Three-Body Technology, Start Testing Water Drop Detector

Chapter 97 Four-Dimensional Life Objects, The Exchange Of Two Civilizations

"This is a four-dimensional warship, which can ensure your safety in the four-dimensional space, and there is also a four-dimensional space suit inside.

If you need to go out of the cabin, you must wear a space suit. "

In other respects, it's okay to say that Proton doesn't dare to relax at all when it comes to safety.

They did a lot of research on four-dimensional space.

But there is one thing that has not been thoroughly researched.

That's the danger inside.

After all, they have never entered the four-dimensional space.

As soon as the proton goes in, it immediately loses contact and loses control.

There is no return.

"Don't worry, we know."

The two got on the ship directly.

Although this spaceship looks strange from the outside, sitting inside, it feels similar to the spaceship they usually control.

Yuntian started the spaceship.

The two quickly left the reborn battleship and headed towards the Saturn-like orbit.

Saturn-like orbits are not very far from them.

About 300 million kilometers.

It's about the same distance from the Blue Star to Mars.

At their speed, it only takes three days to arrive.

Of course they didn't go full speed ahead.

At full speed, it can be there in a few hours.

no need.

"We will reach the entrance of the four-dimensional space in three days. During this period, we have to take a good look at the information."

The spacecraft has entered autopilot.

Yun Tian felt that the two of them must use this time to study the information sent to them by Proton.

The two displayed the information on the holographic projection.

One by one, pay attention to research and analyze one by one.

Including the tasks after they enter, they should also be clear first.

Soon, three days passed.

The four-dimensional spaceship that Yuntian is riding on has come to a Saturn-like orbit.

Seen up close, the planet appears to have a layer of crystals.

Above is frozen soil.

"The entrance is on the back of Saturn-like."

Yuntian controlled the spacecraft to fly towards the back of Saturn-like.

When they came to the entrance of the four-dimensional space, they received a video from the master.

"Master, we have reached our destination."

Chen Feng nodded.

Along the way, there are protons escorting them.

Once they enter the four-dimensional space, the protons will no longer function.

"I'm going to make the final confirmation with you, and you understand the details of your mission?" Chen Feng asked.

"Under 12 solutions."

The two were full of confidence.

"it is good."

At this time, Proton stood aside and said, "A lot of the contents of the information I gave you are based on our theories, and are not necessarily what the four-dimensional space really looks like.

After you two go in, everything still needs to be done with the camera. "


After completing the final confirmation, the two flew directly into the entrance of the four-dimensional space on the battleship.

After the spaceship entered the four-dimensional space, the two of them immediately widened their eyes.

"This is four-dimensional space?"

"I...I...I...I saw your heart, and your liver..."

Jia Zhengxiang was extremely shocked.

When he turned to look at the sky.

The cloudy sky seen is not a complete cloudy sky at all.

Everything on his body was laid out in front of him like a piece of paper.

Even the blood vessels are clear.

But this tiling is only what he describes in words.

To be precise, it cannot be described in words.

Anyway, Jia Zhengxiang saw Yuntian thoroughly at this moment.

Correspondingly, when Yun Tian looked at Jia Zhengxiang, he also felt this way.

It was as if the man had been disintegrated in front of him.

Every little detail is in his field of vision.

If it is really a person who is decomposed in front of him, the decomposed organs are all laid out on a flat surface.

It may not be that clear.

Because these organs can be many.

After tiling, it may not be able to see everything in his eyes at once.

But look at three-dimensional objects in four-dimensional space.

This feeling is that all the information was obtained by him at once.

Translating into human language is where all the details of the person are laid out.

Both of them could see the other's heart beating faster.

"Don't be nervous, just take pictures of it all."

The two of them wanted to use the design equipment to film these.

"Yes, yes, take a photo."

All the parts in the shooting equipment were clearly displayed in front of them.

Everything is so clear.

"I finally understand why protons tell us that four-dimensional space is like crushing an ant against us."

Yun Tian sighed.

"Yes, we have no secrets in front of them, and even our speed in front of them may be like an ant.

They can break the rules in an instant and get to places we take a lot of time to get to. "

"This should be the technology that the master wants to study, space jumping."

To achieve space jump, we must use the theoretical knowledge of four-dimensional space.

"Stop studying this, let's take a look inside."

The battleship at this time seemed to have stopped moving forward in the four-dimensional space.

