on a warship.

No matter what happens, they can make the battleship enter the speed of light instantly and leave this place.

A proton flew fast into the depths of Sirius.

The entire Sirius has a total of three planets, and these three stars revolve around the middle Sirius, that is, the middle star orbits.

All three planets are visible from their positions.

One is relatively close and looks reddish-brown, a bit like Mars on the blue star.

The one in the middle looks bluish-purple.

The last planet looks earthy gray.

The protons were very fast, and it only took less than an hour before and after, and they sent back the information they needed.

"Master, all the information of the entire Sirius Galaxy has been obtained."

"Pick the key points." Chen Feng said.

Proton knows what the main point of the master is.

It's nothing more than what everyone wants to know right now.

"Master, we are very lucky, the planet in the middle of the Sirius galaxy is especially suitable for human survival. It has an atmosphere and an oxygen content of 30%, although it is higher than that of the blue star.

Some, however, do not affect human survival.

Except for oxygen, the other gases in it are not harmful to the human body, and the content of carbon dioxide is much less than that of Blue Star. "

Hearing the introduction of Proton, Yun Tian and others were all excited.

"Great, it seems we guessed right!" Yun Tianna was very happy about this result.

This means that in the universe, they have found another place to live.

a new planet.

"What about the planetary environment?" Chen Feng asked again.

Proton replied: "The gravity of this planet is slightly lower than that of the blue star. There is no ocean on the planet, but there are many lakes. When we see it from a distance, the planet appears blue-purple because the entire planet is covered with A blue-purple plant.

Some reptiles have appeared on the planet, but no civilization has been found. "

Then, Proton added: "The overall temperature of this planet is -20 degrees Celsius to 30 degrees Celsius. Like the blue star, it has four seasons, one day, 22 hours in a day, and 333 days in a year."

These data, protons can be easily calculated according to the laws of the planet's operation.

Although there are still some differences with Blue Star.

But everyone can see it.

The planet was basically made for them...

So fitting.

"What about the other two planets?" Chen Feng asked.

Proton replied: "The planet that is closer to Sirius has a perennial temperature of not lower than 300 degrees Celsius, and it is full of scorched earth and rich in minerals.

The farther planet is covered with a layer of permafrost, and there are also large

volume of minerals.

Neither planet is suitable for human existence, nor have any signs of life been found on them. "

"Master, this planet is exactly the same as our Blue Star, it was tailor-made for us!" Yun Tianna exclaimed with joy.

He could not wait to go to this planet immediately.

Take a look at the specific situation ahead.

Chen Feng nodded.

From the current point of view, this planet is indeed very rare.

And the Sirius Galaxy has not yet produced intelligent life.

Even less likely to expose a location in the universe.

It's their perfect second home.

"After a while, our warship will be running on the orbit of the new blue star, Yuntian, you have a new mission.

As soon as Chen Feng said the words, Yun Tian immediately knew what his mission was.

That is to go to the new blue star to do early exploration.

"Yes!" Yun Tian was very happy.

It is a great honor to be the first person to set foot on the second homeland of mankind.

At this time, Jia Zhengxiang, who was standing behind, couldn't help it.

Originally, on this occasion, he came to see the master for the first time, and he had no reason to speak.

But Jia Zhengxiang couldn't help but said in the end: "Master, I also want to go with Yuntian.

Jia Zhengxiang's words startled Jia Weiguo.

The master arranges the task, how can you speak.

He glanced back at his son.

Then he quickly explained to Chen Feng: "Master, my son used to be a soldier. After he came to the battleship, he followed me to learn scientific research knowledge.

Listening to Jia Weiguo's words, Chen Feng nodded.

Chen Feng didn't know much about Jia Weiguo's son.

He simply didn't have the time or energy to understand that.

Knowing that he was a soldier, Chen Feng arranged to say, "You take Zhengxiang, right?"

"Yes master." Jia Zhengxiang's heart was beating very fast now.

In the past, when facing the division commander in the army, I was never as nervous as I am now.

"Okay, you can go with Yuntian, and there is someone to take care of." Chen Feng agreed.

Although it is said that proton's exploration of the new blue star has been very comprehensive.

The air above is not dangerous, nor is the environment dangerous.

But after all, it is the first time to go up, and it is necessary to prepare more or less.

"It's the master!" Jia Zhengxiang suddenly stood up straight and gave Chen Feng a military salute.

Chen Feng nodded, then looked at Yun Tian again.

"Yuntian, after you go up, explore and explore first, and I will also let Proton do a comprehensive analysis of the new blue star.

This process lasted at least seven days, and there was no abnormality after that.

We will build a new home on the new blue star. "

"I'm going to prepare now."

Yun Tian couldn't wait any longer, and took Jia Zhengxiang to leave.

Among them, only Yun Tian dared to be so casual in front of Chen Feng.

Chen Feng didn't care either.

"You all go back first.

After Yun Tian left with Jia Zhengxiang, the two were fully armed.

The clothes he wears appear to be light, but in fact these are specially designed foreheads.

4.6 Don't say that there are only some reptiles on the new blue star, even if you encounter large creatures like dinosaurs, it will not hurt them to share.

In addition, the protons have been monitoring the environment around them.

If there is any danger, they will be notified as soon as possible.

"Yuntian, do you want to go back and talk to your sister-in-law?" Jia Zhengxiang asked.

In fact, Jia Zhengxiang is older than Yuntian.

It's just that in the reborn battleship, apart from the master and the proton, Gotian has the highest status.

Although he didn't call him brother, he was called sister-in-law Cheng Xin.

"Needless to say, I'll just text her a voice."

The two were already wearing their gear.

Sitting in the spaceship, I came to the side of the speedboat.

The two took a speedboat.

They will take this speedboat to the new blue star.

The speed of the reborn battleship is very fast, and it is already running on the orbit of the new blue star at this time.

"Let's go." Yun Tian said.

Jia Zhengxiang nodded.

The spaceship speedboat starts.

The warehouse door of the battleship was opened, and the speedboat flew away from the battleship and flew towards the surface of the new blue star.

Chen Feng watched the speedboat flying to the new blue star in the laboratory.

The spaceship speedboat landed on the surface of the new blue star in less than twenty minutes.

"Wow..." They haven't gotten down yet, just looking out from the hanging window of the spacecraft.

A large number of blue-purple plants cover the planet.

Most of the plants are low, like lawns on a blue star.

Of course there are also some taller ones, like bushes.

For the woods, they looked around and didn't see it.

There are some towering mountains in the distance.

From a distance, it is also covered with blue-purple plants.

No wonder the planet appears blue-purple from a distance.

"Get ready, we're going down." Yun Tian said.

At this time, the spaceship has hovered half a meter above the ground. .

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