They looked back.

Was taken aback immediately.

"Yuntian, look behind you!"

Jia Zhengxiang shouted.

Yun Tian looked back.

"Fuck!" He was so frightened that he uttered foul language.

I saw rows of mirrors appearing behind.

You can't see what's going on outside the mirror at all.

There are hundreds of mirrors in this row.

"Where did we come in from?" Jia Zhengxiang said.

Yuntian shook his head.

Proton reminded them of something they didn't expect to happen so quickly.

And they've already been shot.

When Proton reminded them before, it told them not to go in casually when they encounter a mirror wormhole.

Because once you get in, you may not find your way back.

But now, the entrance they came in was a mirror wormhole.

They can't find their way back.

"How about trying one by one?" Jia Zhengxiang said.

"Absolutely not!"

Yun Tian immediately stopped this thought.

Every mirror wormhole in here.

All represent a cosmic space coordinate.

Once they choose one to go out, it is likely that they will appear in the constellation Sirius not knowing how many light-years away.

until they come in again.

Who can guarantee that the mirrored wormholes still have the one they came in?

As things stand, they have only one option.

"Then what shall we do?"

Jia Zhengxiang has nothing to do.

"The four-dimensional space is really scary."

It was only at this time that Yun Tian thought of the expressions on Proton's faces when they were performing their tasks.

He had never seen such an expression on Proton's face.

The previous Protons, no matter what the task was, behaved calmly.

Basically everything is in her calculations.

This time the mission, the protons are not sure.

"Proton gave us the information that we can make our own decisions in the event of danger."

The two had no choice at this time.

This four-dimensional space is like a gray sea.

Behind it are mirror wormholes.

They can't find their way back.

"Go ahead and have a look."

Yun Tian gritted his teeth and made such a decision.

Since in the end they need to choose one to enter.

Whether this choice is right or wrong, there is no way to undo it at this time.

Better to go ahead and explore.

Then come back and choose.


The two piloted the spaceship and began to fly forward.

"Why do I feel that there is nothing in this four-dimensional space?"

Jia Zhengxiang was a little puzzled.

The two have been flying forward for about half an hour.

Can't really see anything.

Yun Tian shook his head after hearing what he said.

"Just because we can't see anything doesn't mean there's nothing here, it's probably because we can't perceive it.

Just like an ant, he only knows the two-dimensional plane, if he takes it into the air, it also feels empty all around, and there is nothing to escape.

This analogy is rather abstract.

But at this time, Yuntian couldn't think of a better way to describe what they were facing.

Jia Zhengxiang seems to understand but does not understand.

The spaceship flew forward for about twenty minutes.

The two finally saw something.

"Look over there, is there a man-made object?"

Jia Zhengxiang pointed to the front.

A large object that looks like a whole disk is motionless in space.

This thing looks very smooth on the surface.

Appears bright white.

"Is this a four-dimensional life spaceship?" Yun Tian saw this thing, and the only thing he could think of was a spaceship.

Although they wouldn't make a spaceship like this.

But that doesn't mean that four-dimensional life can't be created.

"We have to go and have a look." Yun Tian said.

"Will there be any danger?"

"We can't handle this anymore, it's been dangerous since we came in.

Can't find the way back, what could be more dangerous than this?"

When it came, Proton said two dangers.

One is getting lost in the universe.

The other is to encounter four-dimensional life in four-dimensional space.

One of these two dangers they have already encountered.

Don't be afraid to meet another one.

There is nothing more dangerous than getting lost in the universe.

"Okay, let's go take a look."

The two of them drove the spacecraft to the huge man-made object very quickly.

This thing presents an arch with a hollow in the middle.

Floating in mid-air, motionless.

From the outside, the surface is extremely smooth.

There is no entrance.

"Can this thing be a spaceship?" Jia Zhengxiang frowned.

No matter how you look at it, it can't look like a spaceship.

"Let's say hello first."

Yuntian used the megaphone inside the spacecraft to speak to the object.

This megaphone is used exclusively in the universe.

Can emit electromagnetic waves.

After the other party receives it, they will know.

"Can it understand us?"

Jia Zhengxiang expressed doubts.

People are objects in four-dimensional space.

Don't speak human language, maybe people don't even know what electromagnetic waves are.

"Just try."

After Yuntian debugged the device.

He started shouting, "Hello.

He shouted.

Then just wait.

The two looked at the object and waited for about three minutes.

no respond.

"Hello, is it a four-dimensional life?" Yun Tian asked again.

Then start waiting again.

just the two of them

A time when you feel unreliable and want to give up.

The smooth surface of the object suddenly began to glow.

After a while.

A metallic sound came to mind inside their spaceship.


"He...he replied to us!"

Jia Zhengxiang and Yuntian were so excited.

For shouting at this man-made object, they originally had the attitude of giving it a try.

Never thought that the other party would respond.

Received a response now.

And the language of the Dragon Kingdom is used.

In the four-dimensional space, there is a four-dimensional life form that replies to them in the language of the Dragon Kingdom.

How excited they must be!

Yun Tian suppressed his excitement.

After adjusting his state, he said, "Are you four-dimensional beings?"

After this message was sent.

The other party was silent for about three minutes.

Then just replied.

"This is a puddle."

It doesn't answer the question head-on.

Yun Tian didn't know what was going on.

"Yuntian, do you think it is just the consciousness of a battleship?" Jia Zhengxiang raised his own question.


The intelligence level of life in the four-dimensional space must have reached a very high level.

Just like protons.

It is normal for a battleship to have its own consciousness.

"Are you this battleship?" Yun Tian tried to ask again.

"Yes." This time the other party said directly without much hesitation.

"Why did you just say this is a puddle?"

After confirming the identity of the other party, Yun Tian asked the question he just said.

The other party called it a puddle.

Although the owner also said puddles before.

But the two are definitely different.

The master is just a metaphor.

Compare those scattered four-dimensional spaces to 970 puddles.

And this four-dimensional space battleship directly calls the four-dimensional space Shui Ya.

"When the sea dries up, it becomes a puddle."

"Is the sea the whole four-dimensional space?" Yun Tian asked.

The other party is silent.

No response was given.

In fact, Yun Tian roughly guessed it.

Jia Zhengxiang was a little confused by the side: "Brother Yuntian, what did he mean?"

Yun Tian explained, "I'm just guessing.

I remember that the master said before that the wars between many civilizations in the current universe are likely to use dimensionality reduction weapons.

The damage caused by the use of this dimensionality reduction weapon is irreversible.

That is to say, our three-dimensional universe may become two-dimensional in an unknown number of years.

In these two-dimensional spaces, a large number of three-dimensional puddles will also be left.

So I was thinking.

When he said the sea, he should be referring to the four-dimensional space.

Life in four-dimensional space has gone through countless years of war.

The whole four-dimensional space has been reduced to three-dimensional.

That is our current space.

during the entire dimensionality reduction process.

For some unknown reason, a lot of puddles were left.

That is, the remaining four-dimensional space.

It is estimated that the puddles it refers to are this. "

"Yeah, that's how it should be!"

Jia Zhengxiang only reacted after listening to Yun Tian's words.

It should be what he said.

At this time, Yuntian continued to ask the other party: "Where did the lives of the war go?"

When he asked this sentence, he was acknowledging that what he had just guessed was the truth.

This question is also to verify my guess.

"When the water dries, the fish will die naturally, and some fish have learned to survive on the ground and survived."

"Write down all these words." Yun Tian said to Jia Zhengxiang.

"I remember it all, but what does he mean by that?"

"Is the meaning still not obvious? Just like our Blue Star suffered a Hessian blow, the whole world has been two-dimensionalized, and we are the fish of the three-dimensional world.

After 2Dization, we are dead.

But some civilizations, their god technology may have reached a very high level.

Can survive the blow of dimensionality reduction. "

"how can that be?"

Jia Zhengxiang couldn't believe it.

The dark forest hit him with his own eyes.

Everything becomes a painting, a plane.

It is absolutely impossible for anything to survive.

Yun Tian shook his head.

"Nothing is impossible, and it is absolutely impossible for most living beings in four-dimensional space to survive in three-dimensional space.

But can't we survive?

The two-dimensional space is a dead place for us.

But who knows, will there be two-dimensional life on it?"

Jia Zhengxiang stopped talking at all, he was too shocked.

This had a huge impact on his concept.

In the past, although he knew about dimensionality reduction strikes, spatial dimensions and the like.

But when he really knew the secret of it.

Still surprised.

"So, how many dimensions did our universe descend from?".

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